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asset title: ver1_ex1: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_ex1.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 1/303 time: 0:17 size: 208 KB bitrate: 96 kbps parler  'to speak' je parle nous parlons tu parles vous parlez il/elle/on parle ils/elles parlent past participle: parléVon First Year French @UT Austin
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asset title: ver1_ex2: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_ex2.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 2/303 time: 0:14 size: 164 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex, il parle français? Mais c'est un tatou. Tex speaks French? But he's an armadillo. Tex: Bien sûr jeparle français etTammy, elle aussi, elle parle français. Tex: Of course, I speak French…
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asset title: ver1_ex3: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_ex3.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 3/303 time: 0:30 size: 359 KB bitrate: 96 kbps adorer, to adore habiter, to live aimer, to like jouer, to play aimermieux, to prefer montrer, to show chanter, to sing présenter, tointroduce chercher,to look for regarder, to watch danser, to…
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asset title: ver1_ex4: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_ex4.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 4/303 time: 0:07 size: 84 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex: J'adore la musique rap et j'écoute souvent de la musique dans les clubs. I love rap music and I often listen to music in clubs. Je chante et je danse aussi. I sing and I dance, too.…
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asset title: ver1_ex5: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_ex5.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 5/303 time: 0:09 size: 108 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex et Tammy, ils écoutent de la musique cadienne avec Paw-Paw! Tex and Tammy, they listen to Cajun music with Paw-Paw! Tammy: Nous adorons danser. Tammy: We love to dance. Tex: Oui, oui, c'est…
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asset title: ver1_lc1: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc1.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 6/303 time: 0:02 size: 30 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronoun…
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asset title: ver1_lc10: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc10.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 7/303 time: 0:02 size: 29 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject prono…
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asset title: tac1_ex1: conditional filename: tac1_ex1.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 1/168 time: 0:13 size: 156 KB bitrate: 96 kbps jouer  'to play' je jouerais, I would play nous jouerions, we would play tu jouerais, you would play vous joueriez, you would play il, elle / on jouerait, he, she (it) /would play ils / el…
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asset title: ver1_lc11: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc11.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 8/303 time: 0:03 size: 42 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject prono…
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asset title: tac1_ex2: conditional filename: tac1_ex2.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 2/168 time: 0:28 size: 338 KB bitrate: 96 kbps regarder  'to look at' future conditional je regarderai je regarderais tu regarderas tu regarderais il / elle regardera il / elle regarderait nous regarderons nous regarderions vous regar…
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asset title: ver1_lc12: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc12.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 9/303 time: 0:02 size: 25 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject prono…
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asset title: tac1_ex3: conditional filename: tac1_ex3.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 3/168 time: 0:45 size: 537 KB bitrate: 96 kbps infinitive stem conditional translation aller ir- j'irais I would go avoir aur- j'aurais I would run courir courr- je courrais I would run devoir devr- je devrais I would be obliged to envoye…
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asset title: ver1_lc2: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc2.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 10/303 time: 0:02 size: 30 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: pro10_ex1: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex1.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 1/70 time: 0:08 size: 98 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tammy: Quelque chose d'extraordinaire est arrivé aujourd'hui. J'ai rencontré quelqu'un de légendaire. Tammy: Something exceptional happened today. I met somebody legendary.…
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asset title: tac1_ex4: conditional filename: tac1_ex4.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 4/168 time: 0:12 size: 144 KB bitrate: 96 kbps infinitive stem conditional translation préférer préférer- je préférerais I would prefer espérer espérer- j'espérerais I would hope manger manger- je mangerais I would eat commencer …
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asset title: ver1_lc3: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc3.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 11/303 time: 0:02 size: 29 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: pro10_ex10: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex10.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 2/70 time: 0:05 size: 61 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tammy: Quiconque nous écoute en ce moment doit te trouver ridicule! Tammy: Whoever is listening to us right now must think you are ridiculous!Von First Year French @UT Austin
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asset title: tac1_ex5: conditional filename: tac1_ex5.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 5/168 time: 0:10 size: 120 KB bitrate: 96 kbps present tense stem conditional translation j'appelle appeller- j'appellerais I would call j'emploie emploier- j'emploierais I would use j'achète achèter- j'achèterais I would buy…
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asset title: pre1a_ex1: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex1.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 1/29 time: 1:10 size: 844 KB bitrate: 96 kbps a-b-c Tex parle à ses amis au café. Ils vont à Opelousas. Tex is talking to his friends at the café. They're going to Opelousas. Ils vont en Louisiane à cause de la fête. They're going to Louisiana…
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asset title: ver1_lc4: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc4.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 12/303 time: 0:03 size: 33 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: tac1_ex6: conditional filename: tac1_ex6.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 6/168 time: 0:28 size: 339 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Joe-Bob et Tammy se trouvent au restaurant où Edouard travaille comme serveur. Joe-Bob and Tammy are at the restaurant where Edouard works as a waiter. Edouard: Bonsoir Madame, Monsieur. Aim…
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asset title: pre1a_ex2: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex2.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 2/29 time: 0:56 size: 671 KB bitrate: 96 kbps d-e-f Tammy est dans la cuisine. Elle prépare le dîner pour Tex qui arrive dans une heure. Tammy's in the kitchen. She's cooking dinner for Tex who's coming in one hour. D'après Edouard, les Améri…
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asset title: ver1_lc5: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc5.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 13/303 time: 0:02 size: 29 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: neg2_ex1: basic negation: ne ... pas filename: neg2_ex1.mp3 chapter: Negation track number: 1/14 time: 0:15 size: 182 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex: Tu ne vas pas en cours aujourd'hui, Tammy? Tex: You're not going to class today Tammy? Tammy: Non. Je ne vais pas bien. Je ne peux pas manger et j'ai mal à la tête. Tammy: No. I am not well. I …
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asset title: pro10_ex2: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex2.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 4/70 time: 0:10 size: 124 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex: Qui as-tu rencontré? Tex: Who did you meet? Tammy: Personne que tu connais. Tammy: No one you know. Tex: C'est tout? Tu ne me dis rien d'autre? Tex: That's all? You aren't telling me anything else? …
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asset title: no2_ex2: number: singular, plural filename: no2_ex2.mp3 chapter: Nouns track number: 2/22 time: 0:20 size: 248 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex a un long nez. Les tatous ont toujours de longs nez. Tex has a long nose. Armadillos always have long noses. Joe-Bob est un écureuil. Les écureuils adorent les noix. Joe-Bob mange au moins une noix pa…
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asset title: tac1_ex7: conditional filename: tac1_ex7.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 7/168 time: 0:17 size: 204 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex et Joe-Bob regardent la télé. 'Le gros lot se monte à 30 millions de dollars. Que feriez-vous si vous gagniez?' Tex and Joe-Bob are watching television. 'The Lottery is at 30 million d…
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asset title: pre1a_ex3: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex3.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 3/29 time: 0:18 size: 222 KB bitrate: 96 kbps g-h-i-j-k-l Tex a découvert son grand-père grace à l'album de photos de Rita. Tex discovered his grandfather thanks to Rita's photo album. Paw-Paw habite hors de la ville d'Opelousas. Il est hors de…
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asset title: ver1_lc6: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc6.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 14/303 time: 0:03 size: 33 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: neg2_ex2: basic negation: ne ... pas filename: neg2_ex2.mp3 chapter: Negation track number: 2/14 time: 0:06 size: 79 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex n'a pas été très gentil. Tex was not very nice. Tammy ne va pas passer la soirée chez Edouard. Tammy is not going to spend the evening at Edouard's.…
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asset title: pro10_ex3: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex3.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 5/70 time: 0:13 size: 156 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex: Quoi? Tu as rencontré Ricky Williams? Quelques-uns de mes amis me disent que tu es amoureuse de lui ... Tex: What? You met Ricky Williams? Some of my friends tell me you are in love with him ... Tam…
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asset title: no2_ex3: number: singular, plural filename: no2_ex3.mp3 chapter: Nouns track number: 3/22 time: 0:09 size: 114 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Edouard est un animal distingué. Corey et Fiona ne sont pas des animaux, ce sont des insectes peu sociables! Edouard is a distinguished animal. Corey et Fiona are not animals. They are unsociable insects!…
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asset title: tac1_ex8: conditional filename: tac1_ex8.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 8/168 time: 0:36 size: 439 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tammy et Bette regardent la télé. Soudain, leur programme préféré est interrompu et un commentateur annonce: Tammy and Bette are watching television. Suddenly, their favorite program is …
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asset title: pre1a_ex4: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex4.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 4/29 time: 0:35 size: 427 KB bitrate: 96 kbps m-n-o-p Malgré la distance, Tex aime aller voir son grand-père. In spite of the distance, Tex likes to go see his grandfather. Tex va à Opelousas une fois par mois. Tex goes to Opelousas once a mont…
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asset title: ver1_lc7: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc7.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 15/303 time: 0:02 size: 30 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: pro10_ex4: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex4.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 6/70 time: 0:08 size: 101 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex: Tu es amoureuse de Ricky Williams?! Alors c'est chacun sa vie maintenant?! Tex: You're in love with Ricky Williams?! So it's everyone for himself now?! Tammy: Mais non, calme-toi! Tammy: Of course no…
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asset title: no2_ex4: number: singular, plural filename: no2_ex4.mp3 chapter: Nouns track number: 4/22 time: 0:10 size: 120 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Edouard n'a pas un seul cheveu. Bien sûr, c'est un escargot! Mais Tammy a les cheveux longs. C'est une tatou extraordinaire! Edouard does not have one single hair. Of course, he's a snail. But Tammy has lo…
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asset title: pre1a_ex5: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex5.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 5/29 time: 0:35 size: 426 KB bitrate: 96 kbps q-r-s-t-u-v Paw-Paw est content de voir Tex. Quant à Tex, il est heureux de pouvoir enfin parler français. Paw-Paw is happy to see Tex. As for Tex, he is happy to finally be able to speak French. San…
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asset title: ver1_lc8: -er verbs (regular) present tense filename: ver1_lc8.mp3 chapter: Verbs track number: 16/303 time: 0:03 size: 39 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tex (singular), Tex and Tammy (plural) -- or if it's impossible to tell. Hint: Pay close attention to liaison between subject pronou…
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asset title: con2_ex1: coordinating conjunctions filename: con2_ex1.mp3 chapter: Conjunctions track number: 1/4 time: 0:25 size: 305 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tex, puis Tammy, ont essayé de comprendre les goûts de Trey. Tex, then Tammy, tried to understand Trey's tastes. Ils trouvent que le rap est une musique intéressante mais fatigante. They think t…
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asset title: neg3_ex1: alternate forms (1) ne ... jamais, rien, personne, etc. filename: neg3_ex1.mp3 chapter: Negation track number: 4/14 time: 0:12 size: 145 KB bitrate: 96 kbps ne ... jamais never, not ever ne ... pas encore not yet ne ... rien nothing, not anything ne ... personne nobody, no one, not anybody ne ... plus no more, not any lo…
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asset title: pro10_ex5: indefinite pronouns filename: pro10_ex5.mp3 chapter: Pronouns track number: 7/70 time: 0:07 size: 86 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Tammy: J'ai rencontré beaucoup de footballeurs, mais aucun ne me fait cet effet. Tammy: I have met many football players, but none has this effect on me.Von First Year French @UT Austin
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asset title: no2_ex5: number: singular, plural filename: no2_ex5.mp3 chapter: Nouns track number: 5/22 time: 0:17 size: 211 KB bitrate: 96 kbps un bijou (jewel), des bijoux un caillou (stone, pebble), des cailloux un chou (cabbage), des choux un genou (knee), des genoux un hibou (owl), des hiboux un pou (louse), des poux…
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asset title: tac2_ex1: past conditional filename: tac2_ex1.mp3 chapter: Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Voice track number: 10/168 time: 0:14 size: 170 KB bitrate: 96 kbps dire  'to say' j'aurais dit, I would have said nous aurions dit, we would have said tu aurais dit, you would have said vous auriez dit, you would have said il / elle / on aurait dit…
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asset title: pre1a_ex6: common prepositions filename: pre1a_ex6.mp3 chapter: Prepositions track number: 6/29 time: 0:34 size: 410 KB bitrate: 96 kbps Bette et Tammy entrent dans un restaurant ensemble. Elles ont toutes les deux pris rendez-vous avec Tex sans le savoir! Elles regardent autour de la salle. En même temps, elles aperçoivent Tex assis…
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