Meditating with Agape Everyday means counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, acknowledging everything you receive and manifesting more of what appreciate the most. It means living your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you have been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present.
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Thank you hands for bringing all those delicious snacks to my mouth and allowing me so much pleasure in a miraculous sweet or savory moment. Every moment of pleasure is an extraordinary miracle. Thank you. Meditating with Agape Everyday means counting your blessings Noticing simple pleasures Acknowledging more of what you appreciate the most It mea…
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Thank you so much for those moments we can look outward... acknowling all that's had to happen for us to be here right now, with at least one person in our who loves us. Thank you for our intuition to know who/what is not for us. Thank you so much for our intution guiding us towards love and light. May our blessings be the lens we look through as t…
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Meditating with Agape Everyday means counting your blessings Noticing simple pleasures Acknowledging more of what you appreciate the most It means living your life as if everything were a miracle Creating continuous awareness of how much you have been given Gratitude is shifting your focus to the abundance that is already present…
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With one inhale, we receive more of what we appreciate the most. In one exhale, we CLEANse our hearts and minds of all not serving our love, peace and enjoyment. Namaste, AgapeVon Nico Milazzo
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In collaboration with Alison Bartish's com•moon yoga and mindfulness program, I invite you to join us in five minutes of gratitude. Thank you feet for finding us right here, right now. Thank you to those deeply humbling moments when love exists all around us. Thank you Sun, for holding yourself up shining light on all that exists, in our favor. Wit…
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Thank you for every moment our body knew exactly what to do, and exactly how to heal. Thank you for the moments when I can appreciate the wide spectrum of human experience. Allowing for full compassion, welcoming love and lessons. Thank you for the moments that full honor the choice of love, and gratitude.…
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Thank you mind, body and spirit for sticking together through this journey. Blessings for perfect imperfection and safe spaces for non-judgement and unconditional love.
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"Thank you so much for every opportunity I've had to connect deeply. Thank you to those who seek to understand, who choose to forgive and choose to love every day anyway. Deeply humbled in gratitude to be in this moment, right now."Von Nicole Milazzo
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'Thank you so much for everyone in my life who has supported my yeses and my nos. Thank you so much for the flexibility in my spirit to acknowledge and accept those who may feel and manifest differently.Von Nicole milazzo
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"Thank you breath for the opportunity to breath in joy, purity and love. Thank you breath for the opportunity to breath out resentment, guilt and other energies that do not serve me."Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you inhale for the opportunity to easefully accept what is. Thank you exhale for the gift to exhale what is not. Easefully accept sincere and generous love in my life. Easefully release energies that are not serving my great good.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you breath for each inhale is an opportunity to easefully accept what is and each exhale an opportunity to easefully release what is not.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for self for fully understanding the luxury and opportunity that comes with each breath. Opportunity to release energies that no longer serve me, creating a blank canvas for me to design my life.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you so much for the opportunity to easefully accept what is, and easefully release what it not. Thank you heart, for having the capacity to love, under any circumstances.Von Nicole Milazzo
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I'm so thankful today that we have a choice on where to put our thoughts, energy and next footsteps. Thank you for joining me in Gratitude today. #AgapeEverydayVon Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for reminders that it is okay to be afraid of judgment, criticism, and rejection, as long as I continue to work and try and put myself out there in spite of those fears.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for every breath ahead of me that is an opportunity to smile, connect and share gratitude, honesty and love."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you for the connection of movement, mindfulness and forward motion towards my dreams. Thank you for the realization that my goals and dreams are not a to-do list, it is joy in my heart."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you for the realization we all don't need to know EVERYTHING. We are a team, working together. Regardless of background or preference, we are united in our breath."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you self, for your moments of forgiveness and unconditional love."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you for the moments when I know my strength, clarity and intuition are coming together to support me in the next phase of my life."Von Nicole Milazzo
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LOVING the gratitude of my Camp Clarity Co-Host, Norma Jean! She is a light in my life and I'm SO excited for all the Campers to join us for a 7-day all-inclusive women's retreat at a luxury villa in Bali! April 29-May 5, 2018! If you're looking for clarity in your personal or professional life, join us in workshops, yoga, meditation, bonding, heal…
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"Thank you for the warmth between two hearts in a hug, reminding me it's ok to receive."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you teachers in my life, for your persistence, sincere care and truly showing up with needed lessons, time after time."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you experiences for being unique, interesting and individually valuable."Von Nicole Milazzo
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"Thank you for every breath that clears the space between my mind and my heart."Von Nicole Milazzo
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Every deep breath is a love note to our body. Every breath is an opportunity to reconnect to nature and our most natural selves.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Today is dedicated to appreciated yourself! Take 5-minutes to thank yourself. Thank you internal connections, your instinct propelled decisions and your heart for all the love you share and receive. Today's mantra: "I am enough. I do enough. I have enough." Thank you for joining me. Hope you enjoy. :)…
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Today’s gratitude meditation podcast is dedicated to an incredible woman Red and her amazing boyfriend Matthew who, a few days ago, have lost everything in a California fire. If you’re blessed and have a lot to be thankful for today, I encourage you, rather I beg you, to share your blessings and really change someone’s life by making a donation to …
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"Thank you to every person who has walked into my life, taught me a lesson, loved and accepted me. Thank you for every person who has come into my life, who's reason is unclear. Thank for every moment when I can live in faith, remembering I'm on a mission often bigger than the present moment. Thank you for a sound mind and calm breath, grounding me…
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Thank you belly button for connecting me to my mother and the miracle that is my life.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you Kai for sharing your gifts of guitar, kazoo, voice and grateful heart. Listeners, please enjoy this song and tune! What a great example of how we can choose our attitudes through gratitude. Beautiful reminder that it starts and ends with us, everything we choose to do, think, and say will change the way we feel. Let's choose our truth. Le…
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Thank you for the moment we have to love ourselves. Thank you for the moments when I can open my heart and accept the love being shared with me.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Dia and Kai of Diamond Aura are two lovebirds who reside in Bali, Indonesia. They intertwine with joint mission to heal, transform, and transcend through the expression of truth. For them, this manifests in their original music, Sonic Freedom Yoga, and their ever-evolving love for each other. Learn more about them at Meet…
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Thank you for every opportunity to strengthen my relationships to walk in love, to live in/through/with love.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for the children in my life, reminding me there is so much to learn.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Blessed with another incredible song of gratitude by Reggie River Bear! Her new album with this song and so much more can be foudn on her website
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Thank you for the reminders that I am as far as I can reach and I can reach further than I know. Thank you for the ability to walk in love, understanding and forgiveness.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for the freedom to feel. Thank you for the freedom to choose. Thank you for the freedom to totally be present.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for clean water in my life. Thank you for every glass of water I drink from the tap, as a reminder of the blessed abundance I was born into.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you ancestors, for all of your experiences and lessons which have generously been passed down and shaped who I am today.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you, for every experience which has been useful in relating to another person with similar experiences.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you support team, for with your love, I am free to confidently try anything.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Inspired by Leo Rising's healing light meditation last night, I'm so thankful for every moment when I can quietly be a student; be lead by the experiences of another. Thankful for the humility in surrendering and allowing another person to guide us.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you humor, for being present in my life, for giggling makes me feel sooo good!Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for every breakfast which nourished my mind and body, giving me strength to take on my day.
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Thank for you every challenge that helped me relate to others and their challenges. Thank you for every time my challenges made me strong enough to bless another being.Von Nicole Milazzo
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Thank you for the freedom to move, touch, feel and be. Thank you for every moment that serves as a reminder that I was born a miracle. There is nothing I did before I was born to deserve all my limbs, freedoms and senses. Thank you for my ears to hear every sincere "How are you?" Thank you for my voice to reply "I'm having a miraculous day."…
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"Thank you mind, for prioritizing gratitude in my life. For realizing the medicine that is gratitude. The balancing effects on my relationships with myself and others. Thank you for the moments to be grateful... Thank you for every moment my family has ever experienced true love."Von Nicole Milazzo
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