I'm a Christian, a Husband, a Father, a Missionary. I share from my own life and other posts I find meaningful and fun. Thanks for following along and jumping in. travismoffitt.com goservechange.com
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Join us as we celebrate with New Beginnings Church of Spring, TX. Their heart for true relationships and support for missionaries is amazing.
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Be persistent. Be consistent. If you do not give up over a long period of time you will see the successful results that you have been looking for.
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Paul says that The Gospel was announced to Abraham: “All Nations will be blessed through you.” The culmination of this promise is expressed in the life of Jesus. And this promise is true for you today. You can be blessed with salvation so that you can be a blessing to others from every nation on earth.…
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We tend to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before us. Likewise we tend to reproduce ourselves in the lives of others. What are you reproducing in the lives of those following you? Is it Faith or works. Hopefully, like Abraham, we are reproducing faith in others’ lives.
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The Bible tells us to Take Courage, but how do we do that? What does it mean to be courageous? And how can we cultivate more courage in our lives? I believe the answers to these questions lie in our relationship with The Holy Spirit.
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There is a day coming when we will stand together and Praise Jesus to His face at the Wedding Supper of The Lamb. Let us always remember That Day and prepare ourselves for it.
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“I’m a good person,” a man said to me today. At times we all feel that way about ourselves. And at other times I’m sure we all question our own goodness. How can we actually know that we are good? How can we actually know that we are justified before God? How can we receive His Spirit and allow Him to work miracles in our lives? Paul tells us that …
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All aspects of our lives go through seasons. How we handle those seasons plays a big role in the results we experience. Enjoy this discussion and be encouraged to stay the course to fulfillment.
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Have you ever been asked a question that changed your whole perspective? That is the type of question that Paul asks the church at Galatia. In his question comes the answer and the encouragement that we should believe and share the Gospel of Jesus with the world.
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God is able and capable to work in you and through you to accomplish all that He has put in your heart for 2018 and beyond.
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Do not be fooled: Jesus was crucified for you. His sacrifice has made the way for you and I to put our faith in Him and the receive the grace that He offers.
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Does sin after salvation mean that God’s grace condones our sins? Or does it mean that we are then subject to the law again? Paul states that violations of the law (sin) shows us again our need for a savior. This is where faith in Jesus alone then justifies us before God. The law points to our need for salvation Jesus provides that salvation throug…
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“Dead Man Walking,” this is what Paul calls himself. He admits his own guilt of violating the law of God. He admits that he is deserving of death. He also admits that Jesus has loved him and given Himself for him so that he might have life. You too can have life in Jesus by putting your faith in Him.…
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The very idea of justice has been given to us by God. Justice that there must be a payment for violations of the law. Jesus has paid that penalty on our behalf and it is only by faith in Him that we can now be justified.
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What is #GivingTuesday? • You can partner with Connect Global on #GivingTuesday
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During this Thanksgiving season and all year long there is so much to be thankful for. Faith. Family. Freedom. But above all I am grateful for Grace. The Grace given to you and I by Jesus alone.
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Do we create obstacles to salvation for those coming to faith? The Bible says, “If we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord then we will be saved.” We need not create new requirements for people to come to Jesus for salvation. Paul confronts Peter for putting the Law in the way of Gentiles coming to Christ.…
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How do we carry ourselves in public? Do we pick sides that prioritize obedience or grace? These two virtues are not mutually exclusive however we can become so concerned about our public image that we ostracize those most in need of grace. Let us each live according to the righteousness that God has given us while sharing our lives with those in ne…
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What does it mean to be an apostle? Paul shares more of his experience in Jerusalem and how He was sent out by the Church to the Gentiles.
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It is the same God that was working through Peter to reach the Jews that worked through Paul to reach the Gentiles. And He is the same God that is now working through you. Ministry functions, locations, and anointings may looks different, but it is the same God at work through each of us to reach this world.…
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Paul makes an incredibly important theological proclamation: That God has called him to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles. This reality that salvation is now available to all by Faith in Jesus alone is the heart of Grace.
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Honduras 10/27-11/3 2017 Trip
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1:32:50Join me here for several in-field audio segments from our recent trip to La Ceiba, Honduras from October 27th through November 3rd 2017. You too can join us on a future mission trip. Get the details at goservechange.com/trips
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God is not racist. He does not judge or measure us based on race, ethnicity or political preference. He instead, measures our hearts.
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Live from The Hospital Atlantida in La Ceiba, #Honduras
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Inductive Bible Study: Galatians 2:3-5; Paul defends the Gospel, that we are saved through faith in Jesus alone and not through works.
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Inductive Bible Study: Galatians 2:2; Paul was willing to submit to his leaders to confirm the revelation he had received from Jesus.
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Marriage; Millennial; Church
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34:21Recently on Anchor I shared some random thoughts on Marriage, generational dynamics and the modern church. Enjoy.
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The Bible speaks of great Power and Authority that God has given us as believers. Here’s a few thoughts on these big ideas.
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Is your life marked by faithfulness? Paul’s life was. Here’s an example of his faithfulness even in obscurity.
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Do the changes in our lives give glory to God? We can live in such a way that when the world sees us, they glorify God.
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What if all of our communication was as though we were speaking to God? Would it change how we talk? I believe it would.
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What habits do you keep? How are those habits helping you in your daily lives? Here’s a few thoughts on the benefits of good habits.
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Jesus was fully God and He was fully a man; a human just you and I. He even had a family and a little brother named James.
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It is important that we take the time to intentionally invest in our relationship with Jesus and with others. Paul sets a great example for us in this verse.
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Paul describes his early days as a Christian and the revelation of Jesus that God had given him by His Grace.
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What did Jesus have to say about salvation and discipleship? Let’s clarify His standard for each.
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As Christians, do we follow a set of rituals or the person of Jesus? Paul makes a clear distinction between religious ritual and personal relationship. Join us on this Inductive Bible Study.
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Recently on the Anchor Podcasting platform I engaged several other podcasters in a conversation about affirmations. Here's a few segments from that conversation. Hear more at anchor.fm/travis-moffitt.
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How much impact do you have in this world? Probably more than you think. Your words, your actions, your life makes a difference to somebody in this world. Make it an impact for good.
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The Apostle Paul, a very well educated man, clearly states that he received The Gospel of Jesus by revelation directly from Jesus himself; not from the teachings of man.
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Thoughts: Illegal Immigration
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20:16During Hurricane Harvey a young, living in the US illegally died trying to help rescue people from flood waters. When we're overcome with compassion, nationality becomes irrelevant.
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In this segment of our Inductive Bible Study we will discuss a point of transition in Paul's life in which he no longer seeks to please men but now seeks to please God.
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In this episode of our Inductive Bible Study we discuss the authority of The Gospel over the teaching of any man.
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In this inductive study, Paul is surprised at those who are turning away from the Gospel. The Gospel is truly the good news of Jesus our savior.
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The Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Regardless of the storms in our lives we can always trust in His steadiness.
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Join me as we travel through the nation of Honduras. We'll discuss the local fare, Honduran hospitality and our ongoing projects at Connect Global. #GoServeChange goservechange.com
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What is God's will for my life? This question rattles around in the minds of many people. Well the Bible is clear regarding His will: that we be rescued through Jesus.
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What is an apostle? What authority do they have? How are they called and developed? As we begin an Inductive Bible Study in Galatians we explore this often misused title of apostle.
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Do you long for the peace that only the presence of God can provide? Noah and I discuss the path that God has laid out for us to know His peace. #GoServeChange
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Any time you are thrust into a new culture it is normal to experience Culture Shock. Today we'll discuss the 4 phases of Culture Shock and how you can process through each. #GoServeChange
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