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Relationships are hard work >>> Is what most people think. I don't agree! And my clients and I have no time for bad relationships. In our podcast conversations we share stories of conscious relating, overcoming difficult times, mindset shifts, and practical examples of how to create more depth, meaning, belonging, intimacy and aliveness in your relationships - from love to business and beyond. Watch. Share. Like my TEDx talk: Relationships are the currency of the future. And it's about time ...
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Scampis beim Jazzdance


Jeden Donnerstag um 0 Uhr! Die zwei aufstrebenden Stand Up Comedians Matti & Kilian klären die essenziellen Fragen des Lebens: Welches ist das schlechteste Obst? Was ist die absurdeste Sammelleidenschaft? Warum Stand Up manchmal richtig nice und manchmal richtig schlimm ist? Dieser Podcast wird die Welt nicht enttäuschen. Zumindest nicht so richtig dolle. Höchstens ein bisschen vielleicht.
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show series
Mögliche Szenarien, die du vielleicht kennst: Einer von euch hat plötzlich ein neues Hobby oder Interesse, das viel Zeit und Energie beansprucht – und du fühlst dich abgehängt oder weit voraus. Einer von euch startet eine persönliche Weiterentwicklung oder berufliche Veränderung – und der andere hat das Gefühl die andere Person nicht mehr zu kennen…
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Dieses Gespräch war teil des ersten Modern Couples Summit. Es hat viele Zuschauer inspiriert und einige dazu bewegt ihr Leben zu verändern. Dieses Paar ist super sympatisch und zeigt sich verletzlich und mutig für Liebe und unkonventionelle Träume loszugehen. Wie gelingt ein gesunder Umgang mit Ex partnern? Wie gehen wir mit unterschiedlichen Entwi…
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This is a recording of a talk / a story that I shared this july at a storytelling event. I recorded it again the day later. This story is true, it is personal and at one point I mention the wrong location. When I say Cape cod, I mean Kap Verde. thats what can happen when you tell a story with your heart. The second part, starting min 12 is a reflec…
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Exciting news to share: Celebrating the release of my first TEDx talk. Watch, enjoy, like and share widely. Relationships are the currency of the future. And it's about time to invest! Find out more at TEDx:
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Wie gehen wir mit unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen um: lerne drüber zu sprechen Exciting news to share: Celebrating the release of my first TEDx talk. Watch, enjoy, like and share widely. Relationships are the currency of the future. And it's about time to invest! Find out more at TEDx:…
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Wenn dich die Gedanken eines summit hosts interessieren, du überlegst auch einen Summit zu machen, oder du TeilnehmerIn warst und einfach interessiert bist an the good the bad the ugly. Was war so los? Wie wars wirklich? - hier teile ich meine lessons learned und was ich beim nächsten Mal anders machen würde. Top 1: ich würde alle Videos ob für Sum…
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Behind the scenes bei der Entstehung zum modern couples online summit. Ich möchte dich mitnehmen in meine innere Welt und Gedanken, während ich durch meine eigene love.purpose.growth Entwicklungsreise gehe. Als ich "Ja" gesagt habe zu meinem nächsten Business Projekt, wusste ich nicht, auf was für ein expansives Feld ich mich eingelassen habe. Freu…
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In this episode we talk about overcoming and mastering these 'to the core' challenging situations that make you question everything, not just individually but as a couple, as a serial entrepreneurial couple!check out to support this entrepreneurial couple on their quest to fullfill their dream o…
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Stephen Campbell is the founder of Tiny Acquisitions (, a platform that enables the user to buy and sell tiny digital projects. Twitter: LinkedIn: Book: Website: Connect with me on: LinkedIn:…
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How Can The Caribbean Achieve Food Security? A lot of Caribbean countries have insufficient domestic food production to guarantee food security for their population without being reliant on imports. With increasing fertilizer prices and supply chains under pressure, how can Caribbean nations ensure food supply long-term? Let's have a look at the cu…
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What Causes Jamaica's Brain Drain? Jamaica has been ranked in second place out of 177 countries on the 2022 edition of the human flight and brain drain index. In fact, as many Jamaicans live abroad as those who remain on the island. So therefore the question becomes: Why is that? What causes this massive brain drain? Why are so many qualified profe…
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Why China is Facing its Downfall - An Assessment - Demographic Collapse (One-Child Policy) - High Global Energy Prices - Global Supply Chain/ Trade Disruptions - Looming Real Estate Crisis - Covid Lockdowns/No Working Vaccine The assembly line of the world doesn't work anymore. Let's assess what that means for China and the world. Connect with me: …
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How to Benefit from the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains? Today's supply chains are seeing interruptions and shortages that we haven't seen in a long time. What is the Bullwhip Effect? How will it affect your business? And how can you not only prepare and protect your company but use it to your advantage? Connect with me: LinkedIn: Simon Küpper Twi…
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How will the Changing World Order and Deglobalization affect Jamaica? How will inflation affect the Jamaican economy? How will the coming food crisis affect normal people? How will an increase in energy prices affect imports and production? Let's have a look at the global economy, and the changing world order to understand how it will affect the Ca…
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Today I talk with Franzi Friedl about digital nomads and their relationship patterns, challenges, wants and desires. It's one of her most personal shares in a podcast and there is a lot of impulses and ideas for your conscious relationship life. Also, the euphoria Franzi emanates is just amazing!Von Marcella Anna Brebaum
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The global Cannabis market is projected to reach $176 Billion by 2030. How can Jamaica benefit from this development and secure its share of the pie? What policy and legal frameworks have to be put in place to make sure it is done right and Jamaica doesn't miss this historical chance? What can Jamaica learn from other countries? How can we assure t…
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Can Tourism Boost the Economic Recovery in Jamaica? The Caribbean is one of the most tourism-dependent regions in the world. Around 15% of employment in the Caribbean can be attributed to the tourism sector. Around 30% of Jamaica's GDP in 2019 came from tourism and dropped to ca. 11% in 2020. So should the Caribbean in general and Jamaica specifica…
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How to Make Hybrid Work an Accelerator for Your Digital Transformation? How can leaders make sure to adapt to a new work reality? How can you not only avoid conflicts of interest between employer and employee but use this new work situation to create synergies and accelerate the digital transformation of your organization and improve business resul…
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How to Map Out Your Digital Transformation in the Caribbean. How can we ensure that digital transformation serves a business purpose and has a sustainable and lasting impact? If digital transformation is supposed to change your company successfully, you have to think about strategy, processes, and people first before you think about technology. We …
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Why so many E-Commerce Companies Fail. Over the last years, and especially during the pandemic, companies like Dollar Shave Club and Casper were the poster child for direct-to-consumer brands and e-commerce. So why is it that a lot of DTC brands are not profitable? Casper loses money on every mattress they sell. Peloton, which benefitted from the p…
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As I am writing the show notes I am still very touched by the male energy in this conversation. I can feel how I relax and can flow when I feel the structure and clarity of the masculine. Thank you for your being, your work, your sharing in this podcast episode, Martin Gross.Marting Gross and I are currently neighbours in the thrive village Bali to…
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Are we heading into another global recession? - War in Europe - China/Shanghai in total lockdown - Supply chains crumbling - US Inflation hits 40 year high - An inverted yield curve Some would say the economic weather is getting a little cloudy right now... If we want to understand the global economy and its effects on the Caribbean, we have to loo…
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ESG - Environmental Social Governance - Fad or Solution? Do you ask yourself sometimes why all these corporations became so concerned with social and environmental causes over the last five years? Did all these corporations all of a sudden become saints? Having only the best for their fellow humans and the planet in mind? Or are there other incenti…
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Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors. It is one of the faster-growing industries in the Caribbean. But can it deliver on its promises? What are the pros and cons? In this live stream, we will explore and discuss the pros and cons of this form of employment. We wi…
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More and more countries around the globe are exploring the option to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) as an alternative legal tender. In this live stream, we will explore and discuss the pros and cons of this new form of money. We will analyze it from the perspective of all three market participants: A) The Government/Central Bank B…
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a turning point in Europe's history, a humanitarian tragedy, and is reshaping the geopolitical landscape. I want to use this live stream to talk about what the current situation and sanctions mean for: - Global Economics - Financial and Stock Markets - Supply Chains - Energy Markets - Food Prices Date of recording: 0…
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As an independent artist, you are solely responsible for the business and financial side of your art. In this live conversation with Viktoria Koestler and Romain Lewis, we talk about different strategies to develop a client base and to monetize art in 2022. DATE: Tuesday 11.01.2022 09 AM EST Viktoria Koestler IG:…
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Dies ist der Beschreibungstext zu Folge 35 des Podcasts Scampis beim Jazzdance. Hier wird der Inhalt der Folge in einer Weise beschrieben, die Lust macht, sich die Folge anzuhören. Es ist sozusagen der Buchrücken einer Folge. Doch dieses Mal ist alles anders. In diesem Beschreibungstext wird nicht die Folge beschrieben. In diesem Beschreibungstext …
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Diese Folgenbeschreibung ist ein Test. Ich möchte herausfinden, wer die Beschreibungen überhaupt liest. Vor allem wäre ja interessant zu erfahren, ob Matti sie liest. Wer also diesen Text bis hier gelesen hat, klickt bitte auf diesen Link und dann erfahre ich, wie viele sich das hier durchlesen.…
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What are the implications of China's recent crackdown on crypto for the rest of the world? Why is the Chinese government so afraid of blockchain technology? Are we going to see similar restrictions in other countries? These are some of the questions we will talk about in this live discussion. Date: Thursday 30.09.2021 Format: Livestream Connect wit…
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Chris Burns is the CEO of First Atlantic Commerce. He has worked in the ecommerce industry for 18 years and has served as CEO of FAC for the past 8 years. His expertise lies in assisting companies and banks develop and deploy successful ecommerce strategies across the Latin America and Caribbean region. Today FAC is operating in over 30 countries, …
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Auf euch, die ihr natürlich alle den Beschreibungstext lest bevor ihr die Folge hört, wartet eine picke packe volle Folge Scampis beim Jazzdance. Wir reden über David Hasselhoff, Football, eine Hausdurchsuchung wegen eines Tweets und weil uns das nicht reicht, aber wir auch noch einen Persönlichkeitstest gemacht. Also sperrt die Lauscher auf und lo…
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Varun Baker’s experience in applying technology to solve agricultural issues started 10 years ago tackling issues such as the theft of crops and livestock from farms in Jamaica. Benefitting from close interactions with farmers sharing their challenges has provided insights that help to shape the work that Farm Credibly is doing today. Farm Credibly…
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Es gab leider die ein oder andere technische Schwierigkeit bei der Aufnahme der Folge. Dafür gibt es diese Woche ein ganz besonderes Schmankerl auf die Ohren. Ein Stand Up Auftritt von Kilian in der Leinery in Hannover. Angekündigt wird er von niemand geringerem als Matti Trumann himself. Ein kurzer Spaß für den erwachsenen Teil der Familie. Übrige…
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