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show episodes
A "Sacred Space where wisdom is revealed" The Isumataq Podcast is inspired conversations about self realisation, and the mysteries of life. Embracing the up's and the downs, the dark and the light... 'All of It' Tune in as my guests share their unique perspectives, untold stories, and timeless wisdom. From Philosophy, psychology, astrology and sacred sites to prophecies, channeling, extraterrestrials, and spiritual mastery. Join us on this journey of curiosity, inspiration, and awe for the b ...
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Santosh Pandey

Welcome to the ISU ECpE podcast, from the Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE). Here in ECpE, The Future Is What We Do!
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Alcanzar una vida plena constituye seguramente uno de los propósitos más anhelados por los seres humanos. En mis paseos matutinos, encontrarás reflexiones sobre la vida, el éxito, el amor, el crecimiento personal y profesional y todas aquellas cuestiones de interés, que tienen que ver con lo que significa ser humano. El objetivo es inspirarnos y animarnos a reflexionar sobre lo que no solemos hacer en nuestra vida cotidiana. Y desde ahí, habilitar sentidos nuevos y aprendizajes que nos permi ...
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The Well ISU

The Well ISU

The Well is a space for meaningful conversations inside the Iowa State community on intersectional wellness. Its purpose is to engage students in the value of acknowledging diverse opinions and experiences.
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This is...US

John & Bria

Welcome to “This is...US” podcast formally known as TME Millennials. A lot of things changed for the better. So, creators Bria and John are bringing to you authentic content that will make you want to tune in every Friday. To submit topics, email Bria and John at [email protected]. Support this podcast:
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Everything still under the sun!! Mental health issues and worldly events! Growing thru this craft and learning the avenues of this mix!! This year will be a twist of interviews on resilient people and self empowerment for motivational purposes!! Connecting of alike people to bring focus to our culture and prosperity!! 20dagod 🏆🏆🏆💯💯💯🌊🔥
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With all of these great ideas growing all over Manila, it’s only fair to give all of that talent and potential an avenue to learn, network and eventually, find an opportunity to grow. International Start Up Meetings (ISUM) aims to do just that. ISUM has been bringing together startups, professionals, business-owners, mentors and investors since 2011. From the launch in Paris and through other exciting destinations such as Vienna, Lima and Mexico, ISUM has been a platform for entrepreneurs fr ...
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show series
Vic Moya, an International Brand Strategist and Mindvalley’s #1 Independent Speaker, joins us to share how he turns business leaders, founders, and executives into Industry Rockstars! Are you tired of being overlooked in your industry? Do you feel like your personal brand isn’t cutting through the noise? Vic has worked with top names like Florencia…
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Amrit Sandhu is an international speaker, podcast host, and founder of Inspired Evolution. Certified by Eckhart Tolle's School of Awakening and serving as Mindvalley's Master Certified Trainer for Australia & India, Amrit delivers keynotes, talks, seminars, and workshops for Inspired Evolution and Mindvalley across the United States, Europe, Asia, …
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Holly Achaya is a holistic guide and transformational healer who provides roadmaps, tools, and techniques to help people see themselves and create lives that are fully aligned and deeply integrated. Her work encompasses teaching, guiding, inner-work processes, medicine ceremonies, mentorships, workshops, supporting retreats, public speaking, and mo…
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On this episode, I welcome David Lamka, a transformative force in leadership and personal development born in Switzerland to Czech refugee parents with a Latino heart. His journey has taken him from conventional, structured success to a life defined by soulful awakening and authentic transformation. Known for his unique blend of shamanic insight, d…
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Episode Overview: On this episode of The All of IT Podcast, Ashley Chattaway dives deep into the hidden forces shaping our lives, from astro cartography to energy protection and the vibrational nature of reality. She reveals how our locations impact our growth, how to tune into our body's wisdom, and why understanding energy mechanics is crucial fo…
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Brent Bruning is a master hand analyst from the International Institute of Hand Analysis and the founder of The Power In Your Hands. With over 26,000 handprints analyzed, Brent has helped thousands uncover the profound life patterns revealed in their fingerprints and lines. His expertise lies in decoding subconscious shadows, life lessons, and soul…
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The Uncle Tom enigma is back with love and definitions of what the terminology really entails, giving insight or further wisdom to each person that listens to this podcast. I’m giving my thoughts on the topic to set the stage for other peoples opinion in the two segments of this topic! Uncle Tom, shall we begin?! 🐐🐐🐐💯❤️☠️👑…
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The details of self sabotage or being sabotaged thru generational curses! We are powerful people and really don’t pay attention to the inner peace we obtain! The choices we make or the people we encounter can wreck havoc upon us! I’m here to tell u it’s up to you and only you to see thru the smoke and sliding mirrors 🪞!! #Isuserious #20dagod…
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In this episode of Season 1, our guest is Dr. Anne Kimber who is the Executive Director of the Electric Power Research Center (EPRC) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about EPRC’s research in electric power systems, including the Center’s research projects, industry partner…
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In this episode of Season 1, our guest is Professor Manimaran Govindarasu from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research in cybersecurity with applications to electric power grids, including the cyber physical testbeds and facilities available for student training a…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Hongwei Zhang from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research in rural broadband connectivity and wireless communication systems, along with education-related topics for students. We also discuss his major new grant, ARA Wirele…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Vikram Dalal from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about the latest trends in the semiconductor industry, both within the integrated circuit (IC) and solar cell technologies. We also learn about the capabilities available at the ISU Mic…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Doug Jacobson from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about the new ECpE major program in Cyber Security Engineering, which was proposed and established under Jacobson's leadership. We also learn about his innovative research and outreach…
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In this episode, our guests are Associate Professor Meng Lu and his graduate student, Shirin Parvin, from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research on sensors, microelectronics, optics and photonics, and the resources available for students to get involved in this a…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Jiming Song from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research in electromagnetic modeling and testing for 5G electronics and the value of learning these core skills for students. This episode was conceptualized, recorded, edited,…
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In this episode, our guest is Associate Professor Long Que from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research on microfluidics, nanotechnology, and photonics with applications in biology. We also discuss the relevant coursework, research opportunities, and facilities av…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Aditya Ramamoorthy from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research in distributed computing, caching, data storage, and machine learning, along with resources for professional development of our students. This episode was conce…
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In this episode, our guests are Engineer Matthew Post and Electronics Technician Leland Harker from the Electronics and Technology Group (ETG) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about ETG and its vital role in supporting student learning by providing a wide variety of comput…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Liang Dong from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research on new sensing technologies and its applications in the remote monitoring of plant health, soil fertilizer levels, and irrigation. We also discuss about relevant course…
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Jaeyoun Kim from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research on nanotechnology, microscale devices, optics and photonics for applications in nanomanufacturing and soft robotics. We also discuss about relevant coursework, researc…
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In this episode, our guest is Associate Professor Nathan Neihart from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about his research in designing electronic circuits for Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) applications and Radio Frequency (RF) communication, along with student resources …
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In this episode, our guest is Professor Ashfaq Khokhar, who is the Palmer Department Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). Here, we talk about undergraduate and graduate education and the resources available within the department to promote student learning and success. This episode wa…
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La búsqueda de la justicia, la equidad y todo lo bueno que corresponda, en los diferentes dominios de la vida, me parecen aspiraciones y derechos legítimos. Otra cosa distinta es lo que a mi juicio, está sucediendo en demasiadas ocasiones en nuestra sociedad contemporánea. Pareciera que hay una especie de cultura/moda o implacable necesidad de hace…
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Dicen que los niños que han recibido mucho amor en sus infancias, son adultos que aprendieron a amar de manera inefable. Y como no puede ser de otra manera, esa capacidad de amar, redunda en su propio beneficio y en el de las personas con las que se relacionan. Además. los hijos que recibieron mucho amor, en momentos de sombra y oscuridad, recurrir…
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Esta frase la solía repetir un cliente que tuve hace muchos años. Era un hombre a punto de alcanzar la edad de la jubilación, con extensa experiencia profesional y vital. Empecé por aquella época a comprender que todo tiene un perfecto y necesario tiempo de maduración. Años más tarde corroboré con las experiencias de la vida, que los tiempos del Un…
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Agradecer y aprender a perdonar: Hoy reflexiono sobre esta emoción que tanto daño hace a quien la padece: el resentimiento Decía Nietzsche que es “la emoción del esclavo”. Te cuento en mi paseo de hoy cómo puedes aprender a librarte de ella y llenar de paz, ese espacio que quedó en tu corazón. Disfruta del día #ignacioisusi…
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Si algo ha tenido entretenida a nuestra sociedad, en los años que precedían a la pandemia, era el culto al cuerpo. Comer sano y hacer deporte junto con otros hábitos saludables, se habían convertido en mantras de primera necesidad . No atenderlos podía constituir una suerte de déficit moral. Sin embargo, lo de cuidar la mente parece que seguía teni…
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¿A quién no le gusta disfrutar de los momentos o circunstancias alegres que trae la vida? Aprender a disfrutar, en más ocasiones de las que nos imaginamos, puede no ser una tarea fácil. Pareciera el disfrute un sentimiento efímero al que no damos permiso para durar un tiempo ecuánime. En mi paseo de hoy, reflexiono sobre nuestra capacidad para disf…
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¡Qué manía tenemos los humanos de andar por la vida profanando la belleza en general y la que se desprende de la naturaleza, en particular! Siempre he pensado que las personas que faltan al respeto es porque no saben respetarse a ellas mismas. Hoy he vuelto a ser testigo de esos sacrilegios cotidianos a los que pareciera que debiéramos acostumbrarn…
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En mi paseo de hoy reflexiono sobre la tenacidad y la importancia de no confundirla con la obstinación. Siempre me ha parecido que ser una persona “tenaz” comporta muchos beneficios para la vida. Así, entregarse a un objetivo con pasión, determinación y sin reservas nos lleva a la obtención de grandes beneficios. Disfruta del día #ignacioisusi…
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Sobre la empatía y la dificultad para empatizar con los “no empáticos” ¡Qué sería de la vida si dejáramos de aprender! ¡Me encanta sorprenderme con estos descubrimientos que hago sobre aspectos de la personalidad. Aspectos que consideramos superados y de repente, el día menos pensado descubres por sorpresa, lo que te queda por aprender. No dejemos …
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Acariciar con palabras, una cuestión de “tacto” Pensaba hoy en la importancia del sentido del “tacto” frente al de la vista, el oído, el olfato o el gusto, y su relación con la propia supervivencia. Los humanos podemos vivir desprovistos de todos los sentidos con la excepción del “tacto”.. Y pienso ahora que no es casualidad que los seres humanos e…
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En mi paseo de hoy, reflexiono sobre este asunto que me interesa tanto. De ahí, que seguramente vuelva a él desde ángulos distintos, con el objetivo de poner un poco más de luz. Ya sabes que lo digo siempre: Los tiempos del Universo no siempre coinciden con los que pareciera que nos interesan a nosotros. ¡Aprende a ser paciente! 😀👏🏻 La vida resulta…
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