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Zions Finest is a Star Wars: Shatterpoint podcast focusing on the competitive aspects of Atomic Mass Games' Star Wars skirmish game. The podcast focuses on macro and micro strategy, meta analysis, list-building, and other topics relevant to improving your gameplay. We have a ton of fun playing and discussing the game and know that you will enjoy participating in our community. Please join us on the Slack! We have a ton of fun discussing Shatterpoint and other topics and would love to have yo ...
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show series
Welcome to Episode 80 of Zion's Finest! First off, we highly encourage you to watch this video on Youtube. JK prepared a beautiful set of slides and you will heartily enjoy the visual feast that has been prepared. In this episode, JK and Sam give a splash-ripple-thud analysis of the Cassian Andor box. How do these Rebels fit in the current meta? Wh…
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Welcome to Episode 79! We are releasing this episode on both audio platforms and Youtube. Feel free to enjoy it in whatever way you see fit but know that JK prepared some beautiful slides for you should you choose to consume content with your eyeballs. This is a bonus episode that we are releasing to discuss Ahsoka Fulcrum and Vader-3. We meant for…
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Welcome to Episode 78! Everyone once in a while, we record and release something really special on ZiFi, and it generally involves Sammy Sweets talking about something that has been stuck in his brain. This is one for the ages. Sammy and Matt get together to talk about design, agency, and a myriad other aspects of gaming that you will find interest…
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Hello and welcome to Episode 77! In this episode, Sean and Kyle talk about their 4-1 runs at the Torchlight GT that happened in Ontario, Canada last month. Rather than giving play-by-plays, they focus on matchups and thoughts regarding how lists performed against each other. It's a part of our drive to move away from minute descriptions of games to…
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Welcome to Episode 76! In this episode, Kenny and Sammy talk about the recent CanCon tournament that happened in Australia and give some meta observations. They talk about the seeming mismatch between Iden's swiss WR and her power level. Listen to Luke and Tobias on the Red Mandos episode give a summary of the event. In classic Red Mando style, it …
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Welcome to Episode 75! In this episode, Scott and Kenny discuss the LVO tournament, with a particular focus on more high-level analysis of the matchups from their run through the tournament. There is less of a focus on play-by-play analysis (as in, we tried to avoid it entirely), and more a discussion on how their lists (Iden Moff and Kanan Hera) p…
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Welcome to Episode 74! We will have our LVO episodes start releasing on Monday, January 27, but this episode was recorded right after LVO and was an opportunity for Ken and Dan to ask and answer rapid-fire questions from the community. This is just a straight-up fun episode. We talk about the competitive meta, surviving cons, etc., with a series of…
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Welcome to Episode 73! This is a continuation of our LVO prep series and is focused on the Rebel faction. Specifically, we are looking at constructing and piloting Rebels at a competitive tournament. Sammy Kaye and Jesse are experts at rebelling, and they have incredible insights in terms of thinking about running Rebels as one part or all of your …
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That's right I said it. Merry Christmas everyone!!! We hope that everyone has a safe and warm holiday and more importantly than spending time with their family is able to get a few games of Shatterpoint in! (I kid, I kid.) In this episode, Matt, Sammy Kaye, and Kenny talk about the Ki-Adi-Mundi box and give their thoughts on the patent strengths an…
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(No not THAT Joseph!) Welcome to Episode 71! In this episode, General Josef discusses his list that he took to PAX Unplugged (Lumi, GG, Ahsoka, and Mando), and talks about how his off-meta assemblage performed and his assessment of the various matchups. We get into the weeds with respect to list construction and how we think this list fares into th…
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Welcome to Episode 70! In this episode, Kenny and Dyz break down the Mando list. This is the first of a series of pseudo LVO-prep episodes where we discuss list construction, piloting, and strategy with an eye towards preparing to fight with or against this list. You will enjoy Dyz's scorching hot takes here. Listen to the Rogue Support podcast! Th…
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Dang straight it happened in Monterey! In this episode, Scott and Kenny gather to summarize a wonderful small tournament they attended in Monterey, California, in the basement of Ulysses (an excellent and well-known player in the MCP and SP scene). Their discussion glances over the tournament, but is mostly focused on Mandos, the Batch, and some re…
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Kind of. Mostly we just love you all and Thanksgiving. In this episode, Sammy Kay and Kenny discuss the current meta (briefly, I promise it's brief) and then transition to talking about why Shatterpoint is their number one game. This conversation was inspired by a post on the Slack from Ace, and it led to a really good chat there and here. We hope …
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It's short, but sweet. In this episode, Sammy Kay and Kenny discuss the Bo update and, specifically, how they think the all Mando list now works. What does Bo and CK add to the Mando + Armorer Box package? Does it take it to the next level? What should you be thinking about when playing this list? How does it match up into the opposition? All this …
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T.S. Eliot I aint. In this episode, Scott and Kenny discuss the ZiFi Invi. Scott went 5-0 on the day running Iden-Moff and Kanan-Hera. We discuss matchups, how lists felt into each other, and then close with (preliminary) thoughts on the new stuff that has released over the past few weeks. Check out the results from the Battle for the Breath, a 22-…
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Welcome to Episode 65! Matt headlined this episode, wanting to talk about how to help potential players to know (1) if they would like Shatterpoint and (2) how to approach buying for Shatterpoint. While this is mostly for new players, I think everyone would enjoy this episode and we would really love feedback with respect to our buyer's guide as we…
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JK's title, not mine. How I wish I could take credit for it. Do you want to run Ewoks? And by Ewoks, we mean the best two Ewoks, which are Leia FF and Logray? Well, look no further, because Dean has been absolutely crushing into all non-Iden Empire lists with this incredible concatenation. In this episode, Dean breaks down his list, why it works, h…
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Welcome to Episode 63! In this episode, Kenny and Sam are joined (again) by Sean Peconi and Kyle Russell to talk about the Canadian GT, as well as the two other GTs that happened this weekend. There is a major discussion as to the diversity of units at these events and generally, as well as tournament formats and everyone's thoughts. It's a great d…
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You're welcome! Some wholesome goodness for Sam's awesome win at the CSWGO Grand Tournament in Ontario, Canada. The Canadians put on an awesome tournament and Sam took a trip across the border to go 6-0 and bring the tournament home. This episode is (almost) all about Spectre, and specifically why Hera is so strong in that list. Sam has the reps an…
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First off, rest in peace James Earl Jones. That good man with the greatest voice has gone home. We added as appropriate of a tribute as we could on short notice. That is why the format for the episode is slightly beatified, as we included some of the iconic moments of Darth Vader from the original trilogy in tribute to the master. Second off, JK ha…
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Why, you ask? Because this outing also ends in an episode of patricide?!?!?! Why don't you listen and find out! In this episode, Kenny is joined by Ryan Munsell and his son Donovan to discuss their stellar performance at the Evergreen Open. They made it to the cut running Spectre/Batch (Ryan) and Dooku Mando/Empire (Donovan). Ryan has some excellen…
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** UPDATE - If you downloaded this Sunday night or Monday morning redownload it. We were missing 30 seconds of Sam’s audio but that has been fixed. ** I drafted a long description for this episode twice. Spotify ate it. Twice. This episode is Sammy Kaye and Kenny discussing the meta like try-hards. Enjoy it. The Shattered Mirrors event is happening…
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Welcome to Episode 58! In this episode, Kenny is joined by Dan (RedWolf) and Abi (ElabranGal) to get their insights and input on running events. They break down pre-event, event, and post-event things to think about and manage. For players looking to organize local events, this is a great resource. Make sure to check out the shoutouts for all the G…
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In this episode, Kenny and Scott discuss their first and second place finishes at the Salt Lake Open. They discuss the meta of the tournament, their swiss matchups (it was a straight swiss event with five rounds), and their thoughts on the power levels and points of observation from the tournament. Kenny was able to win with Kanan/Sabine/Chopper, P…
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This is the Salt Lake Open prep episode! The SLO post-op will be releasing tomorrow. In this episode, Kenny and Matt talk through their preparations for the SLO, with Sam serving as Adam Smith's impartial spectator to opine on improvements and things for them to think about. This episode was recorded the Thursday before SLO, which has since transpi…
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Phil Hastings took second at the Lone Star Open. He lost to Aman from Hello There in the final after going 4-0 in swiss and winning his Top 4 matchup. His premier list is, by far, the most creative approach to the current meta (to also do well) and I love that he did as well as he did at a very competitive event. You will love this episode. GOOD LU…
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Kanan Jarrus is one of the best primaries in terms of his kit in a hot minute, and he's worth building Rebel teams around. In this episode, Sam and Kenny talk about Kanan, his strengths (many) his weaknesses (few), and different playstyles and listbuilding ideas to use as you're diving into Rebels. The ZiFi Invi. Fall 2024 is scheduled for October …
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I'm not sure where you fit in here ... unless you are Sean Peconi or Kyle Russell! Sean and Kyle took first and second place at the Tablebound Open, the largest Canadian event to date (capped at twenty-four players with twenty-two in Swiss). They give an overview of the tournament, talk about Kyle's amazing website Tablebound--which is an incredibl…
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Episode 52! One year! What a wild ride it's been. We love Shatterpoint with the fire of ten thousand suns and cannot wait to see how AMG steers the game for the next year (or seven). In this episode, JK and Kenny talk about their favorite units, what has most surprised them, and why they love Shatterpoint so much. Enjoy it as you are walking in the…
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... maybe that's not the comparison to make. Anyways! Here's the concluding discussion of our tier-making conversation. We have a bit more fighting on this one, mostly because there are some pretty serious thoughts with figures being too high ... or too low. Enjoy it! Next week will be the one-year of Shatterpoint, which shall be glorious. Join the…
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But not today! Join us for part two of our tier-making session. This time we discuss Secondaries. There's some movement, and a bit of fighting (again, an acceptable amount). Here's the link for DION'S FINEST! A showdown tournament happening in Minnesota (at FFG's (old?) headquarters)! Here's the link for the UKGE Grand Tournament. It was a great ev…
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We made a huge mistake. We foolishly thought we could do a tiering of the entire set of released material for Shatterpoint, and to do it in a reasonable time. People wouldn't shut up, so we had to break it up. We are going to be releasing Part One now, which is our visiting and revisiting of support tier rankings, and we will be releasing Parts Two…
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Welcome to Episode FIFTY! In this episode, Kenny and Scott discuss the Top 8 cuts from the five largest premier events in the last six months: Polish Nationals, CanCon, Adepticon, Galactic Conquest, and the ZiFi Invi. (Longshanks links included). These are all the standard premier listbuilding tournaments with sixteen or more players in that time p…
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Sorry I tried to make that work. And sorry it's so long. What is wild is that we only got through about half of what we wanted to discuss. We will talk more about the logistics of the tournament in the future. In this episode, Kenny, Matt, and Scott talk about the lists and the meta of the ZiFi Invi. They talk through their lists, why they built th…
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DON'T SAY WE NEVER GAVE YOU NOTHIN. In this episode, Kenny is joined by his brother Aman who drops some serious knowledge with respect to the Mama Dooku list, with a particular focus at breaking down the fundamentals and talking about piloting the list in a thickening meta. Aman, as always, has excellent insights and you will love his commentary he…
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It's Episode 48. It's the week before the ZiFi Invi., and that means that it's time for sweaty tryhard episodes talking about meta archetypes and where they fit for competitive tournaments. In this episode, Matt is joined by none other than Jesse Eakin from Hello There to talk about their mutual masochism: their love of the Republic. Jesse is bona …
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Hello and welcome to a mid-week bonus episode of Zions Finest! In this episode, Kenny is joined by Dan (RedWolf) to talk about the Batch, listbuilding, play patterns, and matchups. Dan has been running the Batch a ton recently (and went 4-0 at a well-attended local tournament) and has some great insights. We will have two episodes releasing next we…
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Welcome to Episode 47! In this episode, Scott, Matt, and Kenny talk about preparing for the ZiFi Invi, with some thoughts on the meta, they're lists that they're prepping with to prepare for the sweaty try-hards (who are, spoiler, themselves), and how they think matchups play out. They close with a discussion of tournament etiquette, with a specifi…
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I apologize! Curtis and I recorded an episode discussing the Batch (which it turns out is the Good Batch), but there was something weird with his audio file and it was too late to rerecord. So accept this short apology and interregnum while we wait for the next episode and the RELEASE OF THE MANDO!!! We love you! Join the Slack!…
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In this episode, Kenny and Sam talk about the Mama Dooku list. Why is it so strong? What is it trying to do? This is (probably) part one of this discussion, because we did not really talk about meaningful tech against the list (we're working on that), but you will enjoy the discussion. JOIN THE SLACK!…
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Whew boy, sorry for that super long title but it was not possible to shorten it. In this episode, Kenny, Scott, and JK talk about different approaches to list-building, with Kenny taking a particular emphasis on how he thinks about list-building around a single unit (Luke, and now Mando). Join the Slack!…
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SCHOOL IS IN SESSION NERDS! In this episode, Matt and Sam give another great discussion about thinking about damage vs. repositioning vs. a blend of the two in list-building and play style. They talk about understanding your win condition, your opponent's win condition, and how that should affect your strategic decisions in the game. This one is a …
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Welcome to Episode 42! The Adepticon Episode (or the first of the Adepticon episodes!)! In this episode, Kenny and Scott are joined by the brothers from Chatterpoint, an excellent Star Wars: Shatterpoint podcast, to discuss the results from Adepticon and give a snapshot of the meta, what did well, what made the cut, creative lists, and general matc…
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Adepticon was bereft of our bubbly personalities, but that didn't stop us from having fun at the second best Shatterpoint tournament hosted this last weekend. In this episode, Kenny and Curtis talk about the tournament and the lists they ran, with a particular focus on analyzing the matchups, play patterns, and key points of the games (don't worry,…
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What do you do when all the cool kids are going to Adepticon and you can't go? You make believe that you too are cool and discuss what Star Wars: Shatterpoint (TM) plastic toys you would bring of course! In this episode, Kenny, Sam, and Scott discuss the premier lists that they would have brought to Adepticon and give meta and other analysis and pr…
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IT HAPPENED! Sam was able to record an episode with Vince and we suffered no technical mishaps!!! Vince drops a serious knowledge bomb regarding thinking about "dead draws" and how to build and play around optimizing for the cards in your deck and assessing whether or not units should be brought in the first place. It is excellent. JOIN THE SLACK! …
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Hello and welcome to Episode 38 of Zion's Finest! In this episode, Kenny, JK, and Scott discuss recent games with Luke and Vader-2 and talk about the spoilers for Moff Gideon and the strengths of his card. (Spoiler, we think he's gonna be real good.) Rate and review the podcast! Join the Slack! We love you all!…
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Hopefully not the dystopian future of Huxley amirite. In this shorter episode (we'll tell you why when we start), Kenny and Sam give quick thoughts on minimal plays of Luke and Plo, and then give more substantial thoughts on revisiting Barriss, Sabe, and Snips in the context of the new units that have dropped. Thank you for listening! Join the Slac…
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Hello and welcome to Episode 36! In this episode, Kenny and Matt discuss the meta as it prepares to turn over and a whole swath of new units (and hopefully new archetypes) storm onto the scene.They discuss the top (and bottom) of the primaries at this point in the game's life cycle, why Dooku has such staying power, and how that is informed by a re…
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Welcome to Episode 35! In this episode, Sam and Scott discuss different ways to categorize units (tanks, supports, snipers, etc.). They talk about how this informs your listbuilding, why you should always include certain classes of units (control), and how they think various units do and don't measure up to what they're intended to do. Thank you fo…
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