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show episodes
Go behind the scenes of Israeli history with self-confessed history nerd Noam Weissman. Each week, he offers a fresh perspective on some of the most controversial and interesting events in the country’s history. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what Israel is all about -- from multiple angles and viewpoints -- this is the podcast for you.
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Israel News Talk Radio

Israel News Talk Radio

Israel News Talk Radio is Israel’s premier online radio station for News & Talk programming in English. We provide a reliable, inside voice on what is happening on the ground in Israel and are committed to candid and straightforward reporting of Israeli news, events and current affairs.
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MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel) is the teaching ministry of Rabbi Steve Berkson. Based in Cleveland, TN, MTOI is international ministry that it has affiliated congregations, as well as individuals, globally that are supplied daily with teachings, guidance and support for their faith-walk.
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Understanding Israel/Palestine advocates for a fair and even-handed U.S. foreign policy that recognizes the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. The program offers multiple perspectives through interviews with journalists, scholars, policy experts and activists to clarify the underlying issues that are often obscured by mainstream media.
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Ordet og Israel


Ordet og Israels podcast: Nyheder fra Israel, andagter, bibelundervisning og gode fortællinger. Redaktion: Ellen Hessellund (ansvh.), Anders Vindum, Ruben Tambjerg Hoffmann Musik: Simon Kammersgaard
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Willkommen bei 'Über Israel und Palästina sprechen', dem Podcast, der die Vielfalt der Meinungen zu diesem komplexen Thema in unserer deutschen Gesellschaft hörbar macht. Begleitet uns auf einer Reise durch Perspektiven von Expert:innen, Lehrkräften und Pädagog:innen – mit und ohne Betroffenheitsperspektive – und taucht ein in den facettenreichen Nahostkonflikt. Ein Podcast der gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft im Wandel UG. Impressum:
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Behold Israel

Amir Tsarfati

Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region. Amir’s live updates and teachings, based on God’s Written Word, sift out the truth on current events amidst global media bias against Israel. Through our website, free app, social media and Amir’s teachings in multiple languages, we are able to reach communities worldwide. His teachings abroad and in the land expla ...
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18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers is a new podcast by 18Forty interviewing Israel’s leading voices to explore critical questions on Zionism, the Israel-Hamas War, democracy, morality, Judaism, peace, Israel’s future, and so much more. We introduce you to fresh perspectives and challenging ideas about Israel — from across the political and religious spectrum — that you won’t find anywhere else. Join us on our journey as we pose 18 pressing questions to the 40 Israeli journalists, scholars, an ...
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Israel Today Podcast

Israel Today Podcast

Israel Today Podcast, hosted by Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, president of Israel Today Ministries. We feed children, Holocaust survivors, and families within Israel. For additional resources:
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The Israel Connection

Beth El Congregation of Baltimore

The Israel Connection – Hosted by Esti Zenati, this engaging podcast explores all things Israel. Every other week, Esti welcomes a special guest with a unique connection to Israel—diving into culture, history, current events, and personal stories. Whether you’re deeply connected to Israel or just curious to learn more, this podcast offers insightful and meaningful conversations that bring Israel to life.
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Love Israel on

Dr. Baruch Korman

The purpose of is to provide Biblically-based teaching. We study books of the Bible, going through them chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Special attention is given to the original languages and the cultural backgrounds for the Scripture. To support this ministry financially, visit:
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Israel Story

Israel Story

Israel Story is an award-winning podcast that tells true stories you won't hear on the news. Hosted by Mishy Harman, the weekly show brings you extraordinary tales about ordinary Israelis. The show is produced in partnership with The Jerusalem Foundation and The Times of Israel. For Hebrew episodes, see סיפור ישראלי, or go to our website: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Are you sick of needing to go to multiple sources to stay up to date about Israeli technology? The current landscape is outdated and does not highlight the unique personalities, culture, and chutzpah that make our ecosystem unique. We are here to change that! 😎 IsraelTech is democratizing and decentralizing access to Israeli technology, by removing the gatekeepers, and letting you hear directly from the innovators, in your favorite feed. X (Twitter): YouTube: ...
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Dios le bendiga este es un medio en el cual estaré orando por cada petición,y por el mundo entero trayendo palabra de Dios a sus vidas 🇮🇱 porque Dios es grande y su misericordia es grande con cada uno de nosotros 🇮🇱🌏🌍🇮🇱🌈🙋 AYUDANOS únete al clamor para la gloria de Dios Unete a Telegram @ShalomIsrael77
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One For Israel's Podcast collects powerful teachings, inspiring testimonies and insights into the scriptures and the context of the Land and People of Israel into a weekly podcast to inspire and uplift. Connect with us at to find our more about our ministry or use our powerful outreach and teaching tool to find more insightful teachings and outreach resources. Our ministry and Bible college is based in Netanya Israel and is the only Hebrew Bible college in th ...
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Hosts Shaun and Ari delve into the dynamic and complex issues surrounding Israel. Tune in for insightful conversations, expert analysis, and engaging debates on the latest developments, historical perspectives, and cultural insights related to Israel.
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The Israel Connexion

David Schulberg

Exploring our close links with Israel and delves into the news behind the news and aims to provide detailed analysis of important current political, social and cultural issues to do with Israel. In collaboration with experts from all walks of life, who specialise in various aspects of Israel’s political life, arts and culture you can hear in depth interviews delving into issues affecting Israel, on topics to do with Israelis and their involvements around the world.
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Inside Israel

Itai Tennenbaum

Inside Israel is a podcast that takes listeners beyond the superficial headlines to discover the real uncensored story of Israel, its diverse people, politics, economy and culture. Historian, entrepreneur and author Itai Tennenbaum is your guide for a behind the scenes tour of Israeli society, and objective analysis of the key issues of the day for anyone who wants a deep and authentic look Inside Israel.
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My Life In Israel Podcast

My Life In Israel

Israel Palestine debates and rants to actually find a solution for peace, Israeli Politics, and Life in Israel while confronting and combating Anti Semitism, Anti Israel, and Anti Zionist propaganda. 💸🙏♥️Support My Work: Make a Donation Or Become A Monthly Subscriber To Enjoy Exclusive Content PayPal: Bitcoin: 15vHgodUTcmonZjeVYqEo9Px1PemUrCshu Ethereum: 0x7a7aC0912c44 ...
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Israel and You

Aaron David Früh

This podcast informs Christians about their deep and meaningful Hebraic roots and discusses the alarming rise of anti-Semitism in America today—especially on college campuses. I interview amazing guests who share their love for Israel and the Jewish people and their commitment to join Israel Team in its mission of pushing back against the growing tide of the anti-Israel narrative on evangelical college campuses.
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Israel Undiplomatic

JNS Podcasts

Join JNS senior contributing editor Ruthie Blum and Ambassador Mark Regev, former advisers at the Prime Minister’s Office, as they dissect—and duke out—the issues that Israel grapples with internally and faces internationally. Blum and Regev illustrate that even a shared worldview can produce very different perspectives. As the proverb goes, “The devil is in the details.” Thanks for listening! If you appreciated today’s discussion and want to dive deeper into the issues shaping Israel and th ...
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The Friends of Israel Today

The Friends of Israel Today

The Friends of Israel Today is a magazine style radio program/podcast made up multiple segments; bible teaching, Q&A, interviews, and dramatic readings of Holocaust survivor, Zvi Kalisher’s articles, entitled Apples of Gold. We’ve intentionally crafted this program to revolve around God’s Word and how it affects our lives today.
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Israelpodden från Livets Ord är en podcast som vill ta Israel till de Kristna och inspirera Kristna till Israel. I vår podd bjuder vi in intressanta gäster som alla har något att berätta om Israel och det judiska folket. Vi vill vara en röst för Israel i Sverige och uppmuntra till engagemang för Israel och det judiska folket.
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Welcome to Walk the Talk, where we explore living out our faith in every area of life. Inspired by James 1:22 — “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” — this podcast challenges you to move beyond words and into action. Together, let’s grow in faith, purpose, and integrity as we walk the talk daily. Connect with us; WhatsApp & Mobile +256 779962679
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Kehillat Israel Podcasts

Kehillat Israel

Recordings of the weekly Friday morning Torah study class at Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, California as well as other events at K.I. including sermons, classes and public events. Kehillat Israel is an inclusive Jewish synagogue community, which honors diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. Grounded in Jewish cultural and religious tradition, and guided by the core Reconstructionist principle to value both the wisdom of the past and the need for evolving belief and practice, KI ...
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The Israel Conversation

Masa Israel Journey

Welcome to The Israel Conversation by the Masa Leadership and Impact Center, the content engine behind Masa Israel Journey. We bring contemporary, challenging, and compelling Israel issues to light in ways that help us stay connected with what’s really going on, on the ground. Masa Israel Journey is dedicated to shaping a promising future for the young Jewish individual, the global Jewish community, and the connection to the State of Israel. Our hope with The Israel Conversation is to educat ...
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Sulha (from the Arabic word for "reconciliation") is a grassroots project working to bridge understanding between people in conflict around the world, with a primary focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Our goal is to foster a nuanced understanding of important issues, transform the way people communicate, and inspire real-world action. Sulha is an inclusive community, we welcome people from all walks of life and all sides of the ideological spectrum.
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In diesem Podcast erhalten Sie jeden Tag eine Zusammenfassung der neuesten Entwicklungen im Nahen Osten, insbesondere in Bezug auf Konflikte, Spannungen und geopolitische Ereignisse. Arye Sharuz Shalicar bringt Ihnen fundierte Analysen, Hintergrundinformationen und exklusive Einblicke in die Kriegsberichterstattung der Region.
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The Land of Israel Network

The Land of Israel Network

The Land of Israel network broadcasts the truth and beauty of the land of Israel and the Jewish people. Our show hosts include Ari Abramowitz, Jeremy Gimpel, Eve Harow, Josh Hasten, Rav Mike Feuer, Yishai Fleisher and more. Learn more at
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show series
Türkischer Oppositionspolitiker İmamoğlu kommt in Untersuchungshaft, Bei israelischem Luftangriff ist ein Hamas-Führer im Gazastreifen getötet worden, In Israel gibt es erneut Proteste gegen die Regierung, Sozialverband VdK warnt Union und SPD vor Kürzungen im Sozialbereich, Papst Franziskus darf nach wochenlanger Behandlung Klinik verlassen, Bei s…
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Join Dr. Seth Postell and Dr. Golan Broshi as they uncover compelling evidence that Isaiah 53 undeniably points to the Messiah. In this deep dive, they tackle the debate over whether the "suffering servant" represents Israel or an individual redeemer. Drawing from biblical patterns, prophetic fulfillment, and scriptural parallels to the Exodus, the…
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Massenproteste gegen die Regierung in der Türkei: Oppositionspolitiker Imamoglu wird Haftrichter vorgeführt, Israel greift Ziele im Libanon nach Raketenbeschuss an, Bundespräsident Steinmeier unterzeichnet Grundgesetzänderung für schuldenfinanziertes Finanzpaket, Heimatschutzregiment soll aufgestockt werden, Box-Olympiasieger und mehrfacher Weltmei…
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Bundespräsident Steinmeier unterzeichnet Grundgesetzänderung für schuldenfinanziertes Finanzpaket, Debatte über Verteilung der Mittel aus dem Sondervermögen, Proteste in der Türkei gegen die Festnahme des Oppositionspolitikers Imamoglu, Israelische Angriffe nach Beschuss aus dem Libanon, US-Box-Legende George Foreman ist tot…
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Bundespräsident Steinmeier unterzeichnet Grundgesetzänderung für schuldenfinanziertes Finanzpaket, Forderungen zur Verteilung der Mittel aus dem Finanzpaket, Proteste in der Türkei gegen die Festnahme des Oppositionspolitikers Imamoglu, Israel greift Hisbollah-Stellungen im Libanon an nach Raketenbeschuss, Box-Olympiasieger und mehrfacher Weltmeist…
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EU-Defizitverfahren: Marterbauer bleibt gelassen | Asylanträge gehen stark zurück | Gewalt gegen Homosexuelle: weitere Festnahmen | Ukraine: Tote nach russischen Luftschlägen | Türkei: Großdemos trotz Versammlungsverbots | Israel fängt Raketen aus dem Libanon ab | Libanon: die Folgen des Bruchs der Waffenruhe | Spaniens Wirtschaft boomt | Flughafen…
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Israel greift nach Raketenbeschuss den Süden des Libanons an, Proteste in der Türkei nach Festnahme nach Oppositionspolitiker Imamoglu, Forderungen zur Verteilung der Mittel aus dem Finanzpaket für Verteidigung und Infrastruktur, Flughafen Heathrow in Großbritannien wieder in Betrieb nach Feuer in Umspannwerk, Ex-Boxweltmeister George Foremann gest…
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This podcast details the life and significant contributions of Jacob Baradaeus, a key figure in the 6th-century Syriac Orthodox Church. Facing intense imperial opposition, Baradaeus tirelessly worked to revive and organize the Miaphysite Christian community through extensive travel, strategic disguises, and the ordination of numerous clergy. His ef…
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Quatrième épisode : alors qu'il est sur le point de céder l’hôtel Saint-Georges, le patriarche Theodorus apprend qu’il doit rentrer précipitamment en Grèce auprès de sa mère malade.…
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Quatrième épisode : alors qu'il est sur le point de céder l’hôtel Saint-Georges, le patriarche Theodorus apprend qu’il doit rentrer précipitamment en Grèce auprès de sa mère malade.…
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Un saisissant thriller inspiré de faits réels. Troisième épisode : Maya est très affectée par l'arrêt de sa thérapie avec Esti, avec laquelle son père entretenait une liaison.…
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Un saisissant thriller inspiré de faits réels. Troisième épisode : Maya est très affectée par l'arrêt de sa thérapie avec Esti, avec laquelle son père entretenait une liaison.…
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Un saisissant thriller inspiré de faits réels. Deuxième épisode : Momi tente par tous les moyens de convaincre l’Église grecque orthodoxe de vendre l’hôtel Saint-Georges, situé aux portes de la …
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À Jérusalem-Est, un ex-agent des services secrets israéliens se met au service de groupes immobiliers qui veulent s'emparer de la partie arabe de la ville. Un saisissant thriller inspiré de faits réels. Deuxième épisode : Momi tente par tous les moyens de convaincre l’Église grecque orthodoxe de vendre l’hôtel Saint-Georges, situé aux portes de la …
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Landesweite Razzien nach Attacken gegen Homosexuelle | Austro-Ampel kürzt Förderungen von Türkis-Grün | Landwirtschaftsminister Totschnig skizziert seine Pläne | Generalprokuratur für Schuldsprüche in BUWOG-Causa | Kontroverse um Absetzung des israelischen Geheimdienstchefs | Kurzmeldungen | Wetter | Vorschau auf "3 Am Runden Tisch"…
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Retour sur l'actualité de la semaine : l'opposition de François Bayrou à un retour de l'âge légal de départ à la retraite à 62 ans ; la reprise par Israël des frappes massives contre la bande de Gaza ; la proposition de loi controversée d'interdiction du port du voile lors des compétitions sportives ; l'appel de Raphaël Glucksmann aux États-Unis à …
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Alors que le minsitre israélien de la défense a menacé de "saisir" plus de terres dans la bande de Gaza si le Hamas refusait de libérer les otages, la Cour suprême israélienne a suspendu le limogeage du patron du renseignement par le gouvernement d'extrême droite de Benjamin Netanyahou / A l'occasion de la première journée mondiale de la préservati…
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Bundesrat stimmt Grundgesetzänderung für Finanzpaket zu, Haushaltsausschuss bewilligt Milliarden-Paket für Ukraine, Opposition in der Türkei ruft erneut zu Protesten auf, Oberster Gerichtshof Israels setzt Entlassung von Inlandsgeheimdienstchef Bar aus, Auflösung des Bildungsministeriums: US-Präsident Trump setzt radikale politische Agenda fort, Er…
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Send us a text This is the second part of a talk given by Dr. Norman Finkelstein at the University of Connecticut on February 27. The talk was sponsored by the Northeast Connecticut Gaza Peace Group. In this part, Dr. Finkelstein discusses the consequences of the horror inflicted on Gaza and makes recommendations for the tactics and strategy of the…
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The Middle East is a mess! As Israel battles terrorists, we’re taking time to track how this conflict came about. This week, in the conclusion of our three-part series on the makings of the Middle East, we’ll analyze Israel’s watershed moment of the 21st century: Hamas’s October 7, 2023 massacre and kidnapping of Israeli civilians and the ensuing w…
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