Welcome to Season 2 of Ignite with Barry Meguiar! Most of us want to trust God with whole-hearted faith, that ends our worries and fills our lives with joy. As a businessman, Car Guy, and lifetime follower of Christ, host Barry Meguiar has discovered how to have a good day, even on your worst days. If you’re struggling in your faith, facing a difficult challenge, or just missing the joy of the Lord in your life, your life is about to be changed . . . forever! Visit https://igniteamerica.com/ ...
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How many times has God stepped into your life and worked a miracle? It’s so easy to ask for God’s help and then forget to thank Him after His rescue. You need to stop and remember and give God praise for His faithfulness for your own edification and for the edification of everyone God prompts you to share your story with. People who are struggling …
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In this episode, host Barry Meguiar talks about the best way to share our faith. Sharing God’s word doesn’t require memorization or a practiced script. You must be genuine and meet a person where they are, so that the Holy Spirit can help you establish and true relationship and trust. We must always be ready to have a conversation about our faith w…
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Less than 1% of Christians are actively sharing their faith every day! How are they going to know unless someone tells them? Unless you tell them! Like it or not, you’re a city set on a hill for all to see and watch, every when you don’t know they’re watching. you’re a full-time witness, either for the defense or the prosecution of the Gospel. Host…
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In this episode, host Barry Meguiar talks about the rewards we will get in Heaven as believers and doers of the Word. God’s purpose for your life is the same as His purpose – to seek and save the lost. What does this look like in your life? While works cannot guarantee that we will get into Heaven, the work we do on Earth will determine our rewards…
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Always remember that God, not man, is your source for everything. When you get turned down for the sale, or by the bank, or have a flat tire, or find yourself in a chemo ward, it’s never by accident when you’re living your life for God’s purpose. God never says “oops!” He’s up to something! People don’t expect you to love on them when things go sou…
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Host Barry Meguiar shares his thoughts on how removing God from our society has effectively invited chaos into our world. Satan is having a field day and, as Christians, we are allowing it. As Satan continues to blind the minds of the masses, we must take every opportunity to lead everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. When we, as a nation, began to…
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When God was asked, “Which of the commandments is the greatest?” He answered that loving God was the first and greatest commandment, but there’s a second one of equal importance which is to love your neighbor as yourself. When you fulfill these two commandments, you will have fulfilled them all. Everything you do leads people closer or further away…
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Welcome to Season 2 of Ignite with Barry Meguiar! In today’s world there is no shortage of opportunities to share God’s word, you just need to be willing to answer His call. What will be your wake-up call to start living God’s purpose for your life? In Ezekiel 38, you undoubtedly see parallels with current events. In these days when good is called …
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Host Barry Meguiar tells the story of how he helped lead his friend, Dave, to the Lord after learning of his Stage 4 cancer diagnosis. He shares this impactful example of why we must always heed the call to bring others closer to God, every moment of every day. Answering the call to lead someone to Christ is always urgent. We never know when our ti…
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If you're intentionally sharing your faith, you're constantly looking for opportunities to inject God into the conversation, without raising eyebrows. You will always get a "gift" of a topic that you can turn into a God conversation, just listen, and the Lord always provides an opportunity! Sometimes when we attempt to share God’s word, we don’t th…
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God’s Speaking Through You!
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14:51Join host Barry Meguiar as he talks with Jim Rice, the voice of Brush Arbor, about how God speaks to others through us. With the Holy Spirit as our interpreter, we can carry His message to anyone, anywhere as long as we’re always listening and looking for opportunities! Sometimes when we attempt to share God’s word, we don’t think we’re being heard…
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We never know when we’re going to have the opportunity to help someone understand just how much God loves them. In this episode, Barry talks with America’s Tenor, Steve Amerson, and author Bill Wiese about the many ways that God is using us every day to bring people closer to Him. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popul…
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Barry, author Bill Wiese, and America’s Tenor, Steve Amerson, meet again to talk about how we should never be afraid to share the Gospel. We don’t need to worry about not having all of the answers. God has given us all the information we need in His Word. They also discuss how we can position ourselves and others to be more effective messengers of …
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Barry, Steve, and Bill discuss why people are afraid to share their faith and how to measure our spiritual pulse. Are we feeling less than qualified to share God’s Word? Are we embarrassed to witness? Zeal isn’t just for new Christians! He’s given us the authority to share the Gospel to bring people closer, every day to Jesus. Host Barry Meguiar is…
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By sharing our faith, we bring joy to God! In that joy, we gain our strength. We’re called to “love on” people until they ask us why we are doing it. We do this by praying for them, sharing our faith, and taking every opportunity to bring them, every day, closer to God. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show,…
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As sharers of faith, everything we say and do can either move people closer to or further away from God. Steve Amerson share how we must take every opportunity to try and “demystify” praying for others and sharing our faith. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years…
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People are hungry for the Gospel and the hope it brings. No matter where he is performing, Steve Amerson always asks God the question, “Is there someone here that I’m supposed to say something to?” Sometimes the answer is yes, but other times the Lord tells him that he needs to pray for them instead. He never misses a divine appointment to share Go…
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When asked what he does for a living, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes in Hell, responds simply, “I teach the Bible.” Sharing the Gospel with others is a lot like how fishermen use chum. We must give people the opportunity to ask the questions they want answered about God and live our lives to seek and save the lost. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy…
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Author and speaker, Bill Wiese shares examples of times when he felt called to share the Gospel. Sometimes people had questions, but other times the audience was less receptive...at first. We can’t beat people into Heaven, but we should always be willing to share what we can to help them understand how to get there. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy …
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One way we show God that we love Him is by talking about Him. It’s one of the first things we do when we become Christians. We tell people how great God is and how much He has done for us. We talk about the things we’re excited about. When that excitement wears off, will the version of us that people see move them closer to Jesus or farther away fr…
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It’s our responsibility to know the truth of God’s word. God has expectations for us, and He’s given us the Bible for our guide. We have been tasked with the single purpose of living our lives for Jesus. And when we stand before God, He will hold us accountable. Times have changed. Friendships and loyalties are no longer reliable guides. And it’s n…
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With nearly 80% of the unchurched believing we are in the last days we have to ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to share the Gospel. The world is coming unglued and still, only about 1% of Christians are sharing their faith. What can we do to ensure that more people find their way to Heaven when the trumpet sounds? We need to use the time we…
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Only 6% of Americans hold a biblical worldview. If that number is accurate, we have to ask ourselves, “Is it possible to be a Christian without a biblical worldview?” Isn’t belief enough? Even the demons in hell believe in God. It should be obvious to those around you that you are a Christian, and if it isn’t, you need to ask yourself why. Since th…
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No matter what happens, you can’t lose real joy. And there is a difference between happiness and joy. You can be happy or unhappy, but still have joy in your life, even after suffering numerous trials. Barry shares how he’s dealt with setbacks and kept his faith intact. When we live our lives with the purpose of helping more people get into Heaven,…
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God’s Call Is Not Just for Pastors
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13:10We’ve all been called to preach the Gospel to the lost in this world — not just pastors or theologians. It’s a privilege and an honor God has given to those who believe, and we shouldn’t take it lightly! Join Barry as he talks with author and speaker Bill Wiese — whose 23 Minutes in Hell memoir has sold over 2 million copies to date — about the opp…
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Proverbs 3:5 says that we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and that we should not lean on our own understanding. Yet, 80 percent of Christians are living in fear. They are forgetting to place their faith in God and not in what they are seeing in the world around them. To live with joy, you need love the Lord with all your heart and to l…
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You are That Messenger!
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12:24Evangelism is not just for pastors. John 4:37 says, “…In this matter of kingdom harvest, everyone has a job to do.” Whether you’re in line at the grocery store or waiting at an appointment, in every conversation you have, you become the physical manifestation of God. To engage in the sacrament of evangelism, you must take every opportunity to share…
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Flexing Your Spiritual Muscles
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14:06God wants us to share our faith at every opportunity. But some of us aren’t having any fun. We’re going through each day letting ourselves be overcome by worry and not enjoying the gifts that God has given us. When we live this way, we are in danger of having spiritual atrophy. In James 1:22, we’re instructed to be “doers of the Word and not merely…
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Often, we go through our lives just doing the things we need to do to survive. We sometimes fail to recognize opportunities to minister that are right under our noses. At some point, we may ask God if He means for us to stop what we are doing so that we can better serve Him. His answer may surprise us as we are likely already right where He needs u…
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Where are the Watchmen?
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13:28Has the message gotten lost? Somewhere between the watchmen on the wall in the book of Ezekiel and last Sunday’s sermon, we’ve left out the message of salvation that is supposed to warn the lost about the enemy. As Christians, we need to be sharing our faith and one day, God will undoubtedly hold us accountable. If the church and the pastor aren’t …
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When God is Up to Something
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13:13There are days when it seems like nothing goes according to plan. But we must realize that there is always a reason behind these momentary snags and delays—there are no coincidences. Barry discusses how to connect the dots and see the opportunities in our disappointments. When things don’t work out the way we expected, God sends opportunities to sh…
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The Importance of Discernment
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23:11Living biblically in today’s world is not easy. COVID-19 and cancel culture are just two examples of how God’s people are facing more choices — to obey God and His Word or to compromise with the culture. Be challenged by Barry’s discussion with Pastor Jack Hibbs as they talk about what it means to be discerning as a believer. Now more than ever, we…
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God Orchestrates and Recruits
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23:16Jesus didn’t say, “Go and pray.” He didn’t say, “Go and read your Bible.” No . . . Jesus said, “Go and tell.” It’s not hard to do when you’re cultivating a deep relationship with Him. God not only orchestrates our lives, He recruits those He wants us to share our faith with. Learn more from Barry and his special guest Pastor Jack Hibbs about tellin…
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The persecution of Christians right now is out of control. More Christians were martyred for their faith this last year than ever before in the history of the world. But people still want to know God loves them. He is calling us to share our faith, and when we do the world will know us by our love. That’s why we can’t stop taking advantage of every…
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It’s incredible to think that you can have intimacy with God. He made us in His own image, He loves us, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him. Experiencing God’s love causes us to live for His purpose. And when you live for His purpose, you can’t wait to tell others about Him . . . because He is your first love! This is how God wants us to liv…
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Religion is man’s attempt to earn God’s favor. But that’s absurd, because it’s just not possible. It doesn’t matter what you do — going to church 365 days a year, reading your Bible every day, or even praying every day won’t put you at the front of the line. They’re all good things, but they won’t change your heart. Only God can save you, and He is…
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You Can Be Full of Joy Every Day
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17:15A powerful message to Christians living in fear is that sharing your faith ignites your joy. There’s nothing more thrilling than knowing God just orchestrated a conversation and gave you the words to say, that changed a life in front of you. Find out more about how God’s joy can be yours — even in the midst of your problems — and how your joy will …
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You can spend your entire life searching the scriptures for your “life’s purpose,” and never find it because all of us are called to live our lives for God’s purpose, to seek and save the lost . . . to move everyone, every day, closer to Jesus. Hear more about living in this promise and in the favor of God. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and busin…
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Jesus said, they will know that you’re His disciple by your love, not by your speaking skills or your ability to recite a script. Staying in your comfort zone of loving on people allows the Holy Spirit to work according to His time schedule. Learn from Barry’s example of how he let God speak through him for 50 years to his friend Jack and kept show…
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One of the great misconceptions of faith sharing is the expectation that everyone comes to the Lord with one conversation. That’s the polar opposite of reality – and the Parable of the Sower whose seeds often land on hard ground. Without knowing where people are on their spiritual journey, your job is to simply move everyone, every day, closer to J…
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Life is so much easier when you do it God’s way! It’s called faith! Without faith, it’s impossible to please God because without faith you worry and when you worry - you’re telling God, “I don’t trust you." In stark contrast, trusting God obliterates worry and your faith allows God to take you above and beyond anything you could ever ask for or ima…
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People Don’t Get Mad When You Say This
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10:56No matter where people are in their lives or what their struggles are, no one gets mad at you for telling them God loves them! They may not agree, and some may even argue, but never out of anger. It’s more bewilderment! After all they’ve done in their lives to upset God, it’s all but impossible for them to believe God loves them. And you get to tel…
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We’re the only hope for 80% of our population who are unchurched nonbelievers. With only 1% of Christians sharing their faith, how are they going to know God loves them unless we (you) tell them? Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popular TV show, Car Crazy, on Discovery Networks for 18 years. He loves cars, but he loves…
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We’re reaping the consequences of turning our backs on God and becoming a post-Christian nation. The only hope for America is turning our hearts back to God! The farther away we are from Him, the more we’ll have chaos in our world. But when we get back to God — and lead others to the Lord — we can ignite revival in our nation. Listen in and be enco…
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A Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
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29:12Living our lives for God’s purpose includes sharing our faith — and that can happen anywhere! Be inspired by Barry’s story that started with asking his waitress at Cracker Barrel if he could pray for her — and ended up with Barry getting connected to another father who had lost his daughter. One polishes cars, and the other hauls cattle. But in Chr…
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Most Evangelism programs are unnecessary! You don't have to be trained how to love on people and you don't have to be trained on how to love people into Heaven. Jesus said, “They'll know you're my disciple by your love,” not by your training program or the recitation of a script. Host Barry Meguiar is a car guy and businessman who hosted the popula…
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Your Faith-Sharing Responsibility
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12:26With 10% of the U.S. population being born-again believers, we can saturate America with the Word of God if each one of us shares our faith with just 9 unbelievers. Even better, over 80% of the unchurched already have at least one Christian in their life that they trust. This is doable! Listen and hear how God will give you the words to speak so yo…
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What does it mean to live in complete freedom? When you have a close personal relationship with the Lord, you realize that He is in control of everything. He knows the trials and tribulations that are coming your way — and He will give you a song of praise so that your test becomes your testimony! Listen as Barry shares stories from his life of how…
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No matter where you are in your life, if you're a Christian, you can't escape the fact that everything you say and do is moving everyone watching you closer or further away from God. Every Christian is a witness. The question is whether you're a witness for the defense or the prosecution of the Gospel. Hear more from Barry about how living out your…
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Praying for Discernment
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12:25When you’re concerned for others, it’s wise to pray for discernment. Maybe you’re standing in line at Starbucks and see a stranger in need. Or you’re at the office and overhear the tense conversation of a long-time friend. The gift of discernment will help you in any situation and empower you to get a little bolder when sharing your faith! Hear Bar…
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