A provider of FREE language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch and Greek. Get our app for android! Enjoy all the audio lessons released so far in all the languages with the Talk Parrot app http://goo.gl/Vvaewc Get all the Italian lessons with the Real life Italian app http://goo.gl/0TmfkF or choose all the Hebrew lesson with the ...
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Rondini, in dieci anni l'Europa ne ha perse il 40%------TalkParrot.com is a provider of free language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------What’s new?http://go…
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German for everybody - Lufthansa: Piloten Wollen Streiken
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10:02Learn German by listening to short audio lessons. ------TalkParrot.com is a provider of free language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------What’s new?http://go…
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Der letzte lebende Verwandte von Anne Frank ist tot------TalkParrot.com is a provider of free language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------What’s new?http://g…
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WUPPERTAL – Salafisten auf der einen Seite - Rechtsextreme, Hooligans und Pegida auf der anderen. Ein brisanter Demo-Mix hält an diesem Samstag in Wuppertal die Polizei in Atem. Die Einsatzkräfte rechnen mit rund 400 Salafisten und etwa 2000 Pegida-Anhängern.Von Talk Parrot
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Real life Italian - Lo Schignon
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13:44Today we read an interesting article about a hairdo that is called lo schignon. Listen to get some of the great vocabulary this lesson offers. ------TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Span…
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Albanian with Jonis------TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn a language with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. ------Find more free lessons http://goo.gl/3m9rz7Get our mobile app for android!http://goo.gl/ruOW5CContacthttp://goo.gl/EYSbaZHelphttp://goo.gl/OdgYGL------Talk Parrot is funded by its listeners. Please…
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Real life Italian - Ep. 517, Ligabue
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16:25Oggi con Ligabue! Ascoltate!------TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------What’s new?http://goo.gl/iPLQHeFree lessonshttp…
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Today it's all about Zucchero!------Version 1TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------Find free lessons in one of 14 langu…
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TalkParrot.com is a provider of FREE language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------Find free lessons in one of 14 languageshttp://goo.gl/3m9rz7Enjoy vocabulary…
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Real Life Italian - Ep. 515, Modà
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11:55Episode 515 - ModàVero o falso - True or falseall’ inizio, il cantante Kekko Silvestre decide di formare un gruppo con i musicisti Tino Alberti ed Enrico Palmosi e Paolo Bovi, Sotto il nome di "Pop Doc".Anche se milanese di nascita, Francesco Silvestre è di origini meridionali: suo padre è napoletano, mentre la madre è calabrese. Proprio per le ori…
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Hebrew Steps - Lesson 214, The Question Words
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11:33Lesson 214, Question wordsEnglishPronunciationעברית HebrewWhat ma, mahu, mahemמה, מהו, מהםWhylama, maduaלמה, מדועWhereeifo, eichanאיפה, היכןWhere tole'anלאןWhenmataiמתיHow many, How muchkamaכמהHow oftenkol kama zmanכל כמה זמןWhomi, mihu, mihemמי, מיהי, מיהםWhicheize, eizoאיזה, איזו------TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn…
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Hebrew Steps - The Alphabet (Part 2)
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10:48The letters (Cont'd)כל האנשים, כרית, מכונית, רך, רכה, מוכרחכ / ךלא, לב, מלא, מלוח, מלוכלך, לח, גל, גלגללמתוק, מים, משאית, ממול, ממומן, שמיים, גםמ / םנביא, נר, נגר, מנורה, כונן, ניגן, מנגינהנ / ןסל, סגור, סגול, סיוון, סיוט, סך הכולסעור, על, עמוד, מעולה, קטע, מעליתעפרה, פתוח, פתק, פלסטיק, מפלצת, שרוף, שרפרףפ / ףצדיק, צר, פרצוף, מוצץ, צריךצ / ץקר, קרו…
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Hebrew Steps - The Hebrew Alphabet (part 1)
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13:04There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and in this lesson we get to know half of them. Ready?The Letters:ארון, ארץ, אמריקה, איפה?אבית, בקבוקבגג, גדול, גברגדלת, דוור, דבר, דושדהוא הלך, היא הלכה, הם הלכוהירוק, ורד, אני ואתה, החול והיםוזר, זוית, זוג, זנב, להזדרזזחלום, חי, חיה, חג, חץ, תפוחחטיפה, טרי, טוב, אסתטיטים, יושב, מים, אי, ידייםי------Talk…
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Hebrew Steps - Family Members
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10:21Family membersזה אבא שלי. הוא מרצה לפילוסופיה. אמא שלי עובדת במשרד עורכי דין.סבא וסבתא שלי עלו לארץ בשנת 1925. הם הולידו שלושה ילדים. לאח של אבא שלי, כלומר לדוד שלי יש חיבה לנסיעות ארוכות לחו"ל.דודה שלי נוסעת איתו תמיד. באחת הנסיעות לחו"ל, נולד להם נכד והם שמעו על כך בטלפון.דוד ודודה שלי הפכו לבעל ואישה בשנת 1965.לאשתי קוראים סיון. סיון זה במקרה גם…
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Albanian with Joni - Ep. 202, Saying I Want
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12:17Welcome to Albanian with Joni------TalkParrot.com is a provider of language learning audio. Learn a language with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. ------Find more free lessons http://goo.gl/3m9rz7Get our mobile app for android!http://goo.gl/ruOW5CContacthttp://goo.gl/EYSbaZHelphttp://goo.gl/OdgYGL------Talk Parrot is funded by its listene…
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Lesson 206 - At the supermarketTextEnglishPronunciationGreekExcuse me, where is the supermarket?Me sighorite pou ine to supermarket/iperagora?Με συγχωρείτε, πού είναι το σούπερμάρκετ / υπεραγορά;I need to buy a lot!Hriazomai na agoraso pola pragmataΧρειάζομαι να αγοράσω πολλά πράγματα!Where are the dairy products?Pou ine ta galaktomokika?Πού είναι …
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Real Life Italian - Ep. 251, Il Concerto
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12:23Episode 251 - il concerto, the concertDialogueEnglishItalianFrancesca, do you want to go with me to a concert?Francesca, vuoi venire con me a un concerto?What kind of a concert?quale tipo di concerto?A rock concert, of course. I don’t go to operas!un concerto rock, ovvio. Non vado all’opera!Who’s the guy?chi è il tipo?It’s a girl! Emma Marrone!é un…
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TalkParrot.com is a provider of FREE language learning audio. Learn one of 14 languages with us wherever you are, at home or on the go. Learn Italian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Turkish, English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili and Greek. ------Find free lessons in one of 14 languageshttp://goo.gl/3m9rz7Enjoy vocabulary…
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