Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The show is a short discussion on the headlines and noteworthy news in the Python, developer, and data science space.
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Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.
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Rozhovor, interview vedie moderátor, hosť nemusí byť len „celebrita“. Respondent môže byť z najrôznejších oblastí, ako napr. umenie, kultúra, film, veda, šport, technika. Tolkšou Nočná pyramída pripravuje Slovenský rozhlas, Rádio Slovensko, SRo1.
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A weekly Python podcast hosted by Christopher Bailey with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community. The show covers a wide range of topics including Python programming best practices, career tips, and related software development topics. Join us every Friday morning to hear what's new in the world of Python programming and become a more effective Pythonista.
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Делают для вас команды курсов программирования LearnPython и сообщества MoscowPython
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Ein deutschsprachiger Podcast rund um die Programmiersprache Python
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W porannych rozmowach gościmy najczęściej polityków, ekspertów, ale także szefów największych instytucji. Omawiamy najważniejsze wydarzenia w kraju i na świecie.
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The wonderful world of Python on hardware! A weekly video-newsletter-podcast of all things Python and electronics!
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Pyro & Pivo er en fotballpodcast for deg som liker Europa League bedre enn Champions League. Ledes av Morten Galåsen. For annonsering og booking:
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Cook Pye Productions Ltd is a podcast production company specialising in arts and social commentary.
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A podcast that focuses on the keeping, breeding, and current events of the world of Morelia and other pythons of the world
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The sparks are flying for this illuminating podcast that pulls back the curtain on the explosive fireworks industry. From fuses to firepower, the show lights up the behind-the-scenes world of pyrotechnics. The Pyro Unleashed Podcast is a podcast about the people behind fireworks. We interview importers, manufacturers, retailers, scripters, and industry professionals. This podcast is for anyone who loves fireworks, so join us to unleash your inner pyro!
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The Heart Pyre is an interactive epic fantasy audio drama about mysterious fires, political corruption and long forgotten Gods.
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Wywiady o nauce i sztuce. Obserwuj, by dostawać info o kolejnych odcinkach. Podcast prowadzi Jan Wasilewski. Nowe odcinki wrzucam w poniedziałki o 17:00. Znajdziesz mnie na IG @jasiekwasilewski
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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Welcome to "Teaching Python Podcast,” the go-to podcast for anyone interested in the intersection of education and coding. Hosted by Kelly Paredes and Sean Tibor, this podcast dives into the thrills and challenges of teaching middle school computer science through the engaging and versatile Python programming language. About the Hosts: Kelly Paredes brings a wealth of global experience in curriculum design and currently inspires sixth and eighth graders at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdal ...
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Ignite your passion for pyrotechnics and learn the art and processes behind next generation pyromusical show design with Bo, AJ, and Jamie. Whether you’re a fireworks enthusiast, a seasoned professional, or just curious, this is the place to hang. The guys talk tips, tricks, techniques, best practices, and community and industry news.
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A Scottish football podcast where we shine the light on life at clubs across the SPFL and beyond.
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Mutinez-vous contre le "comment on a toujours fait"! Que vous soyez employé ou gestionnaire, apprenez des pyrates et prenez le contrôle de votre carrière et de votre environnement de travail en revoyant les dynamiques patron-employés, en devenant antifragile, en développant votre leadership d'intention, et en cessant d'être victimes de mauvais employeurs!
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Podcast by Pyramidapodden
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Aquí entran en lista todos los podcasts del año 2018.
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Random Things Wanna make friends with you Literally I am lonely I just can talk all this thing with you
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Welcome to the Fireworks Brigade Pyro Podcast. The idle chit-chat and mischievous banter offered in this Pyromaniacs Podcast are provided by Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker.
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Weekelijks op de hoogte van alles wat er op dit moment speelt in de digitale wereld
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Tom gets talking; Revealing conversations, stories and, overall laughs.
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El Podcast de Pyramidal donde analizamos las maquetas que nos mandan los artistas,comentamos las noticias musicales y te entretenemos en general.
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Welcome to pyepyeondatrack podcast where we bring you the latest music business information brand new Beats brand new artist artist development DJ pools and all the information and help you will need to become a real legitimate artist
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The PyTorch Developer Podcast is a place for the PyTorch dev team to do bite sized (10-20 min) topics about all sorts of internal development topics in PyTorch.
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This podcast is for any teacher who is seeking for ways to enrich the learning in their classroom without breaking the bank. We will explore the simple steps on how to turn the traditional learning experience into one founded on practices of the PYP in 10 to 20 minute episodes. The PYP is part of the International Baccalaureate program, which focuses on developing the whole child by allowing students to create their own meaning from learning. If you’re not a PYP teacher, don’t worry. We’ll b ...
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BOTTOM LINE...I Eliminate the Frustrations of Owning a Business!!!
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It’s about energy pyramids and were made for a seventh grade science class
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Komici Norbert Lichý, Jiří Sedláček, David Viktora a Vladimír Mráz v nové komediální show, volně navazující na seriál Pytlíkov, vysílaný v České televizi. Satira, vycházející z reálných zpráv politického a společenského života, investigativní novinařina a skvělý vyšetřovací tým, to jsou devízy zábavného pořadu. Nekorekní zábava na
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Independent Record Label
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Comedy. We talk about anything and everything.
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Pyrotech Workspace Solutions is a pioneer in delivering turnkey Control Room Solutions and Ergonomic Command Centre Console. Our idea of a command centre is based on sustainable, safe and contemporary workspace for both, the operators and the equipment. Emerged from India, our services are widespread in more than twenty-five countries including Australia, Qatar, Bahrain, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman & UAE. for more information visit our website:
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Welcome to Reece Pye, Author of Strong Minds Playbook, Personal Leadership Mastery & The Unique 'FROM-TO' Rapid Mindshift Online Courses, And These Mind Hack Podcasts
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The podcast about Python and the people who make it great
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The Python podcast by edureka! will help you in understanding the various fundamentals of Python programming with examples in detail and why you must learn Python. You will also learn about various libraries in python like Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, Scikit and master advance concepts like Python machine learning, scripts, sequence, web scraping and big data analytics. Website: Please write back to us at or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: ...
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Miroslav Eliáš, múzejník, regionálny historik, riaditeľ Mestského kultúrneho v Šuranoch
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Jediná metalová relácia v celoslovenskom éteri. Headbanger_FM je program pre všetkých priaznivcov extrémnych foriem gitarovej hudby. Zaujímaví hostia, horúce novinky i vykopávky, aktuality, pozvánky na koncerty, súťaže o voľné vstupy, profily, rozhovory a veľa iných prekvapení.
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Slovenská hudba so 100% hodnotou. Kultové albumy, hudba včerajška i minulého storočia. Demovnicové kapely i veľké hviezdy, mixtapeoví umelci i čakatelia na 15 minút slávy. S Demeterom, Danielom Balážom a Luciou Haverlík všetko čo ste už aspoň raz počuli. Alebo aj nie.
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Inovácie v Sociálnej poisťovni - ITAPA
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DH Ostratičanka
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Živé Mesto_FM je relácia o dizajne a inováciách s Luciou Ciranovou a Petrou Dzurovčinovou, v ktorej skúmame závislosti modernej doby.
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Actualités. Gros plan. Le 20 mars était la journée internationale de la francophonie, événement que Radio Slovaquie Internationale fete via ses émissions en français chaque année. Klara Novotna, diplomate, représentante personnelle du président de la République slovaque pour la Francophonie. Suite de son entretien exclusif accordé pour Radio Slovaq…
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V rusínskych Rádionovinách vám priblížime, o akých témach na svojom zasadnutí diskutovali členovia Rusínskej obrody na Slovensku. Pozveme vás na podujatia, ktoré v rámci projektu Cerkov s mladými organizuje občianske združenie molody Rusyny. Dozviete sa viac o fungovaní Spolku rusínskych spisovateľov na Slovensku a témou bude aj Svetový deň vody, k…
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Veselé synkopy s Romanom Féderom
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In New Music We Trust - striktne nová hudba, informácie, rozhovory a fíčre. DJ Nika_FM.
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Správy. Téma dňa. Rozhlasová pyramída. HK - J. Melkovič a L. Bielik. Futbalista roka 2024.
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Roman Kostelecki - Bardzo, bardzo lubię stand-up
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1:18:13Roman Kostelecki to stand-uper. Sprawdź jego nagrania na kanale Stand-up Polska. 👉 OBSERWUJ I OCEŃ ten podcast 👉 WSPIERAJ: 👉 POSTAW MI KAWĘ: 👉 OBSERWUJ: 👉 NOWE ODCI…
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Hosť: Roman Michelko (predseda Výboru NRSR pre kultúru a médiá, SNS)
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Mirjana Šišoláková: Schodíky šťastia Štefana Kvietika
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El jefe de Estado nombró a Samuel Migaľ al frente del Ministerio de Inversiones, Desarrollo Regional e Informatización. La oposición critica al nuevo ministroRobert Fico representó a Eslovaquia en cumbre de líderes europeos celebrada en Bruselas
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Moderovaný prúd s ľudovou hudbou a informáciami z folklórneho diania
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Vidám, szomorú, kedves, gondterhelt, boldog…és még sorolhatnánk a nő arcait. De ez csak egy apró szeglete mindannak, amiről a műsor szól. Gasparik Maja várja a hallgatókat.
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Moderátorka Natália Hrebíková ponúkne piesne z regiónov východného Slovenska. V rubrike Dzedziny, valaly i sela spoznáme historické názvy a zaujímavosti šarišských obcí Víťaz, Ovčie a Hrabkov. Chýbať nebudú ľudové pranostiky a v rubrike Pesnička na želanie budete mať na výber piesne z Gemeru. V rubrike Spoza hraníc východného Slovenska ponúkneme pi…
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