Motivational and management oriented thoughts and ideas about Corona crisis
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A tribute on untimely n unfortunate demise of an excellent young actor of Bollywood, known for his struggle.
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Go ahead n celebrate the life. Sometimes it is better to think like a child. Salute life n make world a better place to live in.
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Patience is the key to solve many tricky issues n it is an indication of our mental as well as emotional strength.
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Always be polite n think wide. Things must be seen in totality and learn to see things from others point of view.
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Sometimes we think once we ve achieved something big in life, we are done. It may prove wrong as life takes constant exams.
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We tend to evaluate or analyse others just bcoz of our nature. We may not b able to really appreciate well others' circumstances.
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The bamboo tree sprouts after years but once it gains strong foundation, it attains great heights n significant growth.
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Morale is a state of mind. Feed ur morale with nutrition of hopes and constant positive vibes. You can surely win any war.
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What you tell others, no issue how irrelevant it is, but it may ve serious repercussions later on. So pls dont advice to show ur knowledge only. Be specific n positive.
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42. Don't make anyone else to pay and bear for your mistakes.
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19:12Please be a gud person and refrain from committing mistakes which cost others something that can never be replaced.
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Those who want to be at peace must spread happiness all around. We cant make world nice individually but by real cooperative arrangement.
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If you can't encourage or assist a person, at least dont discourage him. Constant disruption in thinking makes person confused n he may end up a loser.
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Let's try to find gud things with others rather than finding the ways to make others feel low. Sensitivity in our conduct will enrich our world.
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Everybody has a right to ve his or her own point of view but facts may not be same as our opinions. Think in totality.
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We sometimes start taking important lessons lightly n it leads us to very unpleasant consequences, therefore be smart not overconfident.
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Due to constant depression in market n our thoughts, we think we can never reverse bad situation but this is only an opinion not a fact.
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If your efforts are not greeted with correct gesture. Dont think you r useless. Make stronger try.
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The joy of giving lies in being anonymous n let only you know the secret pleasures u ve enjoyed after giving a selfless help.
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Life seems unfair sometimes bcoz of crisis situations but if rather than getting frustrated, we make sincere efforts, we can win.
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Sometimes few things get positive amidst a lot of negativities n nature is healing itself when human intervention is at its low.
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When we r in fully failure situation, we ve 2 options. We can just sit n keep on crying. Secondly we can bounce back in life like dat deaf frog.
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Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts.
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We must try to learn things from our slow life during the lockdown period. Let's make a better, simpler & peace loving world.
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We must protect n respect those people who are serving humanity by risking their own lives. We need to support them not mistreat.
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It is easy to target others in times of their sorrows but you may feel bad when it comes back in d same way n quantity.
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Mother is the best creation of God. We know one place to go in any situation and that is our mom.... mummy... maa.. ammi...mother.
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Have some purpose in life as just criticising others can never be a purpose. Be positive n spread gud.
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Dont just think about yourself or your family or friendship. We need to think wider for our nation and even for humanity.
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Most often, the problem may not be with others but could be very much within us.
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Skills and abilities are only useful if you are un the right place at the right time otherwise they may be a waste.
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Being human is given but keeping our humanity is a choice.
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You may ve been put in a situation that has limited your action for the time being but be ready to show your strength on right time.
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Serve the society and nation whenever u get a chance. You need to consider yourself lucky on getting such opportunity. Say..why not me???
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My words on the life and bollywood journey of Sh. Rishi Kapoor
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A leap of faith can make you reap a crop of future rewards. So never lose hope n give it a dose of faith.
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When one of us is threatened then we all are at risk. Let' smake extra efforts to encourage each other.
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Life is a bag of good and bad things but we focus on bad things n avoid enjoying the positive elements of life.
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A tribute to the legend
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Our confidence in ourselves or self belief leads us to the proper use of inner strengths.
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If you have a dream, you need to take action n use your full potential to achieve them.
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If you can realize the power of your thoughts, no negative thought can capture your mind or your heart or your attention.
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Persistence is extremely important quality n we need to stick to our dreams n just never give up. Stay tight with your vision
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It is really impossible to judge whether anything that happens in is good or bad. Wait for the consequences which may appear later.
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Generally we are easily guided by impressive fakes rather than having our own views.
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In times of crisis like cotona these days, some people start spreading fake news or wrong information which is injurious to society at large.
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Our old preoccupations dont allow us to think positive & ultimately we lose the vision to identify the opportunities.
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Without struggle, we can never reach at our dreams n our destinations. Tackle challenges yourself.
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Sometimes certain small updowns in life disturbs our normal thinking process but just control ur thoughts n use some out of box thinking to give it a new favourable twist.
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Everything may look sad or gloomy but we must try to search for light. Turn your failure into a launchpad.
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Due to corona lockdown, people are inside their homes n sometimes they feel low thinking that their value may have gone down and their worth may have been depericiated by these lazy days.
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