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show episodes
Jersey Belle Jaime Primak Sullivan wants to tawk, not talk. The writer and producer behind the Cawfee Tawk Facebook series is back for a hilarious new season of her hit Lemonada show, being the virtual best friend you always wish you had when you needed them. Joined by her assistant Jaxon, Jaime will share her unfiltered thinking on parenting, marriage, work, relationships, and the constant evolution of culture and its role in shaping our everyday lives. And Jaime has absolutely no problem s ...
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MadLit Musings - We chat LIFE here with special guest authors of both fiction and non-fiction! We dive beyond the story into the deep questions of Spirituality, Does God Exist, How Does Faith Fit, Culture and Jesus, Identity, and more. It's not just a podcast to talk about writing or reading, it's a podcast where we ask the tough questions on life! Join Christy Award-Winning Author Jaime Jo Wright for Season 5!
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Allô! Ini adalah sudut pandang saya yang dituang dalam podcast dengan tujuan orang-orang sekitar tahu bahwa setiap orang punya perspective dalam melihat suatu persoalan yang di alami dan tidak bisa disamakan atau di salahkan sudut pandangnya tersebut. Enjoy!!
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Parfois drôle, souvent touchant, et cultivant une totale liberté de ton et d’expression, J’AIME JOUER donne la parole aux joueurs de tous horizons, dressant ainsi une «cartographie» du joueur d’aujourd’hui.
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Welcome to the Jaime’s POV podcast, this is where you will meet the amazing people that have influenced me through out my life. Who am I? Well, I am no one famous but I maybe your neighbor, your coworker, your classmate.
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Jaime is a self-help junkie who's goal is to get woke AF and to make it as a stand-up comedian. Jaime will do whatever works to accomplish his goals. As for topics of the podcast, honestly, whatever works, as long as it's entertaining! Jaime just wants to be loved, man.
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Et si l’administratif n’était pas si compliqué ? La mission de J’aime la paperasse, c’est de dédramatiser, de rendre l’administratif plus simple, plus clair, pour que l’entrepreneuriat soit accessible à tous. L’administratif, c’est plus qu’une corvée : c’est aussi un outil de gestion, et comprendre les règles du jeu, c’est la base pour prendre de meilleures décisions. Que ce soit la date de création de votre micro-entreprise, les choix fiscaux ou le passage à la TVA, l’administratif est au c ...
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Jaime’s Curved Cube Continues

Jaime’s Curved Cube Continues

I’m still curving my own cube with my career in podcasting! Find my original final episodes of Curve the Cube and all my newest shows on FloridaPodcastNetwork.com. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jaime-legagneur/support
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J'aime Pas Ma Voix


"J'aime pas ma voix... et c'est pour ça que j'utilise celle des autres." Un podcast à la première personne. Chaque vendredi. "Par" Spry. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Jaime Condori Podcast

Millionaire Mentor Jaime Condori Cahuana

Hablamos de superación personal, crecimiento personal y profesional, un podcast que busca ayudarte a superarte, muchos audios que te ayudaran en tu desarrollo personal, historias de Reflexión . estamos en YouTube, Facebook Instagram haciendo contenidos que te sumen en tú vida.
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Gamer Jaime

Jaimelynn Dorman

welcome to gamers podcastings we will talk about games and hobbies and pretty much everything (this is just a memo but plz share this with your friends and family if you want to it would help me alot) Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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J'aime Jouer

Plongez dans l'univers passionnant du jeu avec J'aime Jouer, le podcast qui vous emmène à la découverte des dernières tendances, des jeux classiques et des anecdotes les plus folles du monde du gaming. Que vous soyez un joueur passionné ou simplement curieux, rejoignez-nous pour une exploration ludique et divertissante de cet univers fascinant. Préparez-vous à vivre des moments de fun, de découverte et de partage avec notre équipe de gamers passionnés, chaque semaine sur J'aime Jouer. Héberg ...
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Jaime y sus Gatos

Jaime Hdz

Un podcast sobre los Gatos y sus cuidados. Hablemos de todo para #catlovers: salud, consejos, cuidados de mi gato, datos curiosos. Si amas a los gatos, si quieres llevarte mejor con tu gato, este es Tu Podcat.
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The Dr. Jaime Show

Dr. Jaime Kulaga

The Dr. Jaime Show is all about increasing your happiness, health, success and likeability. Join Dr. Jaime as she interviews top experts and leaders in their field- - from astronauts to holistic doctors, authors to attorneys and millionaires to executive coaches. Together, we get inside their worlds to gain knowledge and understanding in order to help you achieve maximum success and fulfillment in your life.
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Welcome to my show! I’m socially awkward, but I like to think that makes me entertaining. Hopefully we can get a good laugh in while discussing some serious topics. My focus is female empowerment through motherhood and entrepreneurship. I hope you guys love my guests as much as I do and my laugh isn’t too annoying. 💁🏻‍♀️ Enjoy! 😘
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Silverlake Priestess hosted by Priestess, Musician, and Women's Empowerment Coach Jaime Black is a journey into one woman's story of discovering her Sacred Purpose and her ability to help others do the same. Jaime delves into Women's Sacred Mysteries, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Sisterhood, Red Tents, Goddess Culture, Moon Circles, Ritual, Tarot Reading, Psychic Practice, Witchcraft, and more. Great for Women discovering their inner Priestess and wanting to connect to the Ancient Sisterhood.
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This is a podcast where I, your host Breyen, converse with a variety of figures in music, television, and pop culture about life, creativity, and their journey to personal greatness. Join me, five days a week, as I dive into the Real Reality of all things Realness, while getting to know some of my favorite creatives in the process, through their connections to reality tv and the entertainment industry. Lock in while I Clock in, cause we are about to Get Into It!
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Do you struggle with taking your life and finances to the next level? Join Jaime Catmull, also known as “Your Money Champion,” as she interviews personalities from all walks of life to guide listeners toward “The Richer Way,” of life. Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow your personal experience with money and live a better life!
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J'aime mon café

Café Barista

Café Barista est une maison de torréfaction artisanale située à Montréal, dans le quartier Chabanel. L’entreprise spécialisée en confection, vente et distribution de café a vu le jour en 2004. Nous torréfions nos mélanges de café avec beaucoup d’amour selon la plus ancienne tradition italienne, tous les jours de la semaine, afin de vous offrir la fraîcheur qui fera voyager vos papilles jusque dans le vieux continent. Nous sommes aussi communicateurs de saveurs. Parce ce que le café fait part ...
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show series
Just in time for the excitement of March Madness, join us for this deep dive into leadership, teamwork, and unlocking potential—on and off the court. What happens when someone believes in you–before you’re even ready to believe in yourself? In this powerful conversation, Duke Professor Kate Bowler sits down with legendary basketball coach Mike Krzy…
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(NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/226-inmunidad-al-cambio-y-ii-habitos-y-acuerdos-con-nosotros-mismos/) Hay grandes frases en la historia de la filosofía, pero seguramente pocas tan certeras como la del sabio que dijo lo siguiente: «Si ya saben como me pongo pa’ que me invitan». Bromas aparte, uno d…
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That's what Darleen Santore wants to help you do. In this heartfelt conversation, we talk to the board-certified occupational therapist, mental skills coach, and author about her career, her recovery after three strokes and her new book in which she shares the secret sauce on how to show up as a better YOU! She says it all starts with intention, mi…
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In this episode of Madlit Musings, host Jaime Wright chats with Canadian author Patricia Johns about her writing journey, her new book 'Green Pastures', and the complexities of Amish culture. They explore themes of sisterhood, vows, and the challenges faced by the characters in Patricia's latest work, which delves into the lives of three sisters na…
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We’re thrilled to invite you to The Dylan Hour, a weekly cocktail party hosted by Dylan Mulvaney, from Lemonada Media. In this fun weekly video podcast, Dylan sips and spills with some of her favorite girls, gays, and theys — featuring pop stars, Broadway belters, actors, authors, like Glennon Doyle, Margaret Cho and even her own dad! The Dylan Hou…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/225-inmunidad-al-cambio-i-las-etapas-de-nuestra-mente/ «No crecemos de manera absoluta, cronológicamente. Crecemos a veces en una dimensión y no en otra; de forma desigual. Crecemos parcialmente. Somos relativos. Somos maduros en un ámbito, infantiles en otro. El pasado…
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In this episode, we sit down with our resident world traveler Jared Dillingham here at Arizona's Family. He talks about the great sights to see not just in Phoenix but across Arizona. And even though Jared is a global traveler, he says his favorite place in the world is right here in our home state. Jared loves the outdoors and has some great Arizo…
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A conversation worth eavesdropping on! Jaime Wright chats with author Crystal Caudill about her latest book, 'Written in Secret,' set in the Gilded Age of Cincinnati. With a unique plot involving a heroine who writes crime novels under a pseudonym, the historical context of corruption in the police force, and the dynamics between the characters, th…
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📝 NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/qa14-herejias-interfaces-la-mejor-musica-del-mundo-nuestra-vida-financiera-y-pensamiento-sistemico/ ¡Nuevo capítulo de preguntas y respuestas! Y lo primero es disculparme, porque tengo un montón de mensajes y audios sin responder, se me han acumulado unas cuantas p…
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We meet Valley native Jenni Pollack of Light and Bark Candle Co. She says her love of dogs sparked an interest in fundraising for the animals, so she started making candles. Those candles turned into a full-time business that now gives back to at least ten rescues in the Valley. Light and Bark Candle Co. is located in the heart of Old Town Scottsda…
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De venta en Amazon https://www.amazon.com.mx/%C3%81brase-caso-ansiedad-Prevenir-eliminar-ebook/dp/B0DPTL1LJZ/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_es_MX=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=34QIICX9BLQGU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.I6_2_yFoyKSvv_B1y-N_xkEUhu-5TZaU1Zc2LUU3Itjkze7NqZZLqol9PEuvX3lxpgs5FE0keEBZUDl1S0AL51bCrbBnZYg6paCw0ri9P7hzOfnDQa8bmJClGlPdR01nImxdNx3-HZWiekCN5OfBlpu…
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Amigos y amigas, gracias por continuar en las Rutas del crecimiento personal. Les comparto un episodio creado con IA, dond ésta reacciona y recomienda mi episodio número 45 ¿Tengo ansiedad? Disfrútenlo, está genial. Episodio 45 ¿Tengo ansiedad? https://youtu.be/JF8Lh5e9okkVon Jaime Gómez Castañeda
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Be sure to grab your coffee and eavesdrop as Jaime Jo Wright interviews author Kendall Hoxsey, who shares her journey as a new author in the industry. They discuss Kendall's novellas, including 'A Noble Intent,' a fairy tale retelling, and 'Hearts of Redemption,' which explores historical themes in California. And, Kendall also shares insights into…
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In this heartfelt conversation, Jaime Jo and Melody Carlson discuss Melody's new book, 'Welcome to the Honey B &B,' which is inspired by her personal experiences with her husband's battle with frontal temporal dementia (FTD). Join them as they chat about the complexities of caregiving, the emotional journey of dealing with illness and grief, and th…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/224-raquel-mascaraque-el-lenguaje-de-las-emociones/ A ver, ¿cómo no iba a entrevistar a alguien que va por la vida con un cerebro en el bolso? Y es que Raquel Masacaraque, mi invitada de hoy, siente fascinación por lo que sea que pasa dentro de nuestra cabeza y que…
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Herbal remedies like teas, tinctures, and oils are gaining new interest as people search for natural ways to improve their health. We meet an herbalist who’s always loved how plants can help us heal. MeriHelen Nunez owns Tangled Root Botanicals in historic downtown Glendale. It’s an apothecary where she loves working with plant medicine and empower…
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Eavesdropping on Jaime Jo Wright and her author friends can be eye opening! You're invited to do just that as she chats with Kylie Woodley about her debut novel, 'Bandits Redemption,' set in the American West. They discuss the emotional journey of writing, the historical context of the Franco-Prussian War, and the development of the main characters…
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It's time to eavesdrop again, and this time, Jaime Jo is going LOST in Russian artifacts with Author Melissa Koslin as they discuss her new release, The Lost Library. This story follows the heroine as she is targeted by a terrorist group searching for a rumored lost library under the Kremlin in Moscow. The library is said to contain scrolls from th…
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Eavesdrop as Jaime Jo Wright chats with Sarah Monzon about her upcoming RomCom, 'An Overdue Match.' They delve into the book's themes, including the unique character of Evangeline Kelly, a librarian with alopecia who takes on the role of a matchmaker. The discussion also touches on the representation of alopecia in literature, the significance of t…
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La pétition déposée par la FNAE sur la plateforme du Sénat : https://petitions.senat.fr/initiatives/i-1699 Le seuil de la franchise de TVA va-t-il réellement être abaissé à 25 000 € ? Où en est-on aujourd'hui sur ce nouveau seuil unique de TVA ? Dans cet épisode, on fait le point sur cette énième nouveauté 2025 pour la TVA : Le plafond de la franch…
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It's time to eavesdrop again and this time, Jaime Jo chats with Jill Eileen Smith, a prolific author of biblical fiction, focusing on her latest work centered around Mary Magdalene. They discuss the nuances of writing biblical fiction, the significance of Mary Magdalene's story, and the cultural perceptions of demon possession. We're really drinkin…
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📝 NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/223-dinero-ii-historia-de-un-milagro-segunda-parte/ Este capítulo empieza con unas palabras de Miguel Anxo Bastos. Y te imagino escuchándolo de tres maneras: O asintiendo muy fuertemente a este señor. O llevándote las manos a la cabeza. O preguntándote qué caralho ha di…
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We meet Jacob Cutino of Cutino Sauce Co. What started with one all-natural jalapeno sauce inspired by his step-father's homemade recipe has grown into a full line of hot sauce flavors. Early in the game, Cutino had to do a rebrand due to a naming conflict. He tells us how he luckily had world-renowned Chef Chris Bianco there to help him through it.…
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Eavesdrop as Jaime Jo Wright gets SCHOOLED on storm watching on the West Coast, and chats with Christy Award-Winning author, Elizabeth Goddard. Hear the inspiration behind her latest book 'Storm Warning', and the unique concept of storm watching lodges. It's a thunderous conversation--not really, but it sounds good in the description--you won't wan…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/222-en-busca-de-la-sabiduria-iii-28-razones-por-las-que-la-liamos-parda-segunda-parte/ Ahora nos parece impensable, pero en 1925 Francia no sabía qué hacer con la Torre Eiffel. Se había construído para la Exposición Internacional de 1889, con la idea de que durara …
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The best meats and cheeses from around the world paired with perfectly balanced cocktails. That’s what Phil Lewkowicz wants to deliver with the new Belmont Kitchen and Cocktails in North Scottsdale. We learn Phil’s family knows fine dining, as they own both Café Monarch and The Reserve. Phil says he’s always loved hospitality and Belmont Kitchen an…
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Eavesdrop as Jaime Jo Wright chats with Jamie Ogle, an award-winning author known for her historical fiction set in early church history! They're diving in at the deep end with Jamie's new release, 'As Sure as the Sea,' which is a fictional retelling of the life of St. Nicholas. But not the Santa Claus you may know, and definitely not Christmas. Ex…
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Eavesdrop of these two troublemakers as Jaime Jo welcomes back Toni Shiloh to discuss her latest book, 'The Nature of Love.' How does wildlife conservation and orthopedic surgery come together? Can romance authors ever run out of ideas? You'll only know if you tune in! Don't miss all the episodes at youtube.com/@UCIkQtG6r0yY53TJxI8gIWIQ #bookishtho…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/221-las-claves-de-la-argumentacion-un-hombre-croissant-aldeas-ecologicas-y-el-tipo-que-escribia-los-discursos-a-kennedy/ Internet es un lugar extraño. Un día te pones a buscar vídeos de ejercicios para hacer en el gimnasio y, sin saber bien cómo, acabas en un curso de a…
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A lawyer with a love of art created a shop 17 years ago to support local artists. When Jane Reddin passed away from cancer, she left the store to an employee who she knew would love it as much as she did. Since then, former news photojournalist Lisa Olson, has poured her heart in making Practical Art a cornerstone for art in our community. If you'r…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/220-carlos-molina-toma-de-decisiones-las-mentiras-de-silicon-valley-y-la-vida-solopreneur/ La de hoy es una entrevista algo diferente a las últimas que he hecho en el podcast. Porque hacía tiempo que no tratábamos temas de negocios, y mi invitado y yo nos liamos a …
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The WM Phoenix Open is this week and Spring Training is close behind. We talk to two pros when it comes to Arizona events: our own Scott Pasmore and Ian Schwartz. They tell some wild stories from covering the events and give some recommendations on restaurants to try while out and about with your friends.…
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