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TRC Chattanooga Podcast

Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga

Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga is a CREC church serving up all of Christ for all of life for all of Chattanooga. Listen to our homilies and exhortations wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Phillip Cooper

This podcast will review various building products, key home improvement tips to help you as a homeowner, real-life construction issues, insurance restoration industry, and information pertaining to rental properties.
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TRC Private Sessions

Donald Burns

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach™ Private Sessions! It's a little private time where you and I can talk about the real issues holding you and your restaurant back. Fair Warning: this is not for those with sensitive feelings. It's like I'm coaching you and that means no BS. Buckle up and get ready!
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The TRC Ministries Podcast

TRC Ministries

This is a bimonthly podcast featuring teachings from The Regeneration Center staff and guests. The vision for TRC Ministries is to help individuals fulfill their calling under the authority of the church using the resources of the Kingdom of God.
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The Right Central is dedicated to providing the truth and ONLY the truth. Your Host, Ish Bolano, will micro-analyze and talk about the Nasty World called Politics. What our listeners can NEVER forget is that the truth was never meant to be pretty. Going into anything with an open-mind has proven to excel people farther than closed ones. This show is meant to tick a few people off . . . But that's fine, call the show @ (929) 477-2212
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TRC Leadership Podcast

Two Rivers Church

Check out this life giving podcast by church planter and head pastor William Hampton! He is the head pastor of the always growing Two Rivers Church located in Binghamton New York. His vision is to see the world transformed by leading people to Jesus. In this leadership podcast he will offer ideas and concepts from a new and fresh perspective. For additional information about who we are as a church visit us at
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show series
Let's be honest, some people don't care much for the church season of Lent. The hymns are dark sounding and the mood is somber. But by looking at Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, we can learn how to grow in the season of Lent. We can learn to have contentment in whatever season God has placed us. Satan doesn't want us to observe this season, bu…
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If you haven't been exposed to the season of Lent in your life, it can be jarring. There are customs and practices that might seem foreign to us. It isn't a chipper time. It's a season of growing in holiness. Listen as Elder Wes Keene exhorts the congregation at TRC Chattanooga.Von Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga
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At the close of the season of Epiphany we celebrate the transfiguration of Christ before his disciples, learning about the meaning of typology as God's sovereign ordering of history and how we might have responded that night if we were on the mountain with Jesus and his disciples. Listen as Elder Glenn Jones delivers this week’s sermon at TRC Chatt…
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Many other cults and religions require you to jump through hoops to achieve your own salvation. But the Christian Faith does not posit such foolishness. Rather, the words of God come to you in the simplest of terms and the demands of the Gospel are not difficult to do. Consider the simplicity of it all as Elder Glenn Jones delivers this week’s exho…
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The 96th Psalm is a beautiful call to praise our most high God who is worthy of such praise. But this Psalm carries with it a command to extend the praise of God beyond the walls of our churches. The nations, who worship false gods, are by no means freed from the obligation to give glory to Jesus Christ and bend the knee. Listen as Elder Wes Keene …
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It’s the world’s worst kept secret that in most churches, the most important of the 10 commandments is the 11th: “Be nice.” But in our exhortation verse today, we see Joshua exhorting his hearers to something different: “Be strong.” How are we called on to be strong? And how have we fallen short of that, at times? Listen as Elder Wes Keene delivers…
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Scripture teaches us that we must be prepared to suffer as Christians for doing good, when God appoints us to those times of persecution. But today we find ourselves in a rather odd place here in America, with something of a reprieve from persecution and suffering. Consider how we should respond to the present circumstances as Elder Glenn Jones giv…
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God works through means. Of course, God is all powerful to do anything he wishes, but scriptural example shows us that most often he works through men and physical objects to get things done. He even worked through a donkey! Here, we meditate on how God works through means in miracles and in the calling of the disciples. Listen as Elder Wes Keene p…
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For far too long, Christians have been trained to focus on their denominational specific traits and, at times, Christians have even felt they were rivals with one another. But this isn't how scripture tells us to live, and it isn't what Paul exhorts us to do. Listen to this week's exhortation from Elder Wes Keene at TRC Chattanooga.…
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The Apostle Paul dealt with idolatry, spiritual gifts, and the misuse of those gifts when he wrote his letter to the Corinthian Church. How are we to understand what was happening in Corinth? To what extent are the manifestation gifts of the Spirit still in operation today? These questions, along with other important issues, are considered in our s…
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When Jesus came to the end of his 40 days in the wilderness, he gave a final appeal to God's word as he resisted the devil's temptation, "You shall not put the Lord your God to the test." As disciples of Jesus, this same command applies to us and we must be ready and equipped to face various trials for the testing of our faith. Listen as Elder Glen…
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When Jesus came into the synagogue at Nazareth, he didn’t deliver a message of fire and brimstone. He proclaimed liberty to the captives, among other good things. One would assume the audience would be overjoyed to hear it, and for a moment, they were. What changed? Why did they reject him? Jesus’ words were true then and they are true now. We have…
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When Jesus appears to the hiding apostles the second time, he shows Doubting Thomas his wounds to prove, it’s really him. Jesus then commands Thomas to not disbelieve, but believe. How should we understand that kind of active language with respect to “believing”? Should it make us uncomfortable? Listen as Elder Wes Keene delivers his exhortation ba…
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TRC Chattanooga just began its second year of ministry. On this occasion, we look to Paul's words for instruction about how to proceed on our journey together. Listen as Elder Glenn Jones exhorts the congregation to renew our commitment to one another as members of the body of Christ.Von Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga
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David and Jesus have a lot in common, and scripture calls Jesus the “Son of David” repeatedly. Jesus is the descendant of David, and that tells us a lot about him. While David and Jesus may have a lot in common, Jesus is clearly superior. Let’s have a look at some comparisons from scripture. Listen as Elder Wes Keene preaches this week’s sermon.…
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When Joseph interpreted the dream of his fellow inmate favorably, he asked that inmate to put in a good word for him with the Pharaoh. But he didn’t. We have been given all good things by the Lord, but do we remember where those good things come from? Listen to this week’s exhortation from Elder Wes Keene on Genesis 40:23.…
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2025 has arrived and half of the decade is complete. The world continues to change, but God's word never changes, always standing as our judge for all of life. Listen as Elder Glenn Jones encourages us to read and study the Bible based on the Apostle's saying in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.Von Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga
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Paul has some wonderful writing in Galatians that directly addresses our state change since Christ's incarnation at Christmas. The problem is: it's loaded with landmines we misunderstand! But when we carefully consider what Paul is telling us, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we find tremendous comfort. Listen to this week's sermon from El…
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When the days were accomplished for Mary to give birth, there was no place for them in the inn (or guest room). Today, not much has changed. The world still has no place for Jesus. As Christians, we must make room for him -- but not in our guest room. Listen as Elder Wes Keene preaches this year's Christmas meditation based on Luke 2.…
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We are direct recipients of Mary's Magnificat, given after Elizabeth's blessing. Beforehand, Mary had gone to Elizabeth to tell her about the angel, but Elizabeth - filled with the Holy Spirit - tells Mary everything she already knew and even more. In light of this glorious news, Mary breaks out in song and delivers to all of us a poem of God's cov…
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The season of Advent is misunderstood. In fact, a lot of people don't even know the word. But for the church, it is a highly important season. Unfortunately, even inside the church, some don't understand the purpose of this season. This is what we meditate on during this week's sermon. Listen as Elder Wes Keene preaches at TRC Chattanooga.…
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The Psalms are the bible’s prayer book. They’re Christ’s prayer book. They are our prayer book, too. Psalm 11, through its chiastic structure points us to the one thing we need to keep in mind, given our present circumstances. Listen as Pastor Joe Thacker delivers his sermon at TRC Chattnooga.Von Trinity Reformed Church Chattanooga
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Which commandments are the most important? Honestly, it’s not a bad question, considering God’s law can be pretty daunting. Unfortunately, while the answer is simple, following them is not. Far from abolishing the law, Jesus actually expands it, with the model of his sacrificial love. Listen as Elder Wes Keene preaches on True Love, in this week’s …
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Fear and anxiety have a way of driving us apart. We can also become paralyzed by our fears and forget what our mission as Christians is. In Philippians 1:27, Paul exhorts us to stand firm with one mind. By doing so, we will demonstrate that we are living a life worth of the Gospel. Elder Wes Keene explains in this week’s exhortation to TRC Chattano…
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The letter to the Hebrews gives us warnings not to fall away from the faith. These are not accusatory or condemning as they are meant to encourage and guide us as we suffer persecutions and difficulties in this life for being Christians. Preaching on Hebrews 5:11-6:12, Rev. David Beckman teaches us what mature Christian life should look like as we …
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Hebrews tells us to pay close attention to the word of God, in particular the word of his Son as it has been revealed to us in the final revelation of the New Testament. If we do not, we risk drifting away from it and being carried off by the flood of God's judgment that is coming upon the world on account of those who disobey it. Elder Glenn Jones…
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James and John, two of Jesus' earliest disciples, decide to ask him a rather inappropriate question as they approach the city of Jerusalem. The fallout from the other ten disciples leads Jesus to teach on what it means to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Hear this week’s sermon delivered by Elder Glenn Jones at TRC Chattanooga.…
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Hebrews tells us to approach the throne of grace with confidence. But too often Christians have cheapened grace to the point of sinning freely or fearfully given in to a tormented conscience because they continue to struggle. Elder Glenn Jones delivers his exhortation on Hebrews 4:16 to help us understand the work of Christ and how our baptisms hel…
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The rich young man was confused. He asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life. It seems like a reasonable question to ask. But when presented the list of requirements, the man is stunned and saddened. What can we learn about worldly treasures from Mark's account? TJ Draper preaches his message 'Treasure In Heaven' at TRC Chattanooga.…
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God’s design for the family is good. Very good. But we find lots of ways to screw it all up. We convince ourselves that we can manage our relationships according to our own designs and come out on top. But God has a word for us. Can we just “grow apart” or “go our separate ways”? The world says “yes”. God says “no.” Hear this week’s sermon delivere…
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We’re good at sinning. That might be the one thing man is really good at. We think we’re good at justifying our sins, and we also think we’re good at making up for them. However, God has not called us to add righteousness on top of sin, but to remove the sin entirely. God desires repentance. Listen as Elder Wes Keene delivers this week’s exhortatio…
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We have a tendency to become jealous and factious, especially when we see God gifting someone else with something we don't have. This isn't a new phenomenon. Rev. David Beckman recalls multiple such instances of this happening in scripture, and then shows us what God's will actually is, rather than this jealousy and accusation.…
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In the final week of our Sunday School covering TRC distinctives, Elder Glenn Jones teaches how our worship should spill out of Sunday morning, and into the rest of the week -- out of the sanctuary and into our homes. The Christian is called to a life of hospitality, seeking opportunities to entertain and provide for one another right in our homes.…
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There are many in the church who want to be friends with the world, but this is not compatible with the Christian faith. What does James have to tell us about the nature of our quarreling? What wisdom does the Lord give us through James about how to tackle our sinful motivations? Listen as Elder Wes Keene delivers his sermon to TRC Chattanooga.…
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