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In this powerful podcast, we’ll dive deep into Africa’s fight for representation, justice, and empowerment on the global stage. From diplomacy to economics, education to sports, we’ll explore how Africa can reclaim its rightful position in the world. A Seat at the Table is more than just a podcast—it's a movement. It is available on all platforms and in visual format on YouTube, X, and Facebook. This is Africa’s time. It's time for Africa’s voice to be heard.
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How many times have you wished you could sit down with a legal luminary, ask them difficult questions and hear their most vulnerable and honest answers? The time is now. This podcast aims to connect women in the legal profession to those who have been trailblazers, who are currently fighting the good the fight, and those who are changing the legal profession.
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A Seat at the Table

Capital Region Family Business Center

Welcome to A Seat at the Table, Trials and Triumphs of Family Business, hosted by Natalie Mariani Kling, a 4th generation family business owner. This program is a creation of The Capital Region Family Business Center, a non-profit agency whose purpose is to help family businesses grow and prosper.One thing about being a part of a family business, is that it’s unique. Family businesses often began very simply, with a person who had an idea. Rarely were these people educated in business or fin ...
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Seat at the Table Podcast

Seat at the Table Podcast

This is a great why to showcase the talents of all Minority leaders and Entrepreneurs in the Food and Beverage industry! Cover art photo provided by Michael Browning on Unsplash:
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This eight-part series features conversations with lawmakers, advocates and policy experts tackling some of Black America's most pressing issues. This Chicago Urban League podcast is facilitated by journalist Dometi Pongo in partnership with our President and CEO Shari Runner. Available on iTunes, Soundcloud, and all other podcasting platforms. | Videos and shownotes available at
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What does it take to feed a community? What are the challenges to increasing food access in urban areas across the U.S., and what strategies can help food justice advocates rise to meet these challenges head-on? This podcast documents the stories of change-makers with the Healthy Hartford Hub project in Hartford, Connecticut -- people working in public and behind the scenes to advocate for better food access and health-providing services in their local community. Featuring interviews with co ...
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A Seat at the Tech Table

Sisters in Tech

Brought to you by Sisters in Tech, *A Seat at the Tech Table* is an interview series featuring black women working in tech. From accountants to engineers, from product managers to policy analysts, we seek to showcase black women working in the world of tech and encourage you to consider whether there might be a seat for you at the tech table.
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show series
What if you could find a system that maximized luck and generated outsized returns? A method based on decision science that led you to make better choices - in both your business and personal life. That’s exactly what Daniel Kang did. He learned how to use asymmetric bets to win scholarships that paid for his education, as well as to raise millions…
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Despite being a continent of 54 nations, Africa has historically been underrepresented in major international institutions, particularly the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank. These institutions play a pivotal role in shaping global security, economic policies, and development strategi…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Imagine growing up in a family business where your weekends were spent in a rehab clinic, with the promise of "one more minute" being more a mom’s mantra than a reality. This episode brings you into the heartwarming and often hilarious world of the Burger family, the …
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The political landscape in Africa is still deeply entangled with Western interests, former colonial ties, and foreign lobbying efforts. While these forces continue to shape decision-making, African nations have the power to redefine their political futures. By prioritizing African-led governance frameworks, strengthening regional cooperation, and f…
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The Colonial Legacy: How Africa Was Cut Out from the Start. It’s a topic that speaks directly to the heart of Africa's ongoing struggle for self-determination and global representation. For centuries, Africa has faced the consequences of a colonial system designed to strip the continent of its wealth, power, and autonomy. Colonial rule didn’t just …
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In this powerful podcast, we’ll dive deep into Africa’s fight for representation, justice, and empowerment on the global stage. From diplomacy to economics, education to sports, we’ll explore how Africa can reclaim its rightful position globally. A Seat at the Table is more than just a podcast—it's a movement. It is available on all platforms and i…
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2025 has gotten off to what might generously be described as an ‘uncertain start’. The one thing people want right now is clarity. Or at least some idea of what might be the next impact on supply chains. One of the most consistent issues facing sourcing directors and supply chain managers has been logistics. After years of unprecedented disruptions…
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Almost everyone in a senior leadership position these days feels the pressure of a business environment that has become increasingly uncertain. At the same time, the pressure to drive both growth and profitability has never been more intense. The pain is being felt by large-scale organizations, as well as start ups as the market becomes much less f…
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Kære lytter Det du nu skal høre er en liveoptagelse lavet i samarbejde med mediet Føljeton. Gennem efteråret (2024) har vi talt med forskellige forfattere som en del af vores kuratering af vigtige litterære værker til anden sæson af Føljetons digitale folkebibliotek. Vi har udvalgt 18 bøger under overskriften “Omsorgsfuld magtkritik”. Værker der på…
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You are listening to a live recording of a conversation we are having Sunday October 27th 2024 at Union, a cultural center in the middle of Nørrebro. This conversation is part of our partnership with Føljeton, where we have chosen 18 different books under the theme: 'compassionate critique of power’ where today's book and author is on that list. We…
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Many brands are starting to wonder if China might no longer be the hot market for luxury brands that it used to be. After years of disappointing sales growth, some brands are turning their attention away from China and towards markets which they think might be the next big thing. While the China market has certainly faced challenges, the are still …
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In 2015, Roskilde Festival featured only 18% female artists and stated they wouldn't enforce gender representation. Fast forward to 2024, and the lineup showcases a nearly 50/50 gender split, with remarkable diversity in geography, ethnicity, and artistic styles. In today’s episode, we’re exploring the concept of utopia and how it might be closer t…
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Fast fashion has always been competitive but in recent years its become a speed-driven race to the bottom. No matter how low prices are today, some new player will enter the market - with even lower prices - and more styles! In the midst of this chaos, UK supermarkets have carved out a solid business selling budget priced fashion. Yes, fashion. Not…
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You are listening to a live recording from the showing of Dahomey at Empire Bio, November the 21st 2024. Together with the director Mati Diop we talk about overcoming stereotypes and colonial narratives, as we dive into one of many remarkable scenes in the documentary: the town hall discussions where we get to observe different views and opinions o…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Can family loyalty coexist with personal fulfillment in a family business? What happens when the family legacy is upended by a choice to leave? And when that choice is made by a woman or daughter vs a son? Join us for a heartfelt conversation with Melissa Ortiz of Riv…
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Vi er nået til enden af 2024. En lille disclaimer, vi optager dette afsnit slut november 2024, så hvad end der sker af ting i december, dem kan vi ikke forholde os til. Og vi tør næsten ikke sige det, men vi håber vi får en måned med en lille smule ro. This year has drained us!! 2024 bød på naturkatastrofer som oversvømmelser, skovbrande og varmebø…
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Typically older generations complain that young people don’t work as hard as they did when they were that age. However that narrative does seem to carry some truth these days. Suddenly it seems that Gen Z and even younger Millennials are disengaged with the working world. From ‘Quiet Quitting’ to seemingly lacking ambition, what’s happened to the e…
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Hvis vi kunne rejse for hinanden, hvor skulle rejsen så gå hen? I dette afsnit udvælger vi forskellige rejsedestinationer til hinanden og taler om, hvad vi ser, hvad vi pakker og hvad vi tager med hjem igen. Dette emne kom op, da vi talte om, hvor vi skulle rejse hen for at finde varmen, hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger giver ens pas, og hvilke o…
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Kære lyttere Til dette afsnit havde vi spurgt jer, hvilke emner I kunne tænke at vi fyldte december måned med. Vi sætter utrolig stor pris på både jeres tillid og tiltro til, hvad I mener vi kan løfte og sætte platform for. Den tillid I viser os med jeres ønsker, har vi forsøgt at gengælde med ærlighed over, hvad der er på spil for os, når vi tager…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Growing up, I spent countless weekends with my family at local markets, surrounded by vibrant sights and sounds, which makes today's guest story resonate deeply. Tracie and Eric Denio take us on a nostalgic journey through the history of Denio's Farmer's Market and Sw…
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Vi lever i en tid, hvor vi ikke længere ejer ting. Vi lejer og leaser for service: alt fra vores musik, film, bøger mm. Altsammen produkter der kan rettes til. Så hvad gør vi, når vi ikke har et arkiv over den rigtige verden? Lad os give et eksempel. Under dette års NFL halftime show, havde vi fornøjelsen af Alicia Keys, der ramte en forkert tone. …
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Hvad er der egentlig sket i verden, siden sidst vi optog afsnit i maj 2024? Hvilke ting husker vi bedst? Hvilke ting har vi oplevet som varede i 3 år? Hvilke ting ville vi ønske varede længere tid? Hvornår kommer en tilgivelse efter folk opfører sig racistisk, misogynt, homofobisk, transfobisk? Hvem bliver efterladt på togperronen, når katastrofen …
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In a fast paced, complex business environment decision making has become increasingly difficult. We want to make good decisions. We’re told we need to make faster decisions. But often we end up in ‘analysis paralysis’. Caught between analyzing endless data, including inputs from a vast range of participants, and often trying to please too many mast…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Can a restaurant truly be a catalyst for change and community connection? Join us as we sit down with Patrick Mulvaney, co-founder of Mulvaney's B&L, to uncover the powerful intersections of food, love, and societal transformation. Patrick shares his inspirational jou…
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When people talk about PTSD we usually think of returning military veterans or survivors of catastrophic events. Yet many other people suffer from stress-related issues that are not unlike PTSD. Terry Earthwind Nichols, is a bestselling author and father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, a methodology that helps people decrease anxiety, f…
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In this special episode, celebrating 15 years of the Leading Women Executives program, co-founders Cheryl Francis and Sheila Penrose, along with CEO Deb DeHaas, reflect on their journey in creating impactful leadership programs. Discover the lessons learned, the milestones achieved, and the legacy being built as they continue to inspire a new gener…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. In 1973, Wayne’s parents, Bill and Sandy Bishop planted the first pumpkins and invited local schools to come visit the farm. Soon after that Sandy and her friends started baking pies in her kitchen to sell to guests when they came to visit. Since then the Bishop’s bui…
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In this episode, Deb DeHaas, CEO of Corporate Leadership Center, is joined by Sarah Robb O'Hagan, CEO of EXOS, to explore Sarah’s remarkable personal and professional journey. Sarah shares pivotal moments from her career, including her roles at iconic companies like Nike, Gatorade, and Equinox and how those experiences shaped her leadership philoso…
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Everyone wants to build a brand. But few people actually know how. For most, a brand is a logo and a vague mission statement - and little more. And you can really blame them. Creating a unique brand identity - and articulating it so that others (ideally customers) understand what you stand for - is a lot bigger undertaking than it seems. I'm Jane S…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Join us for an insightful conversation with Dave Boyce, Nate Boyce, and Ben Brown as we touch upon the importance of generational transitions, and share a few laughs along the way. Our discussion begins with a recounting of Dave and his younger brother Craig's imagina…
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AI has become one of the most talked about technologies. A lot of the hype makes AI seem like a magic wand that can do anything or an evil demon that will leave massive numbers of people without jobs. While it's unlikely, at least for now, that these extreme cases are true, there is little doubt that AI is a technology we need to understand. For mo…
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In this episode, we feature LanTing Garra, Senior Director of Innovation and Design at Motorola Solutions and an LWE Fellow from Fall 2016. LanTing discusses her career evolution from Industrial Design to AI-supported end-to-end customer experience design. She shares the challenges she faced and overcame while leading a critical project for the com…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Join your host, Natalie Mariani-Kling, for an inspiring journey as she recounts the remarkable transformation of Dave Leatherby Sr. and his wife Sally, who transitioned from a small farming town in Iowa to a life of profound faith and generosity on the West Coast. She…
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The apparel industry is being forced to re-imagine itself in the face of pressure to meet new green standards. Suddenly, what we thought was sustainable turns out to be merely a ‘good try’ - but not enough. While apparel needs to now recycle, be circular, reduce carbon emissions and lower water usage, it also has to appeal to consumers - who want c…
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This episode features a conversation between Lori Nishiura Mackenzie, co-founder of the Stanford VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab and faculty member of Leading Women Executives; and Deb DeHaas, CEO, Corporate Leadership Center. Lori and Deb talk about Stanford’s recent research and playbooks around board diversity and culture, along with De…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. What does it take to transform a small family business into a major player in the beverage industry? Discover the incredible legacy of NorCal Beverage, beginning with Shannon Deary-Bell's grandfather, who turned his Coca-Cola salesmanship into the entrepreneurial foun…
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Vi afrunder forfattertemaet lige så stærkt som vi lagde ud. Vores gæst, Moussa Mchangama, er en ven af podcasten, et vedvarende heppekor, vismand og kærlig kram fra sidelinjen. I dette afsnit vil I forstå, at det ikke kun er gloser, der pynter, men gloser der passer. Sammen taler vi om, hvordan vi forvalter indflydelse og en mere etableret position…
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Vi skifter lige gear fra lyrik til børnebog. Genremæssigt er det også en debut både for os og vores gæst, Sebolelo Mohapeloa. Sebolelo har selv skrevet, illustreret og udgivet børnebogen, 'Prinsesehår', der udkom den 27. januar 2024. Sammen taler vi om, hvad prinsessehår er for noget. Sebolelo deler også med os, hvor behovet for bogen er kommet fra…
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This episode features Robin Blackmon, Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer at Aflac. Robin shares her wonderful, winding journey in Finance and HR that led her to where she is today. You’ll also hear insights on learning from others in big and small ways, the importance of relationships and practice when it comes to boards, and a few …
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Juni måned står i lyrikkens navn. Ingen snak om lyrik uden ven af podcasten, årets hovedperson og ærede gæst, Elias Sadaq. He is the moment! Den 22. marts 2024 udkom Djinn på forlaget Gyldendal. Men Elias debuterede i lyrikken allerede tilbage i 2019 med ‘Gadestregner’. Foruden det er hans CV også langt. Ved siden af at være en gudsbenådet digter e…
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Vi fylder juni måneden med et forfattertema, og lægger ud med en kommende stjerne som tilbage i 2020 vandt en 3. plads, da Politikens sommerpodcast, Protesttillæget, opfordrede lytterne til at deltage i en essaykonkurrence. Fredag den 17. maj udkom Celine Szabós debut, digtsamlingen ‘Fremkaldelser’ på forlaget OVBIDAT. ‘Fremkaldelser’ er en digtsam…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Can you imagine hopping freight trains across the country to build a business empire during one of the toughest times in American history? Join your host, Natalie Mariani-Kling, as she welcomes David Lawson, President of Lawson Mechanical, who recounts the extraordina…
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Long time, no chit chat! Hvor har vi egentlig været i hele vinteren? Hvordan går vi og har det, og hvad kan man overhovedet regne med det næste stykke tid? Hvis du har gået og undret dig, eller bare har savnet vores selskab, så er vi her for at forløse jer i dette afsnit. Tak fordi I har ventet tålmodigt, og rigtig god lyttelyst. <3 <3 <3 Som altid…
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This special episode in English is a live recording with audience from April 30th 2024 at Empire Bio in Copenhagen. We hope this can contribute to expanding the space for more of you to feel included in participating in spreading awareness about Sudan. We were joined by Abdalla Eltayeb and Nils Carstensen, who were invited for to help unfold the th…
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Retail sales continue to outperform expectations - in both the US and in key European markets. Yet analysts are still waiting for that slowdown that was supposed to be driven first by inflation - and then by higher interest rates. Yet, consumers are proving resilient - but for how long? Long term a lot is likely to come down to the retailers themse…
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Til lytterne der måtte være ekstra berørt, behandler dette afsnit emner om barnedød, konfrontation med det offentlige sygehusvæsen og racisme. Man kan også med fordel starte med at lytte til forrige afsnit: “HAN BLEV FØDT RASK. VI ER GODE FORÆLDRE”. I dette afsnit har vi inviteret jordemoder Julia Kadin Funge. Sammen vil vi forsøge at pege på de st…
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This episode features Laura Kohler, Chief Sustainable Living Officer, Kohler. Laura shares insights about the legacy of Kohler and her journey within the company, and Kohler’s culture of innovation, sustainability and purpose. Laura also discusses the importance of re-skilling, the role of technology in sustainability, and how her personal values h…
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Til lytterne der måtte være ekstra berørt, behandler dette afsnit emner om barnedød og konfrontation med det offentlige sygehusvæsen. Den 16. december 2022 bliver Melissa og Adam forældre til enæggede tvillingedrenge, Curtis og Otis. Begge babyer bliver født raske, men kun tre dage senere dør den ene tvilling, Otis, på Hvidovre Hospital. Melissa og…
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Let us know what you thought of this episode and any other comments you may have. Today's episode displays a wonderful tale of a company's heart and soul as Don Clark, the second-generation co-leader of the family-operated Clark Pacific, takes us behind the scenes of a business that has stood the test of time. Here's your opportunity to learn from …
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It seems we live an age of documentation. There are increasing levels of regulations around everything - and the supporting documentation around those regulations keeps getting more complex. Paper work that used to be handled by one or two people now requires a department with a hierarchy of staff - just to understand the regulations - let alone do…
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