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两位全平台百万粉丝女性运动和健康生活方式博主;每周关于女生健康,运动,饮食及健康生活方式的私聊;治愈,轻松,私密,无论你正在减肥,刚开始运动,初入职场;还是对自己的身材,相貌,生活方式不满意想要改变;这每周一小时的闺蜜私聊,都是你的治愈暖汤。 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数太多可能会出现无法添加的情况,齐给大家稍安勿躁过一天在申请,或者直接通过方法二添加企业WX) 方法2️⃣:公众号回复“我要进群”即可 Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/网易云/荔枝/蜻蜓:fit4life 微博/小红书/B站:fit4life 公众号:fit4life健身与美食 淘宝直播:fit4life健身与美食 (记得订阅) 商务联系:Shanshan@fit4life.world
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Weekly Movie Chat

The Player Way Podcast

Join hosts BK & Derreck as they distill out the best movie news, critiques and reviews, every week - the player way! Follow @weeklymoviechat on Instagram and visit PlayLifeYourWay.com for updates.
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这个专业该不该放弃?这个机会要不要争取?班儿上够了能不能留学进修?怎么人生里要面临这么多选择?也许大部分人在选择面前,都很难能做到当机立断,而大家又都想在这个时候得到明确答案。于是我们纠结苦恼,寻医问药,拿着无数人生样本做参照,但最终的选择权还是握在自己手里。 00:01:21 我也想“大方站C位”赢得掌声,但又怕这是一次自不量力当众出丑。我也想学会求助走个捷径,但其实喜欢独自钻研。该怎么面对这样的内耗、拧巴、不坦诚? 00:28:47 现在的专业我不喜欢,可是换专业又没有方向。到底该做个“通才”埋头苦干,还是该学会放弃及时止损? 00:46:28 我是野路子出身,但也摸爬滚打出一身武艺。现在还要不要圆上当初的留学梦,出去看看更大的世界? 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”…
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Episode 450! A milestone! Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. After a week off - Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In what we're playing this week, Jon and Chris both played and finished HellBlade II : Senua's Saga. They both also played Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. Addition…
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本期节目是图拉斯「一个支点,拓展边界」企划中的第三期。我们希望为听众朋友们带去更多关于「多支点」生活的思考。如果大家想要拥有姥姥姥爷同款图拉斯支点壳或者出行礼盒,我们也为大家争取了五仁儿优惠券,和618大促期间优惠可叠加,享受折上再减!优惠详情请往下滑! 作为古希腊掌管“生命力”的神,我们今天的故事将以生命力为支点展开! 有人说纳达尔是“上山的人”,每一次比赛都全力以赴,才得以一直站在大山之巅。他肆意燃烧的生命状态无疑代表着蓬勃的生命力。可是生命的形态不拘一格,有人在逆境中苟着,有人血槽永远满格,也有人天天嚷嚷着活不下去,他们都是生命力具象化代表。 01:27 每一次都全力以赴,才能有勇气赴一场必输的比赛。 09:40 全力以赴是一种能力,反正我是没有。 14:03 他是从不熊熊燃烧也永不熄…
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TK is back from Dubai with thoughts on the new Poco. Juan is digging into the Pixel 8A more. And both of us have sorted out our Windows Laptop strategies. Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-wee…
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半夜敲门,抢你车位,永远在你睡觉的时候吵吵闹闹……你有没有遇到过这样的邻居?我们俩遇到这样的事儿可不少!怎么小时候那种和谐共处的邻里关系就回不去了呢? 00:04:01 穿丁字裤倒垃圾,巧遇对门儿party散场,狭路相逢的那一刻我无处躲藏。 00:09:03 我真没在家里蹦迪健身,真不是我! 00:18:43 因邻里纠纷惨遭邻居投毒,你可得加点儿小心。 00:21:14 邻居天天半夜敲门睡不好没关系,割个眼袋我又容光焕发了。 00:33:25 你玩儿老鹰捉小鸡我放迪曲——没完没了。 00:38:50 亲爱的邻居,劳烦您亲自占用我家车位,亲自来摘我家芒果,真是辛苦您了! 00:49:47 跟你讲理也给你面子,邻里相处其实也没那么难。 关注姥姥姥爷5月31日20:00在微博进行的医美直播,我们会…
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:“xxx做完了吗?” :“我不是跟你说了这事儿很着急吗!” :“都几点了还没弄好吗?” :“上次跟你说的事儿办了吗?” 上面这些话有没有很熟悉?我们每天都活在“被催促”同时也“催促别人”的世界中,被人催焦虑,催人催不动更焦虑。 00:02:08 我爸住院了,他没事儿我却被家人催抑郁了 00:10:50 我都38岁了,为什么还不相信我的办事能力 00:21:16 当你有一个过于守时的爸爸,到底该遵守谁的时间表 00:35:27 当INTJ想催ENFP干一件事儿时,她可太难了 00:39:56 为什么有的事儿,我又想被人催,又怕被人催 00:45:19 给生活留白,才不会在每次被人催时崩溃 00:59:41 如何“体贴”的催人技巧分享 PS.记得关注微博小红书蹲我们直播的信息! 加入听友群 方…
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感谢SKP-S对本期节目的大力支持!这次我们陆续在西安/成都/北京三地的SKP-S举办了线下活动,那这个周末我们邀请了30位五仁儿来到SKP-S北京3层的全新户外运动概念店OUTHERE,录制了一期线下播客,聊聊我们和运动之间的爱恨情仇。 有些人不理解,为什么爱运动的人会有如此大的热情,能不畏酷暑严寒的去坚持一件看似痛苦又意义不大的事情。其实运动于我们,不只是强身健体和保持身材那么简单,运动教会我们谦逊和耐心,运动是我们情绪的出口,运动也一次次带着我们走出人生低谷。 00:06:12 练铁三迫使我选择了一条艰苦困难的道路,但又是一条可靠的道路 00:16:32 起个大早赶个晚集,冲浪是这个世界上最不可控的运动,它教会了我接受失控 00:33:12 骑行旅游治好了我的囤积癖,原来我真的不需要那…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In what we're playing this week, Chris dove back into Diablo IV (new update) made him very happy. He also finished Stellar Blade and gave it a Richard! Thoughts are not complete on Animal Well, but when it's all said…
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今天来聊聊几件发生在姥姥姥爷身上的“芝麻小事”,但每一件,都让我们悟出了人生哲理。我俩,真的是民间思想家,啧啧啧 00:00:36 参加昂跑运动局,感觉与更高级的能量场连接了!! … 00:09:23 集体活动是情绪杠杆:用很少的情绪去撬动一个更大的能量场 00:13:41 姥姥要去采访贝克汉姆了!是一对一专访啊啊啊啊 00:16:17 机会,是由一连串随机事件产生的蝴蝶效应,所以该争取时必争取! 00:19:55 姥爷,终于圆了小时候的演员梦!梦想,几岁都不晚 00:25:39 姥爷为唱歌走掉纠结了半辈子,却发现其实3节声乐课就解决了! 00:29:45 在意的事情,以后就要去争取一下! 00:31:26 不要用名词来定义我们,要把自己活成一个动词 00:33:02 姥姥买保险,被年金险的…
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BUSY WEEK! TK was on location at Google I/O! Sony announced a new XPERIA. The Pixel 8a is in our hands! And what's up with this new Gamesir controller?Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week Th…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! Ahh, Xbox. A lot was said about the recent Xbox headlines, in which recently acquired studios got terminated to include - Alpha Dog Studios, Tango Gameworks and Roundhouse Games. Let's just say we are all puzzled and…
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我们从小就被教育,要低调要谦虚,不争不抢不冒头,带着这套逻辑步入职场走进社会,却发现自己真的就变成了“小透明”。反而是那些大方承认自己想要,努力争取利益的人收获了升职加薪和客户。 00:02:45 当只有一个“三好学生”的名额,而候选人是你和你最好的朋友 00:05:52 参加活动拿捏不好dress code,到底该overdress还是underdress 00:08:22 我站了人生的第一次C位,没想到居然收获了这么多 00:28:58 浪姐和春山学的C位之争 00:43:10 不敢站C位的背后是“不配得”感 00:47:07 如实表现自己并不是得瑟 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数太多可能会出现无法添加的情况,齐给大家稍安勿躁过一天在申请,…
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Google seems to be delivering a flagship killer with the Pixel 8A. Mobvoi refreshes their best TicWatch. Apple showed off a crazy expensive iPad, but what's up with their creepy Crush ad? Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In What We're Playing - Chris played more of Stellar Blade and has made it to a point, where if he progresses, there is no turning back. He also played Manor Lords. If you missed it, Manor Lord on steam came out swin…
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俗话说,别谈钱,谈钱伤感情!但是很多时候“钱”就是房间里的大象,我们对它避而不谈,并不能遮掩它的存在和对我们的影响,反而久了会变成一根刺,伤害我们和朋友的友情,侵蚀我们和爱人的关系。 今天我们来读三条大家的留言,其中都涉及到了钱,但深挖之后会发现,钱的背后其实是关系的不公平,权利的不对等。 00:01:28 几乎每次和朋友吃饭都是我付钱,她还不能为我提供任何情绪价值,这段友谊还该继续吗 00:20:50 朋友跟我借钱不还还屏蔽我,我们多年的友谊就值这一万块吗 00:45:31 男朋友什么都要和我AA,亲密关系中的AA制是女性经济独立的基础吗? 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数太多可能会出现无法添加的情况,齐给大家稍安勿躁过一天在申请,或者直接通过…
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Apple has announced Q2 earnings, and there are some interesting trends to follow there. Sony's launch for the XPERIA 1 VI has been... Atypical... And Juan has STILL been dealing with Mini PC malware.Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: h…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In What We're Playing- Chris and Jon both dove into the new game Stellar Blade. They both had some interesting thoughts on the gameplay so far. Shaun enjoyed a Yokai crossover event into Final Fantasy 14. He also pla…
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五一大家都去旅游吗?如果你有机会去北京上海或者万宁,那今天清单上的餐厅请都去吃一下!今天推荐的都是姥姥姥爷平日常去的馆子,既非“必吃榜”也不是网红餐厅,但是每一家都很美味! �上海 00:04:32 东泰祥生煎点外卖一样好吃 00:08:30 卞姐蛋饼记得加肉松 00:18:09 香菇素菜包里好像包住一盘炒青菜 00:22:13 甜汤圆vs肉汤圆揭露了南北方文化差异 00:30:20 博多新记盐焗鸡比沙拉可好吃太多了 �北京 00:33:03 大肠卤煮vs小肠卤煮的PK 00:39:00 平娃三宝的茄子和扁豆汆面我不允许有人没吃过 00:43:52 马艾萨的清汤牛肉面怎么这么鲜 00:45:03 柴式牛肉面的筋头巴脑太香了 �万宁 00:47:13 冲浪椰子鸡记得要点椰子鸡糟粕醋鸳鸯锅 00…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In What We're Playing - Chris finished Fallout (the TV show) so he got inspired to download and play all the Fallout games. He additionally got some time in on Balatro - his go-to. Jon went further into Rise of the R…
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你有没有经历过这种情况:别人有意或者无意的话/行为,表面上看无伤大雅甚至是在恭维,但就是让你感到不舒服,具体哪儿不对又说不出来,而表达出不满吧还会被认为是太敏感开不起玩笑。 如果答案是肯定的,请不要怀疑自己,你就是被冒犯了,只不过这种冒犯往往披着“为你好”“开个玩笑”“我说话直”的外衣,隐藏得很深。 生活中类似的社交微冒犯(micro aggression)特别多,而面对这些暗戳戳的恶意,我们该如何应对? 00:02:40 男凝的目光,就是赤裸裸的冒犯 00:09:06 拥有外貌红利的女性该如何自处 00:20:10 为我好的朋友,就有资格不停给我挑刺儿吗 00:23:00 昔日好友说话变得阴阳怪气,是我太敏感吗 00:25:23 拒绝朋友,会不会无形中冒犯了他 00:34:11 自媒体时代…
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The show returns after a week off. Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In What We're Playing - Chris is "this close" to beating Dragon's Dogma 2 - he is kicking Shaun's butt in gameplay. He and Shaun also watched the new show Fallout on Amazon Prime. Shaun is playing Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night along with…
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姥姥刚刚完赛波马,这次没有受伤没有崩溃没有哭,所以没有那么多跌宕起伏(没有“这是我最后一次跑步了”的精彩故事)可以讲,但是整个过程都用相机记录了,请大家蹲一波vlog! 今天我们来读四条非常有代表性的留言,如果你也有想和姥姥姥爷分享的故事,欢迎直接微博@fit4life 私信或者加小助理fit4life999 00:05:40 终于申请下来英国研究生,但是需要父母卖房支持,我该坚持追求梦想还是向生活妥协? 00:24:18 为什么我永远是三人友谊中多余的那个? 00:47:33 如何和焦虑负能量的父母相处? 00:58:50 心里装不下一点儿事儿,我该如何缓解焦虑? 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数太多可能会出现无法添加的情况,齐给大家稍安勿躁过…
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Apple is allowing used parts to be used to repair iPhones... Sort of...And the Android 15 Beta is available for the Pixel 8 Pro. Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This podcast is powered …
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很多时候我们意识到的边界感被侵犯,更多是物理/行为上的,比如私人物品被乱翻,空间被侵占,隐私被偷窥等。但还有很多情况是我们的边界被冒犯却不自知,比如被朋友当作情绪垃圾桶,被父母以“关心”之名控制,被同事强行灌输自己不认同的观点等等。 今天咱们再来聊聊那些边界感被侵犯的瞬间! 00:05:33 排泄是动物最脆弱的时刻,所以�的时候请给我一点隐私好吗 00:14:33 公共浴室赤裸相见,我的边界感模糊了 00:16:46 去异性家里做客,卧室能随便进吗 00:23:29 自媒体人应该觉得公开信息算隐私吗 00:31:45 日记被偷看之后,我再也不写日记了 00:37:18 情绪越界也是没有边界感的表现 01:05:55 我又不欠你的,凭啥要白送你东西 01:14:13 每个人的边界感都不一样,沟…
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Video Replay on Twitch! The FCC is voting to replace Net Neutrality! Judge throws out phone camera evidence over AI manipulation! Tesla MIGHT be scrapping plans to release a cheaper car! Apple might make robots? Android's new desktop mode is a babystep back in the right direction! And we HAVE to chat about Android's Find My network starting to laun…
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你们有没有带父母出门,费劲心思计划一切,就为了让他们高兴,最后却费力不讨好,被泼冷水不说,还嫌这嫌那各种不满意,心里暗暗发誓以后再也不带他们旅行了的经历? 年轻的时候带父母去过几次欧洲,还有上学时我妈来加拿大看我,每次都会吵架,他们觉得我安排不上心很委屈,我觉得他们扫兴不知道appreciate更委屈。 但是上周带着妈妈一起去西藏玩儿了一圈儿,居然全程一次架没吵,两个人相互体谅又各不干扰,这是十年前的我绝对想不到的。 这次旅行不仅让我总结出一套带父母旅行的经验技巧,也修复了我和我妈之间的母女关系。 00:01:30 不是妈,不是说了进景点要带身份证吗! 00:05:18 我妈的包是机器猫的口袋,除了必须要用的什么都有 00:23:50 眼镜布都打开了,必须把所有屏幕都擦一遍啊 00:26:1…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In What We're Playing - Chris played even more of Dragon's Dogma 2. But also - downloaded the demo for Steller Blade - available now! He also "loves" when you are having a good vibe. Jon platinum'd Dishonored 2 and "…
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Apple is facing a TON of lawsuits in the USA and new investigations in the EU. Also, Google is supporting Windows on ARM with a new build of Chrome! Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games. Shaun, Jon and Chris are here to bring you another episode! In* What We're Playing* - Jon continues his quest to platinum Dishonored. He can't let friend of the show Mike - do it before him. He also purchased Rise of the Ronin! Shaun played the demo of Princess Peach Showtime…
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