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Join Chris Granger, the host of the Lion Within Us Podcast, as he shares the inspiring journey behind his podcast and the online community he has built for Christian men. Discover how Chris's calling from God led him to create a space where men can grow in health, wealth, and self-improvement, becoming better husbands, fathers, and leaders. Dive in…
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In this extraordinary episode of Marketplace Ministry, the Mindset Answer Man himself, Cliff Ravenscraft, leads me through a life-altering coaching session. As we delve into our second coaching experience, Cliff's poignant question, "Have you ever coached anyone?" unveils a profound truth—I am already a coach. In this gripping recording, generously…
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In this episode, I take you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery as I share my first-ever coaching experience with one of my heros of the digital marketing space Cliff Ravenscraft. Listen in as Cliff guides me through the process of scaling my business to new heights, sharing his invaluable insights and expertise every step of the way.…
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Join host Jason Smith in this episode of Marketplace Ministry as he explores the transformative power of asking better questions. From reframing negative self-talk to identifying limiting beliefs, Jason shares practical strategies for mastering your mindset and unlocking your potential as a kingdom-minded entrepreneur. With inspiring quotes like "T…
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In this episode, we'll be discussing the power of regret and how it can be used to move us forward. We'll start by discussing the concept of regret and how it can be a powerful motivator. According to Daniel Pink's book "The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward," regret can be a powerful force for change. By looking back at our pa…
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In this episode, we'll be discussing the lessons that I learned about myself over the past few months. These lessons cover a wide range of topics, from what motivates me to how I respond to internal and external expectations to how I can lose focus on the spiritual nature and drift into survival mode. First, we'll be discussing the lesson I learned…
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Looking for a better approach to time management? Look no further than the book Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time by Rory Vaden. According to Vaden, these five permissions will help you multiply your time so you can make the most of each day. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:15-16 to "walk circumspectly, redeeming the t…
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Where do dreams come from, what do they mean, and how do they impact your life? I'll be answering those questions on this episode of Marketplace Ministry. Our foundational scripture for this episode is Joel 2:28 which says, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…
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In this episode, we'll be discussing all things finance - personal finance, business finance, budgeting, and more. First up, we'll be covering personal finance according to Dave Ramsey's framework. Dave Ramsey is a well-known personal finance expert and the creator of Financial Peace University. His framework, known as the "Baby Steps," has helped …
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Ready to have your best year ever? If so, this episode is a great place to start. Find out the importance of goal setting and how to set SMART goals to help you achieve success in 2023. Before we get into what it means to set SMART goals, let's talk about those things we need to start, stop, do more of, or do less of in order to reach our goals. I …
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Last time, we began our study of Deuteronomy 28:15-68 by examining the six types of curses that exist in the world. These curses exist because of original sin; you don't have to do anything to be cursed except being born. This week, we'll pick up where we left off with the next three types of curses: natural disasters, desperation, and loss. If you…
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Is your business cursed? Here's how to tell. The Bible is very clear about what happens when we position ourselves outside the covenant of God. In Deuteronomy 28:15-68 is a list of all the curses that befall a person who is not in a covenantal relationship with God. There are six categories of curses found in this passage of scripture, and in this …
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The covenant of God promises great benefits to those who accept its terms. And because God is faithful, we can trust that He will uphold His end of the agreement 100% of the time. God promised these blessings to those who accept His covenant: positional blessings, blessings over your business affairs, blessings over your home life, blessings over y…
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What's the weirdest thing about modern life that most people accept as being normal? This question comes from a user on the Wisdom app and it inspired this episode today. Meditating upon this question led me to seek out what the Bible says about the days we are living in. Connect with me on Wisdom -…
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Today's episode is a reminder about how God established a covenant with you. What is a covenant? Who are the parties to the covenant? What are both parties' obligations to the covenant? And what happens when one party breaches the agreement? And how does God's covenant relate to business? Find out in this episode of Marketplace Ministry. Do you nee…
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The Bible records numerous accounts of drought and famine throughout ancient history. The current economic crisis in the world is not anything new or unordinary to become worried about. Yet many people are worried that the U.S. might slip into a recession. Many people think this is the end of the world. Is there anything that can be done to prepare…
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In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter to the power of the Master Mind. In the chapter, he described the Master Mind Principle. Today, I explore how Hill's description lines up with scripture, and invite you to join the Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneurs Master Mind. To join the Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneur Master Mind, e…
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After a life-changing encounter with her spiritual advisor, a Mary Kay director transformed her life and business dramatically. Connect with Melissa Walczak on Facebook - Get in touch with Marketplace Ministry: Facebook: Instagram: @marketplaceministry…
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Upon realizing the creative call to ministry, a content creator reveals how anyone can find time to express themselves creatively. Get in touch with Christopher Hamberger: Facebook: Instagram: @christopherhamberger Gmail: Get in touch with Marketplace Ministry: Facebook:…
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After facing setbacks in her business, a writing coach and editor relates why having a genuine relationship with God is paramount to having peace in business. Connect with Andrea Herrick Visit The Final Draft Editing and Coaching on Facebook at Email Andrea at Follow Us On Facebook - https:/…
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I'm not good enough. I don't have what it takes. I'm a fraud. These negative thoughts are shared among all people, regardless of their economic status. Today, we are talking about the pandemic of imposter syndrome. What is it, and what can you do about it so you can live the life God planned? We recorded this episode live on Clubhouse. Grab your co…
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Jeannie Smith joins me on the show today to discuss why we use essential oils in our home. If you have been curious about essential oils, then this is the show for you. We talk about what they have done for us; and how you can benefit from using essential oils in your home. Connect with Jeannie on Facebook…
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Do you want to start a podcast? In this episode, I shared when I realized I wanted to create a podcast. Join my podcast membership if you have ever thought about starting a podcast but aren't sure where to start. You can become a founding member now through April 30, 2022. To join, send me a message or text MEMBERSHIP to 502-833-6136. Follow Us On …
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When Jesus died on the cross, He gave a clear demonstration to us that leaders accomplish their missions. This episode concludes our series on the Leadership Lessons of Jesus. Join us for Revival Nights at Abundant Life Church - Stream Live on YouTube Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook - https:…
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Jesus gave credit to John the Baptist's ministry. He confirmed that John was the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy, and declared that the anointing of Elijah rested upon Him. By recognizing John's ministry, Jesus gave us a clear example that as leaders we must give credit where credit is due instead of hoarding all the praise for ourselves. Connect…
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When Jesus described what genuine leadership looked like, He first discussed what genuine leadership is not. Genuine leadership is not following the example of the world by lording it over our followers. By contrast, genuine leadership is when leaders serve their people. Do you want to improve your leadership? Find out three strategies you can use …
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Cancel culture is a cancer of society that affects Christians and non-Christians alike. It doesn't matter who you are. If you allow the toxicity of "cancel culture" to take root in your heart, it will destroy your relationships. Discover four ways to guard your heart against cancel culture. Today's show features the talk I prepared and delivered at…
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Jesus surprised His disciples when He began to do this. One of them even tried to stop Him, but He finished the job anyway. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook - Instagram - @marketplaceministrypodcast Clubhouse - @jmsmith8094 & @jjeffcoat45 Call or Text Us – 502-833-6136 Check out our selectio…
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Grief is a powerful emotion that can debilitate a person, yet Jesus experienced grief after receiving some bad news. Find out how He handled it, and get a new strategy for leading through grief in your life. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook - Instagram - @marketplaceministrypodcast Clubhouse…
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Jesus knew where He was going. He also knew what the plan was for those that would follow Him. When you know your vision, you will know exactly what to do. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook - Instagram - @marketplaceministrypodcast Clubhouse - @jmsmith8094 & @jjeffcoat45 Call or Text Us – 502…
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If you are not doing this, you are missing out on great returns for your business and ministry. After Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, He demonstrated outstanding leadership by doing this. What He did worked so well over 2,000 years ago that military organizations still use it today. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook -…
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For the first time ever, my wife Jeannie Smith joins me on the podcast to share about what we learned and experienced at the WOW Marriage Conference this past weekend. We pray that our insights will inspire you and help you to transform your marriage into a WOW Marriage. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook -…
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Jesus was more than a master at showing His disciples how to do things. He also spent time teaching them. Find out how teaching is an integral part of being a leader. Connect with Marketplace Ministry Facebook - Instagram - @marketplaceministrypodcast Clubhouse - @jmsmith8094 & @jjeffcoat45 Call or Te…
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Chris and Lisa Wood, the other half of the Wow Marriage Podcast, join me today to talk about their upcoming Wow Marriage Conference, this February at Abundant Life Church in Radcliff, Kentucky. During this episode, we discuss what they see as the biggest problems affecting marriages today and what we can do about it. This episode is brought to you …
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"Show, don't tell," and "Lead by example." These are simple leadership concepts, but they are easy to overlook. Resist the temptation to tell people what to do. Stop thinking that the best way to get things done is to do it yourself. What did Jesus do? The only command He gave His disciples when they first started following Him was, "Follow me." Af…
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After the Holy Ghost launched Jesus into ministry, and after Jesus had proven Himself through 40 days of fasting and temptation by the devil, the next thing Jesus did was He called His followers. In this episode, we'll talk about why that's important and why you can't rely on the Field of Dreams mentality of "if you build it, they will come" to bui…
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It is interesting that Jesus, who was God, needed to be led by the Holy Spirit, who is also God, in order to be launched into His ministry. If Jesus needed the leadership of the Holy Ghost, how much more do we, mere humans, need the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our lives? In this episode, find out what it means to be led by the Holy Ghost in yo…
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Jesus provided many examples of what leadership is. During this series, we will examine what the gospels have to say about Jesus and His leadership style. We will uncover what we have extracted from the Bible about Jesus' leadership. In this episode, we talk about how God prepared Jesus for His ministry. In addition, we talk about how God has equal…
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Chris and Maria Walker from The Wow Marriage Podcast join me on the show today to talk about marriage. They share some of the struggles they experienced in the early years of their marriage and explain how the grace of God has helped them to have the Wow Marriage they have today. The Walkers, along with their co-hosts Chris and Lisa Wood will be ho…
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Terry Linscott is the Senior Pastor of Abundant Life Church and the host of the Anointed Leadership Podcast. He joins me today to talk about why business leaders need the anointing of God in their lives. We’ll answer questions like “What exactly is the anointing of God?” and “Why do business people need to be anointed?” If you are ready to surrende…
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People worry about a lot of things these days. Jesus told us, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” When we know our identity in Christ, we have confidence in knowing that all our needs are met according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Today, Quintin Jones joins us on the show to…
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Business Coach and podcast host Rhonda Velez joins me on the show today to talk about the importance of goal setting. Goal setting is Rhonda's signature topic, and she has helped women in business to set and achieve goals. In a world that has adopted the mindset of "What's the point?" Rhonda shares why she thinks it is important to set goals and ho…
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As a recovering perfectionist, I know a thing or two about always trying to get everything "just" right. In this episode, I want to talk to you about letting go of perfectionism, and instead, exchanging perfection for excellence. Perfection is not the same thing is excellence. And just because something is done with excellence, doesn't make it perf…
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Joy is a choice. Whenever you face a challenge or circumstance, you get to choose whether you will respond with agitation or with joy. In this message from Joy Giron, you will be inspired to choose joy every single time.Purity Conference Registration: Connect with Marketplace Ministry Find us on Facebook…
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In 1 Timothy 4, the Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to be an example in word, conduct, love, spirit, faith, and purity. Today, we are going to examine these six attributes of biblical leadership. When you are an example to others in these six things, you create a culture in your business that will flourish no matter the circumstances. But when you don…
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Elijah Linscott joins us today to share about the upcoming Purity Conference for teenagers at Abundant Life Church in Radcliff, KY on November 12th and 13th, 2021. Purity Conference Registration: Learn More About U-Turn Youth Ministry: Connect with Marketplace Ministry Find us on Facebook https://faceb…
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Bill Woolsey is president and founder of FiveTwo, a network that equips Christian entrepreneurs to build, fund, and grow ventures that serve people. A pastor for over 35 years, Bill has led congregations, established a church plant, and helped it grow from seven families to over 1,600 families across three campuses. Today, Bill shares critical prin…
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Many times, we shy away from saying, "No," when we know we should. We often do this because we want to be seen as helpful, courteous, and reliable. We become so accustomed to saying, "Yes," that we lose the ability to say, "No." What's worse is that we become ashamed of saying, "No." But the truth is learning how and when to say "No," is just as va…
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For the past three years, I have studied everything I could to learn more about social media marketing. And in my endeavors to do so, I have become known in my immediate circle as "the Social Media Guy." Because of that, it might surprise you to learn that I quit social media. In this episode, I will reveal the reason behind my social media exodus.…
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We are in a spiritual war. The battle lines are drawn against angels and demons. The spirits of darkness want nothing more than to drive a wedge between your relationships. They won't stop until they have conquered your business, marriage, kids, and every area of your life. As spiritual leaders and business people, we must stand against these force…
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