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Live-Act | Producer | SoundDesign Booking and other requests: info@skydrips.de Skydrips - That blurry line between ocean and sky. Growing up on the german coast, he always remembers the dip of the horizon while looking at the ocean. Skydrips captures adventures in nature which are the base for each of his tracks. Analogue synthesizers and digital effects are built on top until his signature trance sound comes alive. Inspired by the free techno festivals in Mecklenburg where he observed how p ...
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Mario, der Podmeister aus Wien

I started making podcasts in early '05 but've been recording myself since I was only 5 years old. I'm mostly doing spoken word content and random little recordings which I turn into Talk Snippets, Sound Effects or Audio Notes. My podcasts tend to have a technology and entertainment focus but really anything I come across and find interesting might find its way into one of my episodes. For now I'm doing my German version of Mario's Planet as a proper podcast, with RSS feed and all that, and k ...
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The WoodCAST

Maximilian Pramreiter

Welcome to the WoodCAST. My name is Max and I am a senior scientist at the Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Resources at BOKU University in Vienna, Austria. The WoodCAST deals with all things related to wood and natural materials. Together with graduates of BOKU University, I talk about the degree programme and career prospects. Together with leading minds from research and industry, I present current research focuses and hot topics of the world of natural materials. I hope you enj ...
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Was ist der gefährlichste Gegenstand in einem Büro? Sind Feuerwerkskörper riskanter als Bienen? Und wo lauert das größere Risiko – im Heißluftballon oder im Freizeitpark? Ines Anioli und Laura Larsson, beide bereits mit „Weird Crimes“ und „Zum Scheitern verurteilt“ strahlende Stars am Podcasthimmel, finden Antworten auf diese Fragen. Dabei „battlen“ sie nicht nur um die potenziell größere Gefahr, sondern erstellen die Liste von absolut wirklich allem, das dich umbringen kann. Und sie haben a ...
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Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, social media. The only way to supply 8 billion addicts with the next fix is the exploitation of nature. We treat all other beings as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured. But what if we see ourselves as the custodians Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be ...
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show series
In dieser Folge des WoodCAST: DI Erich Reiner, BOKU-Absolvent und Holzwirt der ersten Stunde. Wir sprechen über seine Arbeit als selbständiger Sachverständiger und seine Tätigkeiten als Österreich-Vertretung bei Holz-von-Hier®. Diese Folge wurde am 22.Oktober 2024 aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen zur BOKU und dem Institut für Holztechnologie und …
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This episode is sponsored by Evergreen Privatstiftung. Check out the Evergreen Prize here with a chance to win € 300.000,- In this episode of the WoodCAST: George Schmidbauer. Business Development Manager at the North Fork Lumber Company. A samwilling company based in California with a rich history in processing wood. We talk about the family histo…
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At the beginning of the year I visited Lena and Mike in their apartment in Kreuzberg. A Berlin winter day. Cold, unpleasantly grey.And to be honest, all in all, I wasn't in the best shape at that time. Visits were very selective and rare. But I felt well surrounded by my friends.There was tea, homemade waffles and we talked about anything. A great …
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This episode is sponsored by Evergreen Privatstiftung. Check out the Evergreen Prize here with a chance to win € 300.000,- In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor Philip Tidwell from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a registered architect in Finland and has practiced professionally in the offices of Juhani Pallasmaa, Agres…
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In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Daniel L. Sanchez from the University of California, Berkeley. He is an early developer and leading expert on engineered biomass and bioenergy systems that remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Trained as an engineer and energy systems analyst, Sanchez’s work engages technology…
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In this episode of the WoodCAST: Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Paul Mayencourt from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a researcher and educator in low-carbon design solutions for the built environment. His research merges the field of structural design, forestry, and materials. He currently studies the use of undervalued …
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The first actual summer break for the WoodCAST. I would like to use the time thank you very much for the great feedback and your continued support! Coming back in August, the next four months of the WoodCAST will focus on the wood research at UC Berkeley and the Californian wood industry. I will talk with Prof. Paul Mayencourt, Prof. Daniel Sanchez…
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After releasing „Nach Hause“ (back home), the first track of their EP „Heimweg“, Skydrips & Tiefe Wasser Berlin now take a different direction into the wild.‌„Acajou“ presents a great mixture of complex beat architecture and intimate, ethereal vocals. The song makes you feel like you step out of the shadow of a cool tent just to watch over the endl…
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In this episode, Prof. Andreja Kutnar from the InnoRenew Center of Excellence. We learn how the idea of a research center for the built environment became reality. Futhermore, we discuss how important finding the right words for research communication is and how the New European Bauhaus initiative aims to change the way we live and interact with ou…
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The WoodCAST goes international! In this first english episode, I speak with Prof. Orlando Rojas from the University of British Columbia (UBC) about his mission to make science more impactful. We also talk about emerging carbon capture technologies based on renewable materials. This episode was recorded on the 9th of October 2023. Support the show …
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After Skydrips & Tiefe Wasser Berlin released their joint debut track “Du bist hier” last year, the story goes on.'Nach Hause' - is the first single of their upcoming EP 'Heimweg'.The way home after a club visit can sometimes be more exciting than the previous party itself. Mysterious, impossible to classify, or filled with special and abstract imp…
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Wir leben in einem persönlichen und kollektiven Chaos. Durch unzureichende Behandlung als Kinder bleibt ein Loch in uns zurück, an der Stelle, wo sich ein tiefes Vertrauen ins Leben hätte entwickeln können. Also suchen wir nach Liebe in äußeren Dingen: Shopping, Arbeit, Essen, soziale Medien, Drogen diverser Art. Und der einzige Weg, 8 Milliarden S…
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We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitat…
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Download my new book “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”. It’s a gift. http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians CUSTODIA - The incubator for birthing the more beautiful world: http://bit.ly/CUSTODIA-deck Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth - Buckminster Fuller: https://amzn.to/3UBqj1X Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu: https://amzn.to…
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In dieser Folge des WoodCAST spreche ich mit Martin Brettenthaler, dem ehemaligen CEO der SWISS KRONO GROUP, über Herausforderungen aber auch Erfolge als Führungsperson großer Holzbetriebe. Wir erfahren warum man als CEO mehr als nur ein Gefühl für Zahlen benötigt und warum auch die Holzwerkstoffindustrie beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit einen Zahn zulege…
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Coaches bragging on Instagram about the millions they are making and clients who are getting more and more disillusioned about the value they are receiving for the high ticket investments they made. But the 5-figure and 6-figure months don’t come without a toll: Endless hours spent making stories, building funnels, writing newsletters, hiring marke…
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Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift. http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, …
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Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift.http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians It’s time for a radical step. A step that my heart asks me to make since I stumbled over the idea of the gift economy four years ago. The possibility of being able to share my gifts freely with the world and receive a c…
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Zu Beginn der vierten Staffel gleich ein erstes Highlight möchte ich behaupten. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Gerhard Grüll und Sylvia Polleres über ihre neuen Aufgabenbereiche und die Zukunft der Holzforschung Austria. Am 1. Jänner 2024 hat Privat­do­zent Dr. Gerhard Grüll die Insti­tuts­lei­tung sowie Geschäfts­füh­rung der Holz­for­schung Aust…
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The first episode of the Gaia's Custodians Podcast explores the evolution of human consciousness, how we might support the awakening of the world, why urgency is not a good companion on this journey and what the durian has to do with all of that. Enjoy this beautiful piece of art!Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians - Embracing who we are meant to …
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Dieses Absolvent*innengespräch des WoodCAST ist aus dem Archiv der ersten Staffel. 2021 habe ich mit Ulrich Müller nicht nur über seine Projekte wie WoodC.A.R. geplaudert. Wir sprachen auch über seine Lehrzeit als Tischler und warum er dann über einen kurzen Umweg über die Forstwirtschaft zur Holztechnologie gekommen ist. Diese Folge wurde am 4.Mär…
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Pre-order my book “Gaia’s Custodians”:http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with t…
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Mit Sophia Adler, Nachfolgerin bei Adler Parkett, spreche ich über Wertholzsubmissionen und die manufakturartige Herstellung von Parkettböden. Wir erfahren außerdem wie sich der Einstieg in das Familienunternehmen gestaltet hat und wir philosphieren über das Image der Holzwirtschaft in der Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt. Diese Folge wurde am 10.Novem…
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In dieser Episode des WoodCAST spreche ich mit Dr. Markus Lukacevic über das "Christian Doppler Laboratory for Next-Generation Wood-Based Biocomposite". Nach einem Projektstart im Juli 2023 wurde dieses am 13. Oktober 2023 offiziell an der TU Wien eröffent. Darin sollen Verfahren zur Herstellung und Charakterisierung nachhaltiger Biokompositmateria…
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The past two months I didn't create any social media content. No Instagram, no YouTube, no podcast. I didn’t feel inspired to feed the hungry, voracious attention monster. I perceived a deep longing for substance, for depth, for profoundness. Creating something that truly matters. Something that impacts peoples lives on a level no entertaining reel…
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Im neuen Absolvent*innengespräche erzählt Marlene Grebe-Freudenthaler wie sie aus dem Berufsleben an die BOKU gekommen ist und wie es sie nach dem Holz- und Naturfasertechnologiestudium zu Gropyus verschlagen hat. Diese Folge wurde am 25.April 2023 aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen zur BOKU und dem Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Ro…
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Ja, in Hollywood ist schon die ein oder der andere filmreif gestorben - egal, ob durch einen unvorhergesehenen Eisberg, durch einen T-Rex oder durch Scherenhände. Und leider auch durch Haie und bei Flugzeugabstürzen. Aber wie groß ist die Gefahr im wahren Leben? Das finden selbstverständlich Ines und Laura für uns heraus. Und ganz nebenbei gibt’s a…
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Der ursprüngliche Herkunftsort von (naturlichen) Ressourcen spielt nicht nur in der Lebensmittelindustrie eine Rolle. Auch die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft ist mit diesem Thema immer mehr konfrontiert. Welche technologischen und politischen Herausforderungen eine transparente Wertschöpfungskette mit sich bringen, darüber spreche ich mit Martin Riegler…
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Through constantly striving for greater and greater freedom we created a reality where we don’t need each other anymore.Independence leads to disconnection and loneliness. When we are able to fulfill all our needs through money and the technical device in our pocket, human beings become replaceable. But no fancy food that we ordered via an app will…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Stefan Schrenk, Geschäftsführer der Schrenk GmbH, über LEAN im Baugwerbe und Wohnkonzepte der Zukunft. Wir bekommen einen Einblick in neue Wege der Fertigung und der Baulogistik. Außerdem erfahren wir was sich hinter dem Begriff "ZiKK" verbirgt und warum dieses Wohnkonzept eine Antwort auf den Lebensstil des 21. Jahr…
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Each one of us faces adversity. Losing a loved one. Getting divorced. Going out of business. Or a bad disease. This is part of life.While everybody would suffer tremendously in situations like these, they are really opportunities for purification. Practicing surrender.Or as Winston Churchill said: „never waste a good crisis“.Nelson Mandela was in p…
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Last week my minimalism journey was catapulted onto a completely different level. On Wednesday I had a stressful, transformative and at the same time beautifully liberating evening where Lionel killed everything and everybody around him with his overflowing energy. He was crushing the whole setting like the whirlwind he is. And where it would have …
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After ten solo episodes here my first TRUTH. conversation with another human being. A human being that I just met a week before through some crazy coincidences. Surrender, you know.As Alex Lamber and I got to know each other we quickly discovered how much we are on the same life path. Two raw vegan brothers serving the new earth. Feels like the beg…
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In dieser Folge des WoodCAST spreche ich mit Prof. Steffen Tobisch, Leiter des Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden (IHD), über die Geschichte des Institutes und wie sich die Themenstellungen der Holzwerksotffindustrie über die letzten Jahre und Jahrzehnte verändert haben. Es gibt einen Einblick in aktuelle Themen rund um Altholzverwendung, Rezykli…
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What if eating was a learned habit and our bodies would not need food in order to thrive?That is the claim of Professor Hilton Hotema, whose work I studied a lot lately. He explains in great lengths why the removal of eating not only heals but awakens our true life force energy.As far as my experiences with various fasting methods reach I can confi…
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This might be the most important content piece I‘ve ever put out.I recently watched Eliezer Judkowsky’s interview on the Bankless podcast in which he as one of the worlds leading experts on the topic of artificial intelligence expressed his belief that AI will kill us.According to him we as humanity are facing extinction. And there is nothing we ca…
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Our lives have become more and more artificial. We as a civilization are spending our days mostly indoors, in a seated position, glued to technical devices, eating highly processed food.The result is an easily controllable and exploitable population. The dominant forces on our planet - call them Empire, the matrix, the system or however you‘d like …
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In the past 10 years I created 2500+ Instagram posts, 1300+ YouTube videos and a lot more content on facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and a bunch of other social media platforms.You could said that social media content creation is a significant part of my identity.But over the past months I developed a much more critical attitude towards the whole indust…
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13 years ago, in May 2010, I embarked on an experiment. Changing my diet from pizza and cheeseburgers to exclusively raw fruits, veggies and nuts. One week of trying a raw vegan diet.At the time I was 20 years old, in good health and lived a very active lifestyle. I didn’t need to do this and tried eating raw vegan only after seeing the tremendous …
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Over the past weeks I cultivated a profound peace inside myself. Coming into acceptance on a very deep level with everything that’s taking place in my life these days.If you have been following my journey over the past years you witnessed that this year is something completely different than the previous ones. By far the most challenging year of my…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Julie Steinschaden und Balázs Schallenberg von die Kalendermacher. Vor mittlerweile 100 Jahren von Louise Pitzinger gegründet stehen die Kalendermacher für hochwertige Tischkalender und seit einigen Jahren auch für individulasierbare Notizbücher aus Österreich. Wir sprechen über den Gestaltungs- und Herstellungsproze…
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My greatest teacher is my son Lionel.He not only invites me to adjust my life so that it’s in full alignment with my essence - he demands it.These precious little beings are still so pure, so connected with source that their internal compass is still calibrated correctly. It tells them immediately when something is out of order.And our task as adul…
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What if we would release our minds from the enormous task to govern our lives and ensure our safety and wellbeing? And instead surrender all that to the infinitely more powerful wisdom of life itself?Living every moment fully present and letting ourselves be guided by this greater force. Giving up all control and not knowing what the future will br…
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Who am I in my highest version? And which parts of myself do I need to integrate in order to become the man that can be of full service to this world? I'm pondering these questions a lot lately. A framework that I find very helpful for this are the archetypes of the mature masculine / feminine. They can prevent us from doing more of what comes easy…
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Florian Neuböck spricht über seine oberösterreichischen Wurzeln, seine Schulzeit an der HTL Kuchl und wie er über das Holz- und Naturfasertechnologie-Studium in die Steiermark zur Weitzer Wood Solutions gekommen ist. Diese Folge wurde am 18.Jänner 2023 aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen zur BOKU und dem Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsend…
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For the past two years I was in a romantic relationship with Elina. But now we are transitioning into a different expression of our connection. A process that is both very challenging and highly rewarding at the same time. In the last week I got a glimpse into what unconditional love really means and feel a strong urge to share our journey with you…
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