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When Samson failed everyone thought it was the end. But he came to his senses. Why did he fail? Why could the Enemy defeat him. He had many sins in his life, but God's grace was covering him. The thing that caused him to fall was that he gave away the secret covenant between him and God. He gave away that secret. That is why God has given us secret…
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Some words of wisdom. www.emmanuel-tabernacle.co.za
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If a man says to a woman I don't want you to go to church any more, the woman has the Godly right to say, in humility and love to her husband;" I love you and respect you as my husband but Jesus is first in my life I am going to church. You never stay away from church because your husband says you should stay away. Forget it Jesus is first. Amen I …
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17 February 2013 Godly Order
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12:103 John 1:2 This scripture speak about your physical health, that it might go well with your soul. Pray: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for destroying the enemy of my soul. The enemy of my soul the devil, satan and his demons. Amen. This morning Jesus wants to set the people free from parasitic spirits. Evil spirits are like parasites. Sometimes they f…
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The Bible says that Christians should not take other Christians to court. You should settle matters among yourselves. Paul says under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is there not one amongst you that can judge correctly, do you not know we will judge angels one day. I know my judgement is 100% in matters because I've got the same spirit that wa…
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15 February 2013 Victory is in Him!
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11:34Romans 5:18 You know there is a rule amongst human beings. If one person misses it, the other persons can miss it too because of him. If one person makes it, he gives hope to many. There is a negative outworking when someone misses it, when someone does not make it when someone is unsuccessful. Other people might think, but who am I. Maybe I will m…
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You are the house of the Lord and the spirit of the Lord is in you. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are a living stone, Jesus is the corner stone. Jesus said, on this rock, pointing to himself, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against my church. The church exists of living stones, full of the glory of Jesus, …
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15 February 2013 Join yourself to Him
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10:07God come to the earth, became a man, set us an example show us that we can make it. He made it on our behalf so when we believe in Him we inherit His awesome victorious qualities. I like it. I join myself to Him. He is my hero. I join myself to him, in faith. So the qualities of Jesus I inherit, we call that grace. So many people thank that grace i…
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13 February 2013 Make a slip stream
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11:20The lukewarm do not get it, the lazy one won't get it, and the disobedient will never even see it. Here is my servant whom I have chosen....Matt 12:18 Now this is for Jesus, but it is also for those who follow His example. Amen. Every promise that is for Jesus is also for you. In which will the Father delight? The one who walk in the ways of Jesus …
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May God protect you wherever you go. In the name of Jesus. I pray for you for grace, mercy, God's kindness and God's favour, in the name of Jesus. So open yourself to God's mercy, God's grace, God's favour in the name of Jesus. Jesus is the way. Jesus is my breath, Jesus is my all. I love Jesus. Many times we suffer from a setback but don't worry a…
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06 February 2013 The word change me
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16:03Your Bible is God's Word; it is God's prophetic utterance unto you, which will change your life from an ungodly course to a godly course. www.emmanuel-tabernacle.co.za
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Every single Christian has a specific place he/she needs to take-in in life. If he takes that place in life he can take in his place in Heaven. If you don't take in your position or place in this life, you cannot take in your position in the life to come. Jesus said I am going to prepare a place for you. Your place that you need to take in, is righ…
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Many sacrifices people bring today are not acceptable to the Lord because the hearts that bring them to the Lord are not pure. Pure faith comes from a pure heart.It is not strong faith that move mountains, it is not strong faith that casts out devils, this can only be done by pure faith. A pure heart produces clean hands. Clean hands cannot produce…
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06 February 2013 Fill in your own place
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10:13The big problem with most teachers and preachers is that they want to make people into what they are supposed to be. It is like a father that did not make the first team in rugby, now he is the one who wants to force his son to play first team. You did not get 80% with your maths, so you want your child to get more than 80% to make up for your fail…
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03 February 2013 Your Spirit is untouchable.
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10:05The life that you live here on earth is a constant battle for your soul. There is a battle for your life, their is a battle for your soul and there is a battle for your body. The devil cannot touch your spirit, because the spirit belongs to God. www.emmanuel-tabernacle.co.za
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03 February 2013 Be Born-again
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13:17Your spirit is that part of you through which the Holy Spirit ministers life to you. That is why it is so important to be born again. If you are not born again, you cannot see in the spirit. Jesus said to Nicodemus that unless you are born again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Nicodemus listened with his flesh and did not understand what J…
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In the last days, He will pour out His Spirit on all people. No one is too good, no one is too bad, no one is too average to be saved. Everyone that calls upon the the name of the Lord will be saved. In the last days I will not only pour out My Spirit on the Jewish nation or the Prophets but on all flesh. Listen carefully what the Holy Spirit is sa…
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I want speak to you again about your promises. When you receive that what was promised to you, it is to your honour, but also a credit to the pastor, it adds to his fruit. Every tree is known by its fruit. www.emmanue-tabernacle.co.za
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27 January 2013 Seed of Life Part 2
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14:12So Few people really know who Jesus is. He is the Word of God. He was on the mountain with Moses, it was Jesus who wrote with His finger on the tablets, giving the Law to Moses. He is the Ancient of Days, the very Word of God through whom God created everything. He is not a second rank God, or a lesser God. He is God Almighty Himself. Jesus is not …
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27 January 2013 Seed of Life Part 1
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13:13The harvest is ready and the workers are few. To get saved means your whole soul and body, you give all to Jesus. Your spirit is blameless it belongs to God. When a man comes to Jesus, his spirit is underdeveloped and smaller that your fist, even smaller. We get born-again through the incorruptible seed and Word of God. God's Word and God's Spirit …
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Jesus will meet you on the level where you are now. Jesus is ready to meet you where you are, many times you say that you are not ready to meet with Him, I am not clean enough, my emotional condition/status is not so good. Jesus doesn't care where you are right now, Jesus wants to meet with you no matter what your circumstances are or the condition…
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Satan is the destroyer, he starts these things, he knows exactly how you work, he knows when you fear. When you fear you are doing something God did not command you to do, fear is the exact opposite of faith.There is a lot of peace in true faith, true faith comes from a true heart. A true heart is a pure heart. The Bible says we are all liars, "let…
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27 January 2013 Anointing and honour
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10:20In the day of Jesus, God appointed Herod, that wretched king. There was an anointing on him, I will prove it to you, one day he gave a speech, the people said he spoke like an angel, who can speak like an angel if God did not appoint him? The people was amazed by his speech but Herod did not give God the honour, he took it for himself, and an Angel…
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25 January 2013 Different Ministries
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14:02Obedience is more important than all the sacrifices you can bring to Jesus. A sacrifice that is pleasing to the Lord is what we need to develop in our hearts, that is to have an upright heart before God. A pure heart, produces pure deeds, pure motives. There are many kinds of ministries, different operations of the Spirit, different missions and vi…
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Therefore brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way. Heb 10:20. Not an old way like in the old covenant when they were scared, where they tried to be serious. They were very serious, they had to keep the law, if they missed one part of the law, they would be in trouble. They could…
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You have an older Brother. who were fighting on your behalf and is still fighting on your behalf. When you pick up trouble with the devil, you know that the devil can slap you down, but he cannot slap your Brother down. Who's my Brother? The Bible says He is the First born among many brethren. He became a human being, your Brother. But is He not Go…
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20 January 2013 Live a Holy life
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13:41Lord Jesus Christ, I am ready to listen I am ready to give myself to you, I am ready to give myself to the Holy Spirit, teach me your ways. I trade in my pride for Your humility, my harshness for your kindness, my bitterness for your forgiveness. You have been created for a purpose, a specific destiny. Jesus is on His way with you, you just listen …
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A sign, fruit and proof that you love God is that you will keep His commandments. The proof, fruit and outflow of this relationship is that there will be obedience to His commandments. We are not busy with religion. It was the religious people that crucified our Lord, not the sinners. Today it is the religious people who reject the true church and …
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Enter His gates with thanksgiving. Rest today in Jesus, but your real holiday comes the day when you leave this earth and enter those gates with rejoicing. Rest in the power that is in Jesus in the meantime. This implies that if you are standing in a battle, rest in the knowledge of what Jesus already has done for you. This means that you don't fig…
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18 January 2013 Devote yourself to prayer
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15:02My word is ready to be poured out in your heart, change your life, to change your previous ways into My ways. Every Christian should devote himself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. When you start to devote yourself to prayer, you must know that you are a threat to the enemy's ranks. The moment the Christian decides that he/she is going to wa…
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The time for sleeping and being sloppy is over, satan is observing you. When you are sleeping, when you are supposed to be praying, satan will run to the Heavenly Courts and accuse you. God wants to bless you, but cannot because you are sleeping. When God tells you to pray, get up and pray, be obedient, be dressed in readiness for the battle, put o…
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16 January 2013 The blood of Jesus
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19:19It is awesome to know that the blood of Jesus can never perish. That blood that was shed at the lashing pole where Jesus was lashed and His body was destroyed beyond recognition. It is impossible for that Blood to perish because there is no sin found in it. www.emmanuel-tabernacle.co.za
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16 January 2013 Run fully for Him
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16:30Your God is an awesome God, and I know that you are ready to meet Him. May there be an explosion in your heart of the truth that is in Jesus, and may this truth become a working truth, not a far-fetched religious thing that you cannot apply, but a working reality. Let these truths of the Bible become working realities in your life, that are changin…
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16 January 2013 Make a choice
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14:33When you come to this church for the first time, you might listen to the service, and you might think that this guy is radical, there is no place for compromise. You might think that he is legalistic. I do not fear any judgement when I make a mistake, this fear of the Lord is not concerning judgement. The fear of the Lord meaning reverence and hono…
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13 January 2013 Give something Part 3
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10:39You've got something. The last portion of this is,you've got something but many times don't realize you've got something because there is not a spiritual word from heaven. Today you have received that word from heaven. Teachers or prophets are not all knowing, a prophet and a teacher can only speak what has been revealed to them from heaven. Many t…
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Today there are many fights concerning money, many quarrels about money, money is a cross. If you do not have enough grace, you will not be able to carry that cross. The very thing that God created to be a blessing can keep you from entering the heavens like the rich young ruler. Unless a rich man does with his money what God has called him to do w…
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13 January 2013 Give something Part 1
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14:58Do you have something in your hand? Have you got something in your pocket? Do you have something in your life? When God comes to you and asks you to do something, do not say "I don't have enough money" - because you are lying. If you can give God the little money you have got, He can do something with that money. God just wants you to give Him the …
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11 January 2013 The only way .....
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17:10Do not worry, God is on our side. He will fire you up. As we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. As we obey Him, he will make His home with us. The Bible says , if we love Him, we will keep His commandments and if we keep His commandments, we will be loved by the Father and the Father will make His home with us. How will the Father make his …
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06 January 2013 Don't persist in your sin!
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17:29Awake from your slumber, shake off that sleepiness. Do not judge, make room in your heart for those in the world who are sinners, in Jesus Name. When you read the Bible, it almost sound as if the Bible is double minded, but it is not. If you read the Bible you must be in the spirit, otherwise you are going to be deceived. On the one hand the Lord i…
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04 January 2013 Grace to you
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13:33I live by grace. By grace I will be in His presence and by grace I want to get rid of fleshly nonsense. I want to take the people around me with me, so that on this earth we might experience His glory, not waiting for heaven one day. We still have something to do and we are not going to touch the world and get the world saved with a fleshly attitud…
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04 January 2013 The Messenger
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13:30We are going into the new year. I am going to remind you of the Scripture: Matt 12:18 "Here is My Servant whom I have chosen... " He is speaking about God who became a man. He is speaking about Jesus. Who is Jesus unto you? Many are deceived. Many people think, even Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches, that Jesus is a lesser God. They say God the …
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02 January 2013 Truth will always prevail
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16:40Jesus was doing good. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth and He went about doing good, healing all who were sick and those who were oppressed by the devil. Many followed Him to be healed, not many wanted to be His disciples. Today it is exactly the same in the Church of Jesus. Many people go to Church and to Pastors to see what the Pastor can do for th…
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02 January 2013 Conquer satan on His behalf!
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17:37When Jesus walked this earth, He was a man, He became thee son of man, the Son of God. Jesus was from the beginning the Word of God, He only became the son of man and of God when He was born through a woman. Jesus was a human being just like you and me. A human being that never sinned, that is the reason why He is the Lord of Lords.…
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