Comment votre cerveau perçoit-il la réalité ? Comment déjouer les manipulations ? Dans cette collection de podcasts, des scientifiques vous proposent de comprendre comment fonctionne votre cerveau, à travers une série d'expériences audio inédites. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Pour tout comprendre, jour après jour, sur le fonctionnement du cerveau. Textes de Christophe Rodo, neuroscientifique. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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The Upper Cervical Marketing Podcast provides upper cervical doctors and students with actionable business and marketing information from upper cervical leaders.
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Il podcast del libro Office of Cards, in italiano! Scopri i segreti per avere successo nelle grandi aziende, ascolta interviste di top manager che ce l‘hanno fatta e che condividono le storie e le tecniche che li hanno portati al successo. Ascolta spunti tratti da best seller di miglioramento personale, commentati e contestualizzati per renderli chiari e applicabili alla tua vita. Office of Cards e‘ il primo podcast italiano dedicato a costruire carriere di successo nelle grandi aziende, pro ...
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KG CERTIFIED is a series hosted by Hall of Fame NBA legend, Kevin Garnett. Garnett traverses the sports landscape to bring you unparalleled sit-downs with the biggest stars and most influential power brokers in the industry. Plus, KG is joined weekly by former teammate and Hall Of Famer Paul Pierce to break down the latest in the NBA in TICKET & THE TRUTH.
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La Tête Dans Le Cerveau est un podcast hebdomadaire qui à travers l'actualité de la recherche scientifique, des études de cas surprenantes et des histoires fascinantes invite à découvrir les mystères et les secrets du cerveau tout en ouvrant à la réflexion sur la science et la recherche. Les chroniques sont écrites et animées par Christophe Rodo, neuroscientifique et communiquant scientifique, puis sont mises en ligne avec du contenu additionnel, les références ayant servies à l'écriture et ...
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Curso válido para poder poder celebrar el sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Católica. Ingresa en: para registrarte y contestar el examen después de cada lección que escuches y poder acceder al certificado.
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NEW YORK CITY, Breaking News, Hot Topics, Trending Stories
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The art and science of a goalplayer +talking up The St.Louis High School Champions League
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Curso válido para poder bautizar a tu hijo o ser padrino o madrina en la Iglesia Católica. Ingresa en para registrarte y contestar el examen después de cada lección que escuches y poder acceder al certificado.
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Fique por dentro do que acontece no universo das cervejas artesanais no Brasil e no mundo através de quatro boletins semanais, com foco nos eventos e lançamentos do Rio de Janeiro, apresentados de forma descontraída e bem-humorada pelo sommelier de cervejas José Raimundo Padilha. Dicas de cervejas, bares cervejeiros e destinos turísticos para você saber onde, o que e como beber as melhores cervejas artesanais brasileiras e importadas.
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Certifications Questions is a trusted online platform that helps individuals prepare for certification exams in the IT industry through comprehensive study materials, certification questions with answers and explanations, online web simulator, and mobile app. Over 97% of people who use our services pass the exam with better scores. Our up-to-date materials and simulator guarantee you 100% success in your certification exams. For more details, visit
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Welcome to NP Certification Q&A presented by Fitzgerald Health Education Associates. This podcast is for NP students studying to pass their NP certification exam. Getting to the correct test answers means breaking down the exam questions themselves. Expert Fitzgerald faculty clinicians share their knowledge and experience to help you dissect the anatomy of a test question so you can better understand how to arrive at the correct test answer. So, if you’re ready, let’s jump right in.
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At a time when the world feels on the brink of something biblical, there’s nothing like a couple of pints with the boys to put things into perspective. Bro-down with Ken and Robbie-Eh for some barstool-philosophy from the perspective of American/Canadian transplants living in Mexico. Laugh along as they recount their hilarious struggles acclimating to life in Mexico, muse over world events too loco to be true, trade funny video clip and riff with a live audience... You know, guy stuff.
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Formerly known as The Whitetail Theories Podcast. A virtual hunting camp focused on uniting hunters. Join in the conversation in our nationwide community on our free mobile app by searching Cervicide in your app store.
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If you ask a quality assurance consultant for explaining the importance of the ISO 9001 Standard, it is obvious that he/she will tell you about the aforementioned benefits. To learn more, visit
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Radio Radicale - Fuor di pagina - la rassegna stampa di Certi Diritti
Radio Radicale - a cura di Leonardo Monaco e Claudio Uberti, da un'idea di Yuri Guaiana
Podcast "Fuor di pagina - la rassegna stampa di Certi Diritti", Venerdì alle 15. Radio Radicale - a cura di Leonardo Monaco e Claudio Uberti, da un'idea di Yuri Guaiana
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All things related to the higher self, from healings to meditation, all about raising your vibrations. Kay is certified Reiki Master and Teacher, A Spiritual Guide&Counselor, A Clear Quantum Channel and more.
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Your Oppas call us Noona. We are the Certified Noonas: Your sisters in the shared love of Asian entertainment. From kdrama to kpop, jdrama to Thai, we‘ll probably talk about it. Connect with us on social @CertifiedNoonas
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Papo rápido sobre a cerveja artesanal!
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Certified Forgotten is a 60-minute biweekly podcast with a focus on underseen horror films. Hosts Matthew Monagle (@mattmonagle) and Matt Donato (@DoNatoBomb) speak with creators, filmmakers, and critics about their lifelong relationships to the horror genre. Each episode also highlights another unique genre title with ten-or-fewer reviews on aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes. Previous guests include April Wolfe (screenwriter, Black Christmas); Tyler MacIntyre (writer-director, Tragedy Girls); ...
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Ici nous explorons le ressenti des femmes sur leurs parcours, leurs envies, leurs ambitions, leurs sexualités, leurs rapport à la société. Des femmes de partout et de nulle part, des femmes qui ne sont pas représentées dans les médias, des femmes de toutes les classes sociales.
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En este Podcast hablamos sobre temas tecnológicos del mundo actual.
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O podcast irá tratar das certificações agrícolas do CERTIFICA, comentários e instruções sobre os programas Brasil Certificado e Unidades Armazenadoras
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RN's who talk sex and stuff...
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Podcast by Guillaum Sans E
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Certified Life Coaches, Experts & Strategists as they reveal what goes on behind the doors of life coach sessions, share tools and techniques for life coaches and life that work, and show the world just how powerful coaching can be. Join hosts and Certified Life Coach Institute staff, Lisa Finck, ACC, MCLC, Brooke Adair Walters, MCPC, CPC, Jerome LeDuff Jr. MCLC, Anthony Lopez, MCPC, and more every Tuesday live on Facebook at 4pm (PST)/7pm (EST) ...
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Cerveja e tudo a que ela leva!
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An honest, funny and irreverent conversation about rebuilding life with cancer.
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Welcome to Luis Cervantes, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Cervical Wellness Podcast with Denell Randall, a place where we dive into the realm of the cervix, the deep pelvis, and all the nitty gritty of taking care of our beautiful human bodies. It's here where cutting-edge conversations are had on subjects such as lifestyle medicine, habit & behavior change, human physiology & wellness, and the modern-day grass-roots revolution that's happening within the field of women's health.
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Two Minnesota Boys serve up some Fresh Hot Takes about Sports or whatever is being Discussed.
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Um podcast sobre ciência, matemática e educação apresentado por Miguel Algorta
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Recording notes peeping for AWS Certification Cover art photo provided by Dan Gold on Unsplash:
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Que es el cancer cervico uterino, podemos prevenirlo ? Cover art photo provided by sydney Rae on Unsplash:
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Certified Luxury Builders highlights key industry trends and success strategies, real-life examples, simple processes, and timely results for luxury builders and remodelers. It includes case studies of builders who successfully increased their best-fit client base by 200% through strategic marketing and lead generation efforts and builders who increased their NET PROFITS from 5% to 12%+. CLB's Podcast offers information in many forms including a newsletter which provides timely industry upda ...
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Liberal, Fundamentalista pela Liberdade de Expressão e Politicamente Incorrecto com um especial ódio pelo comunismo.
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Le podcast qui en a... Entre les deux oreilles :) Décryptons la neurodiversité, neurodivergence, et diversité cognitive : Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (HPI), Trouble du Déficit de l'Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDAH), Trouble du Spectre de l'Autisme (TSA, Sans Déficience Intellectuel SDI anciennement appelé autisme Asperger), Troubles Dys (dyslexie, dysorthographie, dyspraxie, dyscalculie, dysorthophonie,...), Hypersensibilité... Le tout de façon pédagogique, avec bienveillance, mais ...
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En este programa recorreremos juntos desde el primer paso, el apasionante camino de la cerveza artesanal. Transitaremos desde la forma cómo se hace una buena cerveza, estilos, maridajes hasta las historias de borracheras que formaron los estilos que bebemos actualmente. Nos acompañaran grandes personajes del mundo cervecero en un ambiente desmadroso pero con información bien documentada.
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Mario y Gustavo, amigos de muchos años y cervezas, hablan de sus cervezas favoritas como gente normal, excepto que ninguno de los dos es normal, así que no saben de lo que están hablando.
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Sabores, harmonizações e dicas para produzir você mesmo a bebida mais popular do Brasil: a cerveja. Entrevistas com especialistas, novidades do mercado e tudo que você precisa saber para apreciar Lagers, Ales, Stouts e até Pilsens. Com a mestre-cervejeira Carolina Barbosa.
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Activismo para saldar el Teatro Cervantes en la Colonia Santa Eulalia
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Live, Laugh, Love Your Mom - join Steve Kramer as he attempts to navigate life with the help of his mom, Nancy Yancey. Kramer’s road the last few years has been rocky, to say the least. From a hard divorce, to losing his dream job, to a weird medical diagnosis, maybe like your life, things haven’t been the easiest. But through it all, his mom has been there with some really motivational words that can help you, too. This podcast deals with daily life, relationships, marriage, divorce, the ne ...
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Podcast sul mondo della fotografia, in cui parlerò di tecniche fotografiche, nuove uscite sul mercato, consiglierò acquisti.
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Welcome to Certified Marks, where amazing things happen (sometimes).
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Podcast by Certified Team
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Vídeos sobre o mundo das cervejas apresentado por Daniel Wolff, sommelier de cervejas e proprietário da rede de lojas
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Consagración a la Virgen de Guadalupe - Día 1: Amado - Hijos en el Hijo: Consagración a la Virgen de Guadalupe
¡Comenzamos el camino hacia la consagración! Tú eres un hijo amado y María te llama por nombre como su hijo. Podemos escuchar y aprender cómo María se acerca cariñosamente a Juan Diego, llamándolo “Juanitzin, Juan Diegotzin” … que significa mi “pequeño Juan”. Su voz es tierna, suave, firme y amorosa. Tú, al igual que Juan Diego, eres conocido por n…
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Skye Riley embarks on a comeback tour for the ages — but is it worth the price of admission? Co-hosts Matt Monagle and Matt Donato are covering Parker Finn's sequel Smile 2 in this week's bite-sized Uncertified episode. Is it one of the best horror movies of 2024? Does Naomi Scott give a powerhouse performance as a possessed pop star? You're damn r…
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Hombre: ¡Conságrate a Santa María de Guadalupe! - Hijos en el Hijo: Consagración a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Busca el podcast "Hijos en el Hijo: Consagración a la Virgen de Guadalupe" y dale Seguir o Follow para unirte desde el 2 de noviembre. Así como Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe restauró la esperanza y filiación de san Juan Diego, así también ella desea restaurar tu filiación con Dios Padre. Únete a nosotros en este camino espiritual de 40 días para rest…
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Dwyane Wade Statue Reaction, Lakers Hot Start, Buck's Issues | TICKET & THE TRUTH
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In this episode, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce break down the latest happenings from the NBA. They kick things off with their reactions to the Dwyane Wade statue unveiling and discuss whether Derrick Rose deserves a statue of his own. The guys dive into the Lakers' hot start, debate Anthony Davis's MVP candidacy, and highlight the impressive undefe…
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Nov astrology for the first day of the month
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L'omniprésence des écrans LED dans notre quotidien a fait émerger des préoccupations croissantes concernant l'impact de la lumière bleue sur notre santé, particulièrement sur notre sommeil. Cette lumière, naturellement présente dans le spectre solaire mais également émise par nos appareils électroniques, peut avoir des effets délétères lors d'une e…
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¡Conságrate a Santa María de Guadalupe! - Hijos en el Hijo: Consagración a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Visita para conocer más. Así como Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe restauró la esperanza y filiación de san Juan Diego, así también ella desea restaurar tu filiación con Dios Padre. Únete a nosotros en este camino espiritual de 40 días para restaurar nuestra identidad como hijos amados de Dios. A lo largo de esta experiencia, nos preparar…
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⏰🏘️ 5-Min Builder Brief: Unlock $1K Credit, Mortgage Rates Drop & Lumber Price Updates
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This newsletter for luxury home builders and remodelers provides updates on the housing market, construction trends, and industry news. It covers topics such as new home sales, rising mortgage rates, and the evolving landscape of construction safety. The newsletter also highlights innovative design solutions, such as the use of custom postcards for…
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Il semble exister des créatures dont le corps pourrait être uniquement composé d’une tête, une tête qui rampe au fond des mers et des océans.- Episode #288 du podcast La Tête Dans Le Cerveau -Toutes les références scientifiques de cet épisode sont sur Cerveau en Argot : de discuter science et cerveau, vou…
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Le concept de « Système 0 » fait référence à une extension hypothétique des modèles de pensée proposés par Daniel Kahneman dans son livre Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman y introduit deux systèmes de pensée : - Système 1 : C’est le mode de pensée intuitif, rapide et automatique. Il opère sans effort conscient, en s'appuyant sur des heuristiques (r…
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Fuor di pagina - la rassegna stampa di Certi Diritti - Puntata del 29/10/2024
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Radio Radicale. 29/10/2024 23:30:00
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On Today’s Show: When is the wild halloween to trunk or treat transition? Should you put any effort into kids the first year of life? Let's all be kind to each other, no matter our politics. ASK MY MOM: Democrats suck Become a Certified Fan! Help support the podcast and get our Thursday show, More Mama’s Boy! Listen to my other podcast, “Kramer and…
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Na coluna desta semana do Carta de Cerveja o colunista José Raimundo Padilha falou sobre o Dia do Veganismo e sua relação com a cerveja.
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Na coluna desta semana do Carta de Cerveja o colunista José Raimundo Padilha falou sobre o evento Remembeer Pub Rio que acontece na Barra da Tijuca.
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Certified What We're Watching: October 2024 Edition
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Soccer Shenanigans, Magical Apartments, Acting Auditions, Queer Love, and Existential Horrors- all of these plots and more were enjoyed by the Noonas this month and they want to tell you all about them in the monthly edition of What We're Watching. Add some new shows to your watch list by checking it out! Episode Post: We’d l…
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durée : 00:01:12 - Votre cerveau - par : Hugo Bottemanne - La dépression n’est pas seulement un état de profonde tristesse mais une altération profonde de notre manière de percevoir le monde qui nous entoure. Quels sont les mécanismes qui nous entrainent vers ces croyances négatives ? - réalisation : Charlotte Roux - invités : Hugo Bottemanne psych…
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Medication Considerations
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A 77-year-old man is in for a routine follow up visit. He has its twenty-year history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension as well as a 5-year history of stage 3B chronic kidney disease, or CKB. At this visit, his A1C is 8.4% and his estimated GFR is 42 mL per minute. His BP is 128/76. He states he's feeling well and denies headache, visual changes,…
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Une étude innovante menée conjointement par l'Université de Western et le Science and Industry Museum de Manchester remet en perspective notre compréhension de l'impact des jeux vidéo. Intitulée "Brain and Body", cette recherche d'envergure a mobilisé plus de 2 000 participants à travers le monde, révélant des résultats particulièrement intéressant…
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135 Francesco Grillo, CEO di Energia Comune
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Intervista completa a Francesco Grillo, CEO di Energia Comune! Con Francesco tocchiamo tantissimi temi davvero interessanti: siamo partiti parlando della non-linearità di un percorso di successo e di come i fallimenti, i dubbi, i problemi… vadano visti come il modo in cui si arriva al successo, non come barriere! avete sentito la riflessione di Fra…
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NY vs LA World Series, News & more!
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On this weeks forecast! Yankees made it to the World Series! #REPBX The New York liberty bring the WNBA championship to New York City. They celebrate with the parade downtown. Trump rally at Madison Square Garden this weekend. Security will be on high alert. Early voting starts with 155 locations until November 3. 13 year-old subway surfer killed i…
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CF91: Scary Movie (w/ Rocco T. Thompson)
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No, not THAT Scary Movie. This week's guest episode covers 1991's Scary Movie starring John Hawkes. Yes, THAT John Hawkes. The Matts bring in horror journalist and podcaster Rocco T. Thompson to discuss an underseen entry into the haunted attraction horror film canon. Plus, Rocco and Monagle address Scary Movie as a celebrated indie product of Aust…
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NBA Opening Week Recap: Sixers Missing Stars, Celtics Look Scary | TICKET & THE TRUTH
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NBA opening week is almost in the books. On the latest TICKET & THE TRUTH, KG and Paul breakdown everything they saw during the first few days of action. They explain how impressive Boston's opening night win was and if we are in the midst of a Celtics Dynasty. Plus, they react to Joel Embiid and Paul George missing opening night for the Sixer, and…
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Une étude d'envergure menée par l'université McGill au Canada révèle des différences significatives dans le cerveau des personnes se sentant seules. Cette recherche, la plus importante du genre, s'appuie sur les données d'IRM, génétiques et psychologiques d'environ 40 000 participants de la biobanque du Royaume-Uni. Les résultats, publiés dans Natu…
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The Dirt on P. Diddy with Producer, Black Joey Beats (pt2)
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More P. Diddy dirt-digging with Black Joey Beats... because we couldn't fit it all into one episode! Bad Boy Records, Ciroc Vodka Mafia, Tupac, Dr. Dre, Usher, Will Smith, DMX, Ja Rule, Loon, Suge Knight, JayZ, Beyonce, Notorious BIG, R-Kelly... and on and on down the rabbit hole we go. Have a pint with us as we unearth and discuss the fascinating …
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What is the difference between TL 9000 and ISO 9001? If you want to learn about the same, click now!
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Une étude récente menée par l'université de Georgie a mis en lumière un phénomène surprenant concernant l'impact du sel sur le cerveau, plus précisément dans l'hypothalamus. Contrairement aux attentes, un excès de sel dans le sang semblerait réduire la circulation sanguine dans cette région cérébrale profonde. Traditionnellement, on sait que l'acti…
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Fuor di pagina - la rassegna stampa di Certi Diritti - Puntata del 22/10/2024
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Radio Radicale. 22/10/2024 23:33:00
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On Today’s Show: The retirement money is in... The trip was almost perfect... What kind of packer are you? ASK MY MOM: Watch my daughter Become a Certified Fan! Help support the podcast and get our Thursday show, More Mama’s Boy! Listen to my other podcast, “Kramer and Jess Uncensored”! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Back with another deep dive, the Noonas turn their sights on one of their favourite ladies- Seo Hyun Jin herself! What should you check out of hers? What does she get up to? Why do the Noonas like her so much? Check out the latest episode to find out! Episode Post At: We’d love to hear from you! Send us a message certifiednoo…
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UCM 233: 5 Prep Steps to Take before Hiring Your First Associate with Dr. Bill Davis!
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Dr. Bill Davis joins the UCM Podcast. In this episode, he discusses the challenges and skills that you must develop to hire your first associate to continue growing beyond practice growth stage 2. We discuss the focus you must have on purpose, metrics, roles, new patients and the right plan. If you have built a great solo practice, and you are read…
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A 72-year-old woman with a 20-year history of hypertension and dyslipidemia-- both at EBP goals with appropriate drug therapy, as well as a remote history of peptic ulcer disease-- presents for follow up. She is a nonsmoker, drinks about 1- 2 glasses of wine per week and denies the use of other substances. Her daily routine includes a 2- 3 mile wal…
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Une équipe de chercheurs a réalisé une étude pionnière cartographiant les changements cérébraux chez une femme enceinte, de la préconception jusqu'à deux ans après l'accouchement. Cette recherche, publiée dans Nature Neuroscience, offre un aperçu sans précédent de la neuroplasticité maternelle pendant la grossesse. L'étude a suivi une femme primipa…
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New St.Louis Soccer Hall of Fame Rick Wurdack talking about 50+ years of Soccer made in St.Louis
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Send us a text My friend , classmate and teammate Rick Wurdack speaks from the heart of an AthleteVon Kevin Whalen
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Trump in the Bronx, News & more!
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On this weeks forecast! Trump visits barbershop in the Bronx. Yankees win to proceeded to the World Series. Looks like the Bronx is up! Six new lawsuits allegedly for P Diddy. & A vigil for the four-year-old in Harlem that died of starvation. Big Meech released according to records and a photo allegedly. Breast cancer awareness month takes over Cen…
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134_2 Sebastiano Zanolli - Manager, autore, speaker, conduttore
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Seconda parte dell'intervista a Sebastiano Zanolli! Con Sebastiano tocchiamo tantissimi temi davvero interessanti: siamo partiti parlando di motivazione intrinseca, ovvero quella motivazione che viene da dentro, quella che conta davvero per permetterci di cambiare le nostre abitudini e “riprogrammare” il nostro io allineandolo alla persona che vorr…
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Na coluna desta semana do Carta de Cerveja o colunista José Raimundo Padilha falou sobre a edição Primavera da Babilônia Feira Hype, que ocorrerá neste final de semana (19), (20) no Parque das Figueiras, na Lagoa.
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The Great Soccer player & coach Rick Benben shares 50+yrs of Soccer at all levels ......
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Send us a text from St.William to SIU-E and United ,Collinsville Volkswagon ,Ruiz and Scott-Gallagher to The STL Steamers , KC Comets and finally at UMSL . The Road shared in the early years made good men of us all and the character of the freshman from SIU-E via CBC High School helped develop us on & off the pitch . Whales-Certified wants to Congr…
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Na coluna desta semana do Carta de Cerveja o colunista José Raimundo Padilha falou sobre a 11° edição do Mondial de la Biè Mondial de la Bière ,maior festival de cervejas artesanais da América Latina, que atraiu 45 mil visitantes e deixou expectativas para 2025
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⏰🏗️ 5-Min Builder Brief: Lead Generation Tips, Labor Market Report, Remodeling Market Dip & 2025 Design Predictions
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This newsletter for luxury builders and remodelers, focusing on the latest trends and challenges in the industry. It provides insights on lead generation strategies, labor market trends, and market sentiment in the construction and remodeling sector. The newsletter also explores the impact of recent hurricanes on Florida's home insurance landscape,…
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NBA Season Preview: Knicks-Wolves Trade Fallout, Kawhi Injury, Award Picks | TICKET & THE TRUTH
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It's almost that time! The NBA season is just days away and of course, our guys KG and Paul have you covered on the latest TICKET & THE TRUTH! The dynamic duo sets the stage for the upcoming campaign. What will be the fallout from the Knicks and Wolves mega-trade that sent KAT to NY and Randle/Divencenzio to Minnesota? Did both teams improve? What …
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Une étude récente publiée dans Nature Neuroscience révèle un aspect fascinant du sommeil humain : notre cerveau connaît de brefs épisodes d'éveil même pendant les phases de sommeil profond. Ces "microréveils", trop courts pour être mémorisés, auraient en réalité des effets bénéfiques, notamment sur notre mémoire. Dirigée par la neurologue Celia Kja…
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Leadership Coaching 101: Quiet Leadership
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Can your lead powerfully with silence? If so, how, and what benefits may come about? When is leading with silence a bad thing? Check out the Certified Life Coach Institute LIVE every Tuesday at 4PM Pacific on Facebook!Von certifiedlifecoachinstitute
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P. Diddy News With Industry Insider, Black Joey Beats
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The P. Diddy scandal heats up this week as we review the highlights from the trial with our own music industry insider, Black Joey Beats. We also take a minute to review UFC 307 and we scour the web for more ridiculous clips. Have a pint with us and keep up on all the craziness from around the interwebs🍻. Special Thanks To: Black Joey Beats YouTube…
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Unlock Your Business Potential: Take the Certified Luxury Builder Benchmark Audit Today!
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Certified Luxury Builders' online assessment tool for construction businesses to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. It consists of a series of statements related to various business aspects, such as strategic planning, financial management, staffing, and marketing. Users rate each statement based on its applicability to their business, ultimatel…
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Would You Consider A Tile Deck If It Met All Your Needs Better Than Wood or Composite?
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Ambrico porcelain tile decking system For more information on Mbrico Tile Decks check out their website here: Ambrico Porcelain Tile Decking System: A Detailed Review This briefing document reviews the main themes and important features of the Ambrico porcelain tile decking system Key Themes: Innovation: Ambrico offe…
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Une étude récente révèle un phénomène fascinant : des oranges vertes et non mûres peuvent apparaître mûres et vivement colorées lorsqu'elles sont entourées d'un filet orange. Le fameux filet que vous connaissez tous. Ce phénomène a un nom, “l’illusion des confettis”. C’est l’une des stratégies subtiles employées par les supermarchés pour influencer…
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The Orchard Farm Eagles Head Soccer Coach Brandon Cox speaks and is the best of what High School has to offer young student-athletes
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Send us a text Orchard Farm has made a presence & will continue .....GAC Soccer Conference is a powerhouse in Missouri SoccerVon Kevin Whalen
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Unlock 24/7 Client Engagement: How AI is Transforming the Way Smart Companies will Dominate the Market
In this episode of the Certified Luxury Builders Podcast, we unveil a revolutionary tool that will transform how builders, remodelers, and home service professionals engage with their clients: the Certified Luxury Builders AI Assistant. Discover how this cutting-edge AI solution learns your business, responds to customers 24/7 via phone, email, web…
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Certified Luxury Builders' new AI Assistant, designed for businesses in the construction, home services, and building materials industries. The AI Assistant aims to automate customer interactions, handling inbound and outbound calls, emails, texts, and web chat inquiries 24/7. It learns company information and processes, ensuring rapid responses to…
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