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This week, we give a preview of our upcoming free Holistic Integration Peak Performance Workshop that will be held this Wednesday, March 26th at 6 p.m. And we're joined by our special guest, Dr. Matt Goldman, one of the developers of the ProPerformance 360 technology benefiting patients at Holistic Integration. In this episode, you'll find out: —Ho…
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20% of all adults suffer from chronic pain, while up to 80% will experience acute pain from injury or surgery. $600 billion is spent annually in health care costs and loss of productivity due to pain. In this episode, you'll discover: —Dr. Prather's theory that pain comes from a blockage of energy in one or more of The 5 Pathways Of Pain. And how e…
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Most have never heard of this gentle adjustment of the top vertebrae, but Dr. Prather calls it "the most important thing you can do for your health". And 4-out-of-5 people need it. In this episode, you'll learn: —How Dr. Prather is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana. And why the top chiropractors say the Atlas is the…
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In the midst of a record year for the flu, Dr. Prather explains why you should first think of seeing a Structure-Function Health Care doctor when you get sick. In this episode, we talk about: —Why Dr. Prather says that Structure-Function Care offers "so many more options" for someone who is sick compared to Disease Care. —How Disease Care can make …
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This week, we preview our upcoming Holistic Heart seminar by talking about External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy, which is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease. In this episode, you'll find out: —Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better. —How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and give…
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After beginning our discussion on Erectile Dysfunction last week, Dr. Prather talks about the effective and natural treatments for Erectile Dysfunction that get to the root cause of the problem. In this episode, you'll discover: —Why men should be able to be sexually virile up until their 80's if they are healthy. —The importance of Nitric Oxide fo…
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Erectile Dysfunction affects 20-30 million American men and is likely under-reported. But 85% of cases are due to underlying health issues like Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll learn: —The difference between Male Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction. —How pharmaceuticals (like anti-Cholesterol medicines, Beta Blockers, and anti-depress…
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In light of the debate in Washington, D.C. this week over the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to President Trump's Cabinet, we focus on what changes are needed in our national health care policies. In this episode, we'll talk about: —How Dr. Prather was inspired to pursue his career after being told as a teenager that he wouldn't live past t…
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This week, we preview our upcoming free Holistic Integration educational seminar happening this Wednesday, January 29th at 6 p.m. In this episode, you'll learn: —How 80% of your immune system is in the gut and your gut health is one of the biggest indicators of how healthy you're going to be. —Why Dr. Prather says that there is more "non-you than y…
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Dr. Prather says that, "if you really want to lose weight properly and in a healthy way, you have to deal with the Endocrine System and Hormones—otherwise, it's just a waste of time." In this episode, you'll discover: —Why the body first tries to burn muscle instead of fat when someone starts to lose weight. —How Estrogen-dominance (in both men and…
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This week, we're joined by Robin, our Holistic Integration Nutritionist, to talk about the dangers of Ozempic-style drugs and how they can harm patients long-term. In this episode, find out: —How Ozempic-style drugs work by trying to imitate the GLP-1 hormone the body produces naturally. And why these drugs don't work as well as the actual GLP-1 ho…
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A1C is an important indicator of your blood glucose levels that is a more accurate picture of your blood sugar than just the glucose test itself. And Dr. Prather shares how you can improve those numbers naturally and without prescription drugs through Structure-Function Care. In this episode, we talk about: —What numbers you want to see in your A1C…
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Dr. Prather uses The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, we talk about: --How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system. --The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flo…
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'Tis the season to be jolly! But it's also the season where we feel the additional stress of holiday obligations. Dr. Prather says there are ways we can help manage this stress and remain healthy through the holidays. In this episode, learn: --What stress does to our health and our immune system. --Why Dr. Prather says that stress is "the number on…
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Dr. Prather says that inflammation is "rampant" in our country and can kick of Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, and Diabetes. In this episode, you'll discover: —Why Dr. Prather estimates that 50% of all deaths are actually caused by inflammation in the body which leads to other disease processes. —How keeping your inflammation lo…
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This week, we're joined by our Associate Chiropractor Dodge and Alana, who heads up Holistic Integration's Rehab Department, to talk about our upcoming free educational seminar about the importance of improving your balance for your overall health and performance. In this episode, find out: —Why Dr. Prather says Holistic Integration is "uniquely po…
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In honor of Thanksgiving, we discuss the importance of having an attitude of gratitude for our health. And we feature three inspiring patient success stories from Holistic Integration. In this episode, we talk about: —The importance of attitude for our health. And the reason Dr. Prather includes "The Beatitudes" as one of his "8 Pillars Of Perfect …
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Dr. Prather says that "100% of women" need help in balancing their hormones based on the lab tests he sees in patients. In this episode, you'll learn: —How women have 64 different Hormones to consider when trying to balance them, while men basically have to worry about 2. And why Dr. Prather says that balancing a woman's hormones is like trying to …
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The skin is the largest organ in the body and is often a reflection of what is going on in someone's health. In this episode, you'll discover: —Why Dr. Prather says you don't want to put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat. —The Structure-Function approach Dr. Prather uses to discover the root cause of a patient's skin issues versus the Dis…
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In honor of Veterans Day, we talk about how to meet the health care needs of our nation's veterans. In this episode, you'll find out: —How some statistics estimate up to half of all veterans suffer from substance abuse disease, while 20 veterans a day commit suicide. —The connection between PTSD and substance abuse. And how most of the military add…
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Patients are amazed at the things Dr. Prather picks up on during an initial examination. But he says this is possible when you know how to interpret the language of your body's symptoms in a holistic way. In this episode, we talk about: —Why men (and doctors) are "the worst" when it comes to ignoring symptoms that need to be checked out. —The levat…
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Dr. Prather says that "almost everybody" needs to have their jaw adjusted at some point and that TMJ is under-diagnosed even among Chiropractors. Holistic Integration Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge joins us for our discussion this week. In this episode, you'll learn: —How people can complain about neck pain, headaches, hip pain, or elbow and wris…
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This Wednesday, October 23rd, Dr. Prather will be speaking at a FREE Open House seminar on Holistic Integration's Holistic Heart program. This week, we feature some of our Holistic Heart patient success stories. In this episode, you'll discover: —The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical mode…
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Dr. Prather has a high success rate in treating Peripheral Neuropathy, which he says is "unusual". In this episode, find out: —How Diabetes is the most common reason for Peripheral Neuropathy, where a Diabetic has a 50% chance of having Neuropathy. And how it is "rare" to go through Chemotherapy without experiencing Neuropathy as a side-effect. —Th…
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A recent article in the AARP Magazine inspired Dr. Prather to talk about this topic because he didn’t like what the article said. In this episode, we talk about: —How the summer COVID numbers indicate "a very high" amount of cases expected as we enter into Fall and Winter. —Why the vaccines actually create new COVID variants. And how the COVID vacc…
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Structure-Function Health Care (as opposed to Disease Care) is a non-pharmaceutical and safe approach to health for pregnant Moms. In this episode, you'll learn: —Why Structure-Function Care is important for women BEFORE they get pregnant in order to detox the body from heavy metal toxicities or deal with certain gut infections that can't really be…
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Both Democrats and Republicans agree that we have a health care crisis, with high costs and poor outcomes. This week, a fired-up Dr. Prather talks about a proven solution to this crisis. In this episode, you'll discover: —How America spends the most on health care, but has the worst outcomes when compared to all other industrialized nations. —The d…
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At Holistic Integration, we are inspired daily by the success stories of our patients. This week, we share with you three of our favorite stories from this year and also talk with Julie Kline of the Trinity Health Freedom Expo about their upcoming event. In this episode, you'll find out: —The reason Dr. Prather "knows" a patient is improving based …
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Indiana has an Iodine deficiency. And the list of symptoms associated with Iodine deficiency is LONG. In this episode,we talk about: --Why the Midwest used to be called "The Goiter Belt". And why only 5% of the patients coming through Dr. Prather's office have a normal Thyroid. --The MANY symptoms of low Iodine, including: fatigue, apathy, depressi…
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Chiropractic Care is not only helpful for injury recovery, but for preventing future injury and improving performance. This week, we're joined by Holistic Integration's own Dr. Dodge to talk about how Chiropractic care can help you maximize motion and performance in work and at play. In this episode, you'll learn: —Why Structure-Function Care is ne…
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Another school year has started, so this week we talk about ADHD, which is becoming more common and is a worsening problem. In this episode, you'll discover: —Why Dr. Prather says there are so many misconceptions about ADHD, such as "the kid just needs a good spanking". And how ADHD is a real brain disorder with a different structure than a normal …
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1-in-6 couples globally suffer from the heartbreak of Infertility, with the numbers being closer to 1-in-5 couples in America. But Dr. Prather has an amazing success record helping couples through the Structure-Function approach to health care. In this episode, find out: —Why the Structure-Function focus on getting people healthier is needed for In…
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20% of all females over the age of 50 have Osteoporosis. This week, Dr. Prather talks about how the Osteoporosis medications actually INCREASE the number of fractures in patients. In this episode, we talk about: —Why the pharmaceutical approach to Osteoporosis, which focuses on increasing bone density, doesn’t mean that denser bones are stronger or…
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, Dr. Prather talks about the latest increase in COVID-19 cases and how to best protect yourself. In this episode, you'll learn: —How the COVID-19 rate is higher now than it was at this time last year. And how the new variant is more contagious, but not as deadly. —The amazingly low percentage of the pop…
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Diabetes is a growing problem that has increased more than 10 times since 1958, when less than 1% of the population had Diabetes. Half the U.S. population is now either Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic. In this episode, you'll discover: —How there are many people with Diabetes who aren't even aware they have it. And why a patient being thirsty all the time…
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Less than 10% of the 40 million addicts in the U.S. are being treated for their addiction. In this episode, find out: --Why addiction is a disease, not just a behavioral issue, because of how it changes the function of your brain and your endocrine system. --How the U.S. has 5% of the population, but takes in 80% of all the drugs in the world (both…
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The number of Cancer cases is increasing in America. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of combining Structure-Function Care with the traditional Disease Care for best patient outcomes. In this episode, you'll discover: —How disease develops in the first place because the body goes out of Homeostasis. And how Structure-Function Care …
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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease…
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, we explore the recent testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci to Congress. In this episode, discover: —How Dr. Prather was extremely disappointed in the performance of "both parties" in the Fauci Congressional hearings, which was more about "political grandstanding" and less about a search for the facts. —The o…
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This week, we're joined by our Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and Therapist Meghan Walton of the Holistic Integration Structural Team to talk about Cupping Therapy, as well as our high success rate in dealing with shoulder issues. In this episode, find out: —How the weird marks on Olympic athletes that look like they were attacked by an octopus a…
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This week, we share how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30 p.m. In this episode, we talk about: —The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patien…
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While wound care is not usually the main reason people first come into Dr. Prather's office, patients who come in for other conditions end up finding remarkable results for their wound healing, too. In this episode, we talk about: —How approaching wound healing from a Structure-Function Care standpoint is ideal because the focus of Structure-Functi…
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom, Dr. Prather gives the latest on the World Health Organization Health Pandemic Treaty deliberations. In this episode, you'll learn: —How Dr. Prather was excited at first with the apparent delay in the ratification of a World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty…until he realized the basis of the delay is mostly…
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Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have three very affordable lab tests every year that will reveal the state of your health. In this episode, discover: --How anything that could go wrong with you shows up in The Prather Profile, an inexpensive, nationally-recognized blood profile that covers all the major systems in your body. --That the referen…
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This week, we're joined by Holistic Integration’s Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about the technology that can "revolutionize" the Chiropractic industry. In this episode, you'll find out: —The surprising number of different Chiropractic techniques and styles of adjusting systems and techniques.…
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This week, Dr. Prather answers a question people often ask of his patients who refer them to his office. In this episode, we talk about: —How people often don't understand how their condition can be helped by someone who is licensed as a Chiropractor. But how their skepticism usually disappears after their first patient exam. —The Diplomate of the …
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This week, Dr. Prather answers a common misconception about Iodine and Breast Cancer. In this episode, you'll discover: —The extensive research showing how Low Iodine causes an increased chance of Breast Cancer and a faster growth in the Cancer. —Why the widespread belief of the medical profession that Iodine is dangerous is actually based upon a f…
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This week, we are joined by Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about Knee issues, which is the #2 most expensive structural issue (behind Low Back Lain), with almost $134 BILLION spent per year. In this episode, you'll find out: —Why there are so many problems with th…
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There is a debate about whether or not Long COVID is real. This week, Dr. Prather offers much needed clarity to the topic that you won't hear anywhere else. In this episode, we talk about: —How Dr. Prather is seeing this right now in about 90% of his patients who developed chronic symptoms that began with their COVID infection. —Why Dr. Prather say…
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