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Samuji Talks: Jonas Aaltio, CMO of EntoCube. Hosted by Ville Blåfield. Recorded at Samuji House Helsinki November 22nd 2017. In Finnish.Samuji Talks: Hyönteisruokayritys EntoCuben markkinointipäällikkö Jonas Aaltio. Haastattelijana Ville Blåfield. Nauhoitettu Samuji Housella Helsingissä 22.11.2017. Suomeksi.…
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Stella Bugbee is the president and editor-in-chief of The Cut, the New York Magazine’s women's brand. Bugbee has expanded the content to cover politics, equality, and careers. In Samuji Talks Bugbee talks about women leaders, sexual harassment in fashion world, and why did she wrote an angry letter to The Vogue at age of 12. Hosted by Pauliina Sini…
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