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show episodes
Tales, techniques, tricks and tantrums from one of the UK’s top portrait photographers. Never just about photography but always about things that excite - or annoy - me as a full-time professional photographer, from histograms to history, from apertures to apathy, or motivation to megapixels. Essentially, anything and everything about the art, creativity and business of portrait photography. With some off-the-wall interviews thrown in for good measure!
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Welcome to ”Portrait Journeys with Mauhi,” where I invite you to join me on an inspiring adventure through the world of portrait photography. Here, I share my insights, discoveries, and the art I create along the way. Whether you’re just starting your journey or are already well on your path, consider me a mentor and friend who shares her thoughts and ideas in this extraordinary and fulfilling art form. You don’t need to be a photographer to join—just someone interested in exploring and grow ...
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show series
Well, it's the day after The Socieities Of Photographers Convention in London. What a blast! Judging, laughing, making friends, presenting workshops, representing Elinchrom Lighting and Evoto Ai, learning, exploring, creating and very little sleeping! The Convention is quite something to be a part of! In this episode, I try and explain what it feel…
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Imagine that every person had exactly the same fashion taste. Imagine if each of us had the same clothing or the same hairstyle. Imagine that everyone was the same height and build. Imagine that everyone had identical makeup. Just imagine. Of course, it's a nonsense - different styling suits different people. Short, tall, thin, round, dark-skinned,…
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So after three days of judging images for the British Institute Of Professional Photographers, it's time for me to step down from my role as Chair Of Awards And Qualifications. I have been in the role for three years and it is time for someone else to pick up the reins and run with it (if that isn't a mixed metaphor.) I have loved doing this and if…
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So after three days of judging images for the British Institute Of Professional Photographers, it's time for me to step down from my role as Chair Of Awards And Qualifications. I have been in the role for three years and it is time for someone else to pick up the reins and run with it (if that isn't a mixed metaphor.) I have loved doing this and if…
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Well, this hasn't been the easiest of years with inflation, geographical tensions and all-out confrontations, terrible weather and political transitions. And last night the trusty Land Rover Defender broke down one more time. Possibly one LAST time. But through all of that, we have to look for the possibles - the light at the end of the tunnel. But…
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So I have a new toy (or two) - a nice new set of RODE Wireless Pro 32-bit floating point recording units. Nice. But I honestly wasn't sure if the recording had worked (there must be a lesson or two in UX design here, but I'll let that go.) Anyway, the recording DID work, or I wouldn't be publishing this podcast. No editing. No effects. No tricks. J…
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Portrait Journeys with Mauhi: In this episode, we explore the idea that there is more than one path available in the photographic landscape. My website/Body of Work: www.mauhicreative.com Please subscribe to our newsletter for future goodies: mauhicreative.com/#subscription-form Sound: Zapsplat.comVon mauhinyakoteyd
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Ah, so it's the 4th July as I record this so Happy Independence Day to all my US friends and colleagues! In this episode, I do my regular round-up of things I've heard during judging - I was chairing the Click Expo Print Competition (the standard was incredible!) and I made a few notes from this and a few other things I've been involved in. I menti…
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There are many factors to success and I have listed many in these podcasts, but the brutal reality is that it takes hard work. Lots of it. There isn't a silver bullet, no matter what every influencer, marketer, salesman, advertorial or Facebook campaign might try to convince you - and AI ain't gonna fix it either. All I wish is that I could stop se…
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Sometimes it's just a pleasure to sit back and listen. This is one of those moments - for me, certainly, but hopefully for you too. I had the pleasure of sitting and chatting with two icons of the industry - Sean Conboy and the inimatable nonagenarian, Stuart Clark who is not only still shooting at the age of 97 but is a considerable racontour (you…
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So what does it take to be successful (at least as a portrait photographer?) In this episode I muse on the key building blocks that every successful photographer I've encountered seems to exhibit, at least to varying degrees! This episode also features a quick catchup with Andy Blake from Kaleidoscope Framing (https://www.kaleidoscope-framing.co.uk…
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Ever wondered why you should sign your work? Well, in this, our 150th episode, we have chat about it. But before that, a quick catchup with Charlie Kaufman of Click Group at The Photography Show - head to https://www.clickliveexpo.co.uk/ to see details of one of the most exciting events in years! There is also news of the PMI Smoke Genie / Smoke Ni…
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In this episode, I get to very briefly chat with Louis Wahl, CEO of WEX Photo Video. Turns out he is a really nice guy (and with luck, I'll get to chat to him in a full-length interview at some point in the future.) It's the great thing about the photography show - I get to meet loads of people! As well as the short chat, the episode is primarily a…
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Well, I'm back on the road with a microphone - but this time in my wife's nippy little Peugeot! There are so many aspects of customer service but one of them is how you explain what you're going to deliver and how you're going to do it and, given the stories in this episode, that is something that is very easy to get wrong! Ultimately, clarity is k…
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Yay! Other than a crappy cold, a very good week. Won a Gold Bar with the Guild Of Photographers a couple of days ago which got me to thinking about competitions: why we do them, how to do them and the fear of failure (when in fact, the only failure is to not enter at all!) There are one or two other things to bear in mind and I step through them in…
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Suddenly it washed over me - that odd euphoric sensation of contentment. No idea what triggers it, but it's well worth holding onto! Also in this episode, a quick review of ACDSee 10 (the Mac version). If you'd like to try it yourself, please use this link (there is no kickback or finance attached, but it does let the guys at ACDSee know that the r…
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Mastering Portrait Photography Podcast: Land Rover Edition This is one of our "Land Rover Editions" which is to say, slightly noisy. I'm on my way to and from the Hearing Dogs for a shoot, which is always lovely. Various topics, but mostly "Yvonne's Law: Shoot For Dough Before Shooting For Show". In other words, it's all about your client before it…
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I am recording this having just spent the day running one of our workshops with some of the nicest people imaginable. A top day (though I am now shattered!) at the end of a top month (January has been amazing) and who knows? Maybe it's the start of a top year. Don't want to tempt fate though... This episode was triggered by a shoot I did last week,…
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Well we're back from The Societies Convention in London and it's been a blast (though I am a little weary!) However, no matter how tired I am, I am going to have to find the energy for my clients - just as we all need to. And that is the topic of this episode. Enjoy! Cheers P. If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photog…
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Hi all! I am sitting writing this late on a Sunday evening with a glass of whisky in one hand (a small glass I hasten to add) and typing with the other. It's already a business year and we're only a week or two in! In this episode, I have been pondering how you build your business and how, in particular, you do it one client at a time. It's the Soc…
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So we're kicking off 2024 with a slightly random podcast from the cab of my Land Rover (thank you Craig from New Zealand for telling me he quite likes the rawness - pretty much gave me permission to once again strap on my Madonna-esque headset mic and ad-lib my way through the first episode of the year!) This episode is a blend of a summary of 2023…
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At this time of year, more than any other, I find myself chasing my tail to complete everything I need to get done before the seasonal deadlines (otherwise our clients will be disappointed!) Of course, I want everything I do to be perfect but, as I have learned time and again, perfection is something that is unattainable and it is bad business too …
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The judging for the BIPP 2023/2024 International Print Awards is done and dusted and there some simply stunning images have been on the lightbox. The results come out later in the year, but I thought I'd muse on some of the things I learned along the way by listening to the judges as well as some observations of my own. Some of these you've heard m…
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In this interview with an old friend of ours, Simon Shirley, Toastmaster extraordinaire, we end up chatting about some of the simple things that make for a successful client-facing business for responding quickly, to getting a crowd onside (even when the odds are stacked against you!) I mention a few workshops we'll be running, so here are the link…
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Pick up any book on business in your local bookstore, and it will almost certainly talk about processes. Yawn. But what if we thought about processes as good habits? The things you do every day that you don't need to think about. As a business, you need good processes: doing the right things, at the right time in the right way is the foundation of …
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Peter Aldington OBE, world-renowned architect and garden designer, with his wife Margaret - whose energy and partnership have been as fundamental to his success as any other creative's, though she professes to not being a designer of any kind. I have wanted to record this interview for a long time. Peter is a world-renowned architect, having achiev…
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Well, this weekend has two big events: Mother's Day and the Societies Of Photographers Annual Convention In London. Sadly I wasn't able to make the Convention this year - though I was there in spirit! That didn't stop me entering the print competition though. I didn't come away with any gongs this year and that always stings just a little. Somehow,…
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Photographers are supremely visual, right? Of course. But have you ever wondered about the power of words? Two words, in particular, can have a bigger impact than any image ever can (and I am speaking as someone whose entire life is living and breathing pictures). The words? "Thank You". These two words, when given or received, can bring a huge amo…
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So it's 2023 already! What happened to 2022? This episode says a big thank you for 2022 and kicks off the year ahead with some thoughts on how to deal with so much negativity in the years and the media. We're hitting it all with positivity, energy, creativity and laughter! Well, you wouldn't expect anything different from us would you? We also say …
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We are a lucky business. OK, I know you make your own luck to a greater or lesser degree, but we really are a lucky business. Every day I work with people I love - from our team in the studio to our clients across the UK and further afield. As we run into the festive holidays, our studio has been full of laughter (and the smell of gingerbread, than…
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A couple of weeks ago, we judged the British Institute Of Professional Photographers (BIPP) 2022 national print competition. I have always loved being a judge and now, in my role as Chair Of Qualifications And Awards for the BIPP, I couldn't be happier! I get to see so many incredible images and sit with so many incredible photographers. It's one o…
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I recorded this podcast at 7am while sat in the studio, waiting for a new TV to be delivered. Luckily it actually arrived when they said it would! The TV is for our Client Reveal Room as we want our customers to have the best possible experience when they come back to see their pictures. But exactly how do you figure out where to spend your limited…
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At the end of a long week, the exhaustion can creep up on you. Fatigue is not an unusual feeling for a professional photographer. But finding your source of energy, whether it's your work, your clients, your colleagues or just some time out with family, is crucial. For me? Well, for me it's always been about people in one form or another! The detai…
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I have honestly grown to love the sales process - from pitch to payment, it is something I never thought I'd get my head around but have surprised myself. One key aspect is understanding that a 'no' may not be all it seems. In this episode, Sarah and I have stood out in the weather at Thame Food Festival, pitching to prospective clients. Not everyo…
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Had a chance this week to go and enjoy some incredible sketches and watercolours at the Ashmolean in Oxford. The artists? The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood - one of my favourite groups of artists. Somewhat uncharacteristically, we also developed some Ilford XP2 film (our daughter wants a film camera) and I've been testing a few old boxes we've had lay…
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After a little bit of a break from recording over the summer, this episode is a quick update and reflects on the experiences we had while visiting the beautiful Tuscany area of Italy. As with so much in business, it's the experience that completely won us over (though the product was delicious too!) Huge shout to the Buglioni Winery (and, in partic…
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In this week's episode, I am talking about how we set up the sale in the shoot - not in the salesroom; the salesroom is where we close the deal. I love this process, and it works, too: happy clients, great images and consistent (and high-value) sales. Perfect. Also, this episode is kindly sponsored by Pioneer Eneloop Batteries. Once again, I am ext…
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Well, I'm back in the shed for this episode - love the acoustics in here. Also, the peace and quiet as no-one disturbs me. This week's episode is inspired by an email we received from Bob and Sylvia (two of our lovely listeners) who described how they dragged out their wedding album and what they felt when going through it after fifty years of marr…
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This episode was recorded in a bar - possibly my favourite but, in contrast to our studio garden - not the quietest place to record audio. But it makes me happy. It was at this year’s incredible Societies of Photographers Convention in London where I spent the week judging and, well, generally feeling liberated from the previous two years of lockdo…
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It's late and I'm driving back from a beautiful spring wedding, shot in uncharacteristic April sunshine. I am, to put it mildly, hot and tired. in spite of this, I thought it would be an idea to record a quick podcast on my way home, so here it is - various musings on finding freedom in the studio and the joy of using the Z9 as a wedding photograph…
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I think I may have mentioned this before, but I LOVE creating portraits. The past couple of days have been all about headshots - part corporate, part creative branding. Either way, these are just portraits. And that is something that I cannot stress enough: if you're a portrait photographer, creating cool, engaging headshots is no different to crea…
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So it's been a month since recording the last podcast. A busy month. A very busy month. But during that time I did manage to get some time out with Sarah and our trusty spaniel, Rufus, and go for a walking holiday in South Wales. Wales is my home country so it is always a real joy to be back - there is something about the country, its ruggedness an…
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If there is one skill I have, it's recognising an opportunity when it bops me on the nose. Today was one of those moments. Helen May actually came to the studio to update her headshots but the minute we sat and talked about her work on diversity and inclusion, I knew she would be perfect to have on the podcast. Luckily both of our diaries had some …
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It's 2022 and I have to say it's starting off in a very positive mood! Admittedly New Year didn't go quite to plan, thanks to Covid and family injury, but other than that all good. And besides, my Nikon Z9 has arrived and I am now having a ball with what can only be described as the best camera I've ever had the pleasure to use. More on that in thi…
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Well, this is the last episode of 2021. Unless I find a moment to drag myself away from the turkey, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, cheese, Quality Street, sherry, wine, stuffing, more turkey, more cheese and maybe just a tad more sherry. Oh go on then, if I must, best make it a small one. In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Gra…
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Suck, squeeze, bang, blow: four words that drive an engine. OK, so maybe an obtuse analogy but a business is much like a power unit - once it's running, it doesn't take too much to keep it going but you need to keep it fuelled and maintained. Ignore these things at your own peril! Enjoy! Cheers P. If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mast…
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So it's Sunday as I both record and write this and I'm having a frankly chilled day. Not that this is in any way your worry, but I thought I'd tell you. This episode is a rebuttal of my own grumpy podcast (EP113) when I seem to have spent most of it muttering about my Z7ii and how it isn't quite there yet. Well, this one is the other extreme - here…
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When I first set out in this crazy, camera-carrying career, I had mixed views about working in the studio - I much preferred being outside in natural light with the environment as my backdrop. Over the years, that changed as I realised much of my cynicism was partly because I didn't understand it and partly because many of those who had taught me d…
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Switching to a mirrorless system was always going to happen - SLRs (and their requisite mirrors) are slowly heading the same way as film, dark rooms, Black Forest gateaux, prawn cocktail and sandals with socks. Though I happen to love Black Forest gateaux. And film. And the darkroom. Prawn cocktails and sandals with socks, well they can stay in the…
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I knew this would be an entertaining podcast and so it proved to be: Julia Fensom, author of With Sleep I Can Do Anything: The First Year - A Manual is always funny, energetic and full of ideas. So this interview was always going to be interesting - and long! When the two of us get together it is always a very funny hour or two, laughing about life…
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