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A Word in Season with Doug Stringer

Charisma Podcast Network

Be equipped, empowered and encouraged for godly influence in every season and circumstance as Doug Stringer and other leaders share God’s truth through practical teaching and powerful stories of good news instead of only bad news. For more information on Doug Stringer or how Somebody Cares America/International is a tangible expression of Christ’s love to a hurting world, visit
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Description: We can become living worship by simply saying ‘Yes’ to God. Chris Mitchell, CBN Middle East Bureau Chief, felt a divine calling when he first visited Israel, recognizing it as God's land. His journey is rooted in obedience. Discouragement may come, but he did not let them derail him. Fixing your eyes on Jesus provides strength to see b…
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Doug Stringer was honored to be the opening and closing speaker for the annual three-day Christian Men's Network Summit. The recent 2024 Global Summit, which had the theme "BORN TO SERVE," focused on SHAPING A NEW GENERATION OF SERVANT LEADERS. In this episode, Doug Stringer dives deep into the power of serving others and living with a purpose beyo…
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The theme for the 2024 National Day of Prayer was “Lift Up The Word and Light Up The World”. Doug shared this message at New Life Church Houston taken from a message on “Being A Living Lampstand." This message is focused on the importance of being grounded in God's word and living according to biblical principles. Doug emphasizes the need to lift u…
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Like all leaders, Jim Buchan has encountered challenges and potholes along his leadership journey. He shares how leadership development requires intentional preparation, much like the precision of a relay race handoff, where timing and alignment are crucial. When we hit the potholes of life, it can throw off our alignment and put us in danger. Join…
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Summary: Choices define our destiny! Throughout our lives, we are confronted with making choices that influence our lives and future. As we are faced with decisions, it is so important to keeping our vision of hope and destination, with expectation and anticipation. There are times that our immediate circumstances are challenging and difficult, yet…
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Doug recently shared on keeping our moral compass in the midst of all the noise polutition and distractions.. He points to the the scriptures that keep you focused on rectitude and righteousness. Listen to this timely, and inspiring message that remind us of the importance to be tethered to God and His word, to withstand the storms of the day. Clic…
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God wants His church to prepare for the days ahead and be an ark of refuge in times of trouble. By preparing and getting in alignment to God’s kingdom principles, both individually and corporately, we can be ready to be a help to others. Windsurfing and speedboating in life may be fun and exciting, but when major storms come, we’d better be rooted …
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Join Doug as he shares insights on the Kingdom of God in present times, emphasizing the unique power of passionate gatherings and their potential for multi-generational impact. Drawing from historical examples and personal experiences, Doug discusses how God has been preparing the church for a significant move. He underscores the importance of cons…
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Did you know that more men at your church on Sunday are likely to have viewed pornography in the past week than to have opened their Bibles? Many churches remain silent on this issue because, unfortunately, even Christian leaders struggle with it. Men are less likely to join a church men's group that offers help with porn addiction due to the guilt…
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Summary: After the Resurrection, Jesus' followers struggled to grasp His true identity, hoping for a triumphant Messiah. They experienced a mix of expectation, perplexity and astonishment. We also face these emotions when things don’t go the way we expect them to. These expectations can cause us to miss Jesus in our midst. Yet He is in the middle o…
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Summary: God can change things in a moment! Even when things look hopeless, there is always hope with God. We see that in the book of Esther. God uses a Jewish queen married to a pagan king to save her people from destruction. What seemed to be a humanly impossible situation was turned around in a day! In a world full of challenges, where evil is c…
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SUMMARY: Be encouraged! What may seem like insignificant moments in time can become divine appointments that lead to divine destiny in the Lord. Join host Doug Stringer and special guest and friend Mike Jeffs of Goodlife Community Centre and Australian Christian Channel Television Network as they share how saying “yes” to God in those defining mome…
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Is the red heifer prophecy being fulfilled? Listen to this message presented by Jim Garlow and Byron Stinson recently at Grace Community Church in The Woodlands TX. Learn how God is moving to prepare His people for Christ's return and how a rancher in Texas has played a role in providing some of the red heifers that will be required for the fulfill…
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Summary: Greatness comes from abiding in God's presence! There is a difference between worshipping the Lord and abiding in His Presence. Listen as Doug shares how to prepare our hearts for intimacy with the Lord. In the process we must allow Him to rid us of the weighty and unnecessary baggage we often carry. Let go of the hurts of the past and don…
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Five sins kept Israel out of their promised land. Those same five sins apply to us today. Listen as Doug shares a powerful message in English WITH Spanish translation to a group of 500 hungry and passionate young adults. You will learn how to prepare your heart for authentic communion with the Lord and enter into the promise God has given you! Clic…
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Summary: It’s time to move into your destiny! Every year we go through a reevaluation of the previous year. But sometimes we can allow the past to keep us from our future. Listen as host Doug Stringer shares how God is bringing us into a new season. By focusing our eyes on Jesus, we can move forward and embrace what lies ahead. Then we will be ligh…
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The holidays are hard for many. That is why we, the Church, must be a light. We have a joy and a strength beyond human comprehension. We have a peace that surpasses all understanding. It's important for us to give that hope, to let our light shine in such a way that it draws others to the Lord. In this way, we encourage others to find faith, hope, …
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There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuum created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history, that pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing. Esther was su…
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Luke, a physician dedicates his Gospel to Theophilus, which translates “friend or beloved of God”. Luke, like a family doctor carefully and orderly lays out the birth, ancestry, earthly ministry, along with the opposition of following the Lord. As you listen to Doug delve into the Gospel of Luke, you will be challenged to count the cost of being a …
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Hearing the voice of the Lord! Click here for SHOW NOTES. Share this message with a friend and subscribe for weekly encouragement and inspiration!Visit for a free 30-Day Devotional, Show Notes, and to see previous guests.Learn more at: and join us to support this ministry and disaster response efforts. You…
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Summary:. Do you long for the presence of God? Do you want to go deeper in Him? His presence is real and can change circumstances in a suddenly moment. The Lord is not looking for perfect people, but those who are willing to be available. Be encouraged as you listen to Doug Stringer share four keys to attracting the presence of God to your life. Cl…
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What happens when God manifests His presence in those suddenly, dunamis moments? In the darkest of times, He calls us to be lighthouses that can guide the way. When we are tethered to His Word, we have the authority to pray for His peace and the manifestation of His presence. Listen as Doug Stringer provides powerful insight into how God is working…
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Doug shares his heart and gives us insight on the war in Israel. Click here for SHOW NOTES. Share this message with a friend and subscribe for weekly encouragement and inspiration! Visit for a free 30-Day Devotional, Show Notes, and to see previous guests. Learn more at: and join us to support this ministr…
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Summary: Adam Davis is a renowned author, speaker, and leader in wellness, faith-based trauma healing, and leadership development. He has overcome personal challenges and trauma, gaining recognition from major media outlets. As a former law enforcement officer, he brings a unique perspective to resilience and adversity. Join Adam and host Doug Stri…
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Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, on the Jewish calendar. On Rosh Hashanah, it is tradition to say “It is written”; then, on Yom Kippur, to say, “It is sealed.” The idea is that the stage is set during this time for everything that's going to happen in the year to come. Listen as Doug Stringer explains why it's important for us to seek God…
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Summary: Scripture gives us many examples of wrestling with our flesh but also shows us what happened when Jacob wrestled with God. When we wrestle with God, He works through our external and internal challenges. Even if we leave with a limp, we always win! Listen to this timely message from Doug and learn God strengthens us with greater vision, fr…
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Summary: Life is a Grand Adventure! In this captivating episode, Doug welcomes Dr. Mark Rutland, a distinguished New York Times best-selling author and a seasoned leader in Christian ministry. With a wealth of experience spanning pastoral roles, university presidencies, and global outreach, Dr. Rutland shares profound insights on facing adversity a…
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Summary: When trouble comes, we need to know we stand on the unshakable foundation of our faith. Sadly, many Christians today falter in their faith because they lack biblical literacy and a love for truth. First John 4 tells us we must be instructed by the Word so we may discern between truth and error. The Lord’s discipline always begins with His …
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Summary: The earth is groaning! We see droughts, fires, and storms, in the natural as well as spiritual. Even as we respond to natural disasters like the tragic fires in Hawaii, so we must also respond to spiritual crises. But even when it rains to break the drought, there is no harvest if the ground has not been tilled or the seed has not been sow…
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Summary: Alarm bells are sounding! The erosion and unraveling of our moral foundations has bypassed anything we could have imagined. Who will respond? We need courageous leaders to shake off spiritual lethargy and step forward to lead a corporate awakening in the Church. Listen as Doug Stringer shares from his heart how we can respond today! Click …
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Summary: Paul Lin and Rob Diaz join Doug on this podcast. They candidly share how partying, drug use, and addictions led down a path of crime, jail, and prison. The Father heart of God found them and redeemed them in the midst of their darkest times. God wants to redeem us! He does not forget us or His promises to us. Everyone of us has a promise t…
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Summary: Circumstances don’t change God, God changes circumstances. There are three things the Church (as a whole) has overcome through the years: times of persecution, times of poverty, and times of peace and prosperity. Of course, God’s intention is to give the Church peace and prosperity SO THAT we can be a blessing to the nations. When we disco…
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Summary: In a society that favors the legalization of recreational drugs, where should the Church stand? Does tax revenue really offset the societal cost? Luke Niforatos shares about the economic effect as well as societal impact on our communities. Join Luke and host Doug Stringer as they discuss this key issue in our nation and what the Church’s …
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The United States has the highest fatherless rate in the world. It is a sad commentary, but God! He wants to lavish His Father’s heart on this orphan generation. A move of God is coming that will send His presence all over the world. Listen as Doug shares His heart with great expectation in the Lord. Click here for SHOW NOTES. Share this message wi…
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I am so grateful for the freedoms we enjoy! But is seems we live in a land of paradoxes. We all benefit from the foundations laid, the price many paid and sacrifices they made, by which we enjoy the liberties and freedoms in our nation. Yet, many forget the roots of those foundations. Too many casually disregard what previous generations have held …
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Being a man for Jesus--because He became a man for us--is at the core of courageous manhood. But in today's world of challenges and complexities, many things are trying to undermine our manhood and make it difficult for us to be the men we need to be. More than ever, we need godly and courageous men and fathers because it takes courage to change th…
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Summary: Holy Spirit’s outpouring on the early Church at Pentecost transformed them. Once a small group of desperate believers, the Church grew daily as they came together in corporate worship with purified hearts, dedicated lives, and a demonstration of God’s power at work. But now what? The Acts Church was a set apart, sanctified, serving, and se…
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Paul reminds us in Galatians 5:1 to “Stand fast in the liberty by which Christ has set us free and be no longer entangled in the yokes of bondage.” As we consider the sacrifices made to ensure our freedoms, we should also understand that the reason we have the Holy Spirit is because Jesus paid a price that we could not pay. Listen as Doug shares th…
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Words matter! Every word spoken has authority and power whether positive or negative. Listen as Doug Stringer shares how you can prophetically speak God’s Zoe-life into situations around you. It’s time to speak God’s divine life and Him move in our families and communities! Click here for SHOW NOTES. Share this message with a friend and subscribe f…
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Summary: Millions of believers around the globe are joining the Isaiah 62 Fast to pray for Israel one hour a day for 21 days. Doug shares from his heart why he believes this is a historic moment for believers and why it's time for the Church to have a heart awakening. Join Doug as he talks about the benefits for the Church when they pray for the pe…
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Summary: A troubling recent survey says that a portion of born-again Christians who still believe Jesus was sinless during His time on earth has declined significantly. Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the Law, but to be the fulfillment of it. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about Jesus. There are numerous Old and New Testament sc…
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Summary: Our pain has purpose. Every life experience has value. It can be a life lesson that becomes part of a larger message. God’s purpose for us is greater than any situation we encounter. He uses each one for our good, to heal us, if we let Him. His Word is unchanging and His promises are true, no matter what we are going through. Listen as Dou…
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Summary: Revival comes to the desperate. Our Heavenly Father is attracted to people who are hungry for Him. God historically has moved when people were desperate and seeking. God’s Father Heart is for this generation. Listen as host Doug Stringer shares how being in God’s presence changes everything. Share this message with a friend and subscribe f…
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Our careers and lives are directed by the Lord. He opens doors and closes them. Through 29 years of military service and nearly two decades of leading a mission organization, Col. Gary Nelson has learned the importance of serving where the Lord places him. God directed his steps through challenges and triumphs to accomplish His purposes. And throug…
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Summary: John Ruttkay (best friend of Lonnie Frisbee) never imagined being part of a church much less part of what became the Jesus Movement. He was questioning, “Who is God?” when someone approached him and said, “It’s Jesus Christ. That’s who you’re looking for.” It was then his life was radically changed! Looking at the move of God today, John s…
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Summary: Jesus’ Passion provides us with amazing liberties and freedoms! Listen as Doug Stringer explains the complete ramifications of Jesus’ Passion by looking at the five basic Old Testament sacrifices He fulfilled. Each one teaches a unique facet of His perfect sacrificial work. As you listen you will come to a deeper appreciation of the work o…
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Summary: Is revival happening now? Chuck Girard, co-founder and lead singer of the group LOVE SONG, explains his thoughts in light of his experiences in the Jesus Movement and beyond. In this insightful interview with Doug Stringer, Chuck shares stories from the early days of the Jesus Movement, compares and contrasts today’s culture with that day,…
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Summary: God wants to transform this generation into a Generation Excellent, a generation of expectancy for revival. He wants to use Generations X, Y, X to lead people into the Promised Land. They are not just Joshuas, Calebs, Deborahs and Esthers of today; they are a culminations of all, a multi-generational prophetic voice God is bringing togethe…
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I want to attract God's presence! I bet you do too. The Bible says we should worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 96:9), which is the glory due His name (Ps. 29:2). Offering ourselves as a living sacrifice on the altar of God, holy and acceptable is the least we can do. What are we doing, as the Bride of Christ, to be prepare our hearts …
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