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The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) is an independent, international and interdisciplinary research institute. It focuses on foundational and policy relevant academic research on Eastern Europe and shares the results with policy-makers, the media and the broader public. Das Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS) ist ein unabhängiges, internationales und interdisziplinäres Forschungsinstitut. Es konzentriert sich auf die mittelfristig angelegte gese ...
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Pathfinder Church | May 19, 2024 | Dion Garrett People read the Bible in all sorts of different ways, so how are we supposed to make sense of it? We do our best to let it guide the lives that we construct, but what if we’re emphasizing the wrong things? Is there a way to know we’re reading scripture the right way? Website | https://pathfinderstl.or…
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Pathfinder Church | June 9, 2024 | Doug Mauss The Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, contains hundreds of laws; shalls and shall nots. Are they just a part of history, or should we still be trying to keep them? What function do they serve today? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | htt…
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Pathfinder Church | May 26, 2024 | Doug Mauss Christians know that we will have to answer to God for our deeds, so we hold ourselves and others to the standards laid out in the Bible. But it seems like the bar is impossibly high. Do you ever wonder where you stand with God? Website | Online Giving | https://pathfinderstl.o…
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Pathfinder Church | May 12, 2024 | Doug Mauss Our earliest complaint as children, and our enduring value as adults, is that life should be fair. Everyone should get what they deserve. But is perfect fairness the highest good, is there something even better—something we all wish we had instead? Website | Online Giving | htt…
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Pathfinder Church | May 5, 2024 | AJ Mastic It’s really nice to have comfortable things! A nice house, a quality car, constant access to the internet and our phones. The messaging of our culture says that comfort should be our ultimate goal—but is there something even better? Website | Online Giving | https://pathfinderstl…
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Pathfinder Church | April 28, 2024 | Doug Mauss “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Our culture honors a good work ethic. It’s right to be diligent and work hard at what we do. And yet, this busy-ness becomes a taskmaster, demanding that we keep up the pace, in order to earn the good things in life. Website | http…
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Pathfinder Church | April 21, 2024 | Dion Garrett There are certain assets in life that obviously help smooth out our paths: money, power, resources, and talent. These are the powerful levers that help us feel secure in life. But the quest for security comes with costs, both for ourself and others. What is the better dream God would have us rely on…
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Pathfinder Church | April 14, 2024 | AJ Mastic It’s so good to be free. To be in control of your own life. To not have to do what anyone else tells you to do. And we often try to build a life that only depends on our own ability to be successful. But at what point does the “self-made” man need a little help? When does individualism begin to limit u…
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Pathfinder Church | April 7, 2024 | Doug Mauss Being “unique” is a tricky dance. On the one hand, many of us would love to have extraordinary lives. On the other hand, very few of us want to be considered weird. How do we find a balance between making our mark and sticking out from the crowd, but also fitting in with the people you care about? Webs…
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Mit Marina Balina, Karoline Thaidigsmann und Nina FrießSchon seit 1967 wird am 2. April der Internationale Kinderbuchtag gefeiert. Zum Geburtstag des dänischen Autors und großen Märchenerzählers Hans-Christian Andersen finden weltweit Lesungen, Ausstellungen und Mitmachaktionen für Kinder und Jugendliche statt. Doch nicht in allen Ländern hat die K…
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Pathfinder Church | March 31, 2024 | Dion Garrett What’s Better than Getting our Dreams? All of us have dreams for our lives, whether they be big or small. But dreams are tricky things. On the one hand, missing out on the life we’ve always wanted can lead to despair. On the other hand, as championship athletes can attest, succeeding at our dreams d…
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Pathfinder Church | March 24, 2024 | AJ Mastic When someone is suffering, it feels right to try to join them in their suffering, to somehow stand with them. But lately the offering of “thoughts and prayers” to someone in a hardship has come to be seen as an empty and patronizing sentiment. But should those two things be linked, “thoughts and prayer…
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Roundtable Osteuropa with Nina Frieß, Lela Rekhviashvili and Hannah GuhlmannWhile abstract sounding, research ethics in social sciences revolves around real and tangible concerns and consequences. Do research interests and the protection of research partners conflict? Nina Frieß and Lela Rekhviashvili weigh in on the topic and share experiences fro…
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Pathfinder Church | March 17, 2024 | Doug Mauss We all want guidance. We need it! Life is too confusing to navigate on our own. Some people have tried to find guidance looking to the stars and other heavenly bodies. Others have tried to interpret the meaning of various “signs from the universe.” But even if those entities were offering guidance, ho…
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With Inna Pidluska, Clare Lockhart and Julia Langbein Ukraine is faced with a substantial and complex challenge: advancing both reconstruction efforts and the EU accession process, all while defending the country against Russian forces. In this episode, we explore how the processes of rebuilding Ukraine and EU accession are connected. Many aspects …
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Pathfinder Church | March 10, 2024 | Dion Garrett There are numerous documented benefits to mindfulness practices and if the alternative is “mindlessness” then who can argue with the benefits? But what if quieting a runaway mind is not enough to give you lasting inner peace? Website | Online Giving | https://pathfinderstl.…
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February 28, 2024 Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | Instagram | St. John School | Contact Us |…
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Pathfinder Church | March 3, 2024 | AJ Mastic What do you do when you want something, really want something? Do you set goals? Create a vision board? Write a letter to the universe? Manifesting is a practice that lies somewhere between spirituality and pseudo-science but even if it works, is it a good idea to get everything you want? Website | http…
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Mit Alhierd Bacharevič, Nina Weller und Nina FrießZum Erscheinen der deutschen Übersetzung seines Buches „Europas Hunde“ ist der belarusische Autor Alhierd Bacharevič zu Gast im Roundtable Osteuropa. Im Zuge der anhaltenden Repressionen, mit denen das Lukaschenka-Regime seit den Protesten gegen die gefälschten Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020 das Land ü…
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February 21, 2024 Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | Instagram | St. John School | Contact Us |…
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Pathfinder Church | February 25, 2024 | Dion Garrett God’s values are so expansive that no individual person could pursue all of them, let alone hold them all in tension. Left to ourselves, we’ll prioritize the biblical values that come most easily to us, or are most attuned to our own lives and histories. How do we avoid making godly morality some…
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Pathfinder Church | February 18, 2024 | Doug Mauss The American experiment was to create a society not bound by the rigid structures of social class. And yet, it can be uncomfortable to socialize with people who are significantly wealthier—or significantly poorer—than we are. It only seems to promote resentment or envy! Which may be the reason we p…
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Pathfinder Church | February 11, 2024 | Dion Garrett Everywhere you look, people naturally group themselves by age and season of life. From retirees gathering at McDonald’s to young families doing play dates together—it’s easier to stick with people your own age. But what are we costing ourselves by not maintaining relationships with people in all …
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Pathfinder Church | February 4, 2024 | Doug Mauss It’s seemingly hard-wired into us to create loyalty groups. It’s easier to connect with someone who shares the same affinity for a sports team, patriotic fervor, or religious label. We sort ourselves into tribes, and narrow our frame of reference. Can we worship God sufficiently from only our own gr…
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Pathfinder Church | January 28, 2024 | AJ Mastic Once you have a clear sense of who you really are, a really meaningful rich life can flow from it. It doesn’t work well when the flow is reversed. Otherwise, any changes in your career, your reputation, or your performance can rattle your sense of self. So once I know who I really am, what does that …
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Pathfinder Church | January 21, 2024 | Dion Garrett One of the scary parts of getting closer to Jesus is that we are promised that we will change. But how do I know I’ll like the person I’m changed into? Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | https:…
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Pathfinder Church | January 14, 2024 | Doug Mauss Everything is for sale, and social media has shown that includes us. A sad fact of life on this planet is that our world values some people more than others. So what do we do when no one wants to buy what we’re selling? The choices are stark and simple, either morph yourself into something that’s mo…
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Pathfinder Church | January 7, 2024 | Dion Garrett We all have a couple sides to us. One is the presentable self, defined by our success and best qualities, the other is our hidden self, which shows up in our greatest shortcomings, struggles, and mistakes. How do we know who we are, when there’s so much conflicting data on who we are? Website | htt…
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Pathfinder Church | December 31, 2023 | AJ Mastic Everything in God’s creation seems to understand and accept its place. Everything except us. Nothing else experiences the crisis we feel when we lose a job, a partner, success, or our health. Is there something special about being human that makes this more difficult? Or is there something flawed in…
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Pathfinder Church | December 24, 2022 You are invited to join us here at Pathfinder for Christmas worship! We can’t wait to celebrate the birth of Jesus with you. Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | Instagram | …
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Pathfinder Church | December 17, 2023 | Doug Mauss When you’re a kid, finding the joy of Christmas is easy. As we grow older, joy becomes harder to find. It feels risky, naïve, or even unwarranted. How can we open ourselves up to pure joy even though we know the joyful moments never last? Website | Online Giving | https://…
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Pathfinder Church | December 10, 2023 | AJ Mastic The angels, who appear throughout the Christmas story, repeatedly instruct people to “fear not!” Which only tells us that there was plenty of fear that first Christmas! While we may try to take the angels' advice and bravely banish all fear from our hearts and minds this time of year, why does scrip…
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Mit Julia Langbein, Gwendolyn Sasse und Stefanie OrphalDie Orientierung der Ukraine zur EU spielt nicht erst seit der russischen Vollinvasion politisch eine wichtige Rolle und ein Beitritt wird Umfragen zufolge heute von einer überwältigenden Mehrheit der ukrainischen Bevölkerung befürwortet. Skeptische Stimmen im Westen äußern dagegen Zweifel, ob …
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Pathfinder Church | December 3, 2023 | Dion Garrett Many of us are taught from an early age that human anger is always imperfect and that it’s wrong to express it, especially at Christmas (Unless you’re trying to find a parking spot at the mall). Is it possible that the stifling of our anger, even at this time of year, is chipping away at our human…
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Pathfinder Church | November 26, 2023 | AJ Mastic Christmas is supposed to be a time full of cheer, smiles, and love, right? Yet, during this time, many of us also feel sad about hurts, losses, and canceled dreams. We try to push the darkness away and refrain from verbalizing it because no one wants to feel unhappy around Christmas. But what if our…
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Pathfinder Church | November 23, 2022 | AJ Mastic Website | Online Giving | Podcasts | Facebook | Instagram | St. John School | Contact Us |…
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Pathfinder Church | November 19, 2023 | Dion Garrett As religion continues to recede in America, a few faithful people are mourning the loss of its community and influence—but many powerful actors are eager to gobble up the market share and move on from religion entirely. With a weak but faithful remnant left, what can moving against the powerful c…
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Pathfinder Church | November 12, 2023 | Doug Mauss It’s not always clear how the “reward” of faith works. Does God bring earthly blessing and prosperity on those who are faithful? Or does our godly integrity result in suffering and persecution in this life? What are the true costs and rewards of faithful following of Jesus? Website | https://pathfi…
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Pathfinder Church | November 5, 2023 | Dion Garrett It seems like the only way to get ahead is to work harder, smarter—more!—than the people around you. We prioritize achievement over connection, assuming the former will be richer—and the result is that we’re unhappy, lonely, and tired. Is it time to reevaluate achievement’s value proposition? Webs…
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Pathfinder Church | October 29, 2023 | Doug Mauss In what ways should Christians be different from the culture around them? Often, a Christian life looks the same as any other American life—we work the same jobs, share the same hobbies and interests, and spend our money on the same things. On the other hand, when Christians completely reject our cu…
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Pathfinder Church | October 22, 2022 | Dion Garrett It’s encouraging to see and rejoice in other people’s successes (just scroll through your Instagram stories), or to have them rejoice in yours. Or in times of struggle, to be able to “share” your struggles with others, knowing that they will be with you “in spirit.” But so few of us have a communi…
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Pathfinder Church | October 15, 2023 | AJ Mastic When we do things well enough in life, we develop a comfortable rhythm. Being in our comfort zone feels good! But if we stay there long enough, we end up complacent, even stagnant. How do we take a steady, predictable life to the next level, without having to feel dissatisfied with or ungrateful for …
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With Félix Krawatzek, Hakob Matevosyan and Johanna MogwitzAhead of the Polish parliamentary elections on 15 October 2023, political campaigns are running at full steam. From coupling the election with a referendum, to employing an increasingly sharp rhetoric against Poland’s neighbours Germany, and, as of recently, Ukraine, the ruling Law and Justi…
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Pathfinder Church | October 8, 2023 | Doug Mauss We make connections with people for all sorts of reasons. Often, we connect over work, or through competition, or based on mutual interests. Social science has shown that we most easily connect over shared anger and outrage. But those kinds of connections don’t leave us feeling invigorated and joyful…
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