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Truth: Kids don’t come with a handbook! But what if there was a parenting handbook that aligned with your healthy living values? In each episode of the Healthy Parenting Handbook Podcast, mom of 4 Katie Kimball interviews experts in fields like nutrition, medicine, psychology, parenting, technology, entrepreneurship, and more to give parents tools to raise healthy, independent kids. Intentional parents, here comes clarity about what you can DO to keep your kids physically and mentally healthy!
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show series
My guest today, Dr Morgan Cutlip, is a sought-after relationship expert, but she doesn’t talk down to moms - she’s right in it with us. If you’ve ever had a disagreement with your spouse about who’s doing more than the other in the home, how full your brain is, or whether one of you is angry or just using your “go time” or “business” voice – you ne…
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We will ALL encounter tough situations and hard times in our lives. We will ALL cope with them in some way. But sometimes coping looks like throwing a chair or eat a whole box of cookies. Licensed Mental Health Counselor Janine Halloran joins us today to talk about the kind of coping that is safe and healthy and HOW we can teach those skills to our…
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I call myself a science geek, but my reading and research don’t hold a candle to Pearl and Serene of Trim Healthy Mama, authors of the new book Trim Healthy Wisdom. What I love most about them is that they KEEP learning and aren’t afraid to add to and update their life’s work. When peri-menopause hit and their bodies asked for something different, …
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When Dr. Michael Goran started researching children’s nutrition almost 40 years ago, he wasn’t looking at obesity, type 2 diabetes, or fatty liver disease. That wasn’t because his head was in the sand - those things didn’t exist in kids but now all 3 are becoming prevalent. What is going on??? Time and time again, the research pointed to a surprisi…
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Imagine with me…your kids can take over a whole dinner meal and cook it themselves while you get something else done! It’s a dream that has become reality times three for me here at the Kids Cook Real Food™ household. I realized I’ve shared the process we used to gradually release cooking responsibility and teach our kids to cook a whole dinner by …
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Did you know the pre-frontal cortex where executive functioning lives doesn’t fully develop until our early 30s??? I still struggle with some executive functioning skills like time management and following a plan, but if I learned anything from this interview, it’s that we ALL can continue to grow, change, and improve. You are not married to your w…
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I’ve always said that parenting is “an 18-year-long game,” fully expecting that parenting would markedly diminish after my kids turned 18. Now that I’m parenting a 19-year-old…it turns out parenting DOES change and it ought to diminish, but it’s still a thing! Kim Muench coaches parents of “emerging adults,” a new term needed to describe 18-30-year…
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I’ve known about proper breathing technique and oral posture for over five years now and I’m STILL doing it wrong if I don’t focus on it! Seriously. Breathing. If you’ve ever thought about your breathing - and most of us don’t because it’s so automatic - you might notice that you feel differently when you breathe differently. Breath drives a LOT of…
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How about some stats to make you sad? Kids are on screens an average of 7 hours a day…and we spend 85% of our parenting energy on what our kids are doing wrong. Aw, man! It stinks to start with the negative. In fact, that will train our brains to see more negative things, which is why I did it. Do you feel more down after reading that? More worried…
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Depression and anxiety are plaguing our children, and stress is often a root cause...what can we do about it? Whether we actually live stressful lives or simply stress ourselves out (or social media plays a role in over-stimulating our amygdala and fight or flight response), there's no doubt in my mind that Americans are experiencing stress, and ar…
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Imagine if your child was kicked out of daycare for behavior issues, in spite of the fact that you’re making intentional choices as parents. Devastating! But what if the problem wasn’t caused by your child OR your parenting choices? Brandon and Whitney Cawood’s story will break your heart and then give you hope because they found what was hurting t…
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Want to hear from a naturopath from down under? Jess Donovan, with her lovely Aussie accent, shares all sorts of goodness with us today on the Healthy Parenting Handbook, like: favorite immunity-boosting foods to recommend to busy families the best way to get probiotics integrated into your family common nutrient deficiencies in kids (and what you …
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Have you seen the dad who cleans on Instagram? I don’t know if Tyler Moore, aka Tidy Dad, enjoys that people probably know him that way, but I think it’s accurate! I’ve followed Tyler since the summer of 2022 - but who in the world remembers WHEN they started following someone on Instagram? You’ll hear why that summer was important in Tyler’s caree…
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Ever been asked a question in person, and you replay the conversation over and over, a dozen times, rephrasing your answer? I did that recently, not just rephrasing but adding and rethinking and adding some more. The question was, “How do you raise such nice boys??” I decided it would make a pretty decent podcast episode, exploring my meanderings t…
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The world keeps getting more and more fast-paced, and our brains and bodies aren’t really keeping up. As moms, can we possibly create a home that is a peaceful space, a safe place from which our kids can explore? My guest today is Jennifer Pepito, author of Habits for a Sacred Home, and we talk about just that, including: Why moms are naturally fea…
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Ever felt like your kids or teens want to do the opposite of what you recommend? Dr. Mandy Patterson and I are both moms of teens, and we talk today about the perils of parenting and how we work around the resistance. She has some great tips for finding a way “in” to what your kids care about when it comes to health and behavior. Since this is a pa…
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I see a lot on social media about the “mental load” that women especially carry. Meal planning, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, getting kids where they belong on time, making sure they have proper snacks and meals if they won’t be home for dinner, homework, emails from everywhere… It’s a LOT. And a lot of the mental load we home managers carr…
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Way back when my husband and I were new-ish parents, he read a headline that talked about parents being “bone tired” at the end of the day. For years, we referred to that phrase: “We’re BONE TIRED. Parents are all BONE TIRED.” (Put a little lilt and emphasis on “bone” and you can hear us in your head now.) As it turns out, Dr. Evan Hirsch would rec…
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Let’s talk money! If you’re feeling stuck living paycheck to paycheck, you’re in the majority here in America - but it doesn’t have to be that way! Brie Sodano is a nationally recognized Personal Finance Expert, and she does things differently – today we flip some paradigms on their heads and get a peek into Brie’s wisdom and systems for money, inc…
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Will sleep become the new kale? Or the new cancer? Adults are shorting themselves on sleep in droves in our "always-on" culture, and I'm unfortunately leading the pack. That's why I begged sleep science coach Christine Hansen to join me for a half hour to get some important tips!! I started implementing a new way to wake up my kids immediately, and…
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Warning - sad statistic. :( The 2nd leading cause of death for kids ages 10-24 in America is...suicide. I'm not okay with this! Let's talk this Depression Awareness Month about prevention - there are research-based strategies that parents can use to reduce their kids' chances of being depressed. While depression isn't the only risk factor for suici…
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Cas of Clutterbug describes her “young mom” self as a hot mess – house a disaster and feeling horrible that she couldn’t get organized. She finally realized a few important pieces of her own personality and is now a Recovering Super Slob turned Organizing Expert who teaches others how to tap into their own unique organizing styles, which she says a…
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Did you know that the way your child eats can affect their speech and vice versa? Melanie Potock is a Speech-Language Pathologist who became a pediatric feeding expert through her experience as a mom of a former picky eater. She uses her SLP expertise to help parents introduce new foods to kids, form healthy eating habits, and really lay the founda…
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Note: I mention in this interview to go to episode 38, but things got switched around and it's actually 39. Sorry! No one has to say school lunches are good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. That’s not my point today - although I think school lunches could use some improvement. :) Today let’s talk about picky eating specifically - could school lunches …
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If your child has ever thrown a tantrum… If you’ve ever reacted, let’s say, “imperfectly” to that tantrum… If you’ve ever wondered why your toddler or teen is having a meltdown over something seemingly inconsequential… My friends, then this interview is a MUST LISTEN. Ann is an incredible teacher - let’s learn about: The impact of childhood experie…
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What are your feet doing RIGHT NOW? Are you standing on them? If not...stand up and listen to this! I learned so much from Juliet Starrett, founder of one of first 50 CrossFit gyms in America who got passionate about kids' mobility when she saw a HUGE problem at her daughter's field day. She launched StandUpKids.org, a nonprofit dedicated to fundin…
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Bet you a million bucks you’ve heard people say (or said yourself): It’s too complicated to get healthy - everyone says something different! Such and such diet/strategy/exercise worked for so-and-so, why isn’t it working for me? I feel like I’ve tried everything and it’s so hard to figure out what works! Maybe, just maybe… everyone is different? Ye…
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We know that anxiety is affecting both kids and adults at alarming rates. We’ve discussed anxiety busters before on The Healthy Parenting Handbook, and today we’re completing the trifecta of experts with an MD who practices integrative medicine. Dr. Wiggy Saunders joins me to dive into anxiety once again because we can’t give parents enough strateg…
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I learned today that I still have a lot of internal tendencies from middle school. 😮 Middle school can be a foreign land and a tumultuous time, and figuring out how to parent middle schoolers is hard on parents. We want our kids to be happy, resilient, and thriving, not wilting, crying, and worrying. As we head back to school, stresses are always h…
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Not kidding, I referenced this interview FOUR times the same week we recorded — it’s THAT pertinent to our jobs as parents! Today we’re focusing on the MOST important quality our kids need today – resilience. Michele Borba's book THRIVERS is about 7 teachable skills that set happy, healthy, and high-performing kids apart — and I believe those are l…
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Shannon Miller is a 7-time Olympic medalist and has over 100 national competition medals in gymnastics as well, more than half the gold kind. People in our generation certainly remember her name from the “Magnificent Seven” team gold winners in the 1996 Olympic games, where she captured the first balance beam gold an American had ever achieved. She…
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Did you start to question the products you put on your kids’ skin once you were a mom? Meet Tatyana Cerullo, attorney, and formulator of Kōkua Suncare, who came to that realization as she saw the legal system behind the marketing. We get so much conflicting information these days about whether the sun is something to hide from or embrace, what’s sa…
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Grabbing a piece of whole fruit or a popsicle are both fast, easy, and refreshing in the summer. But will they give your kids fuel for summer play? We know we’ll be asked about snacks approximately 5,287 times … in June. 😉 Nobody wants that! Here are some ideas to keep snacking running smoothly and prevent hungry tummy issues: Make a System Watch f…
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What life skills are kids and teens going to need in this fast-paced digital world??? We can’t really predict what specific skills our kids will need in 20 years, BUT we know they’ll need to know how to learn and other “soft skills.” Enjoy meeting a handful of our #LifeSkillsNow summer camp leaders as we explore what our youth need most and how par…
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I actually HUGGED my to-do lists, all of them, during this interview! My guest Megan Sumrell warned me that she was going to tell me task lists are no good. I added that to my list. ;) If you’ve ever felt like you have too much to do, too many demands on your time, or like you’re bound to that to-do list, this episode is for you! We discuss: Why tr…
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Grocery budget hurting? Erin Chase of $5 Dinners has been making inexpensive meals to save her family’s grocery budget since the real estate crisis of 2008. She says the current inflation problem is similar in how it’s making people feel about money and savings, and it’s TIME to pay attention to your food budget, no matter who you are. In this epis…
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You’ve heard people say it …You may have said something similar yourself … It’s a negative judgment on teens, especially parenting teens. “Oh, just look out for when they’re teenagers!” “Teens are just moody…just confrontational…just tough to parent.” Etc. Etc. Etc. I’ve said it too, and I feel regret! Turns out, most of the time, I puffy-heart-lov…
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I interview a LOT of different people in a myriad of professions, but I’ve never come close to having a woodworker on the show before! “What would we talk about - how to build things? That won’t go well on a podcast in someone’s ear…” I thought. Do not worry my friends, because Anika and I are both moms, so we dig into woodworking as an analogy for…
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What happens when you’re already living your dream…but it’s a dream interrupted? Dr. Robin Dickinson was a family practitioner who loved her job and her patients, and she was GOOD at what she did. But when the pandemic sent her kids home from school, they needed her more. What happened next is nothing short of extraordinary. In today’s interview, y…
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Confession: My house is VERY cluttered. I have never been good at letting go of things. “I might need that someday!” “What about the grandkids? They’ll want to read that book!” I’m always a little anxious and yet inspired when I talk to organizers and decluttering experts, and this conversation with Katy Wells will not disappoint!! Her story was a …
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When is the last time your kids were learning something in school and you got totally pulled in? That happened to today’s podcast guest, Kathy Gibbens, when her daughter was learning logic and critical thinking in middle school, and Kathy became a mom on a mission. She realized critical thinking is, well, critical to our society thriving and starte…
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For real, let's talk about Kid POOP. Because it doesn't get enough press! Dr. Song talks about kids' poop with every patient at every visit. You're going to love this interview! Dr. Elisa Song, MD, holistic pediatrician, is back today with some very important instruction for parents and kids about WHY we need to be aware of our kid's poop each day,…
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In today's Healthy Parenting Handbook, I'm going to take 5 different arguments against kids doing chores and learning life skills and counter them with facts, stories, research, and a big ol' dose of common sense. These are real arguments I hear from both well-meaning parents AND keyboard warriors on social media, plus one from a well-established e…
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Oh, parents. Parents in the tech age...there REALLY is no handbook for this! We've never seen our parents struggle through having the Internet in our kids' pockets, and honestly? I don't like the feeling of making it up as I go along. That's why I've been following Andrea and Tyler at Better Screen Time for a few years in my personal email, and I d…
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Power. Control. Parenting. Which of these three doesn’t belong? My guest today is Wendy Snyder, a positive parenting educator who reminds us, “Control is not the goal of parenting.” Obviously, there is a balance of power in a parent-child relationship, but taking the power or fighting over who has power isn’t the right game to play. Wendy will teac…
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I used Tosha's tips the very DAY we recorded this interview, and I have to tell you -- they work. So well. Once you hear about her strategy for reducing frustration and nipping "negative spirals" in the bud, you'll know why when my husband spent a ton of time hanging with our then-5-year-old, Gabe, over Christmas break, he said: "You know, Gabe has…
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I’ve been telling everyone about this book! Ever since I read The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey, it has truly changed my parenting. My mindset about the mistakes my kids make and little accidents they have is totally more peaceful, and the whole time I was absorbing the information, I was thinking, “How can I interview this author so I can share…
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I'm so happy to have my stress mastery mentor here today! Heidi Hanna, PhD, is one of the most intellectual, intuitive and compassionate people I know, and I'm honored to host her wisdom today. We recorded this interview in March 2020, when we were all in a tailspin and figuring out managing our stress was more important than ever! Fill your brain …
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We talked last week about STRESS and its impact on our health and our relationship with our families. I challenged you to be more aware of your breath and take the “Moment to Breathe” challenge, and a few of you chimed in after trying it that it’s really working!! Personally I found being aware of my breath and its ability to control my bodily reac…
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Raise your thumb if you feel STRESS on a normal day! We busy moms (and dads) tend to experience stress and feel it right down to our breathing and heart rate, and it affects the way we parent, our productivity, and our own mental AND physical health. Today I’m so excited to use my stress mastery training to teach you about how our brains respond to…
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