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Astares 2 is coming, ish, possibly, in a while. The astares 2 teaser has dropped and it's, firstly, amazing and, secondly, a bit weird. We discuss what the plot might be, if any of these shots will be in the finished product, and much more, We also cover our month of painting, a smidge of necromunda, and which Age of Sigmar we might start.Join our …
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Geoff & Pat chat through their favorite releases from LVO, a whole swathe of new shows on Warhammer+, favorite tv to paint to, and the best warhammer release of recent memory!Join our Patreon: Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK: https://www.gamescapesf.stor…
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A very happy new year from the Painting Phase, With our first chat back (filmed pre LVO) we chat our new year hobby resolutions, kill team, the winners of best warhammer minis, LVO predictions, why have we got two Fulgrims? and more.Watch episodes early on our Patreon!Join our Patreon: Support the channel wi…
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While Ross is away at a 3D printing convention in Germany Geoff & Pat catch up on some Gundam kits, 40k animations, some black library, and if we think you'll be able to get the christmas boxes for Christmas! Join our Patreon: Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK:…
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This week the lads chat Kill Team, Geoff's first airbrush experience, special rules for inquisitors, trench crusade, and a bunch more! Join our Patreon: Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK: CODE: thepaintingphaseEUROPE: https:/…
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New Kill Team is here and the starter set is... Cheap?! Can't quite believe it. Pat & Geoff also chat through the influencer reaction to their placing at Golden Demon and our take on if the negative commentary will affect the competition in the future. GW are also opening a new paint factory?Join our Patreon:…
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Geoff & Ross have made it back from Golden Demon in Germany and had an ace time. We chat through the winners, the process, and what it was like being there whilst it all went down!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK: https://elem…
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The guys chat about what they've been hobbying with the past few weeks be it lego themed Votann, 100 Orks, black library novels and much more.Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK: https:/…
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Space marine 2 is here, it's very exciting. We're also intrigued with what's going to happen to to our kill teams when they get taken out of competitive rotation. Will they stop be produced? Will they get taken out of 40k? who knows?!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support…
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After a disruptive summer Pat & Geoff sit down and talk over the summer releases from games workshop along with some awesome new offerings from Modiphius. Mass Effect the board game looks awesome and actually reasonably priced?!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support the c…
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With an array of smaller versions of 40k, kill team, boarding actions, combat patrol, is 40K getting smaller? And what's the path for getting into it? As we discover it's a bit confusing. We also filmed this chat an hour or so before the inquisitorial agents codex got announced, lol timing.Join our Patreon:…
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We've all got our favorites, but is there one brand that does it better than everyone else? If it's coverage, vibrancy, air paints, matching sprays and paints? What makes you think one is better than the other?We waffled for a while so didn't cover some brands, if this does ok we'll do a part 2!Join our Patreon:…
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This week we have a catch up and chat Warhammer video games, our painting plans, and plenty more!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK: & EU: ht…
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Some miniature painting techniques and products yield such great results they almost feel like cheating. We chat through some of our favourites and rank them in order of how "cheatey" they feel. Do you have a favourite painting hack that feels a bit naughty when you do it? Let us know!Join our Patreon: htt…
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEWhich decade of Space Marines was the best? We take a decade each and fight for the ultimate prize of best decade of space marines! #warhammer40k Join our Patreon: https://…
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We went to the UK games expo, and had a lovely old time. We chat through our experiences there and the elephant not in the room, warhammer! We missed them, thoughts on why they might not have attended this time?Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming:…
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This week we talk to the loveliest, and currently most controversial man in Warhammer, two time slayer sword winner, Neil Hollis! We talk through Neil's amazing painting career and get the the scoop on his golden winning entry that made us of an AI generated backdrop.Whilst this topic is certainly a contentious one we hope it offers a civil insight…
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEWe've had a swathe of new releases of late in the world of Warhammer so we chat through them and offer our thoughts, Skaventide, necromunda, 40k, Horus Heresy, the lot. There has also been a price rise announced, ag…
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This week we chat to the Legend Tommie Soule. Tommie has paint insane armies, won a golden demon, and teaches miniature painting. We pick his brain and break down how he thinks you can improve your painting.Follow Tommie: can find "the art of Tommie Soule" here:…
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Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK & EU: UK: https://taschengelddieb.…
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEWe chat to Golden Demon vet James Taro about how he got his start in miniature painting and how he did so well at this years Golden Demon! How do you win multiple Golden Demons at one event? How do you get inspired …
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEWarhammer 40K is entering mainstream pop culture, from scented candles, stamps, plushies, to appearances in Call of Duty and PowerWash SImulator. What will it take for 40K to tip over the edge and fully enter the ma…
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEAdepticon & Golden Demon are all done and dusted, Geoff & Ross got to be there! We chat about the con, the Golden Demon entries and potential controversies, bird watching, and paint.Go give Ross a follow @FauxHammer…
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Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code THEPAINTINGPHASEMiniature paint brands are popping up all over, Games Workshop, AK interactive, Vallejo, The Army Painter. Are you brand loyal or do you swap around a bit? Who sells the most, who's falling behind, but most importan…
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This week we chat to the full-time Fenrision Fabricator, Valbjorn! Jason was over in the UK teaching his first sculpting class so we invited him over to pick his brains and talk about sculpting space marines for Warhammer 40k, amongst many other things.NOVA Tickets: Valbjorn:http…
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Which tickles your pickle, transfers or sculpted detail for your miniatures? We tackle the question and waffle on a bit about Golden Demon and airbrushes.Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the channel with our affili…
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Last week Pat & Geoff went to visit the Las Vegas Open. Whilst no gaming took place for us we had an awesome time visiting our first tournament and chatting to an amazing hobby community, are our views and thoughts on competitive Warhammer changed?! Thanks to @ArtisOpus @FauxHammer and ED! for taking us along.The "erm, like, yeah" meter is off the …
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We chat to 40K gaming hero Liam Dempsey! We talk playing 40K, getting rid of re-rolls? and loads more. Make sure you give Liam a follow here: @LiamDempsey40k Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the channel with our af…
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It's a new year, plenty of exciting hobby to look forward to, but what element of the hobby would you want to firmly stay in 2023 or throw in the sea! We asked our wonderful patrons this very question and Pat & Geoff discuss them. Will we throw your least favorite part of the warhammer in the sea? Let's find out!Join our Patreon:…
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2023 has come to a close, the gang review their favorites (and sometimes least favorites) from the past year. Favorite miniature, favorite video, favorite gaming moment, we go through it all! Here's to a wonderful 2024!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: https://www.twit…
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We chat to the lovely Jordan Sorcery and discuss, amongst other things, his passion of the History of Games Workshop and the Old World!Jordan's minis from Peach: our Patreon:…
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Jordan Sorcery has made us a quiz! Who knows the most Warhammer lore and will be crowned the loremaster of the Painting Phase for 2023? Thanks so much to Jordan for making the quiz for us, make sure to give him a follow.Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: https://www.twi…
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This week we chat to the lovely Arbitor Ian! We talk our favorite black library novels, pieces of lore from the Warhammer universes, and answer questions from our Patrons. Thanks so much for Ian for paying us a visit, make sure you pay his channel a visit and subscribe.FOLLOW IAN: @ArbitorIan Join our Patreon:…
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Get battle ready miniatures straight onto the tabletop, get 10% ordering direct: week we talk space marines, tiny space marines, Legion Imperialis to be exact. Is 30K the best setting for Games Workshop's new epic style game? Let us know what you think! Later on in the show we also trade opinions on the new r…
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After the roaring success last time ex hobby product designer Tom Hibberd returns to talk about one of the most controversial decisions games Workshop have ever made, finecast. Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the …
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So last week Games Workshop released their all new website, the good news is that everyone loved it, story over! Not quite, we chat about the internets reaction to the new Warhammer website and then get side-tracked into Weta statues, 6th scale figures, and a bunch more. Join our Patreon: https://thepainti…
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This week we chat to Lloyd, or as some of you might know him, The Painting Coach! We talk favorite paints, how much to thin them, what is coaching, are oil paints worth it? and loads more.Subscribe: @ThePaintingCoach insta: our Patreon: https://thepaintingpha…
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Get yourselves some fun wargaming t-shirts and stickers from week we talk to the man behind so many amazing tabletop game systems including Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, Terminator Genisys, and Labyrinth. Alessio even got a staring roll in Return of the king!Join our Patreon:…
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This week we talk to two titans of the industry John Stallard and Robin Dews, both have 20+ years of service to Games Workshop, John now owns Warlord Games, and both are co authors of the fascinating book "talking miniatures". We talk stories from the book and much more. our Patreon:…
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Use Code: Phase20 to get 20% off only-games orderswww.only-games.coThis week we talk to Rhys, the community manager at My Mini Factory. We discuss the rise of 3D printing, how GW might be able to use it, copyright and ethics, plus loads more!www.myminifactory.comJoin our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.c…
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This week we chat to one of the only sculptors who hasn't worked at Games Workshop, Ian from Fenris Games. Ian's sculpting and modeling story is incredible, he's worked on movies, made 1:1 model trains, and now runs Fenris Games making loads of miniatures and scenery for the tabletop. of Duckness:…
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This week we chat to John Ashton! John runs his blog and podcast but was also a commissioning editor at Games Workshop, he'd organise influencers, artwork, webcomics, and loads more. Enjoy!Follow John:Podcast: our Patreon: https://patreon.…
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In this episode we chat flying bases, tactical rocks, is there such a thing as too many tactical rocks, and some of the mini announcements from Nova. Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the channel with our affiliate …
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This week we chat to Louise, you all know who she is I'm sure! Ex Games Workshop Masterclass Painter, illustrator, and now forging her own path on Youtube with Rogue Hobbies! @roguehobbies our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: https…
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This week we chat to @Kirioth about his crazy nightmare inducing kitbashes, his favorite tanks and dreadnoughts, and becoming the vehicle expert on Adeptus Ridiculous. Enjoy!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comStreaming: Help Support the cha…
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This week we chat to Youtube powerhouse, Broadsword Wargaming! Olly got to hang out with us chatting about Warhammer, his youtube channel, running a hobby shop, and just how many jobs this guy has! We had a great laugh and hope you enjoy! @BroadswordWargaming our…
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Chatting to Eric! This week we chat to the Youtube legend Eric, from Eric's Hobby Workshop. How did he get started in the hobby, why is he in the UK? Find out the answers to these questions are more! our Patreon:…
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In this episode the gang is back together, we catch up with with Geoff playing 10th edition, the Night Lords influence Pat's day to day, and Peachy chats about his recent tournament experiences!Join our Patreon: https://thepaintingphase.creator-spring.comHelp Support the channel with our affiliate links:UK…
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We chat to Byron from Artis Opus and Element Games. Byron is a dry-brushing machine and we chat to him about the tricks and techniques he uses to get incredible results. We also get his thoughts on homemade texture pallets and why they might be a bit rubbish! our Patreon: https://pat…
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Check out Trish's new range "HarrowHyrst" on Footsore Miniatures: this Week's episode of Sidetracked we chat to Games Workshop Veteran sculptor Trish Carden, if you've bought a monster, beast, or demon in the past 30 years Trish has probably sculpted it! We chat through her career and exper…
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