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GraceLife Sarasota

GraceLife Sarasota

Couldn't join us for worship this week? Life happens! Luckily you can catch the latest sermon or go back and check out any of our past sermons on our weekly GraceLife Sarasota podcast.
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Have you ever noticed how easily we remember the traumatizing events in our lives, big and small? We never forget! We all have trauma, even those of us who think we don’t, are impacted by it in daily life more than you realize. They’re called core memories that cling to us, spring up without warning, they frame how we see life. These memories can b…
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It was the summer of 1991 at the outdoor basketball courts at USF. Pastor Joe, 23 years old, was playing pickup with college players while a crowd watched from the bleachers. It was like that Ski-Lo song, “I wish I was a little bit taller…”—everyone came to see their guy dominate the game. This may surprise you, but I was by far the shortest and sl…
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Isn’t it fun to be the one announcing good news? To see the thrill in someone’s face because of news you shared? When was the last time you had the privilege of sharing amazing news with someone who wasn’t expecting it? How did you feel when you saw their joy, the relief, the spark of hope in someone’s eyes as they received it? Good news can be so …
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Have you ever looked at the world around you and wondered, why does evil seem to be winning? Hypocrisy, injustice, corruption, doesn’t it seem like darkness is constantly gaining ground & closing in around us? We’re confronted daily w/what seems like the wicked prospering while the righteous suffer. There’s a psalm for that:(Psalm 73:3,12-14) For I…
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Don’t you love it when your plans or strategies come together? Especially when the outcome is super important? It's very rewarding! You feel intelligent, in control, powerful! It confirms your high opinion of your wisdom & foresight! Even our selfish, ambitious, lustful, unrighteous plans that hurt others provide this intoxicating illusion of contr…
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"Reverence & awe for the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me, your days will be multiplied, and years added to your life." - Proverbs 9:10-11Do you know people who seem prone to making unwise choices? Have you ever felt like you might be one of them? Why do people make the same silly mistakes rep…
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Have you ever been so distraught, anxious, distressed and distracted you couldn’t eat or sleep? Maybe you were worried about your bills or you lost your job, or a huge costly catastrophe that came upon you. Maybe it was a legal decision from the judge, a medical diagnosis from your doctor, or other potential, looming bad news. Maybe it was just imm…
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"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." - John 15:18-19Have you noticed the world seems to hate Christianity? Does this hostility towards Christianity…
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Do you know what these are? Call it what it is. Ugly. Just look at them! This “art” is at best “questionable!” Everything is out of proportion. They are stick figures. Coloring outside the lines. Some don’t even resemble anything! But someone somewhere thought they were precious enough to take a picture and put it on the world wide web! These are o…
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Do you know what these are? Call it what it is. Ugly. Just look at them! This “art” is at best “questionable!” Everything is out of proportion. They are stick figures. Coloring outside the lines. Some don’t even resemble anything! But someone somewhere thought they were precious enough to take a picture and put it on the world wide web! These are o…
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(DEUTERONOMY 27:4-8) When you’ve crossed over the Jordan, use these stones & some plaster to build an altar on Mount Ebal to the Lord your God. Don’t use tools, build it with your hands! You shall offer burnt offerings on it to the Lord your God, make peace offerings, & have a feast there. You shall rejoice before the Lord your God. And you shall w…
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What kind of church would GraceLife be if everyone was like Ganon or Chris? Stunning, good-looking, great personality? Would our church be bigger, and more appealing? Would more people be drawn to Mt Lockwood Ridge? Listen, people like Chris, Gannon & myself, we are so tired of carrying that burden of being who everyone loves. Obviously, joking abo…
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Raise your hand if you have ever made an unwise, foolish, or just downright sinful decision. Have you experienced earthly consequences from those choices so severe that you felt there was no way back? Have you ever wrestled with the potential earthly, spiritual, and eternal impact your own free will has had on others? When we make bad choices, can …
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How many of you have ever played chess? What are the two most important pieces on the board? The King & Queen. These two pieces are all-important; everything centers around them, and where they are dictates the flow of the game. These two pieces on the chessboard are controlled by the players, who move, direct, & use them for their own strategies. …
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Have you ever felt like God was missing? You believe in God, you have faith, but you can’t see Him in your situation? We have faith, but we can’t help the fact that we feel this way as if God has gone silent & He’s nowhere to be found. We’ve all been there. We’ve been perplexed, suffering, frightened, in pain, and maybe even devastated by loss & pa…
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Before we begin our new series in Esther, I wanted to take a week to talk about GraceLife’s stance God’s Word. With so many new faces, I think it’s important to take one week to explain why we do what we do here. A biblical church is characterized by unwavering confidence and trust in the Bible as the ultimate source of truth. A biblical church, wh…
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Look at the person next to you. Imagine for a moment you saw real signs this person was clearly drifting from God. Maybe you became aware of obvious signs of sin or immorality. Maybe gathering with us had become sporadic. If it's someone in recovery, perhaps you are seeing evidence their recovery is shaky or wobbly. Maybe you have witnessed very in…
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Do you know people who just seem to have a special gift and commitment to pray for other people? If you’re like most of us, like me, several names quickly come to mind, and one of them isn’t your own! These are people we turn to, because it just seems they take prayer seriously. Their prayers seem to have power. They always seem to be much more int…
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Have you ever wondered if your faith is strong enough to endure real persecution & suffering because you follow Jesus? I’m not talking your garden variety 1st world American “bad day”, I’m talking about real suffering. Do you have what it takes to be faithful to Jesus no matter what circumstances life might visit upon you? Have you ever come to a p…
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I want to start off today with a warning to any & all the KC chiefs fans out there who may hear this sermon. Something’s been bothering me. I've had enough of your constant bragging about Patrick Mahomes & all your winning. This is a firm warning to all of you, to tone it down, and depart from your arrogance before it’s too late. You always boast a…
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"Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" - Psalm 90:12Even though Moses tells us to number days. We get comfortable, coast, and we assume our lives will be long, full, & lasting. But really, even a long life is short, maybe 70 years, more if we’re lucky. Many lives are much shorter than that. We don’t have an endless supply o…
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Has someone ever unfairly judged, slandered, or gossiped about you? How did that make you feel? I remember as a member of a church staff being publicly slandered with false accusations. It was devastating for me and my family in ways you can’t even imagine. To this day I still carry baggage from it. Even when someone slanders or gossips about somet…
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Have you ever felt like you are going the wrong direction in life, like you’re on a road you aren’t supposed to be on? As followers of Jesus, this is what it feels like, what happens, when we put too much hope in earthly things. When we’ve let our passion for earthy things become our primary desire, our primary hopes. Throughout the Bible, we’re wa…
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Last week was a hard sermon, as James taught us to look within ourselves for the cause of fights within the church. Our selfish, individualistic, arrogant pursuit of our own desires & passions put us at odds with each other, and with God. It was a tough message, but James provided a beautiful, soft landing, reminding us that God gives MORE GRACE! H…
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Have you ever witnessed, or been part of a fight in church? Maybe not fists, but words? I’ve seen church fights over some pretty crazy things, sometimes over little things, and other times big things. I’ve seen church fights over what version of the Bible should be preached from, even what time the service should start. I’ve seen church fights, peo…
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Wisdom is the guiding force, directing our decisions. The kind of wisdom we embrace determines the choices we make. In its simplest form, there are only 2 kinds of wisdom. There’s earthly wisdom and there’s Heavenly wisdom. Earthly wisdom starts off ok. It's alluring, promising, satisfying. Even people in churches are drawn to earthly wisdom. But e…
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Can you remember the most hurtful things people have ever said to you? I can quote them perfectly. I remember many, where I was, who said it, their exact words, and how I felt, decades later I can remember every detail. Some of these things were 20, 30, 40 years ago. Isn’t it amazing how easily we can remember these things? I am 56 years old, and s…
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A few weeks ago, I highlighted some popular spiritual phrases that are cheap, pointless, and powerless. Phrases like “follow your heart”, find inner peace, sending positive vibes, adjust your okra… I mean Chakra, etc. These are non-biblical phrases spoken by those who think they’re spiritual but are powerless & useless. But Christians also have phr…
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I find it painful and embarrassing when my own hypocrisy is exposed. Yet, there's a part of me that takes a peculiar satisfaction in identifying hypocrisy in others. Especially the hypocrisy of those who have accused me of hypocrisy. I am very good at spotting your hypocrisy. In fact, as a good pastor should... I keep a spreadsheet. Now of course y…
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"Crispus, the synagogue leader, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptized. One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this c…
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Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m not religious, but I am very spiritual”? What does being spiritual even mean? And what makes them spiritual? I guess it’s because they say they are. That’s really all you need to do to be spiritual. For many, that’s the extent of religion or spirituality, Its what we say. I came up with a list of modern spiritu…
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How do you think the American church is doing with providing opportunities for people to hear the Gospel? Can you think of any other time in church history with more creative, engaging, resources of biblical content. We have thousands of conferences & seminars offering fresh perspectives on how to connect with God on a deeper level. We have seminar…
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Have you ever heard someone claim their anger is “righteous”? I’ve got an example of my righteous anger this week. Last Wednesday, driving to church down Tuttle, I came to the best-designed intersection in human history. You know the one where there’s a red light for Ringling, then 26 inches further is a red light for Fruitville Road? A beloved fel…
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"You therefore must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)This verse from the Sermon on the Mount seems so out of place w/everything Jesus said about grace, mercy, & forgiveness, doesn’t it? Is this verse one of those verses you piously acknowledge, but secretly think… “ok I hope it means something else?” People make nice me…
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“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, an…
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This won’t be comfortable, but its good for us to squirm sometimes, as we test our ropes of faith, right? What would life be like if you were given everything your heart desires? What if all your dreams come true? Would it make you happy? Would you be fulfilled? Would you be completely satisfied? Or would it be a disaster? I’m not talking about jus…
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"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of Davi…
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Have you ever heard someone described as “fearless”? Well, I am here to tell you, that that person doesn’t exist. From our first breath until our last, fear, big & small, is a relentless part of everyday life on earth that never goes away. Have you ever been afraid to ask someone a question, scared you might not get the answer you want? Have you ev…
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For over a decade, my lawn was 85% weeds and 15% grass. It was green, but man was it nasty. So over a year ago, we decided to get a real lawn & sprinkler system and got the whole yard sodded. My neighbors all told me how impressive my new lawn was, it was the best lawn in the neighborhood. It was expensive sure, but now I had both treasure and pres…
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Do people celebrate wisdom? It’s a kind of yes and no. Wisdom is not fun, exciting, sensual, or anything like that. People don’t usually celebrate wisdom like they do good news or sports. People don’t throw “Wisdom Parties”. On the other side, some people worship wisdom like a god, like it’s a key that unlocks untold insight and success. If I force…
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You know I never really understood mountain climbing, not talking walking up a mountain, I’m talking cliffs & stuff. Who in their right mind puts their trust in a rope, fed through a clip, nailed into a rock 1,000 feet off the ground? How can you be sure the ropes & clip are reliable? How can you know if you hammered it in right? What about those t…
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As we conclude our Go Into The Land series, we explore the theme of legacy and the practical test of faith for the church. Drawing parallels between Joshua's leadership and the challenges we face as we go into the land, Pastor Joe prompts reflection on the kind of legacy both we as the church and individuals are leaving behind. With a seamless tran…
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In today's message, Pastor Joe draws parallels between missing a road exit and wandering off the righteous spiritual path. The Israelites' recurrent drift from God's ways, despite His faithfulness, serves as a powerful example of how we can often drift away from God within our own lives. The good news is that Jesus has built a monument for us throu…
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As our congregation grows at "Mt Lockwood Ridge," we are confronted with a significant mission. The presence of natural subgroups within our community can inadvertently lead to divisions that impede our mission. The solution is clear: older generations must mentor and educate the younger ones, equipping them to continue spreading the Gospel. This r…
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Guest Pastor Brian Yost encourages us to cultivate a heart postured with the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus in the midst of a fallen world as we go about proclaiming the Good News. Discover how embracing the mission of Christ can bring light and hope to our lives and the world around us.Von Brian Yost
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Have you ever seen or been part of a church conflict? A church with no conflict in fact isn’t a healthy church. But obviously if a church has too much conflict, that’s a sign a church isn’t healthy either. Often, Christians lack courage to deal with conflict. In fact, most chose to deal with it in anger, or just walk away. We prefer silent or sland…
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