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Kayla Ogletree

We talk everything and anything about navigating this #momlife! Being a mom is hard so let’s do it together! We discuss health, balancing work, life and being a mom, wellness, and so much more!
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"MomLife, this Mama needs a break" is a podcast about the everyday struggles in the life of being a Mom, as well as all the issues we face as Women on a daily basis while trying to balance home-life with kids, spouses, work, body issues etc. you name It we Women go through it .
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The Natural Thyroid Fix- natural thyroid health, hypothyroid, non-toxic living, adrenal fatigue, #momlife, mom overwhelm

Sarah Geissinger | Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Natural Thyroid Health Expert, Hypothyroid Mom

Are you one of the 1 in 5 women diagnosed with thyroid disease? Do you suspect something is going on with your thyroid because you’re constantly stressed and exhausted and sooo tired of your hair falling out, like, everywhere?!? Yeah. I’ve been there, too. Whether you know your thyroid is struggling, you think that might be what you’re dealing with, or, worse, you’ve been told by your doctors that everything looks ”normal”, even though you don’t feel like yourself.... this is the podcast for ...
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In this episode I talk about how I know God wants every special needs parent and child to know they are welcome in His house and share some ideas how we can do that. He knows there are many people who feel as if there is no place for them, but there is. http://www.honesttoddler.comVon Bunmi Laditan
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#MomLife is hectic and often means we take care of everyone else and let ourselves look like we rolled out of a ditch but NO MORE. Five Reasons to Take a Shower. I also discuss end-of-the-school year activities, lotion, and coffee. Check out the books I mention on my blog:

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Summer as a mom can be like being the designated driver on the wildest of rides. If you're at home, it can feel like a weekend that just won't end. If you're working- the summer camp whirlwind can be overwhelming. What, in theory, should be a relaxing time can be anything but. I'm sharing my the five things that make summer easier and more fun for 

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We're talking about all things feeding children! Today we have a special guest on the show: author, illustrator and art professor at Indiana Wesleyan University, Keith Lowe! Keith is a father of three and the author and illustrator of the children's book: The Titans of Taste. The book follows a gang of hilarious characters who show two children a f

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In this episode I discuss the drama surrounding red bell peppers, why I cannot let my son cut his own cantaloupe, and what I think the hidden meaning is in the story of Jesus multiplying the lunch of bread and fish on the beach. I don't think it's blasphemy but if it is, please direct your complaints to your local government representative. Here is

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We’ve all been there. A crazy season of life
 a new job
 a personal loss
 a move
an illness or injury
 heck- even heading from summer into the school year and the shakeup of schedules that comes with that. But you’re going along doing all the things that you know help you to feel good
 that you know help you
. and then something hits and the habits

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Bloating, stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and acid reflux were a part of my long list of symptoms that I experienced for years before my Hashimoto’s diagnosis. We often view digestive symptoms as annoying and uncomfortable and even inevitable, but they’re also very important clues to what’s going on with our health. I began digging in

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Our thyroid hormone levels are dependent on more than just what is happening in the thyroid. They’re impacted by what’s happening in our adrenal system. They’re impacted by how efficient our liver function is. Thyroid hormones are impacted by what's happening in our gut and by the overall inflammation levels in our body. In this episode, that’s wha

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Self-care is important all the time, especially for those of us with autoimmune disease, but it can take on a whole new meaning when you’re heading into what you know will be a stressful season. Perhaps you’re working on healing your adrenals, or maybe you just want to really be proactive about NOT landing yourself in adrenal dysfunction. And, if y

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I often get asked what the TOP thing is that people with thyroid issues can do to start feeling better
. My answer is always, “There are two! Go gluten-free and balance your blood sugar levels!” Rewind 15 years when I was really deep in struggling with thyroid problems, I wasn’t aware that I had blood sugar issues when I was first diagnosed
. even 

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Sweating is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins. I know- it's not sexy
 there’s no cleanse or intensive detox retreat or chelation or anything crazy. I believe in creating routines and habits that support gentle, daily detox over those more intense detoxification programs. So SWEATING is key to that process. (and in case you were wondering

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I am all about grabbing the low-hanging fruit to move towards feeling good. The easy, hardly-have-to-think-about-it, things you're already doing and can just tweak sort of low-hanging fruit to start feeling better quickly.... and today's episode is one of those things. Now, hydration may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to Hashimot

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Everything that we do, eat, experience, feel, and think– they’re all messages that we send to our bodies. And these messages often have physiological responses. The messages we send create physical responses in our body– either in the direction of health or disease. In this episode, we’re focusing on a newer theory as to why women deal with thyroid

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The American Thyroid Association estimates that five to eight women are affected with Hashimoto’s for every one man. The ATA also estimates that one in eight women will be affected with Hashimoto’s or another thyroid disorder at some point in their lives. So, if you’re a woman, and you probably are if you're listening to this podcast
 and you’re no

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While learning about the holistic approaches to healing, the biggest factor I discovered to promote healing was FOOD. And it makes so much sense
 we’re eating all the time. Multiple times a day
 every day of the year. If we’re eating things that aren’t working for our body, then day in and day out we’re constantly causing our bodies to have to reac

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There is maybe nothing worse than getting your hypothyroid symptoms under control and feeling good for a while and then WHAM– your symptoms come back and leave you tired, fried, and with your hair falling out. Maybe it comes after a vacation of throwing all your dietary changes out the window or after an especially stressful season. Maybe it comes 

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Sleep can be a complicated piece of our health and wellness to solve because there are so many factors that contribute to getting a good night's sleep. But that is also an indicator of the impact that not sleeping has on the various parts of our health
. and our thyroid health is no different. In this episode, we’re talking about how important slee

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Zarayda Groenhart werd bekend als tv-presentatrice bij onder andere BNN. Daar was ze te zien in programma's als 'Try Before You Die' en 'Spuiten en Slikken'. Het afscheid was minder fijn: haar leidinggevende zei dingen die anno nu echt niet meer kunnen. Toen ze eenmaal weg was, kreeg ze een eigen talkshow bij TLC. Samen met haar ex heeft ze een doc

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Making the Switch to Non-Toxic Household Products This topic is so important and so simple all at the same time. This is a message that I continue to go back to because I want to be sure that the message is out there– that the information is available to as many people as my little voice can reach. Because it's too important to our health and it's 

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Remona de Hond verloor drie jaar geleden haar man, Marc de Hond. Marc overleed aan een tumor en liet naast Remona ook hun twee jonge kinderen achter. Van een sportief en levendig gezin - Remona was vroeger atlete en Marc professioneel rolstoelbasketballer, naast zijn werk als tv- en radiopresentator - gingen ze naar een familie in rouw. Omdat Marc 

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Exercise is great for boosting mood, increasing mental clarity, and increasing energy levels. The challenge can be how to get consistent exercise that helps us to feel good, specifically when dealing with hypothyroidism when simply having enough energy to make it through the day can feel challenging. In this episode, I have my first guest here on t

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Flory Huisman is hoofdredacteur van het magazine Fabulous Mama. Daarnaast beheert ze ook nog twee andere tijdschriften; Winelife Magazine, over wijn, en Brabeau, over de provincie Brabant. Ze is een rasondernemer en echte wervelwind. Samen met haar man Anton, die boer is op zijn eigen kwekerij, heeft ze twee dochters: Maud en Jynthe. Ook is ze bonu

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You’ve probably heard mention of this hormone before, but we’re going to be talking about your best hormonal FRENEMY
 cortisol. Cortisol is a super important hormone– critical to life, to keeping us safe and alive, giving us the ability to get out of bed in the morning and some strong signals that it's time to go to sleep at night. But what does co

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Laurien Verstraten is presentatrice van de tv-programma's CampingTijd, Ondernemerslounge en Welkom op het Water. Maar daarnaast is ze ook fulltime moeder. Begin 2022 kreeg ze samen met haar vriend Olivier hun eerste zoontje Frederik, en aankomende juni verwachten ze hun tweede zoontje. De bevalling van Frederik was zeer intens: Laurien was 9 dagen 

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One of the most important and challenging things to figure out when managing hypothyroidism is finding a doctor you can work with to start figuring out what the root causes were to get trigger hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In this episode, I'm talking about the importance of creating a care team of professionals with different areas of

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Influencer Aimée Jong heeft twee dochters. Toen haar jongste dochter Charlie twee jaar was, kwam het leven van het jonge gezin volledig op z'n kop te staan. Charlie kreeg de heftige diagnose leukemie. Na een hele zware periode, werd Charlie afgelopen april officieel kankervrij verklaard, en zijn alle behandelingen afgerond. Aimée vindt het belangri

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