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This is a podcast for those who are ready to finally discover peace with their bodies. Registered dietitian, Katy Harvey, breaks down the nonsense of diet culture and the many ways we are taught not to trust food - and ourselves. Since 2011 Katy has been helping 1:1 clients heal from chronic dieting, eating disorders, disordered eating, and negative body image. Every Tuesday, she provides actionable tips on how to find freedom with food and connect with the wisdom of your body, so that you c ...
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Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind. is a podcast for those on a journey to move beyond dieting, restricted eating and emotional eating and want to connect with, nourish and honor their bodies. Tara Whitney, CPA and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor shares her own journey, insights and practices to support you along your journey. She also has amazing conversations with those that have evolved their own relationship with food. They share what life is like now that their minds are free ...
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show series
There’s absolutely nothing that I want more than to see you find the peace and freedom with food (and your body) that you deserve. That’s exactly why I am digging into your burning questions in this episode, and wowser, the questions you asked were powerful! In this episode, we’ll be digging into: -How to eat mindfully when sharing meals with toddl…
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Summer is comin’ and you know what that means…Shorts, tank tops, swimsuits, backyard BBQ’s, wedding receptions, vacations, and SO MANY challenging situations when it comes to food and body image. Don’t worry though, because I’ve got you covered. In this episode, we’ll be digging into 3 hot tips that are going to help you embrace intuitive eating th…
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Today I’m going to be sharing the things you’re doing that are actually INCREASING the chances that you’re going to binge and gain weight. These are 2 of the most common fears among my clients and the listeners of this podcast, so we’re going to dive into the things that you can intentionally stop doing to keep you out of the binge and weight gain …
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Does figuring out what meals to make ever feel like a drag? I get it, and I often feel that way too. Which is EXACTLY why I created a streamlined process to plan my family’s dinners each week, along with our breakfasts, lunches and snack options too! The best part? It takes me less than 30 minutes. (Woah!) In this episode, I’m bringing you along fo…
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Today I’ve got not one, but TWO special guests and we’re going to be talking about what your attachment style has to do with your eating. I think you’re going to find this to be really fascinating and it’s going ot help you think differently about how you relate to food, how you relate to others, and how you relate to yourself. We also talk about h…
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In this episode I am going to share exactly what I’d say to a client if they aren’t making progress. There's so much to unpack here because making peace with food is HARD, no doubt about it, and if you are feeling stuck, it’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up. But I’m not going to let that happen for you. I will be sharing the 4 things th…
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In today’s episode, you’re going to learn 4 pieces of advice that will help you navigate your next trip or vacation when it comes to eating before, during and after traveling. We are also going to talk about how to deal with body image, your fear of being in photos, and those nagging thoughts about “needing” to lose weight before a vacation. I’m go…
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If you have said peace out to dieting, but you’re still stressed and anxious about your weight, then you’re in the right place. In this episode, I’m covering what to do if you are worried about gaining weight, and you’re worried about your health…because we both know that dieting isn’t the answer. We’ll also be talking about the reasons you might b…
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You know you need protein, but how much? And does it live up to the hype, or is the current protein trend just another diet culture obsession? I’m breaking it all down for you in this episode. You’ll hear: How diet culture has co-opted protein as the current weight loss trend What protein is, why your body needs it, and how it’s digested (so you ca…
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Today on the show I am joined by Serena Marie, a fellow non-diet dietitian, AND she’s also a sports dietitian, so she has this really cool perspective on how we can combine the world of exercise with food freedom and intuitive eating and it’s SO REFRESHING! You’re going to hear us talk about how common it is for people who are active to under fuel …
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In this action-packed episode I’m breaking down the quick and easy 5-minute morning journaling exercise that you can do that is going to help you feel more accepting of your body and improve your sense of “enoughness.” We’ve been taught in SO MANY ways that our worth is dependent on the size and appearance of our bodies. How many times have you sta…
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This episode is a BONUS Part 2 for my previous episode about ozempic, semaglutide and whether these GLP-1 drugs can coexist with intuitive eating. And boy, oh boy was that a juicy episode. A lot of people were shocked by what I had to say. The discussion that happened inside my Facebook group following this episode was on fire, and so many great po…
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You’ve probably heard all the hype about semaglutide medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound. They’re all the rage right now for weight loss, and diet culture has certainly jumped on the bandwagon. But if we set diet culture aside, can these medications be useful for someone who is trying to eat intuitively? Is it even possible to d…
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Did you know that the frustration you feel about your eating and your weight is probably related to GRIEF? You might be scratching your head, but after you listen to this episode you’re going to be nodding your head in total agreement. There’s a lot to grieve when it comes to letting go of dieting - the time you lost to futile efforts that didn’t r…
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When you first heard the term “intuitive eating,” what came to mind? Maybe you thought just eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full. Or perhaps you assumed it meant you should simply eat whatever you want, whenever you want. These are two common misconceptions of what intuitive eating actually is, and one of them is leading to a maj…
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QUESTION: Are you worried that intuitive eating won’t work for you? Do you fear that you’re doomed to a life of struggling with food and your weight? It doesn’t have to be that way, I promise. In this episode I’m sharing stories of other people who had these fears and how they worked through them, the steps they took to make peace with food (withou…
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So you understand the basics of intuitive eating…now what? What happens next? That’s the question I’m answering in this episode. Once you understand how the 10 principles of intuitive eating work, you’re not done with healing your relationship with food. In fact, I’d argue that you’re only just beginning. You can think of the 10 principles as the b…
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If you’re confused by where nutrition fits in with intuitive eating, you’re not alone. In this episode I’m spelling out what “gentle nutrition” is and how it’s different from what we’re taught “healthy eating” looks like via diet culture. I’ll be giving you practical strategies you can implement right away to honor your health with nutrition, as we…
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There’s something we need to shift if we want to be more confident. (And, no, it’s not our macros or our workout routine). We must look at confidence differently. We must stop equating confidence with a “look,” or with a number on the scale. Instead, we can approach confidence with gentleness, compassion and embracing our true selves. Does that mea…
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What scares you the most about letting go of dieting? What are you afraid will happen if you aren’t trying to “be good” or “eat healthy?” When we can notice our fears and name them, it allows us to get curious about them and to work through them - rather than letting our fears control us and keep us stuck. I would be willing to bet money on the fac…
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Do you ever feel like you’re confused or stuck with how to let go of dieting and listen to your body instead? You’re not alone! In fact, there are several roadblocks that make it harder to connect with your hunger signals - and today I’m going to break them down for you. These are things that I’ve seen over and over again as a dietitian and a coach…
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Want to hear me spill the tea on how I navigate intuitive eating myself? In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain to share what it’s like to juggle intuitive eating personally AND for my kids and family as a working mom. I’ll also be sharing some challenges that happened in 2023 that forced me to approach intuitive eating differently than I ha…
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Want to dig into intuitive eating, but not sure where to start? Or perhaps you have been trying it for a while and now you’re ready to get serious about doing it the right way with the tools and strategies that I use with my clients? This episode is perfect for you! We’re going to be digging into the top 3 tools that are ESSENTIAL when you’re tryin…
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The New Year is upon us and you know what that means….New Year’s resolutions, along with the constant pressure to “eat healthy” and start a wellness or fitness routine. There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to improve your health or take care of your body. But the way that our culture tells us to do that in the New Year is a recipe for disas…
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The holidays are such a busy time, and fitting in exercise might seem next to impossible. That’s why in this episode we’re going to look at some fun and creative ways to approach exercise during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (so that it doesn’t feel like just another chore on your endless to-do list). I’ll also be sharing one of the *…
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In this episode I’m going to give you some tips, strategies and tools specifically for dealing with body image during the holiday season. Because let’s face it, being around people you haven’t seen in a while can be really challenging. It’s hard to feel comfortable in your own skin when you’re worried about what other people are thinking about you,…
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Have you ever been in a situation where someone comments on what you’re eating? Or perhaps they make a comment about your body or your weight? These comments can be so frustrating and triggering, and it’s hard to know how to respond. The holidays are a prime time for these types of food and weight comments to happen because we’re around a lot of pe…
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In this episode we delve into the intricate and often tangled relationship between eating healthy and the potential pitfalls that can lead to disordered eating. With the best intentions, many of us embark on a journey to better our health through dietary changes, only to find ourselves trapped in a web of restrictive habits and emotional turmoil ar…
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Do you ever feel like you have to earn your food through exercise? Or burn off the calories you eat by working out? You’re not alone, and this mindset can be especially stressful during the holidays. In this episode, I’m going to be breaking down why the “earn and burn” mentality does more harm than good, and how you can think differently about exe…
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With the holiday season in full swing, it's an ideal time to practice gratitude. In this special Thanksgiving episode we’re going to explore the numerous reasons to be thankful for yourself this holiday season that transcend physical appearance. From acknowledging your resilience, self-compassion, and the accomplishments that make you unique, to ce…
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It’s that time of year when food becomes a major focus, so join me in this episode as I unpack 7 strategies to help you navigate the holiday food festivities! I’ll be sharing mindset strategies to help you focus on the things that are actually helpful, tips for listening to your body and eating intuitively, as well as a big tip for what NOT to do (…
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Today we are going to be talking about body image. It’s almost impossible to work on our relationship with food without also working on body image - because the way we feel about our bodies has such a major impact on how we approach our eating. You see, the way we feel about our bodies deeply impacts how we think and feel about food, and therefore …
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Get ready to party because we're celebrating the big 100! In this special episode, we're peeling back the curtain on my journey as an intuitive eating expert and the amazing transformation it's brought, as well as the lessons that YOU can take from it. From day one, I embarked on this wild podcasting adventure with one mission: to help you learn to…
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This is the most deeply personal episode I’ve ever created. And it just might save your life (I’m not exaggerating, and you’re going to hear why I know this is true). Getting your pap smear and breast exam is an incredibly vulnerable experience, especially if you are struggling with weight, body image or have a history of trauma. Going to the docto…
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Today on the show I have a special guest named Heather Lasco, a fellow registered dietitian, and we are talking about so many things related to our relationship with food and our bodies. Heather is such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom and I know you’re going to learn a ton from her. You’ll hear us talk about: 1. The overlap between dieting, disord…
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If you’re struggling with food, here’s an uncomfortable truth: It’s not about the food. What do I mean by that? I mean that food struggles are typically caused by a combination of biological factors (e.g. dieting, deprivation, restriction), and also unmet needs and unfelt emotions outside of food. That’s what we’re diving into in this episode. We’r…
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Let me ask you this: If you could go back and give your past self a piece of advice about your eating or about how you felt about your body, what would it be? For me, it would be to not be so hard on myself about my eating and my body, and to not encourage others to diet in the name of “health” - because it turns out that actually backfires. (And n…
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What goes through your mind when you see a picture of yourself? Do you think, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that’s how I look! How horrifying!” If so, this episode is for you. This is a really common struggle, and I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all seen photos of ourselves that we don’t like, but for some of us this can be such a huge trigger f…
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If you ever feel guilty for eating certain foods, this episode is for you. It’s so frustrating to go back and forth between not letting yourself have foods you like, and then giving in and letting yourself eat it, only to feel guilty afterwards. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? It doesn’t. And in this episode I’m going to walk you through…
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Finding freedom with food isn’t about eating donuts and pizza all day. It’s about living LIFE more fully and stepping away from the constant thoughts and obsession about food, calories, weight loss, and all the things that dieting makes us stressed about. In this episode I’m sharing 4 deeper and unexpected ways that food freedom and intuitive eatin…
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Do you ever feel confused about how to eat healthy while healing your relationship with food? It’s totally understandable, because we’ve gotten so many mixed messages about what “healthy eating” looks like (and the things we’re taught are often unsustainable). So how do you balance food freedom with healthy eating? That’s exactly what we are coveri…
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Do you ever find yourself snacking endlessly at night? Trust me, you’re not alone! In this episode we’re going to be talking about why the evening is such a common time that we struggle with food, and what you can do to slow down and be more mindful so that you can eat in a way that supports what your body truly needs. I’ll be breaking down the top…
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How do you go from feeling constantly stressed out and obsessed with food, healthy eating, and weight loss to having total peace and ease with food? It doesn’t happen by accident. In fact, it’s usually a very intentional process, and it takes time…Which makes sense given that we’ve been immersed in diet culture our entire lives. In this episode I’m…
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Today I’m going to be sharing my 3-step framework for body-led eating and we’re going to use it to dismantle and help you unlearn some of those old food rules that are swirling around in your brain. The cool thing is that our bodies have built-in mechanisms for telling us WHEN to eat, WHAT types of nourishment we need, and HOW MUCH food we need. Wh…
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Have you ever felt curious (or concerned) about your relationship with alcohol? If you’re wondering how you can navigate and enjoy happy hour with a healthy perspective, without compromising on your wellbeing, then this is the episode for you. I sat down with therapist and substance use expert, Lauren Eisleben, to talk about myths and misconception…
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Let's get real for a sec. We all know how challenging it can be when the world bombards us with mixed messages about food and diets. So how on earth are we supposed to make sense of our own relationship with food - let alone teach our kids to be normalized eaters so they don’t end up with terrible body image and a lifelong battle with food? Take a …
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Vacation can be a really stressful situation if you struggle with food and body image, and it doesn’t have to be. Today I’m going to break down some powerful strategies and mindset shifts that will help you go on vacation feeling confident that you can trust yourself with food when you travel. We’re also going to talk about body image and how to na…
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Do you ever compare your eating (or your body) to other people? You know what they say: Comparison is the thief of joy. And it’s true, especially when it comes to our eating and body image. If you’re trying to make peace with food, the last thing you need is to start second guessing yourself because you’re hung up on how your friend, partner or cow…
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In this episode, we're challenging the traditional notion of exercise as a chore. Instead, I invite you to join me and my guest Andrea Troughton on a journey of finding pleasure and empowerment every step, jump, and dance move. It's time to shift our focus from external expectations to internal joy. Together, we talk about strategies for infusing j…
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Hey there, Katy here, and welcome back to Rebuilding Trust With Your Body, the podcast where we talk about learning to reconnect with your body, to listen to it, and to trust it. Because when we trust our bodies, we trust ourselves at a deeper level as human beings, and that’s a powerful thing. Today we’re going to be talking about menopause. Menop…
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