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Our workflow, challenges and other fun thingsFrom the lands where badges and brooches grow on trees, a mythical folk of badge herders live peacefully and in harmony with nature and technology. They love providing humans with their seasonal harvest at Hacker events such as Hacker Hotel. We expect them to show up to tell you all about this seasons yi…
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Als je je eigen opsporingsteam krijgt, dan doe je het pas goed. Piraterij van muziek en films was midden jaren 90 zo groot dat 1 op de 4 verkochte cd's illegaal was. De piratenmerken waren bekend in ieder huishouden. De tientallen merken werden aangevoerd door MTV en Twilight. Hoe groot was het nou echt: dat zie je pas als je alles gaat verzamelen.…
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Meet Acme, a wonderful company where nice people make beautiful things... and then management and sales want nice statistics.Acme is a company like many others. They have been making beautiful things in their factory and workshops for years, but the recent modernization drive also appears to have another side...What is OT and why is it so special? …
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Van een defecte UPS tot een autonome huisomgeving die zelf energie inkoopt en verkoopt op de meest gunstige en voordelige momenten.Hoe je een huis uit 1928 toch energiezuinig kunt maken door middel van het slimme gebruik van domotica, IOT, zonnepanelen, accu's, infraroodpanelen, warmtewerend folie, airco's en slim gasverbruik met een HR-ketel. Als …
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I call myself "The Lamest Hacker You Know". I don 't use Kali, 0days, Burp Suite or any tools besides Curl, A browser, and clients for existing software, combined with (semi) open data sources. Probably 90% of my findings are for companies that don't have a CISO an never even heard the term "Bug Bounty Program", In this talk I will give some tips o…
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An engineer buys a camera in a second hand store, and finds herself bringing back a defunct film format.When home movies on 8mm film were king, there was a format war between Kodak's Super 8 and Fuji's Single 8. Just like Sony's Betamax in the home video wars, Fuji's technically superior contender lost the battle, and the final Single 8 cartridges …
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We all love bedtime stories, and these stories are even better when they turn into reality. This cinderella story is about how a big vendor rolled its own algorithm to "encrypt" its firmware images to deter poor hackers like us from fiddling around and potentially uncover flaws. But what if your motive is not to uncover potential flaws, but simply …
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Hackerspace Pixelbar was once the hottest hackerspace in the Netherlands, things happened and awesome people gathered once again to fix things.After a terrible fire at hackerspace Pixelbar (Rotterdam) on 28th of June 2023 ( There was a need to rebuild the awesome and safe …
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Ransomware is still a serious threat to a lot of people and organisations and nowadays using more and more advanced techniques. And now also with new open AI technology, criminals are able to organise a sophisticated attack in minutes to target you and steal your data.This talk will tell us what Ransomware actually is, who’s writing the code and ma…
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Critical infrastructure like data centers needs to be well protected. While there is lots of cyber security knowledge around at Hacker Hotel, in this talk we want to share knowledge on the physical security side of protection. Physical security measures are mostly controlled by PLC's. Thus physical security bears cyber risks as well.The talk will c…
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How organisations adopt buzzwords from the market and incorporate them into tenders, RFPs etc.During this session we will look at all the marketing buzzwords like SIEM/SOC, we go in-depth on topics such as pentesting, Unicorns, SIEM, signatures and, of course, compliancy vs. security. There will be a short panel discussion on how we as a community …
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In this talk i will share the plans of the Dutch government on building a quantum computer resistive infrastructure. The government actually started last year with its program. Whats the plan of the central government now and in the next years, nation wide and internationally.In this talk i will share the plans of the Dutch government on building a…
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The Dutch Electoral Council has asked a bunch of nerds to help them with new software for the elections. What is needed and how can you help?The Dutch Electoral Council has asked a bunch of nerds to help them with new software for the elections. The main source of truth in the Dutch elections are the paper documents, the software is there to suppor…
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In security one of the biggest changes will be the fact that on Oct 17th a lot of organisations need to have implemented. A big challenge for many organisations who haven't got a clue. But what do you need to do? And what does that mean? One of the solutions maybe to take a feline approach to NIS2 and fulfill parts of the compliance needs with Open…
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When we talk about tech stacks we usually think about big organizations running systems, but in the current day and age we too have a large digital footprint. In this talk we will go over mapping out our personal tech stack and start identifying any threats that could be useful to help prevent stalking and harassment, or at least be aware of the ri…
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Dive into the World of Cybersecurity Excellence with DIVD Academy: A Journey of Skill Enhancement and Threat Mitigation. This talk explores the pivotal role of DIVD Academy in shaping cybersecurity professionals, fostering skill development, and equipping individuals to combat evolving digital threats. Discover the cutting-edge training methodologi…
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What is this DES and why is it bad? Should I always use AES-256, bigger is better right? Who are these RSA-dudes in the first place and why do I need 25519 elliptic curves in my life? Is quantum really that bad for encryption and what can I do about it? If these are questions keeping you up at 05:00, then this talk might be for you!Cryptography is …
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Nico Dekens a.k.a Dutch_OSINTguy, a renowned open source intelligence professional, has noticed recurring patterns incontent created using artificial intelligence. He demonstrates how he has used OSINT tools and evenbasic search engines to locate and identify online accounts that appear to be using autogeneratedwebsite content, social media posts, …
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Ham radio is a nice hobby, with a bit of overlap with the hacker community.It's a very technical hobby, with a lot of variation. Much more than an Old Man talking on the radio all day.Ham radio is a nice hobby, with a bit of overlap with the hacker community.It's a very technical hobby, with a lot of variation. Much more than an Old Man talking on …
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Mechanical safe locks are quickly replaced with their electronic counterparts. While there are many benefits, the security implications are far less understood than the mechanical systems. Jan-Willem collects and researches electronic safe locks and will share his thoughts. From dumping chips with lasers to locks which can be opened with ketchup.We…
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Social Engineering 102: Hacking influence. How to get people to trust your judgement.Your level of influence, in buisines or daily life, has little to do with your level of compentence. It can be very frustrating to see all your great ideas getting shot down by the people in charge. More so when silly ideas dó get accepted. But how does influence w…
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You can hack all sorts of things. Software, hardware. But being a hacker, what makes more sense than to hack oneself? Hackers have been turning themselves into bionic man, but we can also just hack our brain, using just out brain. I am talking about lucid dreaming: dreaming while you are aware of doing so and able to shape your dream. This talk wil…
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This talk explores the concept of hackersguilds, groups of engineers collaborating to enhance internal information security. Through various activities such as answering inquiries, conducting internal pentesting exercises, and participating in CTF competitions, hackersguilds empower engineers to actively contribute to an organization's security eff…
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More and more decisions are made or prepared automatically, with "computer says no" making it really harmful at crucial moments. For many people, it is then unclear whether you have rights and what those rights are. Yet there are steps you can take to successfully fend for yourself. This talk lays out some hacks and will be the presentation of the …
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WOOt do we want? Freedom for our software! When do we WOOnt it? Now! This talk is about the journey into opensourcing software used and made by our governement. We will introduce you to the Wet Open Overheid (WOO) and explain how this law allows you to request the source of certain software. Then we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide how you …
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Lets talk about battery's! Li-ion, salt, H2 or LFP, veel systemen zijn er op dit moment beschikbaar of komen beschikbaar. Alleen zijn er nieuwe regelgevingen op de loer en wordt de positie van de netbeheerder belangrijker. Welke ontwikkelingen zijn er en hoe vormt het zich? Ik neem jullie mee in mijn reis waarin ik een thuisbatterij heb gebouwd. Ti…
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We always knew it coulde happen, and thus that it, accoording to Murphey's law, would happen. A member of DIVD got arrested in relation to computer crime. And about a year ago it did, Pepijn van der S. got arrested. In this (no press) talk we will walk you through the events that happened, the impact they had on our organisation and the lessons we …
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Kugelschreiber funktionieren bekanntlich nicht in der Schwerelosigkeit. Daher haben die Amerikaner für ihre Astronauten für viel Geld einen speziellen Kugelschreiber entwickelt der auch auch im Weltall funktioniert. Bei der ersten Begegnung zwischen amerikanischen Astronauten und sowjetischen Kosmonauten im All zeigen die Amerikaner stolz ihre neue…
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Jedes Jahr nimmt das Chaotikum Video Team Videos auf, z.B. beim Freitalk, der Softwerkskammer, den 5 Minuten Terminen, der NooK oder auf anderen Events. Diese veröffentlichen wir dann auf verschiedenen Plattformen wie z.B., youtube und auf unserer eigenen Website. Doch was passiert eigentlich dazwischen?In diesem Vortrag beleuchten Mal…
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Digitale Selbstverteidigung (CCCHH) - PasswörterGute Passwörter schützen unser digitales Leben vor Diebstahl, Missbrauch und Verlust. Aber was genau macht gute Passwörter aus? Und kann ich was falsch machen beim Umgang damit?In diesem Vortrag des Chaos Computer Clubs Hamburg in der Zentralbibliothek erklären wir, wie Kriminelle arbeiten und was das…
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Vorstandsvorsitzende Gitte Schmitz stellt aktuelle Ergebnisse des Deutschen Instituts für Karaokeforschung vor. Liebe Fördermitglieder des Institutes für Karaokeforschung,in den letzten Tagen haben wir uns intensiv mit den Karaoke-Gewohnheiten der örtlichen Bevölkerung des 37C3 im CCH befassen können. Unsere motivierten Proband\*innen im Alter zwis…
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Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen?Wie immer wagen wir den IT-Security-Alptraum-Ausblick auf das Jahr 2024 und darüber hinaus. Denn was wir wirklich wissen wollen, ist ja schließlich: Was kriecht, krabbelt und fliegt in Zukunft …
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Entgegen der Auffassung, die schwule Subkultur hätte durch die digitale Vernetzung einen Aufschwung erhalten und sei in ihrem Aktivismus gestärkt worden, möchte ich eine gegenwärtige Krise der Subkultur markieren und ihren Entstehungskontext durch Onlinedating skizzieren. Schwule Onlineplattformen entstanden, um der Unterdrückung von homosexuellem …
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Debitkarte/girocard geklaut? – Schnell sperren lassen … doch was, wenn die Sperrung nicht so wirksam ist, wie es scheint?Im Rahmen des Vortrages werden Datenschutz- und IT-Sicherheitsmängel im KUNO-Sperrsystem vorgestellt. Das System ist bei > 90 % der Händler in Deutschland im Einsatz und soll seit einem Beschluss der Innenministerkonferenz im Jah…
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What occurs when machines learn from one another and engage in self-cannibalism within the generative process? Can an image model identify the happiest person or determine ethnicity from a random image? Most state-of-the-art text-to-image implementations rely on a number of limited datasets, models, and algorithms. These models, initially appearing…
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Hacken geht auch ohne Ohren! In den letzten zwei Jahren haben wir am lebenden Objekt erforscht, wie man Hackspaces für Gehörlose öffnen kann, so dass wir alle gemeinsam an Projekten arbeiten und cooles Zeug bauen können. Kommt vorbei, schaut/lauscht, und nehmt was mit nach Hause!Der Vortrag wird in der Österreichischen Gebärdensprache (ÖGS) gehalte…
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The Super Nintendo Entertainment System's sound coprocessor, the S-SMP, runs on the mostly-forgotten SPC700 architecture. To understand why the sound of Super Metroid or SMW was so ahead of its time, we will look at all the details of how this processor works and how it plays music.The SPC700 by Sony is an 8-bit architecture that was developed and …
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2023, Tariq Ben Zeyad Brigade (TBZ), a notorious East Libyan land-based militia, went maritime and completed the pullback regime which was installed by Italy and the EU from 2017. They were deeply involved in the failed passage of the boat that sank near Pylos, in which up to 500 people drowned. With the help of low-budget, open-source intelligence…
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The EU "e-evidence" regulation is a critical piece of new legislation directly affecting all EU citizens. Proposed in 2017, it has been completed in 2023 as has since become law, mandating a more or less direct, cross border access to all sorts of stored information by law enforcement. I will be addressing how individuals are affected and how the r…
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Seit ChatGPT ist das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz mittlerweile an fast allen Schulen angekommen. Immer noch soll KI Lehrkräfte entlasten, doch mit der kommenden KI-Verordnung kann sich die Belastung einfach nur verschieben. Der Vortrag gibt ein Update zum Vortrag von der #rC3 2020, was nun konkret auf Schulen zukommen kann und wie KI tatsächlich zu…
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Mal ehrlich, was haben denn Atome je für uns getan, also außer der Materie im Allgemeinen und Mate im Besonderen? Wir kennen „Quantum Computing“ oder auch „Quantum Communication“. Aber wie sieht es aus mit „Quantum Sensing“ – also quantenbasierter Messtechnik? Lasst uns mit Lasern auf ein paar Atome schießen und sehen, wie schwer die Welt ist. „Qua…
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