Daily readings from one of the Fathers of the Church, Saints or Catholic official documents.
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Today, March 18, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor, we are invited to reflect on a passage from the book of Sirach (39: 4-10), entitled “The wisdom of a man who is learned in the Scriptures”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a catechetical instruction Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop. Cyril of Jerusa…
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On Monday of the Second Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (14:10-31) entitled “The crossing of the Red Sea”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a the Catecheses by Saint John Chrysostom, bishop. Saint John Chrysostom was an important, fourth century, Early Church Father who served as…
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On the Second Sunday of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (13:17---14:9) entitled “The crossing of the Red Sea”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope. Saint Leo became pope in the year 440. Saint Leo was a Roman aristocrat, and was the first pope to have b…
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On Saturday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (12:37-49, 13:11-16) entitled “The Hebrews depart. The law of the Passover and of the firstborn”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world of the Second Vatican Council. G…
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On Friday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (12:21-36) entitled “The plague inflicted on the firstborn”. Our treasure, which follows, is from The Mirror of Love by Saint Aelred, abbot. Saint Aelred, an English Cistercian monk, was a writer, historian, and outstanding abbot…
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On Thursday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (12:1-20) entitled “The Passover and the unleavened bread”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily by Saint Asterius of Amasea, bishop. Saint Asterius of Amasea, bishop and preacher, was born in Cappadocia in 350. Saint …
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On Wednesday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (10:21---11:10) entitled “The plague of darkness and the warning of the plague to be visited upon the firstborn”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a demonstration by Aphraates, bishop. The long list of Syriac writers whose…
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On Tuesday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (6:29---7:25) entitled “The first plague sent upon Egypt”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a treatise on the Lord’s Prayer by Saint Cyprian, bishop and martyr. Cyprian is important in the development of Christian thought an…
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On Monday of the First Week of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (6:2-13) entitled “Another account of the call of Moses”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, bishop. Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, was an early Roman Christian theologian and prelate who se…
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On the First Sunday of Lent our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (5:1---6:1) entitled “The oppression of the people”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on the psalms by Saint Augustine, bishop. Saint Augustine was born at Tagaste in Africa in 354. He was unsettled and restlessly search…
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On Saturday after Ash Wednesday our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (3:1-20) entitled “The call of Moses and the revelation of the Lord’s name”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a treatise Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus, bishop. On Jan. 21, 2022, Pope Francis named a Saint Irenaeus as a Docto…
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Today, March 7, as our Church celebrates the Commemoration of Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs, our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of Wisdom (3:1-15), entitled “The friends of God lie safe in his hands”. Our treasure, which follows is from the story of death of the holy martyrs of Carthage. The Martyrs of Carth…
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On Thursday after Ash Wednesday our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Exodus (1:1-22) entitled “The oppression of Israel”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope. Saint Leo became pope in the year 440. Saint Leo was a Roman aristocrat, and was the first pop…
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On Ash Wednesday our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the book of the prophet Isaiah (58:1-12) entitled “Concerning fasting that pleases God”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a letter to the Corinthians by Saint Clement, pope. Catholics celebrate Ash Wednesday as the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fa…
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On Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Job (3:1-26) entitled “Job’s lament”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the Confessions of Saint Augustine, bishop. Saint Augustine was born at Tagaste in Africa in 354. He was unsettled and restlessly searched for the truth unt…
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Today, March 3rd, as our Church celebrates the optional Memorial of Saint Katharine Drexel, Virgin, we are first invited to reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians (4: 1-24), entitled “Christian Chastity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily on the Gospels by Saint Gregory the Great, pope. Born in Phila…
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On Sunday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Job (1:1-22) entitled “Job deprived of his possessions”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the Moral Reflection on Job by Saint Gregory the Great, pope. Doctor of the Church; born at Rome about 540; died 12 March…
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On Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (11:7---12:14) entitled “Thoughts of old age”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Agrigento, bishop. Saint Gregory (559–630) was a Sicilian Christian prelate who ser…
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On Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (8:5---9:10) entitled “The consolation of the wise man”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Agrigento, bishop. Saint Gregory (559–630) was a Sicilian Christian prelate…
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On Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (6:12---7:28) entitled “Be not overwise”. Our treasure, which follows, is from an instruction by Saint Columban, abbot. Saint Columban was an Irish missionary notable for founding several monasteries after 590 in the…
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On Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (5:9—6:8) entitled “The vanity of riches”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on Ecclesiastes by Saint Jerome, priest. Saint Jerome was born at Stridon in Dalmatia around the year 340. He studied the …
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On Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (3:1-22) entitled “To every time a purpose”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop. Saint Gregory of Nyssa was a fourth century archbishop of Constantinople an…
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On Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes (2:1-3, 12b-26) entitled “The emptiness of pleasure and of human wisdom”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop. Saint Gregory of Nyssa was a fourth century arc…
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On Sunday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Ecclesiastes (1:1-18) entitled “All is vanity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the chapters On Charity by Saint Maximus the confessor, abbot. Saint Maximus was a fifth century bishop of Turin, a city in north…
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Today, February 22nd, as our church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of Peter, our Church invites us to read reflect on a passage from the Acts of the Apostles (11:1-18), entitled “Peter tells of the conversion of the Gentiles”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope. The “chair” to which this feast refers is th…
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Today, February 21, as our Church celebrates the optional Memorial of Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor, we are invited to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Wisdom (7: 7-16, 22-30), entitled “The joy of the just united to God”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a letter by Saint Peter Damian, bishop. Saint Peter was born in Ravenna, I…
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On Thursday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Proverbs (10:6-32) entitled “Various maxims”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the Explanations of the Psalms by Saint Ambrose, bishop. Saint Ambrose was born of a Roman family at Trier about the year 340. He studied at Rome an…
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On Wednesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Proverbs (9:1-18) entitled “Wisdom and Foolishness”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on the Book of Proverbs by Procopius of Gaza, bishop. Procopius of Gaza was a paid teacher of rhetoric and philosophy who lived…
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On Tuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the book of Proverbs (8:1-5, 12-36) entitled “An exhortation to choose wisdom”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the Discourses against Arians by Saint Athanasius, bishop. Saint Athanasius was born at Alexandria in 295. He accompanied Alexa…
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Today, February 17, as our Church celebrates the optional Memorial of Seven Founders of the Order of Servites, we are first invited to reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Romans (12:1-21), entitled “The Christian life, spiritual worship”. Our treasure, which follows, is from an account of the Servite Order. In 1240, seve…
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On Sunday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Proverbs (1:1-7, 20-23) entitled “An exhortation to choose wisdom”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a commentary on the Diatessaron by Saint Ephrem, deacon. Saint Ephrem, also known as Ephrem of Syria, was born …
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On Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Galatians (5:25—6:18) entitled “Admonitions concerning charity and perseverance”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Blessed Issac of Stella, abbot. Isaac of Stella was a monk, theologian, an…
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Today, February 14th, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Cyril Monk and Methodius, Bishop, we are encouraged to reflect on a passage from the first letter of Saint Peter the apostle (5:1-11), entitled “The duties of pastors and laity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from an Old Slavonic Life of Constantine. The brothers, Saint Cyril and Sain…
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On Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Galatians (4:8-31) entitled “Our divine inheritance and the Freedom of the new covenant”. Our treasure, which follows, is from an explanation of Paul’s letter to the Galatians by Saint Augustine, bishop. S…
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On Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Galatians (3:15—4:7) entitled “The purpose of the law”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a letter by Saint Ambrose, bishop. Saint Ambrose was born of a Roman family at Trier about the year 340. He stu…
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Today, February 11, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, we are first invited to reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Galatians (3:22 – – 4:7), entitled “Through faith we are the sons and heirs of God”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a letter by Saint Marie Bernadette Soubirous, virgin. Our …
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Today, February 10th, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Scholastica, Virgin, we are invited to first reflect on a passage from the first letter of apostle Paul to the Corinthians (7: 25-40), entitled “Christian Chastity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the books of Dialogues by Saint Gregory the Great, pope. Twins often share the same …
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On Sunday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the first letter of the apostle Paul to the Galatians (1:1-12) entitled “Paul’s preaching of the Gospel”. Our treasure, which follows, is from an explanation of Paul’s letter to the Galatians by Saint Augustine, bishop. Saint Au…
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On Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the second letter to the Thessalonians (2:1-17) entitled “The day of the Lord”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily by a spiritual writer of the fourth century. Saint Paul arrived in Greece for the first time around 50 A.D. In making …
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Today, February 6th, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs, our Church invites us to first read and reflect on a passage from the first letter of Peter (2:1-17), entitled “We are built as living stones”. Our treasure, which follows is from av account of the martyrdom of Saint Paul Miki and his companions, by a c…
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Today, February 5, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Agatha, Virgin and Martyr, we are invited to read and reflect on a passage from the first letter of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians (7: 25-40), entitled “Christian chastity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a homily on Saint Agatha by Saint Methodius of Sicily, bishop. St. Agatha …
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On Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the letter to the Thessalonians (4: 1-18) entitled “The holy life and the hope of the resurrection”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a treatise Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus, bishop. Saint Irenaeus was a late second century Greek bis…
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Today, February 3rd, as our church celebrates the optional Memorial of Blaise, bishop and martyr, we are invited to reflect on a passage from the second letter of the apostle Paul of the Corinthians (4:7 – – 5:8) entitled “The power of Christ is made manifest in our suffering”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Augustine, bisho…
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Today, February 2nd, as our church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, our Church invites us to read reflect on a passage from the book of Exodus (13: 1-3a, 11-16), entitled “The consecration of the first-born”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by Saint Sophronius, bishop. Born in Damascus, Syria, around the year 560,…
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Today, January 31, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint John Bosco, priest, we are first invited to reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Colossians (3;1-17), entitled “Your life is hidden with Christ in God”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a letter by Saint John Bosco, priest. Saint John Bosco’s theory of …
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On Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Deuteronomy (30: 1-20) entitled “The promise of forgiveness after the exile”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon by John the Serene, bishop. Saint John IV called the Peacemaker, or the Serene is known in…
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On Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time our Church invites us to read and reflect on a passage from the beginning of the book of Deuteronomy (29:1-5, 9-28) entitled “A curse is called down upon the transgressors of the covenant”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon on the Song of Songs by Saint Bernard, abbot. Saint Bernard was bo…
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Today, January 28th, as our Church celebrates the Memorial of Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor, we are invited to reflect on a passage from the book of Sirach (39: 4-10), entitled “The wisdom of a man who is learned in the Scriptures”. Our treasure, which follows, is from a sermon on the Song of Songs by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Thomas was born…
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Today, January 27th, as our Church celebrates the optional Memorial of Saint Angela Merici, Virgin, we are first invited to reflect on a passage from the letter of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians (4: 1-24), entitled “Christian Chastity”. Our treasure, which follows, is from the Spiritual Testament by Saint Angela Merici, virgin. Saint Angela Me…
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