IELTS Tutorials - an Online IELTS Test Preparation Portal will help you ace the IELTS Exam. Find proven tips and strategies to practice, attempt free IELTS practice tests & get them evaluated from experts to improve your performance and achieve the desired IELTS Results. Learn about IELTS Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking modules in depth. Join our Online IELTS Coaching Service to take advantage of a flexible and visual learning experience. Make the most out of our Writing Correction ...
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Learn how to solve in 5 easy steps with the help of an example. Master True, False, Not Given Questions with these tips & score more in IELTS Reading. For more details:
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Know why your IELTS Test results are withheld or delayed. Check all the terms and conditions in detail. Find the right strategies to deal in such situations to save your crucial time. For more details -
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Check all the essential points which create the difference between formal and informal letter for IELTS Writing. Improve your knowledge of IELTS letter writing to achieve the desired high with this blog -…
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Episode 9: Know The Difference Between Formal and Informal English for Letter Writing in IELTS Test
Check all the essential points which create the difference between formal and informal letter for IELTS Writing. Improve your knowledge of IELTS letter writing to achieve the desired high with this blog -…
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Punctuation holds a powerful position in the IELTS Grammar for Writing. So, learn different types of punctuation and how to avoid grammatical mistakes in IELTS, By Reading this blog -
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Episode 7: 11 Simple Tips to Ace IELTS Essay Writing Task
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10:39Finding it hard to achieve high Band Score in IELTS Essay Writing Task? Learn the proven tips and strategies given here and ensure to get your desired results. Read the entire article now:
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Check all the tips that are highly recommended by IELTS experts. Develop your IELTS skills and implement all the strategies in your IELTS exam preparation to achieve your desired score. Read now -
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Episode 5: 10 Books That Can Help You Prepare for The Speaking Test in The IELTS Exam
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16:35Want to learn English fluently for your IELTS Speaking and Writing test? These 10 Books will not only help you in your IELTS speaking test preparation but also in becoming a fluent English speaker in colleges and jobs as well. Read now -…
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IELTS Letter Writing Tips: A Complete Guide to Achieve Best Score
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11:44Get essential IELTS Letter Writing tips and follow some simple strategies to aim high. Check out all the sections for the best IELTS writing score or visit this link:
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Episode 4: IELTS Letter Writing Tips: A Complete Guide to Achieve Best Score
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11:44Get essential IELTS Letter Writing tips and follow some simple strategies to aim high. Check out all the sections for the best IELTS writing score or visit this link:
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There are some common doubts that can arise in your mind while you sit to prepare for your IELTS Listening test. We have solved all the Listening related FAQs here. Visit now to get the answers.
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There are some common doubts that can arise in your mind while you sit to prepare for your IELTS Listening test. We have solved all the Listening related FAQs here. Visit now to get the answers.
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News Update! IELTS is coming up with a new method to give the IELTS Academic Test. Now, apart from Paper-based and Computer-based IELTS, you can also choose IELTS Online. Also known as IELTS At Home. Check out this blog that talks all about the latest IELTS update.
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Love computers more than books? Then, this is for you!Get to know the similarities and Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Computer-based IELTS.Find out how this test will benefit you in all the ways – quicker results, better exam halls, and much more!Check out our latest blog on Computer-based IELTS and get to know the test.If you want to lear…
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Love computers more than books? Then, this is for you! Get to know the similarities and Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Computer-based IELTS. Find out how this test will benefit you in all the ways – quicker results, better exam halls, and much more! Check out our latest blog on Computer-based IELTS and get to know the test. If you want to …
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Are you tired of such myths and rumors? They are distractions in achieving your desired scores. Learn not to fall into such traps and confirm the same with a verified test education provider. Check out the latest blog on the ‘Top 10 IELTS Myths and Rumors” to debunk all the IELTS-related stories.
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IELTS Reading Tips | Score High in True False Not Given
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55:50Stop losing marks in the IELTS Reading Module! It can cost your desired score. True False Not Given section could be tricky, but effective tips can help you to overcome the challenges. Watch the video to know how to avoid scoring less in the True/False/ Not Given Section of IELTS Reading. Comprehend analytical skills by IELTS expert. Learn effectiv…
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Score high marks in the IELTS Reading Task
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29:53The IELTS reading task is one of the trickiest areas and one that non – native English speakers are wary about. It is not about simply reading a piece of data and noting down the given information; in this section, you have to understand every bit of the given information and extract it to find out regarding the main idea or the theme, to answer po…
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IELTS Listening & Reading Section | Tips for 8 Band Scores
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57:46Everyone wants 8 band scores in the IELTS Listening and Reading Section. The preparation is not easy, and at that time, you might need some expert help. Without tips and strategies, it would be difficult for anyone to proceed with the preparation. Improve your score tremendously with these helpful tips from the experts at IELTS Tutorials. Watch the…
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IELTS Reading Heading Matching Tips | Hear from The Expert
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48:42Are you losing score in the IELTS Reading section? Well, not anymore! Watch the video to understand what IELTS Reading requires from you, the test format, how to Match the Headings, etc. Know the tips and strategies from an expert to do really well in the IELTS Reading Section. Our IELTS expert is sharing all the tips related to the matching headin…
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Avoid These Mistakes in Listening & Reading Section of IELTS
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10:30We tend to make an awful lot of silly mistakes during the Listening and Reading Section of the IELTS Exam. So to avoid any such mistakes, make sure to watch this Video which entails Instructions you should adhere while transferring your answers in these sections as well as the Errors to Evade! Watch the Video Now for Constructive Tips to Crack the …
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IELTS Tutorials has left no stone unturned to provide the best education services to the IELTS aspirants. Now, it has launched yet another #bestIELTSSpeakingApp for the preparation of the speaking exam. This app is perfect preparation source for all the IELTS aspirants of Academic and General Training Tests. You will find all the questions related …
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IELTS Tutorials has recently launched the brand new IELTS Writing App for the exclusive preparation of the IELTS Writing Exam where a student will find solutions of their all writing challenges. It comes with an extensive collection of sample questions with their model answers so that you know the right format to solve such type of questions. Along…
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IELTS Tutorials has brought to you a comprehensive and flexible way to prepare for the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training exams which has all the solutions for your IELTS challenges. With the IELTS Tutorials mobile app, now learn anywhere and anytime. Your preparation guide is in your hand. You just need to download the mobile app to get an …
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With the Test Evaluation service, you can evaluate your mock tests by the IELTS experts of IELTS Tutorials. They will check your response and will give you perfect guidance on improving your skills. It helps you to boost your confidence with every test that you give. Give the mock tests and submit them to get evaluated by the experts. Get a complet…
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IELTS Writing Correction service will evaluate both the writing tasks; task 1 and task 2 for both the modules – IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. You will get detailed feedback on your writing sample and many ways to improve your writing style with effective tips and strategies. By availing this service, you can learn about your grey areas…
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Get one-on-one attention, receive guidance, personalised tips and solutions by availing #IELTSOnlineCoaching with expert guidance and feedback related to your performance. Customise your daily sessions by choosing to learn what you really require and get those solutions first. Skip off the rest. You can save travelling time and devote it to studyin…
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Presenting the IELTS Tutorials an Online website portal offered by Aussizz Group! IELTS Tutorials was founded in 2017 with an only aim to help the IELTS aspirants. The motto of IELTS Tutorials is to provide state-of-the-art learning facility, a high-tech environment which ultimately helps students to achieve the targets. It has now completed 3 year…
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IELTS Speaking Task | Score big in the Counter Questions Round!
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1:06:10The IELTS Speaking Test is regarded as a tricky area for several aspirants; as this is a direct one – on – one with the examiner. But the last part can be a make or break situation for many as it comes to impressing the examiner with good language and answers. To know how to do that & score big in it, watch the highly informative video. Not just th…
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IELTS Speaking Task | How to Get a High Score
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56:50Learn the art of presenting yourself and your thoughts through words to the examiner in the IELTS to make your way. In this video, we strive to give you the best tips, tricks and methods using which you can be more fluent using your verbal communication. We show you methods to use your imagination and creativity more confidently in the exam and mak…
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IELTS Speaking Tips and Tricks | Nail The Exam
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58:00It becomes difficult when you share your thoughts directly in front of the examiner, where you will be judged on many parameters. This is the reason many IELTS aspirants prepare this section differently. You need expert advice to achieve the desired scores. Don’t worry; in this video, the expert will share her expertise on the IELTS Speaking exam a…
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Score 7+ bands in the IELTS Speaking Task
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43:13👉🏻 Regarded as a ‘dreaded’ area by the #IELTS aspirants, particularly the non – native English speakers; the #Speaking #task is actually a very interesting one. It is not merely a show of your vocab skills, but a confident display of your thoughts, ideas and knowledge. And how confident you are when you answer questions related to them. 👉🏻 Our expe…
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IELTS Speaking: Learn How to Speak Efficiently & Fluently
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57:30Sometimes, it becomes difficult to share thoughts efficiently. And where you will need some expert advice from IELTS expert. Because efficient and fluent speaking can help you to get the desired score in the IELTS Speaking exam. Our expert IELTS tutor explains all you need to know about the IELTS Speaking Module. Watch the video and get all the inf…
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Learn How to Speak and Write Confidently in the IELTS Exam
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58:53If your writing skills, handwriting, grammar, phonetics, pronunciation etc. end up giving you constant nightmares, and you have a continuous struggle to write and speak in English, then this video is certainly for you. Our IELTS expert is sharing her master strategies and tips, and suggestions so that you improve on your shortcomings and turn them …
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IELTS Writing Exam | Band Descriptor Table to Get Maximum Bands
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32:21IELTS students often don’t know much about the marking criterion and band descriptor table which helps to get the maximum band in the IELTS Writing exam. If you know the band descriptor table, it becomes easy for you to focus on the marking criterion and help to get the desired score in the writing exam. In this video, the IELTS expert will give yo…
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IELTS Writing | Impress Examiner with Perfect Intro & Conclusion
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34:02👉🏻 IELTS aspirants often fear to start writing because they don’t have ideas on how to write a perfect article, be it an essay or a letter. Remember, your introduction will leave a good impact on the examiner and therefore, it is essential to write a perfect introduction to get the desired band. 👉🏻 Here, in this video, you will find all the expert …
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Solve Recently Asked Questions of IELTS Essay Writing Task 2!
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40:24👉🏻 In this video, IELTS expert will share all the recently asked questions of IELTS Essay Writing Task 2. You will find all the new questions on essay writing, and also they will share some great strategies to solve questions. 👉🏻 The expert will share the techniques to solve such types of essay questions and will guide you to improve your writing s…
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IELTS General Writing Task 1 | Know Formal vs Informal Letter Writing
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22:15Know what are the differences between a formal letter and an informal letter of IELTS General Writing Task 1. To avoid confusion in the exam, watch the video and learn their real differences. IELTS expert will share the examples with a handful of tips and strategies to help in your IELTS preparation. Improve your IELTS Writing score with this sessi…
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IELTS Grammar | Improve Grammar Skills and Know Its Basic Rules
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42:07To improve your IELTS Score, you will surely need to upgrade your grammar skills. The more you have a good grip over grammatical range and accuracy, the more you will get close to your future dreams. Watch the video and learn from the experts. Take a handful of notes on tips and strategies of IELTS grammar and improve the quality of your IELTS prep…
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IELTS Writing Exam | Tips on Bar Graph & Line Graph Questions
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45:01👉🏻 Bar graph and line graph questions of IELTS Writing exam can be confusing and for some IELTS aspirants. But don’t worry, IELTS expert will help you to solve both types of graph questions easily. 👉🏻 Watch the video and check how to solve bar graph and line graph questions. You will get many tips and strategies from the IELTS expert. It will help …
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IELTS Writing Exam | Get a Firm Grip Over Agree/Disagree Essays
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36:15👉 The writing style is very essential when it comes to IELTS Writing exam. The Assessor will surely look for your writing style, a wide range of vocabulary, accurate grammar, and your knowledge about the topic. 👉 Agree/Disagree essays can be challenging, and it needs extreme practice. But before practice, get effective tips for IELTS expert on writ…
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IELTS Writing: How to Write Simple & Complex Sentences
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35:58✍️Writing an essay on a topic is your weakness? Do you want some strategies to ace in the IELTS Writing exam? Are you getting confused about how to write simple, compound and complex sentences? 👩💻Watch the video to clear all your doubts. Our IELTS expert is here and sharing all the tips and strategies to improve your writing style. Implement all t…
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IELTS Writing Task 1 General Training | Strategies & Tips
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40:48Make some strategies to get the desired band in the IELTS Writing Task 1 General Training. With this helpful video, take away a handful of tips shared by our IELTS expert. Watch it till the end and know different ways to improve your writing. Implement all the strategies and tips in your preparation and improve the quality of your writing. There ar…
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IELTS Writing Task 2: How to Solve a Double Question Essay?
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36:36A double question is a combination of opinion-based and descriptive essays. This FB Live covers the appropriate format and a sample which will help you to score better. Watch the video to learn the simple tactics, and techniques to be able to do this task well. Follow IELTS Tutorials for weekly webinars with key tips, tricks, and strategies! #ielts…
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IELTS Writing Task | Be a Pro in Essay Writing with Intro & Conclusion
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59:39The Essay Writing Task of IELTS exam is time-bound, takes 40 minutes to write a minimum of 250 words. The situation can pressurize you if you fail to write a perfect essay. A perfect introduction and conclusion are essential for a perfect essay. The IELTS expert is sharing all the strategies to guide you to write a perfect essay with introduction a…
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IELTS Writing General Training Task | Now Easily Interpret Formal vs. Informal
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50:47Get to know the right approach and techniques to interpret Formal vs. Informal letters with this video. Our IELTS expert will share their expertise on the topic and help you to score high in the #IELTSWritingGeneralTrainingTask. Don’t forget to subscribe our channel to find the best ways to do well on the IELTS Exam. Don’t wait, subscribe now. ➡ Jo…
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Confused with the directions in IELTS Writing Task? Time to get some expert advice
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46:56👉🏻 Being human it is quite common to get confused with the directions because we have less specialization in navigation. But at the same time, we know that you have to crack the #IELTSWritingTask in 'Describe & Summarize Maps'. 👉🏻 No need to worry, our IELTS Expert will answer all your problems and share some quality tips to maintain accuracy in th…
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IELTS Writing Task 2 | Present your thoughts in a Perfect Essay!
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40:40👉🏻 Do you love analysing situations or evaluating arguments, judgments or opinions? If it’s a yes to any one of the above, you are one step clear in mastering the art of crafting that perfect essay which captivates the examiner. 👉🏻 To see recently asked examples and further tricks to score good marks, make sure you watch the highly informative vide…
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IELTS General Training Writing Task – 1 | Score More with Letters!
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41:37👉🏻The #Letter #Writing #task📝 for the IELTS – General Training Exam is much more than writing a normal letter. Watch the highly informative video as our experts guide you through the letter writing journey so that you learn how to explain situations, provide salutations, how to address various types of letters to different people, etc. ✔️ To learn …
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IELTS Writing Task
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17:35:26Get essential tips and strategies on the IELTS Writing Exam! For more videos on writing exam visit:
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