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Startup Piraten

Denis, Fabian & Simon

In unserem Podcast tauchen wir tief in die Startup-Szene ein und entern verschiedene Geschäftsmodelle 🏴‍☠️Wir haben unterschiedlichste Gäste aus der Münchner und Deutschen Startup Szene, von IndieHackern bis hin zu VCs ist alles dabei.Verschrien als das deutsche "Startups For the Rest of Us" gemischt mit Meta Talk der "Tim Ferris Show". Wenn euch Mixergy, This Week in Startups, der OMR Podcast, My First Million oder How I Built This gefällt dann seid ihr hier goldrichtig. Hosted on Acast. Se ...
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4 Days a Week ist ein Podcast über New Work und die 4-Tage-Woche. Er begleitet die Podcast-Produktionsfirma Pool Artists aus Berlin bei ihrem Einstieg in die 4-Tage-Woche mit 32 Stunden. Moderiert wird er von Geschäftsführerinnen Frida Morische, Maria Lorenz-Bokelberg und ihrem Team. Gemeinsam berichten sie wöchentlich von ihren Erfahrungen und sprechen mit Expert:innen, Mitstreiter:innen und Kritiker:innen über das Ob und das Wie von New Work. Dieser Podcast ist ein Pool Artists Original. M ...
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Electronic Beats Weekly

Telekom Electronic Beats

Every week, Electronic Beats hosts Juba, Kikelomo and 0tt0 Kent dissect what everyone is talking about in electronic music and club culture. From new releases, to the big headlines we didn’t have on our bingo card, to the hypes shaping our social media feeds right now – expect background info, plenty of hot takes and special guests from the universe of forward-thinking beats and dancefloor shenanigans. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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In dieser Diskussion mit Dr. Paul Springer von MI4People sprechen wir über die Innovationen im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und deren Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Sektoren. Wir beleuchten, wie Unternehmen mit begrenzten Mitteln durch clevere Ideen leistungsstarke KI-Lösungen entwickeln können und welche Chancen Open Source in diesem Zu…
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Dies ist ein Rerun einer Folge des "Digitale Gründer Podcast" aus dem Jahr 2019 --- Manuel Meurer erzählt von seinem Werdegang und wie er es geschafft hat aus dem Angestellten Verhältnis in ein erfolgreiches Freelancer Leben zu starten. Erfahrt welche Schritte auf dem Weg nötig sind und was es für (auch speziell rechtlich) zu bedenken gi Diese Folg…
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Das ist ein Rerun einer Episode des "Digitale Gründer Podcast" aus dem Jahr 2018 --- Besondere Herausforderungen des B2B Geschäftsfeldes Christian Fastenrath Linkedin Twitter Email Christians Unternehmen Transformationsprozesse Wikipedia: Transformation Wikipedia: Digitalisierung Buchempfehlung Eine Welt wird Service H…
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This is a Rerun of Episode #3 of the dlighted datafit podcast, that I did back in 2018 with my Co-Host Tizian Kronsbein -- Elena Poughia is the managing director of Data Economy Media which is the organiser of the Data Natives Conference in Berlin and Tel Aviv. In this episode, we are talking about Diversity in Data Science, Unconscious bias, Block…
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Ist der deutsche Mittelstand fit für die KI-Revolution? Diese Frage und wie man da hinkommt, wurde heftigst auf dem "Rethink.Mittelstand – Erfolgreich durch Machen" Event von Zeit für Unternehmer diskutiert. Wir waren vor Ort und berichten, ob der Mittelstand noch eine Chance hat... Event: #mittelsta…
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In this episode, we are joined by Adrianna Zakher, a canadian marketing expert. We focus on the 6 essential B2B marketing strategies for startups. Topics covered include the importance of starting with an organic strategy, identifying where your audience hangs out, crafting a full funnel strategy, leveraging long-form video content, using the right…
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Dies ist ein Rerun einer Folge des "Digitale Gründer Podcast" aus dem Jahr 2019 --- Wie ihr euer Unternehmen von Anfang an technisch und strategisch so auslegen könnt, damit einer Internationalisierung nichts im Wege steht JustWatch hat sich als Unternehmen von Anfang an auf eine Internationalisierung ausgerichtet und ist mit dieser Strategie sehr …
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Das ist ein Rerun einer Episode des "Digitale Gründer Podcast" aus dem Jahr 2018 --- Besondere Herausforderungen des B2B Geschäftsfeldes Christian Fastenrath Linkedin Twitter Email Christians Unternehmen Transformationsprozesse Wikipedia: Transformation Wikipedia: Digitalisierung Buchempfehlung Eine Welt wird Service H…
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This podcast episode features Yagmur Ay, president of START Munich, an entrepreneurial initiative for students in Munich. Start Munich is a community of students interested in entrepreneurship, consisting of co-founders, founders, and those aspiring to be part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The organization offers support through workshops, comm…
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In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Marketing für Bootstrapped Software Startups und wie ihr eure Firma zum Fliegen bekommt. Rob Walling ist Serial-Entrepreneur und in seinem kostenlosen (!!!1!) Buch "Start Marketing the Day you start Coding" nimmt er uns mit durch seine Startup-Karriere und welche wichtigen Lektionen er lernen musste. Damit ihr ni…
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Dies ist ein Rerun einer Folge des "Digitale Gründer Podcast" aus dem Jahr 2020 --- Wie wichtig der Aufbau einer Firmenkultur für den Erfolg eines Startups ist und wieso Marcel sich ganz bewusst gegen das Silicon Valley entschieden hat In dieser Episode erfahrt ihr von Marcel Poelker wieso er sich trotz Bestnoten nach dem Studium nicht für eine kla…
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In dieser allerersten Round Table Folge kommen alle drei Startup Piraten Hosts zusammen und wir besprechen, wie KI/AI unsere Firmen und Projekte im Jahr 2023 beeinflusst hat, und was wir für 2024 sehen. Diese Folge gibt euch wichtige Gedankenanstöße, wieso ihr eure Firma nicht zu 100 % auf AI basieren lassen solltet und was ihr machen könnt, um zuk…
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The Royal Jungle - DAS Startup Event in München und in dieser Folge haben wir für euch den Gründer Christian Velbinger im Podcast! In dieser Folge lernt ihr die wichtigsten Lektionen über Networking und wie Christian sein massives Netzwerk nutzt um The Royal Jungle auf das nächste Level zu heben. Christian teilt auch seine größte "Fuck-Up"-Erfahrun…
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We're at the end of a wild and unpredictable year – and we're not just talking about club culture and electronic music. In this episode, our hosts Juba, Kikelomo, and Otto Kent run through the highlights and lowlights of 2024 in music and more. They cover some of their year's most memorable moments on dancefloors and on online, and what they're loo…
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Besuchen Nutzer deine Website aber niemand kauft etwas? Hast du schon mal mit Analytics experimentiert, um deine Webseiten zu verbessern, aber ohne Erfolg? Steffen Schulz von gibt uns Einblicke, wie man durch AB-Tests und dynamische Landingpages das Beste aus der Kundenkommunikation herausholt! Erfahre, warum Nutzerfeedback essentiell ist…
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Big DJ gigs with an intense lightshow and a strong focus on visuals have been there for a while – but it seems like they are having a new peak. With DJs like Anyma selling out the Sphere in Las Vegas, it sparks the question: Has it become more important how a show looks than how it sounds? In this episode, we are joined by cultural commentator and …
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Nachhaltige Schuhe, produziert in Europa, braucht es das? In dieser Folge habe ich Sebastian Schäffler von Five12 zu Gast und wir sprechen darüber, wieso er denkt, dass es ein Standortvorteil für ihn ist in Augsburg zu leben, wieso es so schwer ist sich im Modemarkt durchzusetzen und was er bei seiner Abgesandten-Reise nach China gelernt hat. Neben…
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Interior and set design have always been a part of dance music, with different parties and clubs creating spaces that amplify and enhance the sonic and social experience. But for every person turned on to techno by TikTok and craving Instagrammable visual moments, there's another who wants a raw warehouse and no-frills dancefloor. In this episode, …
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So much of nightlife and electronic music is ephemeral, enjoyed in the moment. But those nights and moments and sounds are simultaneously something we want to preserve – whether through is an exciting new online mix, blurry phone photos from our last night out, a heavy coffee table book, or even a museum. This week, Otto Kent and Juba are joined by…
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We live in a time of division and polarization. But when it comes to dance music and club culture, we like to think of them as a unified global community. How true is that, really? In this episode, Otto Kent and Juba are joined by Cormac, the DJ, Polari Records owner and host of the Queerly Beloved podcast. They dig into what exactly people mean wh…
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Ist der deutsche Mittelstand fit für die KI-Revolution? Diese Frage und wie man da hinkommt, wurde heftigst auf dem "Rethink.Mittelstand – Erfolgreich durch Machen" Event von Zeit für Unternehmer diskutiert. Wir waren vor Ort und berichten, ob der Mittelstand noch eine Chance hat... Event: #mittelsta…
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We love to go out to clubs and have a good time with friends and strangers alike. But anytime you're on a crowded dancefloor, not everyone’s going to be on the same page when it comes to appropriate behavior. The way we all act and interact can make or break a night, but these expectations can also be hard to pin down, and vary widely depending on …
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In September, the visionary electronic producer SOPHIE released what was promoted as her final album, three years after her tragic passing. And people had a lot of opinions on it – as they usually do with music that comes out after an artist's death, whether it's Tupac, Avicii, Lil Peep, DJ Rashad, Prince, or many, many others. There are moral and …
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That's what the Jamaican production duo Steely & Clevie are trying to do, with an ongoing lawsuit claiming ownership of the so-called "dembow" riddim – the basis for reggaeton worldwide. It's one of the most significant music copyright cases of the last decades, with significant and widespread implications for both the mainstream music world and un…
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Clubs are closing all around the world, but it still seems like there are more DJs than ever before. Why do so many people want to be DJs – whether bedroom amateurs or touring professionals? And how does all the attention and effort affect the scene? In this episode, Otto Kent and Kikelomo explore the ongoing impact of the pandemic and social media…
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It’s not just Fred again fans trying to identify an unfamiliar genre. Drum & bass, jungle, and breaks are back in a big way – both in the underground and on the UK charts. Chase & Status have earned #1 records, artists like Kenya Grace are going viral, and there's a vanguard of producers like Tim Reaper and Nia Archives waving the flag for the genr…
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Clubs in Berlin are closing at a rapid rate – including the legendary Watergate. And it’s not just Germany. In the UK, a study found that if nightlife continues struggling at the same rate, there will be no clubs by 2030. Some of these issues are perennial, but the reality is that “Clubsterben” is accelerating – even though there seems to be more m…
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We're back for our first episode after the summer break. Or shall we say... Brat Summer break? With her sixth studio album, BRAT, released this last June, Charli XCX sparked what was arguably the biggest pop culture trend of the social media age so far. From underground producers serving up remixes to brands (and presidential candidates) jumping on…
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Do you still feel like wearing a piece of merch makes you a part of a specific subculture? Or has that sense of exclusivity and meaning been lost? This week, our host Otto Kent speaks to writer Claire Mouchmore about our shifting relationship with merch, and how that's changed along with the internet and the explosion of niche identities. Plus, we …
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Do you also miss the magical, fun parts of social media? With noplace hitting the top of the American app charts Kikelomo and OttO Kent are reminiscing on their personal journey in social media. They’re sharing hot takes, making confessions about being comment warriors, and talking about what it takes to put the social back in social media. Plus: B…
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Melt-Festival is celebrating its final edition this weekend after more than 25 years. We spoke to the legendary Ellen Allien, who has played the festival more than anyone, about her memories from the famous Sleepless Floor over the years, and what made Melt so significant to ravers in Germany and beyond. Also, Juba presents this week’s news: Honey …
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Hallo Startup-Fans! In der heutigen Episode des "Startup Piraten Podcast" haben wir einen besonderen Gast: Frederik Brandis. Frederik arbeitet bei Antler, einem globalen VC, der sich auf Day 0 Investments spezialisiert hat und Startups von der ersten Idee bis zur Gründung unterstützt. Diese Folge bietet spannende Einblicke in die Welt der Gründer u…
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Just a few days before her Glastonbury show Sofia Kourtesis joined us for an in-depth conversation. The Peruvian singer, producer, and DJ has lived in Berlin for 20 years now and released her debut album “Madres” last year to critical acclaim. Together with OttO Kent, Sofia talks about being a DJ mum, approaching music like a filmmaker, and why she…
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It's Glastonbury time – and this week, we're diving into the past, present, and future of electronic music at the UK’s biggest music festival with the Editor of Resident Advisor, Gabriel Szatan. Also, Kikelomo presents this week’s news: From far-right remixes of hit songs and Justin Timberlake's viral arrest to a new podcast from Ableton. Dazed - T…
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With the Euros on, the Olympics upcoming, and everyone getting back into summertime Strandbad shape, we bring back The Week co-host Juba to chat with Otto Kent about the connections between fitness and music, and their favourite workout tunes. Also, Otto presents this week’s news: The impending shutdown of mix database MixesDB, British fashion bran…
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Her anthem “Baddest Of Them All” went viral on TikTok in 2022, hit number 1 in the UK and is now certified double platinum. Life has been a crazy ride lately for Eliza Rose. What most people don’t know is that the DJ, singer and producer from Hackney, London, has been an institution for British club culture long before she was headlining big festiv…
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The Sugababes are definitely having a moment right now. Between new music, appearances at festivals like Glastonbury and MELT, and them being all over our TikTok feeds, the legendary London group is back in a big way. As part of Deutsche Telekom’s Summer To Remember campaign, their biggest hit Push The Button has been remixed by Berlin duo DJ Heart…
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Have you been feeling too tired to go out clubbing recently? You are not alone. There is even a word for it: rave fatigue. For this week’s episode Kikelomo talks to music journalist Marie Dapoigny about how rave fatigue has become a thing, and what we can do about it as a community. Plus: a youth initiative going viral with a D’n’B tune, a new docu…
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With festival season approaching, OttO Kent invited co-host Juba to share some of their best and worst festival experiences ever. What are they hyped for in 2024? How important is the line-up? What’s their take on mega festivals like Coachella? And what about the toilet situation…? Plus: Open AIs new chatbot reminds people of the movie HER, Apple M…
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This week, Juba speaks to Shani Atani to peel back the meta and musical layers behind the ongoing beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, and how listeners choose sides in the digital age. Plus: fka Twigs on AI deepfakes, Eurovision Song Content controversies and the North American premiere of Daft Punk's Interstella 5555. Interstella 5555 at Tribec…
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Narciss is on a mission to make techno fun and colorful again. Born and raised in Berlin, the DJ and producer is the opposite of what their name might suggest, more like a nerdy video game fan, a 90s kid who’s grounded, humble, amazingly charming – and a queer icon in the making. After witnessing their first Loveparade in their mother’s womb, Narci…
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This week, OttO Kent speaks to Marke Bieschke of the Stud collective to learn the inspiring story of a community banding together to save a beloved local venue. Plus: an iconic house label is reborn, Black British music at the British Library, and celebrations of Rico Wade of Organized Noize and footwork pioneer DJ Rashad. Support the Stud Beyond t…
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This week, Kikelomo speaks to Ryan C. Clarke of the Dweller festival and blog about their work centering and celebrating Black artists and perspectives. Plus: Weekend One of Coachella, a BPM ban in Chechnya, anti-LGBTQ laws in Georgia, and Earth Day initiatives from EarthPercent. Read the Dweller blog Learn more about EarthPercent The Week is a pro…
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This week, Otto Kent speaks to returning guest Christa Belle about the enigmatic and very viral DJ/producer HorsegiirL – and what her popularity tells us about the current dance music. Plus: An awkward encounter with Tyler the Creator, music courses on Spotify, a new lease for the long-running Berlin venue YAAM, and a new database dedicated to gend…
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As a queer, black, female artist working with everyone from Solange to PinkPantheress, Swarovski to Ferragamo, Kelela has been pushing boundaries on representation in music and fashion since the early 2010s. After disappearing from the public and taking an extended social media hiatus, Kelela reemerged in 2023 with the critically acclaimed album RA…
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This week, Otto Kent speaks to the Berlin-based DJ and music producer Sarah Farina about her work with Chicago house vocalist Tish Bailey, and the frequent erasure of Black women from dance music history. What can be done to help change it? Plus: A new Beyoncé album, Wizkid disavows Afrobeats, YouTube introducing search by humming, and James Blake'…
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Last week, UNESCO added Berlin techno culture to its list of "intangible cultural heritage." But what made Berlin eligible for this honor, how did it earn the recognition, and what impact does it actually have? Juba finds out more speaking to Ellen Dosch-Roeingh from Rave the Planet, the Berlin-based nonprofit that helped initiate and write the app…
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James Blake just went viral with a series of tweets about the state of the music industry, including one about artists not being able to live off streaming royalties. This isn’t news, we keep having the same discussion over and over again. Which leads us to the question: Does anyone actually care about streaming payouts? Juba joins OttO Kent in the…
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"So viel Zeit für meinen Sidehustle hätte ich gerne". 2 Tage die Woche fest angestellt, 3 Tage pro Woche die eigene Firma großziehen. Diese Aufteilung klingt für viele von euch da draußen schon nach dem Traumleben, richtig? Anna Diermeier zeigt in dieser Folge auf, wie das funktionieren kann und wieso Zeitmanagement da das A&O ist, um sich nicht in…
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Einen Foodtruck eröffnen ist euer Traum? Dann ist diese Folge perfekt für euch: Franziska Weidner hat mit Foodtrucks United hunderte verschiedene Foodtruck-Konzepte gesehen und unter Vertrag. Sie weiß, auf was genau ihr achten müsst und welche Fehler ihr auf gar keinen Fall beim Aufbau eures Foodtrucks machen dürft. "Mach's richtig, oder lass es" i…
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